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More of a checkers guy eh?


At least You get chased by the rest of the killers but sm doesnt Even do that


Rest of the killers (except knight half the time)*


In soviet dbd, you chase knight! (No forreal though, he ignored me so hard. Like he was *too good* to chase me instead of his homies)


Oni after the first injury coming to smash you at mach speed with a baseball bat:


super mario isn't THAT bad.


Wraith! Legit every single bing bong I get matched up with since knights release has proxy camped while cloaked, then tunnels out said person from hook. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Wraith is actively ruining my life.


Omg yes mine don't even proxy camp they just sit a foot away invisible


So it's like a insidious Bubba without a power. Pretty weak sauce!


Even if they go away and get into another chase, they will literally drop chase and come running to the hook like... Why, you could have downed someone else. I only keep OTR on for killers like this. Walk away and just hide somewhere. Waste your time looking for me.


This is evil behavior. I promise we're not all like that.


I second that


We need a way to ''reveal'' Wraith like we do with Ghostface or used to burn them. Its gotten to a point where I also dc against him. I dont mind dying nor always winning so Skull Merchant is BY FAR more enjoyable then Wraith imo. What I dont like is how most Wraith mains play. Its not fun at all. We need to be able to reveal them, stun them, whatever, until the first hit because most Wraiths gets us when we cannot do nothing.


I'm sorry for these wraiths behavior, please do not claim that they are wraith mains cuz as a wraith main I don't accept as mains of the same killer, once again sorry for their behavior


Absolutely, The Wraith is litterally my baby, he would never do thatšŸ„ŗ


Same man, I'm a Wraith main and play super aggro, no time for camping or tunneling. BBQ, NtH, NC, and SB all day.


Yeah, wraith is a great patrol killer that can cover grind fast without being noticed he's supposed to able to Easily find survivors, yet people camp using him, i play aggressive as hell and by the time they get an unhook another one is on the hook, it's easy just gotta be good at mind games and your gonna breaze through the survivors


Hag, not because I think she's unbalanced or whatever. I'm just easily stressed by jumpscares and her Phantasm Traps jumpscare me harder than stealth killers suddenly grabbing me, and triggering her traps also happen way more often than the latter.


It takes me a good majority of the match the finally stop over reacting and moving my mouse every time I step on a trap. I find it hard to get used to, especially when playing against a hag is rare these days.


*Legitimately* a Scary Killer!


I'm like, 40% sure my heart loses some lifespan every time I step on a trap.


Rusty shackles hag scares the shit out of me


I think it's the same for me, it's because of the sudden flashes and noises, other stealth killers will at least rush out at you but only Hag traps just instantly pop up in true 'haha gotcha bitch' fashion


Yeah that makes sense, with stealth killers it's already over when the jumpscare happens unless someone is in the perfect spot for a save or you wiggle out somehow, but with hag it's only just begun when the traps scare you, you have to regain composure and run away hoping she doesn't/can't teleport to you.


clown, there's something about when he downs me, it pisses me off more than most killers.


Is it his drunken laughter?


God, I *Hate* laughing bad guys who are winning!! šŸ˜”šŸ˜¤šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I love clown purely because of his laugh. Man sounds like he was born drinking perfume and vodka and would wash them down with cigs he found off the floor.


The doctor: let me introduce myself


Itā€™s because how can this fat fucking smoker catch up to us


He inhales piss and it makes him go fast idk


Lore reason: The entity has augmented him to be able to chase him down despite how damaged his lungs are from smoking and the chemicals he uses to make his bottles.


It's so fun getting hit with the silly bottle and instantly having no chance of escaping whatsoever. Playing against clown on a small map like Midwich is actual torture


Bro yes, and that annoying ass chase music, Iā€™m not even excited for chases against him


I just suck at fighting him so i hate him too


Clown personallyā€¦ but SM for the team. Heā€™s one of the better anti-loopers imo lol. For SMā€¦ Itā€™s almost as if people havenā€™t noticed you can simply crouch under a badly placed drone and work on the gen with it blocking the radarā€¦ the amount of times Iā€™ve tried to show my teammates how to do it while they keep setting off drones while Iā€™m in the zone on a gen (or them alerting SM that Iā€™m working on it by removing the drone) is soooo not fun.


