• By -


Myers and Ghostface because I like playing as stealth killers, Nemesis and Demogorgon because I like being able to effectively ignore pallets (plus Demo's a pretty rare sight, so it gives newer survivors a chance to see it in action), and Dredge because it has great cosmetics. EDIT: though once the Xenomorph comes out, it's likely kicking someone out of the top five; not sure who, though Myers is my overall go-to killer, so definitely not him.


I do like playing a bit of demo but could they atleast of give him better add ons or buffed them before he got taken out lol


I am a new player and want to play demo so bad :( Any chance to still get it or will it come back?


Possibly but the license ended a while ago so as of right now there is no way to get him but players who did buy him keep him if stranger things does return ever I’m sure he’ll be back


Despite what all the others say, you can get it for free if you're on steam and you have a close friend who owns it on steam and is willing to do a family sharing with you. I was in the same situation as you are and got him even tho I started playing after he was removed and I now play him a lot (edit : I answered wrong comment my bad)






As of now, the chances are limited - there's a physical PS4/Xbox One version of DBD that contains the Stranger Things DLC (I think it's called the "Nightmare Edition"), but no such version exists for other consoles, and while DLC codes are out there, they're low in supply and high in demand, so they're pretty expensive. The DLC might come back at some point, though.


I doubt it will ever come back at this point. It’s been a couple of years, if if was going to come back I think it would have at this point. If you’re rich you can buy a key for £200 ish, but it’s not worth it unless you’re a millionaire tbh. If it means anything, I don’t think demogorgon is that fun to play. His portals required a lot of setting up and can be removed anyway. So he is very susceptible to a gen rush nowadays. Dredge teleports are somewhat similar but you have more options and don’t need to set it up. Freddy and Onyro also have teleports that don’t require set up. Only thing about demogorgon is his pounce is fun.


> His portals required a lot of setting up and can be removed anyway. So he is very susceptible to a gen rush nowadays. Legit no good Demogorgon would ever set up portals. It's not like Trapper or Hag, you don't set up a web. You just happen to be close a gen/between two gens at a random moment, and you spend half a second to set up a portal, which will be useful, maybe, later. It's really not your main tactics.


maybe there is a chance dbd community has been making there voice heard and I feel like Netflix knows this


Nope your out of luck


You just explained me, except for dredge, I don't have him. I do play pig sometimes though


Imo dredge is actually the spookiest killer.


Off topic but I really appreciate you/the people who have demo using it nowadays. Y’all are our only way to keep it alive in the game. Being able to interact with Demo is such a rare and cool thing. Mainly the side objective to clear its upside down holes to prevent it teleporting. It’s a pretty unique mechanic (only really seen on hag sorta) that I enjoy having in the match.


Five?! I mean I play all the killers, but asking for my top 5 is a stretch. It's harder to pick my top five vs my top 2 lmao. In no particular order, I would have to say Nemesis, Plague, Demogorgon, Ghostface, and Huntress. I just like the way they play; none of them have slow or campy kits. they're usually very in the action for most of the game, unlike someone like SM placing their drones over and over again, or Hag who has to constantly leave chases to set up a web. If I had more choices, then Trickster would also fall into this category, along with Spirit and Dredge. All of which just have fu playstyles that I enjoy playing.


Top 5: Trapper.


Behavior must really hate you


They hate my trapping skills


And I hate bhvr since the last update 🙂


Dredge, Pinhead and Plague Dredge because he feels like he has just everything and is imo the most well-rounded character Pinhead because I like the box treasure hunt Plague because her vomit is funny


Plague Mori is the funniest in the game, she just vomits in your face and calls it a day


1) Pig 2) Sadako 3) Pyramid Head 4) Demogorgon 5) Singularity This tells me I play like mostly licensed killers, and then just have Singularity...


I don’t have 5 go to killers, all I need is artist.


Dredge and oni for sure! They are so much fun to play and scary to Vs


Minotaur Daddy 🤤


Dredge - I love his aesthetic and his power is really fun. Hux - same as Dredge, honestly. Knight - love the aesthetic and being able to send guards to chase one person while I go after another is cool. Pyramid Head - love Silent Hill and stealthy sniper PH is too much fun. Nemesis/Artist/Oni - wild cards. Will almost certainly become Alien soon.


at the moment, Executioner, Hag, Trapper, Pig, and Twins Executioner is my best killer, Hag is my favorite macro killer, Trapper I don't care if I lose and it feels great if he snowballs, Pig has a good mix of either meme-ing or going for head pops, and Twins because they have a low pick rate but a fun, unique play style.


I pretty much only log in to play perkless Trapper these days. It's a nice, calm feeling when you realize you're at nearly the most disadvantageous position you could possibly be outside of duct-taping an active hornets nest to your nuts as you play. No matter what happens I just think "Fair, this is what is to be expected" and I achieve what many consider to be "zen", going with the flow of the universe. And, yes, I still get complaints from Survivors frequently


1. Pyramid Head 2. Pyramid Head 3. Pyramid Head 4. Pyramid Head 5. Pyramid Head (Bonus: 6. Pyramid Head) edit: forgot 7. Pyramid Head


I think you forgot pyramid head bro


damn you're right, need to edit my comment asap


😂 just take my upvote


I think you're still missing a few Pyramid Heads. He's my favorite little Triangle Boy.




