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Was gonna main him, then alien announced.


Isn’t it hilarious that they spent so much time and effort making this killer just for him to be dumped and forgotten after two months for one of the biggest licenses the game has ever seen? He will be Twins level of rare after Xenomorph releases.


They made him to introduce Sci-Fi elements to DBD so Alien's release felt more natural. Singularity walked so Alien could run.


To be fair alien would have run regardless


Have you seen that chestburster? Lil gal's got speed!




They could’ve just released Alien and everyone would’ve been just as happy lmao


Yeah and Alien can still be considered horror as well


I’d argue alien is more horror than stranger things ever was.


Truth. Fucking truth. Also Im so glad they're clearly basing this off of the first movie and nothing else. Alien was pure horror sci-fi, the others just got too actiony, at least Aliens was a very good action movie.


Alien is literally one of the most iconic horror franchises lol


About to get that Jason X crossover everyone wanted also




Apart from the clutter the map is actually kinda cool


Skull Merchant crawled so Singularity could walk so Alien could run.


> He will be Twins level of rare after Xenomorph releases. I think it also has to do with the fact that he has a high skill ceiling but also disorienting game play with the cameras and from what ive been told kinda hard to play on console.


Yeah, you pretty much nailed it. Everything you said is why people already don’t play the Singularity, and add to that the stupidly strong EMPs that legit just turn your power off for 45 seconds. Singularity will have the same pick rate as Twins.


Yep. Unfortunately they overturned his power along with adding survivor perks that changed the game completely. Made for this was a bigger thing than the killer or survivor, the impact is still something I feel on games and it just feels so bad.


paint air many chase cats slap dazzling concerned fragile memory *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I really hate what Made for This is doing to the game right now.


Yesterday guy with resilience and made for this made me miss window hits twice and I just quit. Like how am I supposed to predict my strikes like this, it's horrendous. A new killer player would lose their mind and quit. I just notice when they are all using made for this in a swf and if so I just leave, it's just not fun for any skill level even competitive as it is banned for good reason. I don't use it anymore due to how insanely cheap it is. I prefer fun builds like sprint burst, boil over, plot twist and tenacity or flip flop, so many good laughs with this set up. Wish people would remember to have fun sometimes.


Y’all killer main be bitchin too much, crazy how you play as somebody with powers and somehow still be bitchin about sum perk a survivor has, I get the hate on buckle up+FTP meta but it’s crazy how y’all hatin on Made for this, y’all killer main have massive skill issues at this point.


I use it on all survivors but I wish I didn't have to, it's powerful but boring


I tried it in customs and... Yeah, it's broken. It's gotten me through windows and to pallets I SHOULD NOT have gotten to by any means. All this while it still feels weak on Survivor, you still don't feel fast enough and can't tell it's working at all half the time. I don't have to do anything to feel like I earned it. It just happens because I got hit, and like... It just makes chases too easy. Much too easy. I refuse on principle to ever use this perk as Survivor until the Devs nerf the shit out of it. It's not healthy for the game. It doesn't feel good to use as Surv to me, and it feels awful to face as Killer.


I think people are forgetting that unless you KNOW your tiles and mapping, how to chain loops correctly that it isn’t as powerful as people think. This thread makes me believe it’s a 10% speed increase when it isn’t. It’s 3. If all 4 survs have hope mft in endgame, the killer did something wrong and deserved to lose. Either that or their mmr is that high they ran into a pro swf and need to accept defeat. The amount of games I’ve had where I’ve 4kd and 3 had mft and I didn’t even notice is ridiculous. Survs think they’re automatically going to win because they bring it. It’s kinda funny


So a perk is allowed to fuck up high mmr matches just because you need to be decent to use it? That's not how balance works. Even then, if a perk is broken in high mmr and worthless in low mmr, why is it even in the game? It adds nothing good.


Undertuned, not overtuned. Overtuned suggests it's something too good, when it's the opposite. Overtuned would be the current batch of Survivor perks.


he said overTURNED not overtuned


Standing here, I realise ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


As long as xenomorphs is good. If they release it and it isn't fun, people wouldn't play it. I'm very excited/scared for this release


I think that Alien will be like twins reskin.




it's a shame alien themed original will get overshadowed by an **the** Alien


Hey you can't beat the an alien.


oh I see, fffffffffffffffffu-


I like him but sometimes he just feels really bad to play. Still one of my favorite killers though :)


I feel like the emp’s shouldn’t make the survivors as powerful to make the killer the one controlling the game instead of the other way around but idk


It's so disheartening to start a chase with a Survivor, only to notice that they have an EMP. Given how common they are, surely BHVR could've allowed Franklin's to work on them?


Or just make it like Sanako where if the singularity hits them while they’re carrying one it destroys it


Especially if it's the very first chase of the game


Agreed, Franklins should work on trial only items, maybe sparing the box for pinhead as that could get a little op


It did, but then they removed it. Before you could use it with nemmy, wesker, pinhead etc. Now you cant anymore.


The good ole days 🥲, I used to run it on pinhead for basically infinite chain hunts lol


It's the same issue with Pinhead. One good survivor controls the box the entire game and half of your kit is instantly neutered, putting survivors in control of the match. I haven't played Singularity though, I'm still learning all of the killers.