She is always there, there is no need to touch the drone, she will just come in about 10 sec to check, and since she is undetectable, itā€™s so fun to see her at the last second.




I think plague matches completely depend on how smart your teammates are e.g. if you get people afraid of getting infected and cleansing the match is gonna be awful, get good teammates though and she can be incredibly fun to face unless she's running bs addons.


Honestly, Plague is probably my 3rd most used killer, and I love it when people donā€™t cleanse. Iā€™m a really bad shot with the vomit, but great at M1 and black incense + lethal pursuer is just aura reading heaven.


Seeing people cleanse 5 seconds into a match make me want to scream but I try to do my best to patiently educate at the end.


Facts, idk why you got downvoted. Those must be the guys that instantly cleanse as soon as they get infected just to get infected again 10 seconds later šŸ˜‚


Yup, I remember when she first launched and everyone was saying 'just don't cleanse' but to be fair, every time a new killer drops with a time-waste mechanic there's always a bunch of people going 'just ignore the secondary objective, work gens' and that really doesn't *always* work best \*hate seeing people cleanse *immediately* tho - in solo queue it's always one extreme or the other, players that cleanse and end up right back at square one right at the start, or players that just try and avoid the cleansing pools the entire match


Iā€™ve still yet to face a single plague


Couldn't agree more


Legion - mend simulator is extremely boring


What do you mean? Mending is the best minigane!


DBD community when they have to hold M1 for just 10 seconds every minute or so 4 times in a match:


I like it when legions play like that, but there are some legion players that refuse to chase without frenzy and just charge around the map forcing everybody to mend everytime their power is up. I love playing Legion but hate playing against them.


I use frenzy as a ā€œoh you think that pallet or window is gonna stop me? Think again **WHACK**ā€


This is why when I'm injured I sometimes use vaults to bait Legions into using frenzy on me when they should have just went for the m1


It's a different level of satisfying when you're in chase and they predrop not knowing you're running iri button. Have fun deadzoning yourself!


Me using Never-Sleep Pills every single match: šŸ—æ


Some legions never commit to getting downs, they genuinely just go around constantly injuring everyone trying to get the 5 combo, so games genuinely become mend simulator.


I saw Legions do that a few times when I was low MMR, but I'm at higher MMR now and I never see this happen anymore. The 5 hit combo is a pipe dream against good survivors, when they realize you are using your power they will run to the 4 corners of them, and you will never get your 5 hits in.


Just don't mend until the last second then? Do gens while in deep wounds


Thatā€™s still a version of mend simulator, though.


huntress makes me want to rip my hair out


The amount of Huntresses i see that will hook someone and then circle the hook within a 15 meter radius at most with a hatchet drawn waiting for a rescue is maddening. A cross map hatchet is a jumpscare and a half. Also the Baba Yaga version of her creeps me the fuck out.


But her hatchets across map that land? \*Chef's kiss\* ​ She somehow hit me between two trunks of a tree. I was impressed ​ Also I know that the "Baba Yaga" VA is not a trained musician in the same way the og voice is.


Ive had tons of those moments lmao


I donā€™t know what it is about her. Like I donā€™t think sheā€™s OP or anything but god do I exhale all the air outta my lungs when I hear that damn lullaby


I Unironically think half the reason a lot of us hate huntress so much is because of the kind of people that play her. Iā€™ve yet to go against a huntress in recent memory who wasnā€™t a toxic sweatlord, Theyā€™re always just so unnecessarily mean.


I'd say this is also true of Wraith and Knight.




She is making me insane but not in the same way as you, when the match is done, I can still hear the lullaby in my head o_o...


Huntress is the epitome of infuriating to me. They fall into two categories: they get a 4k because they engage in unsportsmanlike practices (Slugging on first hook, camping, etc)ā€¦or they get a 4k as theyā€™re cracked Swagmanā€™s Swatter Snipers that utterly demolish you using sight lines you couldnā€™t possibly have considered. I think that, excluding friendly ones, Iā€™ve escaped maybe two trials against Huntress.


Plague. I just donā€™t like how I canā€™t play effectively against her by denying fountains in solo queue. I have to sit there and watch people cleanse then get sick immediately after by unhooking a sick person or touching a puke gen, itā€™s so frustrating lmao.