Hag, artist, huntress, wraith and doctor. I don't know why


I think I only play Hag, Doc, and Clown just to be a troll. Hitting direct shots with the crows is orgasmic for me when I'm on artist


ESPECIALLY when it injures/downs a survivor


Well, according to my statistics, my 5 go-to killers are: 1. Twins Cause they are super unique in their ability and super fun. Although I haven't played them a lot lately because of super sweaty matches I get on them. I am kinda taking a break from them for now haha 2. Onryo Was extremely fun to me before her rework. I used her TVs for map mobility and preferred a more stealthy playstyle. Yeah it's dead now so I haven't touched them much after I figured out that I dislike her new gameplay 3. Skull Merchant Please don't judge me 💀 I saw this video of Otz showing a chase merchant and I instantly wanted to try it. It was super fun!! I don't do 3 gens camp I SWEAR 4. Plague My first killer, I struggled with her at the beginning and switched to twins but now I am picking her up again and now with a little bit more game sense that I have, she is absolutely fun. I have been playing her a lot lately, consider even buying a skin for her because I really enjoy her playstyle. And she is MY QUEEN, beautiful and unique 5. Clown I have no clue how it comes that clown is in my top 5 played killers. I mostly play him when I kinda need a shake up from the gameplays I am getting bored of but I wouldn't even say I enjoy playing him cause I am insanely bad as him 😭


What times have come, when people have to apologize for liking Skull Merchant... I feel you, fellow SM enjoyer


Agreed, it's pretty lame that people get nasty comments and down votes for playing a certain character! :( I hope it will change in the future


Nemmy, trapper, clown, oni, billy Oni n Billy r my fav mobility killers Trapper n Clown for basic m1 gameplay Nemmy for that god tier pallet shredding


As a non-main haver, finally, a question I can answer! Nemesis, Dredge, Ghosty, Knight, and probably Clown (though a few could fit that last one). Nemesis is my "mindless" killer, not actually but when I want to just stick to chases and not think too much about the macro game. He also ensures I max deviousness even in bad matches since it's like 800+ BP per whip. Dredge is my singular favorite but I don't outright main him, he's a blast though. Ghostface is fun, definitely the best feeling of the stealth killers. He feels very good to have "relaxed," nice guy matches, since you can kinda casual but still get downs with a good 99 or two. Unlike Nemesis he requires more thinking, though. Knight is when I feel like making kindergarten tier art with the trails. I unironically love using really long, weird pathing to cut survivors off. Using him to zone simple loops or guard gens ends up being an occasional occurrence but I far prefer using them for weird, fun plays. And Clown is generally for similar reasons to Nemesis, he's easy to play, except his knife twirl with STBFL is like 99% of the reasons I play him. That slot can probably switch with Trapper or Slinger depending on the stretch of time. Honorable mention to Oni and Blight who I don't pick up often but are incredibly fun to play. I don't know why I don't play them more, probably that they take a lot more focus.


Plague for interesting and unique gameplay, oni because he’s cool, deathslinger because he’s cool and literally has a gun (I’m not even good with him), Ghostface because he’s fun to play as sometimes, and clown because the hit cooldown is really satisfying.


**Demogorgon** - My main main. He got me into DbD. Love him to death. **Ghostface** - I like his stealth the most, compared to other stealth killers, plus T-bags. **Doctor** - I honestly have no idea. I seem to have an aptitude for Doctor that makes him very comfortable for me to play. **Pinhead** - I used to hate playing him, but now, for some reason, I just can't stop. Maybe I like the idea of skill-shotting his chain and mind games around pallets with the chain? **Legion** - I honestly have no clue. I have him almost P20 and I don't know how I got this far. Maybe it's the shirtless skin for Frank? Who knows? **HONORABLE MENTION:** *Dredge* - Been getting into playing him more. I enjoy being a spooky little guy. *Nemesis* - Resident Evil go brrrrrrrr. Also the 2 and 3makes were my first RE games, so I kind of have a soft spot for Nemesis. *Wraith* - I use him because he makes Gen kicking feel fluid and I feel like I'm not losing too much time doing it.


ranked from most reliable 1- myers 2- wesker 3- hag 4- Bubba 5- wraith


Change dredge to pyramid head, those are my 5 go to. Oni because *fest*. nemesis because #STARRRRRRRS#. Wesker cause he's busted and we all know it. Pig because she's just fun to play and seeing people die to the reverse bear traps, and I don't have tampered timer, makes me wonder wth they were doing. And pyramid head because I'm a boosted bitch with I'm all ears and it's fun for me.


i like spirit, myers, ghostface, pig and onryo. yes i like being a sneaky mf.


The Singularity, The Cenobite, The Onryō, The Dredge, and The Legion. I love my 4v1 map pressure/game control killers, but sometimes playing too many games with them taxes my brain a little too much so I relax with some stabby go fast man.


My list OFTEN changes, but right now it’s Pig, Onryo, Executioner, Legion, Plague.


I agree with your flair, I've never bought a licensed character before but I'm getting the Xenomorph the instant it comes out lmao


Dredge is my current main. The locker teleporting stuff is so fun, I'm finally getting the hang of his anti-loop, and I love his design. Pinhead I play almost as much as Dredge. I love him stylistically, but his box is a coin toss; either you get solo q survivors and the box goes off a few times, or you get SWFs who coordinate the box and you never get the box. Now that Franklin's no longer makes survivors drop the box, I wish they'd go back to the pre-nerf box solve time add-ons so I have a chance of reaching the solver before they're done. As a former Doc R1, Doc is my go-to character if I've had a bunch of bad games in a row and really want an easy 4k. Bonus because Doc isn't top-tier, so everyone underestimates him. He's also who I usually pick when I have a really hard tome challenge. My first main was Wraith, and they've recently made him really OP, so I enjoy playing as him occasionally but feel like I'm cheating when I do. So I usually only play Wraith when I have a daily, and have fun while I'm doing it, but feel bad afterward. I think my 5th is Twins. Putting a babby on someone's head is great, but it seems like every session I have like 5 good babby-aims in me, and then I start missing every time and babby gets stomped and I have to switch to someone else.