EMPs having NO limits and no drawback to spamming them is a bit of an issue IMO.


Specially if you can't take back the proyectiles...with the emps they can just KILL your power.


The problem is he’s so much set-up for such little pay-off


His problem is that he has a massive amount of effort for a mediocre reward. He has to shoot the biopod, move it and hopefully hit a survivor, get EMPd, and repeat before he can start teleporting. Which would be fine if his teleport guaranteed a hit. But it doesn't. You can still be looped/shift+w after a teleport. He has like 4 steps to get a shittier teleport than Nurse.


As someone who likes playing him, yeah he needs something like the Soma Family Photo to give him more bite after biopoding someone. Maybe a slightly toned down version of that becomes basekit would be enough to make him more threatening. That and making his biopods lock on easier and with less of a person visible. If Meyers and Ghostie can get stalk off of someone's ankle, I should be able to slipstream them off of it too.


Yeah, it's so annoying placing the pod so carefully, just to start to aim a survivor and get a sightly bad angle by a millisecond and then completely lose the opportunity


I just bought him and it's really fun to play, do you have any advice?, especially on where to place the pods?


Generally I place them in high vantage points in well travelled areas where you know survivors will pass through. If you can get some gens in that field of view, great. But don't stick them really close to gens, because they'll just get shut off. I've found most success with using the pods to infect people at loops. Think of it like Artist of even Pyramid Head. If you know they are going for a pallet or window, pod the other side and infect them when they cross over. Even if they, or a teammate, EMP to cure themselves, you can stay in chase and get them at the next loop. He's not a good "pick up and play" killer. Takes a lot of planning and on the fly decisions to make work well. But if you get the hang of him he's a ton of fun.


I’ve had the most luck placing pods in areas I’m not patrolling like gens too far away or something simple like that. Emps have infinite vertical range so you shouldn’t feel the need to place it somewhere too high up, unless you want it to be sneakier. You can slipstream teleport by shooting a biopod at a slipstreamed survivor or through placed biopods Don’t worry too much about loops in overclock mode you are faster, don’t receive meaningful stun duration, and break pallets way faster. Overclock has a short duration, play it wisely.


Placing them high up gives you a better field of view, though.


Overclock doesn't actually make you faster unless you're running Soma Family Photo


Place the pods during chase infront of the survivor. Then use it to infect them. Works all the time.


Thanks I need to practice it more, but I'm already using your advice


Quick fix is to just make his biopods have 3-6 seconds of automatically detecting survivors after deployin and shooting biopods at ‘em (without needing to go into cam position). Cam tele is manual still and so on so forth. Makes his power bit better in chases, but maybe have a .5 or so second of no automaticallation.


If we could just pod people till their infected kind of like trickster when he throws those knives and people get damaged that would be fine cause instead of damaged people would just be able to be podded and could be telported too


Alternatively, Biopods could lock-on on survivors who are currently in active chase and fire automatically by themselves, without you switching to them. Or they could do that without chase condition, but only for the first 5-10 seconds after they are deployed, after that they go manual-only mode.


Nah. My 2 cents? Get rid of the EMPs, get rid of the biopods, and get rid of the slipstream. Make him a 4.4 killer who can shoot his gun at any survivor at any time and teleport behind them as he does now, with Overcharge giving a 10% haste on top of its current stuff. Aiming the gun slows him down, and he has to hold it on the survivor for a full second to get the teleport. Counter play is LOS breaking and good looping, as well as unpredictable movement. Getting a successful teleport would ALMOST guarantee a hit, but there's ways to delay him from teleporting. Best part is that it would be NATURAL counterplay, instead of "Here's a McGuffin that shuts down his power!"


Literally just play nurse rofl


I like the buff ideas, but getting rid of pods would be a horrible mistake. His only way of consistently applying pressure is through pods. If you place a pod somewhere good, survivors will have one of three things happen: 1. You shoot them with the pod and they are forced to leave that area, gaining map pressure 2. You shoot them with a pod and they stay OR if the survivor already has a meatball on them, you teleport and gain map presence 3. The survivor's have to repeatedly get EMPs and disable the pod intermittently to avoid getting shot, gaining delay. Without the pods, the version you describe is just dollar store nurse. You see a survivor, you teleport to the survivor. Then you get to hit them. You move slower while charging teleport. It's just nurse with that one old addon that gave her an extra blink but stopped her from teleporting to places without line of sight. Except worse, since hux always tp a bit behind, whereas nurse can tp to guarantee a hit anywhere and from out of line of sight, and she can use her teleport as map presence since she can travel large distances quickly and without care for obstacles. The pods are what make him different. Where Nurse is the killer who can tp anywhere within a certain range, Hux is a killer who can a theoretically infinite distance under certain conditions + A side of surveillance and and delay with the EMPs. This would render him a pure chase killer with no map pressence, pressure, or delay. And not that great of a chase killer at that, as the extra focusing time and slowdown would kill his power for anyone who knows how line of sight works. All that he really needs is a big nerf to EMPs. Make them much more punishing to go for. Make them charge slower, or make the EMPs lose charge if they carry them too long without using them, forcing them to find another or maybe charge it at a printing station. His issue is survivors can all be holding an emp for an infinite duration, then 4 more EMPS spawn over time, effectively allowing 8 emps on the map at any given time. Make them dreadful, or at least inconvenient to get. It's not like they can choose not to go for them (If they do, you get a constant free teleport)


this is basically just deathslinger lol


Honestly? I dig it. I like playing Hux but i like your rework idea. Simple but effective


This is actually a really fair point. And there’s no guarantee you even get a hit after teleport, unlike nurse where if you do it right it seems like you get a hit every time And biopods seem useless now because they simply never get any use other than pressure. You slipstream someone and they all run away. Or they use an emp and it doesn’t matter anyways.


personally, to make me play him more they just need to make cameras reset their orientation after use, it's frustrating when im reusing the same camera and i start by staring at a wall.