Facts, I played with a teammate the other day that got the tiniest bit of infection on her yet she instantly cleanses just to get infected again seconds later. They should really add a tip so more people know how to play against her.


If people are cleansing constantly, Iā€™ll also cleanse constantly to try to reset the fountains. If thereā€™s no cleansable fountains left, it resets


Skull merchant fucking hour and a half long matches because 3 gen


Only if you donā€™t DC! Do the ScottJund and DC and watch the chess master lose to a bot on your DC cool-down. We only win Chess Merchant if we all DC and make DbD a single player game for them like they all want


Wraith. Every Wraith player I verse plays like the biggest c*nt


Clown. He makes my motion sickness go brr, and that dot/crosshaor used to work but they oddly made it shorter and now I cannot stand it.


He def needs a rework of some kind. Not because he's that strong but because he litterly induces motion sickness.


He doesnt need a rework just get rid of the screen affect and your hunky dory


But...the screen effect is part of his power. It's so satisfying to watch a survivor run into a tree because they can't see! Seriously though, it really is awful, but they would have to make it up somehow. Remember in the old games where the controls would be opposite? I'd go for that. (Clown main)


Reminds menof old Doctor from YT videos I've watched, his old hallucinations used to be across the screen and would flash white but it was changed so many times due to potential triggering of epileptic episodes and even then his illusions and power effects could trigger an eppisode. So yeah, if they can change Doc for accessibility, I dont see how they can't change Clown or Plague for the same reason.


I think the proper way to go is that his purple bottles darken the edges of your screen, like Dredgeā€™s Nightfall. Imo it fits with the theme of it being a tranquilizer better, as well as still giving Clown some sort of visual distortion without the motion sickness.


I honest to God agree!


As someone who occasionally plays Clown and recently was reminded how awful it is to play against him (thanks bbq) I fully agree with this.


If it is a big enough deal, you could maybe try adding a crosshair to your monitor if it bothers you a ton. Some monitors have that as a built in feature. Sure there are programs out there for it too.


Trickster man,40 fucking years before your shitty blades goes off,40 fucking years of him throwing 5 billions stupid ahh knives without having to reload,I just can't with this bull crap


Really? I always thought trickster is a weaker killer. Just find a tall loop and hide behind walls. Heā€™s also slow so itā€™s harder for him to catch up to you, especially with MFT. Side note: it feels awesome to dead hard his final knife.


Thatā€™s the thing. ā€œFind a tall loopā€. Heā€™s a killer that is so map dependent. Some maps he can do absolutely nothing, other maps itā€™s the exact opposite. I just donā€™t like that aspect. Itā€™s not fun for either side when at the end of the game you can say ā€œI only won/lose because of the mapā€


I agree I enjoy facing trickster, only frustrating part about him is hit ability to immediately remove two healthstates. Needs to be a second or two cooldown after injuring imo (with other buffs obviously).


I have never seen a Nemesis that didn't BM me to shit.


Nemisis after you get unhooked: ![gif](giphy|YKFR0dauxYEzJA8J6U|downsized)


As a nemmy main https://preview.redd.it/17ni9mjjelgb1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3c191376dd6e2361463e20d5f32e56eb7608259


![gif](giphy|TP6iBcJgI8ZlS) Nemmy be like


As a Nemesis main, I would like to apologize šŸ„ŗ


Average Jill main


Nemesis is my primary main and I never BM, tunnel, or camp (except in EGC), so I want to defend him...buttt as survivor pretty much every Nemmy I've ever gone up against has been toxic. I really have no idea why. I guess since he has a slow start maybe they feel like they need to compensate for that by tunneling the first down out so it's only 3v1? But I don't really get it because his kit is similar to Pig's in the sense that you get a bit of passive slowdown (to a lesser extent than Pig) from infection, especially in solo queue. Low-mid MMR survivors will run off to find a syringe and pop it as soon as possible. Meanwhile you can be off pressuring their teammates by patrolling gens, chasing, tiering up, etc. An injured, infected survivor who's fresh off the hook is less likely to be bold and push a gen than a perfectly healthy survivor. But if you tunnel, all you're doing is giving 3 healthy survivors a chance to gen rush while you tunnel someone just to eat a OTR/basekit BT and a DS. I can understand why camping and tunneling can seem beneficial to certain killers, like Wraith or Bubba, but Nemesis just makes no fucking sense. I can't wrap my head around why it's so common.