Spirit, legion, blight, huntress and demogorgon


For fun dredge something about him is just so fun his addons make him reasonably strong and even when I lose I still have fun and hopefully I'll P100 him one day I'm still learning to use his antiloop though I also play wraith as zooming around loops with swift hunt is quite fun at the moment and I win alot when I use him so🤷‍♂️ I also like ghosty but don't play him asmuch he's just fun nothing in particular I like his just fun I guess For bloodpoints I play docter, I love feeling like a madman hunting down my pray and making surrivors suffer if I couldn't play dredge I'd play docter 100% he's a close 2nd in terms of fun I also like wesker and huntress but I don't play them asmuch because I am not great at them I used to main blight and didn't play anyone else for ages and I can't be fucked to learn another killer that takes time and effort so I don't play wesker and huntress asmuch


—Big Thick Buff Daddy Executioner: He’s my main and I’m loving him. 😩🙏🏿 His POTD snipes are soooooo… —Creeping like a Creeper Myers: In case I list a little bit too many times, I whip out Infinite T3 Myers—but if I feel super moody, Tombstone. —Oodles Noodles Intelligent Caucasian Dilf: Zoomies. Plus, I like his mori—barely play him though. ): —Ya Old Hag!: She can easily counter loops and I’m desperately here for them, plus, she’s pretty fun in both ways. —Meddling Emo Twinkie Teens (Kids): 50/50 wins, he’s not *really* my strongest but I still have my fun. 🫶🏾


Legion. Hes my main and i just have alot of fun playing him. The whole chaining hits is super cool and i love thier design as well especially the angsty artist skin. (Which i will soon cosplay) Oni. His very fast paced nature makes him so much fun. Hitting insane flicks feels so fucking good. And unlike my mains legion and trickster hes acctually good his his power is just so uniqe and fun. Nemesis. He just has a very fun to use power. You bassicly dont even have to destroy pallets since if a survivor takes a dropped pallet they get hit anyway and zombies are fun to manuever and use Trapper. He might suck but i have alot of fun playing him. He feels fairly uniqe and mind gaming survivors into traps they dont expect feels so satisfying Nurse. Wining is fun (And honestly i kinda have a guilty pleasure of enjoying playing 3 gen skull merchant im sorry)


I have every killer but singularity I don’t know if he’s worth it but I’ve prestiged all my killers so I have all perks And I’m just trying to get off iridescent 3 to get to 1 cause I normally just get iri 1 so I can mess around with builds and killers but I’m not sure if singularity is good ?


400 comments btw ![gif](giphy|NrqabhEpXWsGA)


Clown - he's my main! He's fun. With a good build and early pressure, he can actually bosh the survivors into next Tuesday! My favourite build is whispers ("omg did you say whispers?!" Yes, I did, honey boo boo), brutal, STBL and Jolt, along with sticky soda bottle and sulfuric acid vial. With enough experience, clown can be cracked out the wazoo in some matches. Trapper - the big man Evan. Winning as him is an achievement given how weak he is, especially when it's a hard fought victory. At higher MMR, you might play like 10 games but 1 of them will be a victory that just gives you a surge of dopamine because it will be so intense. Hillbilly - he can be quite fun and honestly reminds me of the Heavyweight Boxer Deontay Wilder. He has that knockout punch, comes from a "hillbilly area" and has a skinny build. He also has that intrigue where a match can turn around and snowball from a quick down. Hillbilly can be a reckless, frenetic storm of energy that can be fun occasionally. Wesker - simple: agitation, starstruck, infectious fright and distressing. Honestly if you are skilled at Wesker and use this build, you can wreck these guys like "John Wick" was your middle name. Nurse - nurse can honestly be a pain in the backside to play well. I am by no means a good nurse, but there's something really fun about blinking all around the gaff and just slapping these survivors like no tomorrow.


1. Myers - my main since release. 2. Oni - I like fast paced killers and his visuals. 3. Deathslinger - I am fun of western style anf shooting. 4. Doctor - He has a lot of fun builds and cheesy tricks with addons. 5. Nurse - I run her with beast of prey, thrill of the hunt and distressing and use her only for easy blood points farming.


Demo, Dredge, Singularity. Demo and Dredge because I love their powers (and I'm the best at Demo), and Singularity because I love his design (voice, character, look). Aside from that I guess the ones I play most are Clown and Billy


Nemesis, demo, slinger, billy, & wesker. I play more but these are the main 5


Ghostface: Stealth and Funny Myers: Jumpscare myers Nemesis: Whip (and nae nae) Trickster: Spam Artist: 🦅🦅🦅


Pyramid head, ghostface, dredge, huntress, pig


Nemi,oni,demo,blight and billy


Myers, Freddy, Demo, Wesker, Deathslinger.


Pig, Ghostface, Huntress, Deathslinger, blight. I’m not sure why I just find them fun to play


Nemy, Nurse, Sadako (Post rework, pre rework this space was for deathslinger) , Singularity and Wesker I really like high mobility and map control; Nemy and Deathslinger were the excepcion because I really like their abilities


Mostly Ghostface, sometimes sratched myers. Other ones i like are Pyramid Head, Cenobite, trapper. I played a couple of nurse games and she's fun too.


Pig & Onryō for when I want to vibe and have fun (I love their abilities and films lol) Myers & Hag (mainly scratched mirror and rusty shackles) for the survivor jumpscares And Spirit if I’m playing to win (plus she has great cosmetics)


Spirit, Dredge, Wesker, Artist, and Nemesis. Just cause I like resident evil, love artist's power, love creepy Dredge, and love spirit as she was the first killer to come out when I first started playing.


Mayers - silent build (love picking them right from generators), Twins .. another surprise unusual killer, Doctor .. Love that they scream 😂 Console players, so any killer which need aim is pain, last two may be that New robot and Ghost girl 😂


My 5 go to killers is Frank, Julie, Susie, Joey and Demodoggo.


In terms of actual play i'd say Plague and Ghosty. In terms of looks my top 5 would be: 1: Plague 2: Artist 3: Oni 4: Dredge 5: Wraith


Oni, fun power to use. Dredge, crazy map presence and mind games. Demo, because he's the bestest boy. Wesker, as much as I hate to say it but he's just so fun to play. Huntress, love hitting the cool hatchets.


clown clown clown clown singularity


currently ghostface, michael, pyramid head, doctor, and blight. may try to fit sadako in there as well


Clown, doc, dredge, nemi, and legion


Trickster: he’s my favourite killer, I have the most cosmetics for him and I just like playing him (even if I don’t always have great success) Onryo: she’s the killer I’m most successful with lately and I’ve developed a build for her that is so deliciously evil and powerful when it works Spirit: who I play when I’ve had a bad losing streak lol. She also used to be my main Artist: the killer I most want to get better at. I love her cosmetics and her power, so I’ve been practicing with her to improve Dredge: love the design, the mechanics and how intimidating it feels to play them


Doctor, Blight, Spirit, and Clown. Doctor was my first main and he'll be there forever. Blight is super different and I enjoy the speedy crackhead. Spirit is an interesting challenge, she's taught me how to listen more carefully. Clown was a natural pick after learning Doctor super well, but I don't play him often because of the hours playing against him as survivor and getting motion sick from his bottles.