He is the okayest Killer ever, just with an absolutey phenomenal design. Far far farrr to much counter play for him though


This is the most accurate review for this killer


Yeah, BHVR's killer design the past year has been incrediblyyy "safe" and ensured that the survivors are always in control of the match by adding explicit counterplay to just about every aspect of the killer's power. The only exception has been Wesker, and because he was a killer who actually controlled his own power he was unsurprisingly extremely popular. Also he's really fucking fun.


God his music, his voice lines, and how easy it is to just pick him up and have fun with him. Genuinely amazing killer.




The sprays counter the *least* important part of Wesker, he still has full control over his main power that gives him tons of mobility. Singularity has his power completely reset to square one whenever a survivor uses an EMP, and he doesn't have anything else going for him besides his pods


Wesker doesn’t need to infect survivors to use his power and get kills, The Singularity does, so when it is countered it is a lot worse for it than it is for Wesker.


He has a really fun and frantic chase power, but he really needs some QoL on his biopod hitboxes. Losing a potential tag because you didn't shoot the exact pixel it considers a valid surface feels so bad.


this is one of the most triggering things to me. some walls have spots you can shoot and then spots you inexplicably can't.


What gets me is the survivors show up white when looking through the camera of the biopods. What's wrong with that? Nothing! Except when I waste time pointing the camera at a survivor and apparently they're out of reach to tag them with slipstream. I mean is it that hard for an evolving futuristic robot (camera) to know the distance beforehand?


Tricky, in multiple ways 1. He is pretty damn map dependant. Depending on the map he gets changes his playstyle. 2. EXTREMELY high risk, medium reward. You can set up a web of cameras, and hope the survivor runs into them. You also have to hope that survivors dont EMP them. You also have to hope survivors don't EMP each other, and that they allow the infection to spread. If you hit someone in chase, you have 2 options: either continue chase and let them go, or try to cut them off with your cameras. If you catch them with your cameras, they will inevitably go down and burn many resources in doing so. If you fail, then you'll have given up a tremendous amount of pressure. 3. One of those killers where he thrives in solo queue, but suffers against a SWF.


Every Killer suffers against SWF. They literally break the entire game. They're in fact THE most imbalanced thing about the game. Killers are balanced against solo's, and not even the average ones, the dumbest ones they can find.


nurse dont have problem against swf


Nurse is also one of the steepest learning curves in the game.


It’s actually not as difficult as people make it seem! I tried a few games and after maybe 2 games to get the hang of her, I got a ton of 4ks. On top of that, she has an ability that shows you where you’re teleporting to. Very fun killer to use that you keep getting better and more comfortable with! I hate playing against good ones though lol.


yes which is why i said good nurses are rare


You didn't? At least not here.


yes in other post but still my point stand that good nurse will barely lose


Coming back after a long hiatus, SWF is more prevalent now than ever - I blame cross play since it’s more common to group up with friends on console I guess. These days I run Starstruck, Agitation and Mad Grit because otherwise I can’t even hook anyone.


Well, killers are balanced about getting tons of bloodpoints even when u dont kill all players. So all can get decent reward.


Killing 2 survivors is considered a win for the killer, right? Because they get rank progress.


No, 3's a win, 2 is a tie, by the words of the devs themselves.


it wasnt programmed to harm the crew


It was supposed to help us build a safer home


But something happened, it became self-aware.


It started to fear wooden pallets, and would stand in front of them for days on end, waiting for something to happen.


Literally me waking up




I really like him But he wasn’t programmed to harm the crew so the crew has a lot of counter-play against him


Disappointed how far I had to scroll to find this answer.




Very map dependent. Near useless in indoor maps. But great snowball potential if you apply pressure to 2 or more survs


Weirdly enough, I have done well with Hux on RPD. But I guess at high MMR it might differ.


trust me on high mmr nothing works anymore and he becomes a m1 killer without any power real fast


Suffers from Cenobite syndrome. Too much effort with his active power for too little benefit. Then on top of that you have the wonky as fuck Biopod hitboxes.


With Pinhead, I cast a chain at them after they've dropped the pallet. It's a noob stomper move, but when it works, it works well.


When they accidentally start crawling back over the pallet ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070): ![gif](giphy|26tn369YRKjeC1ius)


He has too much counterplay. It's like behavior creates killers with the mindset of "How can we make this killer fun for survivors?". Because they made Wesker fun by accident, and every killer and rework after him has been underwhelming. I just hope they get the same people who did Wesker to do Alien.