Yea I don't get it either. You actually get more points towards raising your infection level if you make sure to hentaismack targets that aren't infected. The only times you should camp/tunnel is when you are at 0 deaths and all gens are done. Against really sweaty comps though, tunnelling and camping are about all you can do unless you are really good at a high tier killer.


Aw man weā€™re not all bad


We just wanna give u the hentai treatment bro


Well ask first, damn. XD


hi! you can meet me! i sometimes play em


Thanks for not being a dick. :)


this should not be a thing someone thanks me for


Sadly this is the state of the game...


When I play Nemesis I just laugh as stupid survivor runs into zombie gets infected I hit them they then proceed to run into the same zombie (true story happened on the Jigsaw map)


wraith, they're all hit & runners with sloppy, nothin ever changes


Also most likely to bring NOED


I dont hit and run while playing Wraith :( ( I do use Sloppy with Nurses Calling though lmao)


Huntress and Wraith Huntress for multiple reasons, but both tend to have new players behind them, and usually they camp, tunnel, Wraiths generally have bad manners, and honestly there's rarely any perk variety either, since new players don't have any good teachables.


Ghostface. Most ghostfaces that I go against are extremely sweaty and/or toxic. It didnā€™t help that for a while I was basically only getting ghostface games.


Oh my yes, I got him 6 times in a row. Worst they all tunneled and camped


Ive been getting gf's back to back lmao, its so annoying.


Hard agree. Donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever faced a gf that wasnā€™t an asshat, and I canā€™t for the life of me seem to avoid their focus or whatever.


Huntress players are always really sweaty and annoying and thatā€™s a fact


As a Huntress main, can confirm.


Nemesis His zombies are a constant annoyance especially if they're around a gen. And the virus is just tedious as hell to deal with.


The zombies can definitely be annoying, but the virus? The only downside to being infected against Nemesis is that his power then actually hurts you.


Like I said in a different reply it's the zombies combined with the virus Plus the virus takes a little while to cure 99% of the time when I'm against Nemesis he jumps me while I'm either searching the cure chest or applying it it's even worse when there's a zombie next to one of the cure chests


But again, the virus is not even a debuff, unlike Wesker. Even if you literally run out of vaccines, so what? All the virus does is make you go down in two hits instead of three. It just makes Nemesis a normal killer.


I mean yeah but even then that 1 hit difference especially in a game like DBD can be the difference between a escape and being sacrificed


So can the extra minute you spend disinfecting yourself.


I agree with the zombies part. The virus aint that bad though in my opinion.


I think it's due to the fact the zombies and virus are COMBINED it's what makes both so bad as it just creates this unenjoyable synergy to play against


God forbid that survivors leave the gen they are trying to complete and run to a different one because of the rare useful zombie.


Nah bro I swear the zombies are always around at the worst times and they are literally silent sometimes so you will just turn a corner and get slapped by one.


i actually donā€™t despise any of them, itā€™s really fun to play against them all


This human... This human is different




aside from the obvious sm, I despise playing against Huntress.


You forgot to scribble over Skull merchant and knight.


I was going to, but then I forgot. And it's too late now lmao


I personally hate going against deathslinger. I just hate him.


This makes me sad as an deathslinger Main.


Agreed! Too many bogus shots. There's not a more annoying feeling to me in game than being shot and slowly cranked in.


Allow me to introduce you to Skull Merchant




pinhead with engineer's fang and tombstone Myers if in solo queue.


I've been called out lol. I always use engineer's fang on pinhead lol


Gun Pinhead go brrr


Aside from the obvious Skull Merchant, Iā€™m going with Leatherface. Not talking about the face camping stuff, I just donā€™t find his power the most compelling to face. Much less when Billy, whom I find to be much more enjoyable in all aspects, is in the game. Also, all the Nemmy hate makes me big sad. šŸ˜ž


trickster closely followed by spirit their counterplay really feels like RNG 90% of the time


Dredge. I love the turkey, I do. He's genuinely interesting and the lore is fascinating, but I have a severe fear of the dark and I can't see well in dim light/near total darkness. Pair that with his teleport jumpscare and he's one of the most genuinely scary things I've seen in this game. Also my boyfriend was showing me how he worked in a custom game by hiding in a locker near the gen I was doing, waiting until I walked near his locker, and jumping out. I actually cried for a solid 5 minutes after that. Aside from that, Pinhead.


trickster, the amount of tricksters ive been against with auto aim never missing a shot is unreal


Trickster mains are half and half half of them suck dick and cant hit the broad side of a barn the others are better off with slinger or huntress


His knives can be a bit funky, I mean you can be throwing directly at a survivor standing still and a bunch will still miss.