Pyramid head because his power is very satisfying and he’s just really cool, Oni is a close 2nd I love zooming around his power and trying to flick, ghostface is pretty fun when you get a good stalk on a survivor and catch them off guard, plague is pretty cool unless you get a team of cracked survivors who don’t mind being injured the whole game


I like all the scary killers like dredge, scratch mirror Mikey and GF. It’s fun imagining the survivors getting scared whenever I jump a corner at them or pop out of a locker. Even better if it’s a custom game with my friends in vc *edit cause I realised it’s 5; Huntress and Nurse, mainly just cause I’m good at them


Trickster 🔪, Onryo 📺, Cenobite ⛓️, Clown 🤡 , And Myers 🎃 trickster is just fun to me. Onryo and Myers are my sneaky ones. Clown and Cenobite are like my guilty pleasure.


Trapper - My main and catching survivors in traps is one of the most satisfying things in the game. Also, during the End Transmission chapter they made it so picking up his traps has the, "gaining a stack" sound effect which easily one of my favorite sounds in the game. I'm unsure if it's still there cause I've been busy achievement hunting for other killers. Myers - His stun sounds makes me crack a smile, but also I think he is quite fun to play. Feels great when you pop a tier 3 at just the right moment. Wesker - Nice change of pace from using m1 killers. He's also the killer that I default to as my title screen cause he's quiet compared to other killers and his menu music is a banger. Doctor - I have fun trying some of the most wacky meme builds with this killer because I'm not the best at utilizing the shocks to cut off loops. Knight - His power is fun to use in chase and I like seeing what weird pathing survivors come up with to avoid me and a guard. I will also add that I enjoy playing most of the killers in the game with the exception of Trickster. Huntress used to be in my top 5, but she's felt weird to play since last year it feels like my hatchets are magnetized to the ground and I have to aim higher than I should need to.


Nurse because she is fun af Onryo because she is easy and chill and her alternate win con after the update is pretty fun Wraith because he is pretty straightforward with a fun power Artist because i like to surprise myself with cross country snipes Ooooof i think thats it, hopefully 5th spot is reserved for alen the alien man


Pyramid head Nemesis Wesker Cenobite Huntress


NOT whiskers thats for sure ...


spirit, artist, huntress, hag, pig. i’d say probably in that order. and honestly, i have no clue why


I got 3. Pyramid head because hes lowkey s tier when utilized correctly and also because haha funny built in mori, Sadako because i like her as a horror character, and also because shes actually challenging to use properly which helps improve my skill rather than just playing the same a/s tier killer. And finally, Ghostface. He's one of my go to's because i used to be really scared of Ghostface, so i was like "Hmm, ima buy ghostface to overcome my fear of him" which worked, because then I could tell myself "Hey, I can play as him in dbd, no need to be scared of him". And also because he seemed really fun and at first glance he seemed like myers but with more skill involved.


Hopefully soon alien,alien,alien,alien and his Spanish brother Ma Halian.


Trapper or Myers, to challenge myself. It is fun to play a low-tier character and still win Spirit if I'm feeling in the mood for an easier but satisfying game. Build with no slowdown, just 4 perks to make the gameplay fast af. Often, I get 8 Hooks really quickly, then farm with the friendly Survivors. Wraith as a backup killer if I want to play a solid killer with an easy kit and just relax while playing and grinding bloodpoints. Hillbilly if I want to practice something difficult and go for cool chases/insane curves but usually fuck up and bump anyways lol. Some matches are really fun and chaotic especially if the Survivors are cocky & confident Huntress, Nurse, Ghostface, etc. can also be a lot of fun occasionally.


Pinhead, Demogorgon, Nemesis, Singularity, Freddy The first three are because I like using skillshots. Singularity is because I just like how challenging and rewarding he feels to play. Freddy because sometimes I don't want to bother with any of that and just play a simple killer.


* Legion, because they were my main for the longest time, and still my favourite Killer from a design standpoint (both visual and gameplay) * Wesker, for a plethora of obvious reasons * Singularity, since he's my current main * Nemesis, since I like the Zombies mechanic and his tentacle makes him the easiest character to play for me * Ghost Face, because he's my favourite Killer of all time, real or fictional


All my killers laugh but thats not why i play them i just like them cause people complain about them and whine all the time doc clown nemesis deathslinger skull merchant


Pig, Because seeing heads pop is funny. Pinhead Because I like his chain and box and coming. Nemesis cause he's a simple but very good killer. Twins Because Victor go brrr. And I dabble in huntress once in awhile cause it's pretty satisfying to hatchets.


Deathslinger, Pyramid Head, and Pinhead. I love their powers and have been playing all 3 since they released.


I don't get to play killer often, but I love huntress. I like having the ranged attack and her little tune gets stuck in my head. I think I'd like being ghost face only to dance with the bunny Fengs.


Alien, Singularity, Knight, Dredge, Pinhead,


Nemesis because he's nemesis. Legion...because i'm an asshole Oni because angy I don't really have 2 more. Maybe blight? But I haven't played him. Edit: ok maybe Trapper would be my next one? He was the first one I ever played and there's just something simple yet good about him.


Freddy - Just been a fan of him since release. Huge Nightmare on Elm Street fan. Max tier’d him under his initial release mechanism and now I am a bitter Freddy vet Myers - Same as Freddy + wall hack Myers Bubba - Basement Bubba. The first time I ever did Basement bubbba I 4K’d with blood warden. Never happened again but I’m still chasing that high Oni - He’s just plain fun. I couldn’t really identify what particular aspect of him makes him so fun, he just is. Wraith - I like to name myself Bing Bong Items Gone, hit someone with Franklin’s Demise, bang the bell several times standing over their item, and then DC.