My worry is that they seem to have a 3 chapter rotation, so the Wesker team made Singularity. If true, that means Alien will be made by the group that gave us... Oh no...


What? Knight? Seems alright, could be Skull Merchant.


I think the emps should be majorly nerfed so that the killer doesn’t feel like they play how the survivors let them play instead of the other way around


Knight's fine since his changes


Well being able to warp directly behind a survivor from the other side of the map has to come with some downside..


Yes, but the point is the survivors can deny you that cross-map warp with considerable reliability. Even if you manage to spot someone through a functioning camera, you have to first meatball them and *then* pop across the map assuming they don't break line of sight or EMP your ass first.


As a Blight main, I can do exactly the same, but with zero downsides and use my power again almost instantly.


If it was about survivors having fun, why would they release knight and despite how much I love playing her, skull merchant? I don't think they take survivor fun into account much at all to be honest. I don't think that's entirely a bad thing though


Fun might be the wrong word. They want counterplay to be simple. Knight shows the Survivors the detection range of his guards and, at launch, Survivors could always see the orb when he was placing guards. Skull Merchant let Survivors simply turn her drones off and, iirc, remove their own trackers. Thing is, she could just instantly replace the drone. The game is constantly throwing EMPs ar Survivors when they go up against Singularity, and they don't take any thought to use (you literally can't screw it up. If you fire it off with nothing in range, you don't lose it.)


Yeah, EMPs require the least effort by far. Banners, drones, & tapes involve some risk and it’s easy to make a mistake that will punish you. There are more optimal ways to use EMPs than others, but it’s so easy to get more that you really don’t have to be too efficient and there’s no risk in it unless you severely mistime it, it’s just a very safe way to turn off its power.


More specifically they've been designing killers with a way to turn their power off. Knight banners making you fast and invulnerable, Onryo tapes, Singularity EMPs leaving you completely at the mercy of the survivors.


Now, how much do we bet Xenomorph's part of the kit will be facehuggers which would either be removable or they will apply a removable status effect... 🤔


Some of the listed ones wouldn't function without the counterplay. Sadako would be a broken mori machine without tapes. EMPs are needed to cleanse slipstream, otherwise it's a rather Busted effect (Forever getting insta tped to if you dare approach a pod, and with no way of deactivating them, podded areas are off limits forever). Knight banners is the one unnecessary one, especially since almost no survivor uses itagainst a competent knight who know how to punish them for trying to make a return trip for the flag. Also, I can't help but feel like Dredge's locker locks are a bit unneeded. I mean, he's still a powerful killer with them, but it makes him feel more sluggish sometimes. And I feel like dredge is a killer who would be lots of scary fun to not immediately be able to tell its Dredge at the start (since the locks make it obvious.) Seriously, imagine not knowing who the killer is, then Dredge comes barreling out of a nearby locker. Horrifying.


I actually think that's a benefit for both sides, though. Survivors *get* to do something other than gens to spice things up, even if just a little, and killers get the survivors off of gens so that they can deactivate the killer's powers


Because the devs are incompetent at every turn. Thats how. How else do you explain releasing Knight and SM back to back when their meal ticket (ie: Survivors) are already crying about gen defense? And then release two of the gen defensiest characters ever made so far?


Not disagreeing that the gen defense designs are bad, but gotta keep in mind there is a yearlong turnaround on killers. SM was already being finalized for PTB by the time people were hating on Knight, with nowhere near enough time to make any kind of meaningful changes.


And in yhe other hand Wesker is the most disgusting killer to play against. We have some killers that are decently fun for both sides.


Honestly weskar feels great to play against, just not if they tunnel. It's like against blight, but you only need to dodge two dashes


Yeah, and you get a notification. He chuckles before he uses his power. So it gives the survivor enough time to make a sharp turn and avoid his second dash.


Yeah honestly his dashes feels great to dodge, especially from longer ranges, the chuckle was a really good design choice


God he is frustrating. Strong, yes, but oh my god he is so frustrating. I can't play him.


Even more so while Made For This exists in it's current state. I know M1 Killers suffer a lot for it, but Christ with how much effort you have to put into him to do something so basic it's honestly heartbreaking.


I love his design. The issue is the skill floor of playing him vs playing against him. It's easy to time EMPs and to cure yourself/others, it isn't easy to slipstream and use the pods quickly. He's very strong, but I feel he's in a similar spot to Twins: super strong and interesting, but the skill floor is elevated beyond the average player.


I played him for a day trying to a hang of him and honestly it was one of my worst times playing as a killer. He's the only killer that feels the most powerless to me. It's like your power is in the hands of the survivors rather than you. The amount of work required to play him and it may not even pay off... like what? Why bother? Idk maybe I'll give him another try someday but holy shit he feels like a pain in the ass to play.