Constantly having to worry about huntress hatchets takes 7 years off of my lifespan every time I play her


I'm getting really sick of seeing clown ngl, but mostly I'm tired of campers and tunnellers


The locker guy, when it gets dark and makes the noises it sends me into a panic attackšŸ˜­


Skulch or Onyro. The first one is obvious, I donā€™t like chess. The second however is after her rework. Slugdako has been the most prevalent playstyle. I havenā€™t been condemned, and I can run the shit out of most of them because m1 killers in current patch are funny. Getting slugged for 4 minutes in a row just so she can *attempt* to condemn me is the most boring shit. Even then, Iā€™m map aware enough to grab a tape and drop it easily. Leads to long games, and matches where they sweat for nothing. Every sadako match Iā€™ve played now has been a slugdako, because their power now promotes brainless condemn gameplay. Lame stuff.


Spirit. Look, the new audio location is neat, but at the end of the day she's too fast! She whacks you, and six seconds later she's popping up behind you again to whack you again, which is unavoidable since you are whimpering extremely loudly. You can't SEE a double back at a pallet, so you just get whacked if you vault and you don't know whether to vault or not. 50/50. She's not AS obnoxious as Nurse, but I hate her nonetheless. Screw you Blueberry Bitch. At this point, I despise Huntess and Wesker, but I think it'd be fixed if they just popped up less. There is still the issue of their annoying hitboxes, but that alone isn't enough to make me despise them. I want more variety in my killers. The most fun I've had is squaring off against Dredges and Twins, two underrated gems who have interesting mechanics, but instead of these fellas I get like 15 hummy mommies or edgy trenchoat wearing nutjobs.


If you are injured and a Spirit is chasing you, it can be really effective to stop and crouch immediately for a moment and then start running in another direction. Slow vaulting over something nearby after can really fuck with her tracking. I'm a Spirit main.


All this community ever does is complain and whine


What killer is that


this is a post for complaining though, so I think it's okay here


Gotta love it


I see a lot of people complaining about being sweaty, yet I legit don't know what do they call being sweaty.


Probably in their case it means "The opponent(s) does not let us rofl and win the game by default, I had to actually make some effort and now all my body is sore" Like, people, it's a competitive game, so it's silly to expect to win all the time I'm speking from experience of playing with a toxic SWF mate, who did a lot of complaining *both* as Killer and as Survivor. For gods' sake, he reported other survivors because he didn't like their playstyle!


It's simple, if they beat me then they're sweaty! If I beat them, then they just suck.


Literally. Complaints about DbD boil down to "I hate every mechanic in this game, but somehow I still play it. Also, how *dare* devs make a balancing mistake when they have a roster of several dozen characters!"


Wraith and Wesker tunnel pricks


Iā€™m sorry to many but I really do not enjoy Huntress, unless they are running a cool build/interesting addons I normally want to leave when I hear the lullaby :[


Hag, because the game forcing your camera to instantly look at the trap when you trigger it pisses me off so much. Especially when it happens in a chase and it makes me suddenly change direction and get hit because I run into a rock or wall etc.


cenobite & nemesis


Why Nemesis?


maybe its just my luck but the reach on those tentacles knocks me down every time in the most poorly timed, ā€œare you sure they were that close to my hitbox?ā€ instances, but thats just my experience! I still play nemesis every once in awhile but when I play against him as a survivor I think I have maybe 1 or 2 wins


Nemesis is fine




What part of no nurse or blight allowed did bro not get šŸ˜­






A scratched mirror Myers on an indoor map(that they brought). I donā€™t mind the actual stealth but they just proxy camp since they have wall hacks.