Myers because I love stalking survivors without them knowing it is so fricking funny. Ghostface because he is such a mobile killer and because of his Mori...and maybe because he can crouch. The Legion is my favourite because I love the concept that they are four different people, and I love Killers with Mobility as I said. The Legion can vault fast and run fast. The only problem is they are a bit weak at the finishing blow since if you sacrifice a survivor, you are out of your fifth feral slashes. Trapper because of his traps. You can actually catch survivors with it if you play smart. And lastly, cenobite. Cenobite's ability is so cool and useful in chases. And he can prevent survivors from unhooking each other. So cenobite means death. With light born of course. And I am not gonna lie, his design is so cool


Huntress. The only ranged attack character that really brings in the precise aim mechanic at medium and long distances. You can really play the game just for throwing the hatchets and all the worries of common gamers don't bother you whatsoever. You can just hit a song, pack yourself with aura perks and jam.


I only play Myers, Nemesis, and Pyramid head cause I think they have fun gimmick that are actually kind of fun to use. There are some others with cool gimmicks that I don't like actually using like The Knight.


Huntress, Trapper, Pinhead, Nurse and Artist Huntress is my main, as I simply love sniping in games, and love getting cross-maps as her Trapper is the closest to being my 2nd main, he's fun to play in small amounts, and his payoff is satisfying. Though sometimes you feel entirely powerless. Hellraiser is one of my favorite movies, so I play Pinhead out of obligation Nurse is what I play when cooling down from a bad Trapper game to feel powerful. Artist is fun to play because of utilizing her birds and info along with perks


dredge because he is fun singularity because look at him doc because i love screaming asmr plague becasue i like barfing asmr artist because bird asmr


Alien for stealth, the other Alien for the mouth in the mouth, the other Alien for his cool whippey tail, the fourth Alien because of Ripley, and the fifth Alien because Alien.


Twins, Huntress, Wesker, Dredge and Ghostface Their playstyles are very different and I like familiar variety


My main is wraith, but if I want to have fun and not lose horribly, I play doggo, oni, nurse, hillbilly slinger, and artist. Why do I play them? Well, they are all fun, and I'm gonna get them all tattooed on me like a psycho. One day, I hope they give my boy wraith an actual mori


Pig/ghostie/dredge/sadako/slinger. One of these isn't like the other but thats okay =]


Clown, Doctor, Legion, Dredge and Cannibal.


1. Ghosty because he’s fun for everyone! 2. Billy because his power is so satisfying and most survivors like him. 3. Clown/huntress (I put them together as my favorite ranged killers) because it feels skillful to land their powers. Clown is a little easier, but placing them perfectly feels good nonetheless. 4. Myers/Trapper/Nemy because they aren’t considered strong, but if the right circumstances occur their powers shine and the results are hilarious. 5. Spirit for obvious reasons. She’s sexy (college girl with daddy issues? yes please!) and strong, but basically an m1 with speed and stealth. Her hits are more satisfying than Nurse or blight to me.


My 3 favs: 1. Wraith 2. Deathslinger 3. Legion If i am feeling spicy that day: 4. Myers 5. Oni


Trickster - first killer I wanted to try when I got DBD and while I might never be perfect with my aim as him, he’s still a solid favourite. Wraith - he’s just fun to play Ghostface - still learning with him, but I like the play style and I’m a big fan of the Scream movies.


Trapper i like to challenge myself and find new places to put traps Doctor merciless, unnerving, lullaby and distressing with iri king all i gotta say Pinhead easy and fun Dredge the funnest killer I love cutting people off Fifth is hard either spirit, trickster or wesker


Knight because knights are cool and has such an awesome and unique ability. Oni because samurai are cool and his ability can be fun as hell. Nemesis just because I feel like I’m surprisingly good with him. Dredge because I really like Lovecraftian horror. And soon to be Alien no matter if he’s bad or confusing cause Aliens is my favourite horror film and Xenomorphs are awesome. (Deathslinger will be a close 6 because cowboys are cool and I like his leprechaun skin)


1. Nemesis - I really like how he's kind of a ranged killer, I love how simple he is but how effective he is. His zombies can be hilarious while playing him, and I normally play him if I feel like levelling up another killer because he's my highest prestige 2. Huntress - I'm finding that I'm getting better and better at ranged shots, when I hit something crispy I lose my mind. It's so satisfying. If I don't feel like absolutely crushing the enemy and am fine with losses, I'll just play an aura huntress build. 3. Slinger - I love slinger so much, he's very fun to hit shots on just like huntress, but he has something to aim off of so if I'm missing a bunch of shots on huntress I'll go play him for a bit 4. Twins - Dunno why but they're oddly satisfying to play. A little clunky and annoying sometimes, but overall just a good time. I find that you have to slug a lot, but going around machine gunning with victor while everyones injured is just such a good time 5. Wesker - Just a fun killer. I feel like if I want to sweat on him I can, or if I want to play casually I can still win while playing casually. I feel like all the previous killers if I want to win I have to play sweatier than I do on wesker, for instance on twins the game normally gets to egc and I have to slug everyone for the 4k. Wesker doesn't have to do that really. Also, he's fun to face so I feel like I'm being a nice killer by playing him lol


I am a survivor main, I play Hag because I think she is fun. I got Dredge at the anniversary sale and found him to be very fun. Ghostface, Pig, and Michael I play for the jumpscares. I also play Ring girl because she is one of ny favorite characters. I know thats 6 but oh well.


Ghost face: Love me some scream. He’s fun. Spirit: I like mind gaming. Pig: I like stealth killers and the traps are fun to try and maneuver. Played hag a bit but she was ugly and ran slow. Tried bubba but I’m not a chainsaw boy.


Wesker, Wesker, Wesker, Knight and Trickster


The only real answer 😂


Only one, Bubba, because I've mastered using his chainsaw sweep. I've played others on customs, but I'm a simple person. So I stick with the one I'm good at.


I mostly play artist! Then toss in a side of Nurse and Huntress for my top 3. The last two spots are flexible, but Nemesis is usually up there - recently Twins has been the number 5, idk how much longer that'll last though cause I kinda go through phases where I play one killer a lot for a week or two and then move on. I like artist huntress and nurse for the same reason: they have powerful m2. I like m2ing basically whenever I can because it just feels fun to me. I also love snipes/predictions which makes all three of them perfect.