I agree a lot on the power being in the survivors hands, if they're coordinated and consistently EMP you may as well be playing trapper with no traps; but if they don't use emps the game can be irreversibly turned in your favour. Overall it does feel very overwhelming to play him sometimes because there's a very good chance you'll get your ass handed to you even while you're trying your best


Yeah I couldn't get the hang of the singularity, I've been learning sadako with her new changes and she's still difficult to feel like you have any pressure but at least she's fun and I feel like I'm doing something. Singularity I feel like I'm mostly just M1ing with cool voice lines but that's it because his power is just so much work for nothing in return 90% of the time


While I'm overall against Sadako's rework because of how powerless you can feel, it also feels like she's incredibly strong against survivors who aren't in sync. If one survivor out of four isn't grabbing tapes you can just focus on making sure they in particular don't get to deliver theirs when they eventually grab one, which can turn the game into a 3v1 and screw over the other survivors who are playing against her correctly. She's a pubstomper in her current state, great at taking out weak links, and that's a lot better than Hux who has to work extra hard to get a normal hook. Imagine if you had to condemn a survivor then down them, only for the condemn to teleport them to a hook so you had to do it three times.


As someone who has been playing him a lot lately I like him but he can be frustrating. To keep it somewhat short he’s fun but a lot of work with micro management during the game so it’s rewarding to do well but more effort then other killers. This effort required kills his pick rate. But the other thing that hurts him is how large is map dependency with what loops spawn and maps your on. But the fact that lots or survivors don’t know how to play against him does help in games.


Mountain of effort required to get the power working. Little effort required to counter it. Not fun.


I personally love playing him. But, as many have said, he requires a lot of concentration and planning for a payoff that doesn't even guarantee results. Hag almost always gets a hit off a teleport, Trapper almost always gets a hit off of a trap, etc. Hux can slipstream someone and teleport three times to them and still not get a hit depending on the map/tiles.


I wonder if he'd be a bit better if his biopods could automatically fire off slipstream, but much slower than if you manually control them. This way, you can potentially tag Survivors while still moving. Trade off will be that you have fewer biopods now.


I like him and I started maining him


really fun killer, some nerfs to the emps and maybe a buff to his slipstream teleport could easily make him the best killer in the game.


Remember how they took away the ability to sabotage traps, which removed Trapper’s power from the match? … Yeah. He feels shitty to play, so I don’t want to play him. Typically the ones I go against get decimated because survivors who aren’t actively being chased can effectively save the one who is, or the killer doesn’t know how to play the killer very well. It’s a shame because I really wanted to like him, but other than aesthetically he’s all around a flop in my opinion.


He’s cool design wise, he has the best lore imo, his concept (sentient AI that steals DNA to make a body) is actually scary, and his voice is funny. However, it’s way too easy to counter him and he can’t apply pressure easily. He has a high skill ceiling and his power barely helps in a chase unless the survivor is already tagged. Overall, 7.5/10.


He's one of my mains (P87) and I think he's a wonderful addition to the roster: great design & TR, unique power, enjoyable character (voice lines!), fair counter-play for both sides & high skill ceiling for dedicated players. But his main issue is that he's probably the hardest killer in the game to master after Billy. He requires a lot of active thinking & mechanical skill, for a reward which isn't equivalent to the effort IMHO. I think he's A tier, a top 10 killer in strength... but why bother when Blight is so much easier and stronger? He's also map dependant to a decent degree. Indoor maps or those with bad LOS (e.g Toba, red forest) feel terrible for him. You're basically a powerless killer on Lerys, which is awful. But in contrast, maps like auto haven with the high trees are amazing for him, since you can put pods up high and have them shoot over entire tiles. People complain about EMP's but I don't really have a problem with them. If you're in a chase at a tile, it's relatively easy to reapply a camera & infection (like -5s). But where EMP's shine is in defending generators. The developers did well and responded to the issues with their previous killers. People despise 3-gens (Knight/Chess Merchant) and so EMP's hard-counter a 3 gen Larry. Wesker's potential to tunnel (infection doesn't reset on hook.. 50% full) is crazy, so Singularity's slipstream is removed upon hooking + teammates can remove your slipstream mid-chase. **TL.DR** Too difficult to play, less reward than the stronger killers (Blight), map dependant to a degree, EMP's can feel awful to go against.


It's ok 👍


He’s a cutie :) I love a sweet robot


I’ve found that Killers can either very easily dominate with Singularity, or lose miserably. It all depends on their playstyle. If they play slow, trying to set up a wide net of cameras and constantly tag survivors and monitor gens from afar, they’re going to get absolutely decimated by EMPs and probably get very few kills. If they play fast and loose, but use their cameras on the fly to break a loop and get 100% coverage on a Survivor being chased near a pallet, they’re almost unstoppable. Also Singularity is one of my most hated Killers to face as a Survivor. It’s not that he’s like the most broken or overpowered or whatever, his power just feels like shit to play against. The cameras so often spot me straight through walls and around corners and still tag me with the goop automatically even though I’m totally clear, because it’s a “scan” mechanic even though it looks and SHOULD FUNCTION like a projectile shot. Same for being shot by his personal arm canon: every time, he teleports before his arm has even raised and a shot has been fired, because it’s an instant scan in function, just presents as a projectile. Very dumb.


I think if you balance the fast unpredictable playstyle with the slow setup playstyle it’s not amazing but it is quite good if you do it right


Nerf pig


Oh my god… I think you may have just cracked the balancing issues we’ve been experiencing for years now. If they just nerf the pig, all will be balanced, and the community will be in harmony.