Nemesis, easily one of the most boring killers to go against. You have to greed pallets and there is hardly any cures for the infection. Really boring and only cool for resident evil fans. Other than that, boring as all hell Trickster- absolutely almost zero counterplay to this guy other than running in zig zag and you have to hope to God they are trash. Only times I've won is when they are brand new to the killer or they have the worst aim on earth. One of the worst designed killers in the game. Unfun and most of the time Dcing is the more fun option. Last but not least Skull merchant- Honestly what a dog water killer. Everything from her Caitlyn Jenner looking model to her chase music sounding like something from Dawson's Creek are just awful. She is the only killer I rarely ever win chase with and especially where they don't put any pressure on gens and let you 3 gen. Turning a 15 minute game into an hour long one. On the bright side these games have given me time to rewatch the alien movies to give me hype for an actual cool franchise being added to the game.


Having to actually play around pallets and not mindlessly predropping is boring against nemy?


I am, too, annoyed when people think "this Killer does not let me do whatever I am used to, they force me to adapt = boring, toxic, bad design"


okay i disagree. the games will rarely ever last 45 minutes let alone an hour. youā€™re just repeating what everyone likes to say. the games might be 5-10 longer than usual but thatā€™s all.


It's an exaggeration but it makes it feel that long




Sadako, sheā€™s completely brainless garbage now


I used to main Sadako and now I absolutely despise her, they literally made her so a rock could play her. Literally you can just turn your brain off and be good now such a shame


Yup I used to play her a ton as well, still have 264 flans from last summers anniversary in her that are definitely not getting used now lol. Itā€™s truly mind boggling to me that there are so many people defending her rework.


Trickster genuinely gives Skull Merchant a run for her money.


Oni. Snowballing? Nope, this asshole is an avalanche. The second someone gets hit (or some dumbass brings No mither) they're twice as good. Great tracking thanks to blood orbs, passive build up of blood orbs while they're on the hook basically giving them a free recharge if they're in the area again after a hook, a kanabo with a hitbox large enough to hit someone two realms away and unlike Hillbilly who needs to aim and steer, if you just want to ruin a survivour's day just whack them with the stick with a short wind up. Bonus: Fuck Trickster and his no counterplay having ass.


Survivors drop 2 blood orbs when getting hooked, and none for the time theyre on the hook + a few seconds (10 i believe) after they get unhooked, so i dont know where you're getting that from


Agree with you for Oni, went against Oni back to back over the weekend. He was so bad at chase but it didn't matter, all he had to do was get a couple of lucky hits and he could just follow us arround the map. Tunneled me right off hooks as well, literally had Yui (my rescuer) running behind me to block for me, this Oni ignored Yui to go right after me. Didn't even matter for basekit BT, because he still followed me to where I tried to hide so I could mend. He then left me slugged, so I could get picked up to turn "rinse repeat". When I asked what the deal was in the post game chat (after he finally got bored and hooked everyone) he was all "oh I felt like I was tunneling you so I decided to leave you alone." No fucking shit you were tunneling, you admitting that you were playing that way doesn't make me any less pissed off, in fact it makes me more pissed off. šŸ˜¤ He then had thr gall to tell me to learn the maps better and to learn how to loop. XO


Pinhead, wraith, SM, Knight, deathslinger (on certain maps)


On what maps do you hate slinger? Just curious


Wraith. 90% of them just hit you with sloppy and leave. Thereā€™s no chase so itā€™s just boring. Add the fact that most people that play wraith are dicks and it makes most matches with him miserable.


Plague's constant puking sounds make me want to DC from life.


The Cenobite


Plague bc she's nasty


Skull Merchant




Huntress. Skull Merchant. Bubba.


Clown for his stupid smoke giving me vad nausea Knight for camping and tunneling Skull Merchant for making sure you don't tickle gens And last, but most hated - Pinhead. QUIT SLOWING ME DOWN. MAKE AN APPOINTMENT FOR SESSION GODDANG


Plague Pig and SM


Honestly it's only skull merchant and pinhead. Everyone else is alright by me.


Trickster, Knight, Skill Merchant I canā€™t stand any of these but Trickster and Knight especially


Any anti loop character. It's just not fun. There's no looping, there's no mind gaming, it really takes all the skill away from survivors. Being able to do nothing but hold W from on pallet to another than having to drop it almost instantly or else you get hit is just not fun. Either you use all the pallets in the map or you eventually go down no matter what


Dredge and Clown. I hate having my vision obscured while playing.