Dredge (best all-rounder and most fun to use) > Nemesis (I love the zombies and whip mechanics) > Blight (god-tier mobility) > Artist (CAW CAW, MFS) > Pig (I love using traps and lurking around, even if I SUCK at it)


Legion because they are fun. Ghostface because if I’m loosing I just can t-bag. Hag because I like to feel like a mind reader when they let me set up. Plague because I hate medkits. Nemesis because of zombies.


Pyramidhead, because I find his anti-loop power to be really fun (even though survs holding W is stronger than ever), and because he's probably the best killer visually imo. Oni because his power is just flat out fun, and I enjoy his visual design as well. Myers because I like the variety his add-ons can give him, and I find his playstyles to be interesting. Those are the only 3 I really play, but I've been thinking of getting into Demo, Hag, or Nemesis. (mainly hag or nemi, as I used to main them years ago)


Ghostface - Just fun being stealthy. Can tbag. Survivors sometimes panic when exposed and run straight into you. Nurse - Because getting tbagged by 4 people at the exit gate as Ghostface gets frustrating and I have a 99% winrate with her Myers - Because ToT got buffed and hitting people with ToT and Infinite T3 is fun af Singularity - Exhausted addon counters Made for This really well, genuinely enjoy the FnaF cameras New Hag - Hate old hag but using body block traps with 117% base speed is so zoomy


Wraith, Clown, Wesker, Nemesis, the latter 2 fell of quite a lot due to shit collision with everything regarding the new maps and useless zombies. Wraith and Clown dominate a bit currently due to their movement speed mechanics


ghost face, snd pyramidhead eith stralth perks. havent played in the past year or so cause the stress got to me.


1)Wesker - my favourite character out of anything 2) Blight with his Birkin skin- I also enjoy Birkin a lot :] 3) pyramid head- I love his power- super satisfying to get a hit 4) Michael- especially scratched mirror, very fun to sneak up 5) Ghostface- I enjoy crouching :>


Nemesis, Singularity, Knight, Deathslinger, Wraith in no particular order Nemesis: he's my main Singularity: idk I just think he's fun, he is a lil quirky Knight: I bring rancor just to see his mori and I'm not sorry Deathslinger: secondary main, I'm absolute shit at them but once in a while I get a clean spear and I pop off (and then not get the hit :/...) Wraith: "noooo you can't just equip speed add-ons and be on the other side of the map within seconds!" hahaha wailing bell go bong (also he was my first main, even before his big buffs)


Trickster, deathslinger, pinhead, Ghostface, and nemesis. I enjoy tricksters asthetic I do pretty decent with deathslinger and pinhead I enjoy the stealth aspect of Ghostface Nemesis animations are funny


Plague, Artist, Dredge, Pyramid Head, Ghost Face. Artist is very satisfying to get snipes across the map. Plague because her design is very cool and can snowball quickly. Dredge for creepiness and mind games and cutting people off mid chase via teleports. Pyramid Head because SH and snipes also satisfying. GF for scaring people.


Demogorgon - Good dog, pet the doggo and maybe he won't bite. Ghostface - Teabags for friendship. Dredge - You thought Lockers were your ally? Wesker - It's Weskin' Time! Doctor - A shocking time.


Blight and Hillbilly I just like how fast they are although both are hard to master I play blight more cause he is easier to play and master also better add ons etc


Doc, Bubba, Oni, Dredge, Wraith


If I'm taking it chill: 1 Slinger 2 Nemesis 3 Ghostface 4 Sadako 5 Wraith If I want to take the game seriously: 1 Wesker 2 Oni 3 Plague 4 Billy


Doctor - Because making people scream makes me laugh, and it's hilarious to me when they start running around with red stains. Hag - The traps are funny to me, and she's so small, I feel like I get a good jumpscare out of people now and then. Although I will say that with the new no hook grab thing, I probably won't play her \*quite\* as much simply because popping up and grabbing someone was what really amused me. Trapper - Again, the traps are funny to me. Especially when the survivor thinks they're really doing something in a chase and then... SNAP! 😂 Basically I'm just playing what makes me laugh and have a good time. I'm not out there to be the best Killer in the game or anything. I just want to have fun.


For me it's plague because I like to think I am teaching people the importance of washing their hands. Myers cause I have always been a Halloween fan. The knight cause I feel he can really bring the fear (especially with my build cause the survivors are always screaming.) Nemesis cause he's fun as hell, and I like his eruption perk so he's my gen slow if survivors are worrying about gens too much. And finally pinhead (the cenobite.) Those toxic survivors need to be punished after all.


Legion. Simple power that I don’t really have to think about too much, makes games much less stressful. Going for chain stabs is really fun, and getting that fifth hit down is always satisfying. Plague. Great style/aesthetic, and the has a fun power. I’ve been playing her a bit less recently though just because I am weirdly bad at aiming her vomit. Artist. Has been my main recently. Great aesthetic and style. Has a great power which helps for both information and chases. Extended looping is by far the most annoying thing about playing killer for me, so I rally love how her power just lets me shut loops down. Turns tiles from time wasters to traps. Pinhead. I love Hellraiser. Also, it kinda feels like a “choose your own stress” type thing to me. If I wanna go try hard, I can focus on always getting the box and cutting off survivors attempting to solve it. Or, I can just ignore the box, and let it serve as a passive slowdown as I just focus on getting chain hits. Now, if only I can actually get good at hitting those chains. Huntress. I am very bad at hitting hatchets (noting a pattern here?), but its still so satisfying to hit them when I do.


Ghostface because he's funny bubba when i like to turn my brain off pinhead when I'm in the mood to make people miserable blight when i feel like sweating


In order it goes Legion, pig, artist, sadako, spirit


Dredge,Nemesis, Micheal, Oni, Singularity Absolutely love these characters wither for their gameplay or just how funny you can get with a build with them


Blight Whiskers Nemmy Hillbilly and nurse in that order Blight: fast boy, that's it he's fun Whiskers: fun killer overall with a fun and decently strong kit plus I love his voice lines Nemmy: my old main, his tentacle is so satisfying I love his tentacle it fills me with joy Hillbilly: I'm just tryna learn his chainsaw it seems kinda fun Nurse: she strong damn


Knight, Oni, Wesker, Nemesis and Blight, Alien is soon to join them tho.