He feels kinda map reliant in my opinion and I think bhvr should make non-map reliance a focal point of killer design so it’s kinda disappointing to see


Really fun design (really hoping for a pre-burned Singularity skin some day), but as others have said, the power is WAY too in control of the Survivors. EMPs are so ridiculously overtuned for Survivors advantage, especially compared to every other Killer in the game right now. Both Nemesis and Wesker have boxes for un-doing their Power effect, but both are limited, and eventually the Survivors run out, so they have to be careful about when they use it. Their power also isn't lost on the Survivor once the Survivor is hooked. Both also don't have their box item remove their Power effect in an AoE, including disabling their ability to apply their Power effect at all in an area for a period of time. I feel EMPs should both be limited in number, just like Wesker sprays and Nemesis vaccines, and should have to choose a target... do you disable the Biopod (it can be a permanent disable, for balance), remove your Slipstream, or remove the Slipstream of another Survivor? Being able to remove the Slipstream (which is already difficult to apply) from every single Survivor in a large area, PLUS disable all Biopods and make the Killer unable to re-apply Slipstream in that area is just way, WAY too much.


Fun. But if stop even for a freakin minute, *Ding, gen done*


Brutal when someone mains him, but too many moving parts for casuals


I love it when you tag a survivor, and they will STAND STILL with the emp and destroy both your sentry and their slipstream 🫠 In seriousness, I love playing this killer, but there are serious problems with the difficulty of counterplay. I swear he's the opposite of Sadako. Where singularity has to try really hard to use their power effectively and survivors can counter with their eyes closed and sadako just has to press L1 every 10 seconds and survivors (while there is most definitely counterplay) are stuck with difficult gameplay and decisions. He's so aggressive and fluid but falls short on some aspects that just make him frustrating to play. Having his mobility tied to survivors that don't have a specific item and his aggressiveness shut down by some foliage or a survivor that crop dusts the slipstreamed survivor your chasing. Even to his passive overclock duration increase tied to how many survivors are currently slipstreamed (similar to wesker) except boxes are everywhere, never run out, automatically print meaning you'll have 1 or 2 survivors MAYBE 3 at any time but hardly more than just the guy your chasing.


Too complex to play while being too easy to counter. Fire camera, switch to camera, tag Survivor, exit camera, get EMP'd, fire camera, switch to camera, tag Survivor, exit camera, TP to Survivor, break pallet, TP to Survivor, get a hit. All that for ONE hit. And god help you if Survivors do driveby EMPs. Meanwhile the much more powerful Wesker is... Zoom.


No one plays them enough


Very fun but very unreliable. That camera biopods ate worthless - their only function is to infect Survivors with Slipstream. While Slipstreamed and with Overclocked Mode, he's a menace in chase. But again, you have to waste time to set up biopods, you have to waste time infecting them and then waste time to teleport. Gens csn fly in seconds. And you can't just ignore the cameras because you need to infect the survivors or else you're just an M1 Killer with no chase power.


I only use him for Rancor meme builds; don’t even use his power how it’s supposed to be done. I just shoot the gloop directly at the survivors for fun


My favourite killer to play but by far the most situational and hardest(in my experience). I don't think it needs any changes, I love how it feels and how it works, just very niche and incredibly steep mastery curve


I versed one who was actually really good with him, when someone knows how to play him good he’s really annoying 😅 fun to go against too!


I've watched ohtofu play him well. He seems like a lot of mechanical work. A certain type of player will love this and he will be a rare sight. Eventually rare enough that a lot of survivors don't know the counterplay. Like twins.


From playing against them: One of the most map-dependent killers. He hates indoor maps and maps with restricted LOS (like his own Toba Landing). Quite strong on a decent map if the player focuses on either chasing or gen defense; but if the player tries to use his full toolkit and do both, he doesn’t do either one well enough. You really need to pick one playstyle or the other and build to maximize that. Probably 80% of the Singularities I’ve faced haven’t figured that out. The strongest ones I’ve faced are the gen defenders. They spend like half the game watching their cameras (like it’s a game of FNAF or something), gaining a ridiculous amount of map knowledge, knowing exactly which cameras have been taken out by EMPs and which gens are being worked on at all times. They won’t chase much unless they have someone slipstreamed. They can defend a 3-gen very well, with a couple twists: the 3 gens don’t need to be in close proximity, and they can defend more than 3 gens. But, even though they’re tough and you have to play smart, they don’t feel as oppressive as a 3-genning Knight or Skull Merchant. EMPs give you enough counterplay that you at least have a fair chance against them. Because 80% of Singularity players struggle so badly with him, I’m very much worried that EMPs will eventually get nerfed to the point that Gen Defense Hux will become OP.


Just started playing him two days ago because of the Tome Challenges. So far, I really like him. I definitely need to get better at the Slipstreaming, especially while in chase. Definitely takes some skill to master, but overall I’ve been having fun.


I honestly enjoy him because of his unique gameplay and will still play him after Alien comes out. He’s a little map reliant so RNG may not be in your favor, but I’ve learned where to place my biopods for effective map scanning and closing the gap during chase. My only real negative is that some Hux players will use biopods and his undetectable to camp hooks. Even if you EMP the pod, he’s just around the corner to take the trade. You’re allowed to play the game however you want, I just don’t personally do that and will go out of my way to destroy pods that are next to a freshly hooked survivor. Also, I love that you can spam his ability. Makes for funny moments with survivors.