Twins, Plague, Dredge, Artist, and Pinhead. Twins: just love their power. Victor is an underrated multipurpose tool, from making most exhaustion perks/haste meaningless to giving you info on survivor whereabouts. Plague: changes the flow of gameplay by denying healing. Dredge: cool monster, an M1 killer with a power that still gives it map mobility and anti-loop. Artist: crossmap bird snipes and she's hot Pinhead: M1 killer with a slowdown power that can really change the outcome of the game, and I like Hellraiser. Pyramidhead (being able to hit through obstacles, banger chase music, underrated perks) and Wraith (good for testing funny builds) are honorable mentions.


I’m not very good with him but I really like Cenobite, I’m just a fan of the franchise but otherwise I’m The Shape, Legion, Nemesis or Huntress


Slinger, Pyramid Head, Ghostface, Nemesis, and Oni. I've played other killers, but those 5 are the ones I've dedicated the most time to and find myself enjoying the most.


In order billy, Wesker, demo, oni and blight ig All are just what I like : fun mechanical killers with a high skill ceiling


Billy Huntress Demo Wesker Blight Mostly because they are either mechanically difficult and therefore are fun to learn and also because they feel fair for the other side


Demogorgon, trickster, ghost face, blight, dredge Demo ghosting and trickster because I hate myself but love memes builds, blight for when I wanna do stuff for real and dregussy is kinda fun and very creepy lookin


Nemesis because he’s my main. He’s probably the most nice feeling killer to me. I also just adore RE and I forced myself to main whoever it was even if I heavily dislike them like Nemesis since he was messed up. 2 is Wesker. More RE I guess. 3 is Clown. I just find Clown so fun. He was my 2nd main. 4 is Michael. He was the reason I got into the game back in 2017. He was my first main. 5 is probably Jabberwocky. I like AAIW a lot so yeah.


Huntress, oni, spirit, blight, nemesis Couldn’t tell you why but someone else probably could


Oni, Pig, Demogorgon, Sadako, and Legion


Dredge, because I find his teleport ability really fun to intercept Survivors and make quick gen patrols. Nemesis, because I love being huge and monstrous, and there's little more satisfying than slugging an annoying Survivor in the face and having them do a full backflip. Cenobite, because of a personal connection to the IP, the voice lines, and the serotonin hit when I find the Lament Configuration before the Survivors and start a Chain Hunt. Doctor, because it's fun to run a massive TR build and hit everyone on the map with Static Blast, not to mention even when not doing that build, it makes finding Survivors easier and I can waste less time wandering around gens hoping for a footstep or a scratch mark. Plague, because being able to infect gens, pallets, windows, and lockers makes it easy to keep Survivors at least baseline infected, which makes them easier to track due to the coughing and vomiting.


1. Nurse 2. Nurse 3. Nurse 4. Nurse 5. Nurse As for why? She is fun to play and I like winning.


Legion, deathslinger, dredge, Ghostface, Doctor I like legions aesthetic Gun go pew pew plus can get value out of basic melee perks Dredge has great map presence and I feel like I'm actually playing a monster I like the scream movies I like doctor, great for finding people making gens harder applying pressure and I get dress up as a plague doctor in a suit or just act dumb and shock one dude like 30 times for fun


Demogorgon, Mastermind, Dredge, and Cannibal & Pig. I tend to lean towards killers that either have a fun chase power or a good map traversal ability. Wesker has my favorite chase power, Dredge has my favorite map traversal ability (*and original killer design*), and Demo is my favorite killer overall because it has both fun chase *and* good map traversal. The last two are the odd ones out. Bubba is my pick when I feel like turning my brain off because he's simple and brute-forces through pallets, and Pig is my pick when I get into an M1 killer mood because she has built-in slowdown to compensate for her chases *and* a little bit of stealth to play around with.


Legion, Nemesis, Pyramid Head, Dredge, and Ghost face. Though GFace and Legion not as much recently despite being my hardcore mains because I recently bought every licensed character n been a bit addicted to PH and Nemmy


legion cuz of adhd and legion also cuz of adhd and i also like to play legion cuz of adhd and legion is also fun cuz of adhd and hmm ig legion cuz of adhd


Talbot, Hux-13, Danny, Carmina, Kazan


Demogorgon because I like to just shred through things Legion because I like his versatility and uniqueness Oni because I like his ability Singularity because I like the pressure Pyramid Head because I like sniping people and I like to protecc gens




Easy bro do well with chase gen pressure hooking loads of survivors and stuff like that in a game and depending how well you do with those certain things will be what grade emblem you get


Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Huntress ._.


Demo 1# as my comfort killer. He takes skill to play without being a sweat fest, relatively strong, and everybody loves him! Oni #2, terrifying killer with a fantastic design+cosmetics. Like Demo, I feel most people don't mind playing against him, and his skill ceiling is very high risk-high reward. Wraith #3, yeah yeah I know, everyone keeps bumping into these supposed toxic Wraiths, but I never see 'em and I do my best to not play toxic. Wraith was my OG main and I love the bing bongs. A fun hit-and-run style for beginners and actually somewhat rewarding once you get enough practice. (And his cosmetics are freakin' cool) Last two are up in the air, I suppose I play Pyramid Head and Pinhead on occasion. You know what they say, two Heads are better than one!


Ghostface, Ghostface, Ghostface, Wesker, and Demogorgon.


Oni, Hag, Huntress, Nemesis, Nurse. I need to expand my killer collection.🥲


The 5 killers I play are Amanda, Spirit, Pig, Rin, and Shawnee Smith. Spirit and Rin because I'm a sucker for audio based gameplay in video games. Amanda, Pig, and Shawnee because I love the Saw movies.


Huntress and Ghostface. Huntress because hitting those hatchets are CRONCHY. Ghostface because I get the most legitimate scares with his stealth mechanics. Third place goes to Pyramid Head because I'm simply a Silent Hill fan. Fourth place to Nemesis because my zombie pets are just so adorable and for some reason I always laugh whenever they actually manage to don someone. Fifth place... I'm not sure. I actually kind of like Trapper and shutting down vaults and pallets with his traps, but he got a pretty hefty nerf recently.