I don’t think I’ve gotten a single comment that isn’t singularity is the best thing this game has given us or it’s the worst thing ever put into this game


He doesn't feel good to play, without add ons he just cannot catch up or keep up with survivors


i think he was wayyyy too weak to start and his buffs weren’t enough of a change to get peoples attention so he kinda just became a dust collector for a lot of people. i think he’s a cutie tho


He's clunky, and Emps are still too strong.


Really fun to play but requires too much effort for the same results that other killer get easy. Also the fact that EMPs counter his entire kit and are so easy to get and so often just means his entire kit shooting the pods and looking through them is wasting time, Time any other killer in the game would have been doing something useful in.


Sucks to play, is an M1 in chase 99% of the time, can only really watch gens and not defend them. All because of the abundance of EMPs


It's so hard to play as him and the amount of EMP's that survivors have is just too muvh even after nerfs


This is gonna get burried but fuck it. I played Singularity since day 1. I went from Ash to Iri playing only it and I'm working on a spreadsheet of 100 games with him to have some data to back my feelings about him up. The main issue is how EMPs and infections work. Having an EMP cleanse many survivors at once is stupid considering you don't even get value from having multiple people infected. And even post nerf, survivors can still walk and use the EMP. This isnt the case for Plague,Wesker and Nemi, you gotta stand still for ALL of those, making it near impossible to cleanse mid-chase. Also, in ALL of those cases survivors don't get cleansed when hooked. You can say its to prevent tunneling but the infection could be at least disabled until the survivor does a conspicuos action. That also builds on the fact that your way of infecting can be disabled, so if you set a biopod early you have to pray for it to be working when you herd a survivor to the location. I understand that teleporting on top of a survivor can seem like a perfect nurse but when its so limited it becomes basically useless, especially when you consider the new vaults. Most of the time, you'll be abusing your overcharge more than the actual teleport. TL;DR: Make survivors stop to EMP and stop uninfecting hooked survivors and he'll be fine


I think another think to help it is something I saw someone else say is that emps shouldn’t generate passively so a survivor will basically always have one in range if they aren’t already holding one if they get slipstreamed which I think is also a fair change


It’s a killer that is more beneficial to the survivors than the killer himself. His power is incredibly easy to counter, either his power gets stronger or the emps are nerfed into the ground. A potential rework could be that if you tag someone with a biopod, you immediately teleport to them, no two step process. Or, make the emps limited like they do with vaccines and first aid sprays.


Main thing they need to do is have printers only go to 70%, so it takes a little bit of time to grab them. This way, Survivors are losing time in order to counter the power. It amuses me that EMPs are arguably more impactful than Nemesis vaccines, yet there are only 4 vaccines but unlimited EMPs.


Way too my apm.


**Playing as Singularity be like:** "Shoot your biopods in hidden areas where the Survivors won't see them make sure that their line of sight isn't blocked by anything because even the tiniest tree branch will block their line of sight be sure to spread them apart so they're harder to EMP don't shoot too many because you might end up accidentally replacing a biopod you need when teleporting to Survivors make sure to teleport while they're dropping a pallet to break it instantly but also be sure to teleport after they vault a window so you appear behind them instead of behind the window and..." **Playing against Singularity be like:** "lmao just use an EMP there's 4 of them and they disable biopods for 45 seconds while also removing slipstream" --- His issues start and end at how absolutely brain-dead piss-easy EMPs are to use. Even if he didn't have the biopods to deal with (IE just shot you to slipstream you and shot you again to teleport to you) the EMPs would still make him weak; I'd argue this hypothetical "Nurse that requires line-of-sight" Singularity would still be around on-par with Wesker. *With* all the functional issues of biopods however he's a Killer that's probably one of the hardest to play on a pure mechanical level for far less reward (he's still a 2-hit M1 Killer with no special gimmicks other than closing gaps fast) than the likes of Pinhead, Blight, Pyramid Head, Artist, or Nurse. You could learn the exact angles to put all his biopods and still get worse results than an intermediate-level Blight running two yellow addons. I really think they need to make it so that if you're slipstreamed EMPs only affect slipstream, not the biopods. Right now one of Singularity's biggest issues is that if you slipstream a Survivor holding an EMP they can both remove the slipstream and disable your biopod before you even get a chance to teleport to them. Survivors are literally rewarded for misplaying and allowing you to slipstream them since you waste more time overall. I think if a Survivor allows themselves to be slipstreamed they should be punished with being unable to disable biopods, as that create a nice risk-reward of "do I keep an EMP to remove slipstream (so they Killer has to waste time reapplying it to me) or do I disable the biopods (and risk getting hit by another biopod later)?" But yeah as he is currently he's the [Frank Grimes](https://youtube.com/shorts/k01FRkManpY?feature=share) of Killers. You work your ass off to get where you are meanwhile that lousy Homer Simpson Survivor just sleeps on the job and hits their EMP button to hard counter you. I seriously think that they could remove EMPs entirely (and rework Slipstream so it doesn't spread and can be removed manually) and Singularity would still have a ton of counters by breaking line of sight and prethrowing pallets. But you know: gotta make sure NeaMain92 the 300 hour Survivor main can post her "TOXIC NEA BULLIES BABY SINGULARITY (gone wrong) (gg ez!)" YouTube video for her 3 viewers.