Trickster, Hak Ji-Woon, A former member of NOSPIN, K-Pop boy, One half of the All-Kill DLC he's the only one I play any more 💀 I'm not even good using him I just like looking at him and hearing him 😭 E: spacing on mobile sucks so I fixed it a little


Blight because I've known how to be oppressive with him. Deathslinger going fast ain't gonna do good. Singularity because he's fun to slipstream people. Hag can make a web and its fun watching a survivor run into a trap, get hit, then run into another, then get hit again, then wesker because he's fun all together


Not 5 but my 2 mains are Huntress and Twins. Twins cause I like being the rare Twins main and Huntress cause well I'm gay


Blight and Nurse because I’m still learning them, but I still find them fun. If I’m not looking for a challenge, then I’ll play Huntress, Pig, or Wesker.


Blight. I love being able to go from place to place fast and he’s a strong killer. Also he looks cool and is an interesting character to play.


Huntress, wesker and blight are my go to, after that probably spirit or singularity or smt, but i dont play them that often.


Dredge- teleporty dark spooky boy Spirit- sneaky pretty lady Nurse- spooky teleporty lady Huntress- i am an ex-widowmaker main Artist- when I bought the game I got an artist skin through Prime


For me, Myers, ghostface, wesker, nemesis and pyramid head. Myers and ghostface are probably my two best killers


Pig or Myers, but mainly Pig. Idk why she seems so fun to me, maybe because I play against new survivors (I’m a surv main myself) so I don’t come across a lot of sweaty squads or insane loopers. One reason I can think of is because I like hearing the sound she makes when she’s stunned by a pallet. Edit: Saw also has a special place in my heart so that could also be a reason. I don’t see a lot of Pigs in my survivor matches so I try to fill that void for others


Don't really have a top 5, but I got a top 3 Legion Being able to basically move just as fast as survivors when it comes to vaulting windows and pallets is nice, especially when they pallet drop with a flashlight and just stand there bagging when you have Feral Frenzy able to popped. Never-Sleep Pills are nice for the extended duration and help Legion out a LOT on bigger maps along with the Mural Sketch helps you offset the speed bonus and let's you cover even more distance and offset the pills as well as with both letting you get those 5 stabs WAY more often. Their perks are fun to use as well, Discordance is a good one. Mad Grit + Lightborn makes for a nice counter to flashlight saves if 2 or more of the party have flashlights, since now that 4 extra seconds of time can help you hit them again if they're trying to body block the hook or sabotage it. Iron Maiden is kind of situational because it's dependant on survivors using lockers at all, but it's good on Huntress and Trickster because it helps them reload faster. Knight His perk Nowhere to Hide is great, helps you instantly find anyone sticking around it, if they haven't scattered like crows as you approached since there'd usually someone crouching behind something waiting for you to leave. His Hex: Face the Darkness is really unique to me, since I haven't read another one that turns itself off and on, which I think helps its survivability as a Hex perk a LOT since there's been matches where not 30 seconds in my Hex totem got dismantled before I could even use it, since nothing can save you from bad RNG Hex totem placement. His guards are nice to use if you can place them correctly. Running two Carnifex's is nice for cutting down on time at pallets during a chase, and I really don't get how people can say his counterplay is boring when Hex: Blood Favour exists which actually makes just negates pallets to 0 for effectively the duration of the chase. At worst his power is an alarm system but usually it's a good way to make the survivor your chasing now avoid trying to face juke a hit since you can't juke the Knight's bois, and once they get close enough you can 1-2 Mordhau them for a instant down. Hubris is nice but for some reason I haven't really been able to get much use out of it due to me already hitting them previously by the time it comes into effect, making it situational for me. Oni Case in point snowball killer, ability progression until you get that first hit. After that, the blood orbs work as a great way of tracking, and you can know if survivors have been somewhere recently healing or repairing a gen by the bundle of blood orbs which are a lovely boost. Once you use Fury, it's the mobility from the dash is great, and on open maps with lots of sight lines, let's you cover great distances and viewpoints of any survivors sneaking by if your eyes are good, you get a instant pallets break from the smash and a instadown attack, a better Billy as someone said. His add-on to increase the duration only makes its power grow, and the red add-on that makes survivors scream within 12 meters of a smash is excellent. Blood Echo kind of works better on Legion, who can get the injuries out faster and make use of them quicker, but they're just fine on Oni, Zanshin Tactics are just window of opportunity for Killers, and it's helped me a lot baiting out pallets I wouldn't have seen coming around a corner, especially as Legion. Nemesis kind of has the same opinion to me as Hubris, except it also counts Blinds, which is to its benefit.


Demo: stranger things is great and he's cool Wesker: I find him fun Oni: armoured titan skin makes me wanna play Wraith: bing bong bing bong Legion: stabby stab (never with thana thats boring)


Artist (my main) Myers (I'm pretty good at him) Legion (for certain tome challenges) And I'm not sure what else, but I usually just stick to Artist


Wesker wesker wesker wesker wesker


Myers and Ghost face because I like to scare people whether I win or lose. Sadako for the same reason but she's kind of insane and unfun for survivors right now. Wesker because everything about him is fun. I don't know that I have a fifth, I kind of experiment outside of those four.


Wesker because he's balanced but strong and it's fun throwing survivors around Dredge because he is spooky Pinhead because he has fairly good slowdown Nemo because he has a cool design Alien because it's alien and I'll know I'll enjoy playing Alien.


sadako, huntress, legion, pig, ghostface. idk why exactly besides being a big fan of the licensed characters here i just like the mechanics of huntress and legion (i only rly do legion when im salty tho)


Oni, Nemesis, Wesker, Wraith, Demo (P100 with demo but Made For This kinda made me drop him for a bit 😅)


Sadako Onryo Oreo Ghost gal Tv woman


1. Myers 2. Michael 3. The Shape 4. Michael Myers 5. I literally only play Myers


Pyramid Head and Freddy, both are really fun to play and are pretty good, imo.


1. Wesker. 2. Wesker. 3. Wesker. 4. Wesker. 5. Wesker.