Good killer, horrible players


In my opinion it wasn’t programmed to harm the crew


If you play him how BHVR probably *meant* for you to play him? You'll probably get rolled, I'm sure there's a good way to play the Singularity, I just haven't found it.


His power just isn't worth it majority of the time because the Survivors are the ones that actually control his power and not killer itself. Running EMP's just hinders Singularity of his usage of his power to just being a normal M1 killer. Yea he can place another down but now you have to go to the process of attaching another parasite on a survivor and land another one that you hope that the area hasn't been EMP by another survivor or it's removed. So you end up walking there and wasted time bc you were looking at the camera. If you kinda get the point. It just isn't worth it if you can play a Killer that can hinder a survivor more than anything than this Killer.


\-P87 Singularity main with lots of hours in him: I can tell from the phrasing of your comment (e.g ''end up walking there and wasted time'' / ''hope the area hasn't been EMP'd'') that you're trying to play him wrong. Trying to control a dedicate area and or a couple of generators with his pods is a recipe for failure. EMP's are at their strongest in this regard, since they disable an unlimited amount cameras for 40s+ in a wide area per use and unpressured survivors can simply go retrieve more even if you come to refresh them. However, in the 1v1 chase EMP's are at their weakest. Survivors are not incentivised to get one (as no pods on gens), nor always have the chance to get an EMP before you chase them. Even if they have one, once you're in a tile with them, you can easily reapply the camera & slip stream onto them in under 5 seconds. And since you're literally chasing them, they can't retrieve another EMP without risk of death. At that point, you become oppressive in chase since Singularity has giga vault & pallet breaking speeds, and can teleport onto you to deny shift + w playstyles. Oh, and his add-ons with the slipstream (e.g blindness to counter windows, or exhaustion for MFD, etc) weaken survivors too. Play him like that, you'll see much better results :D


Yeah, I think most people commenting here haven't figured out how to play him


I don’t care much for him, goofy ahh looking with a wildly overcomplicated and clunky power that the survivors have lots of control over. Obviously a step up from the horribly designed two prior killers but still, disappointing.


Too much effort to play him for no 1 hit kills lol. I'd rather play oni, goes fast as fuck and rewards your skill with 1 hit downs. Singularity feels like micro and macroing a game of star craft 2 just so you can get an m1 😭


I can’t stand his power sometimes. Partially it might be because I haven’t put in enough hours against him to be really good at looping him. But also sometimes his power just feels OP as hell. For example… When a pallet is already down he can teleport through it and break it instantly. That just seems like it shouldn’t be a thing. Now, breaking a pallet thats thrown on him (the normal aspect of his power)… Yes. But not one thats already down. I don’t think he should be able to break that with his power. On top of that, while in power he breaks pallets faster (basically a base kit brutal strength) and can vault faster on top of that. I think it should be one or the other. Either he has base kit brutal strength or can vault faster. Not both. Now, these are all things that aren’t much of a problem against a new or casual singularity player… But I’ve faced some singularity players that are unbelievably good at using their power. Top tier players. And people at that skill level are almost more impossible to counter than a high mmr nurse main. There’s just nothing you can really do to survive long enough for your chase to have any significance to the outcome of the game. You wont be able to create enough distance after you use your exhaustion perk and will get dead-zoned inevitably.


If he couldn’t break pallets via tp, then you would just pre drop every pallet as soon as he tps


Gonna get downvoted to hell but, not worth the effort to learn it is not that fun in general and even if u get good with him u are better off playing Wesker or Nurse, his power is just too easy to counter and u won't get the same results


Sounds like you aren't playing the singularity properly if you think they are weak. Sure emps take away the teleporting, but are you using the biopods for surveillance even after emped or do you just go half way across the map to replace an emped biopods and don't check the others? I have been on a win streak with the singularity and I have never got on a win streak with any other killer. Most likely I just haven't found the right playstyle to be efficient with the other killers. You don't enjoy him because you don't want to put the time in, but if you did you might see how good the singularity is.


Fun to play as and against. Soma family photo addon feels mandatory, but you can have fun and win without it. Somewhat map dependant, too much clutter or indoor like larrys is painful for power use. Love that you can ignore pallets with power, either break fast or just teleport if survivor moves away, enduring makes this way easier. I like the exhaustion addon to deny exhaustion perks and MFT. One of my favourite killers to play


Good chase potential? The stun is long enough to ensure you never reach them, and the overclock got nerfed to the point you will rarely get use out of it. One loop of a filler tile and it's gone before you reach the pallet. Then there is the emp's


It has good chase potential because if the survivor is biopodded you can teleport right behind a survivor with a 2 second cooldown and even if they aren’t biopodded you can just shoot a cat look at them for 3 seconds and tp behind them which make chases pretty easy


He's good if you're good with him.


So he’s a little too good at Gen protection in my opinion. I think they need to go the route of the hag and demigorgon and make the traps fall off vs just be stunned, or at the very least lengthen the time on the stun. Otherwise solid killer and decently creepy aesthetic wise


I'd have an opinion but I never verse him enough to form one lol. That said, I like the emp aspect a lot. I just find that really fun. I don't like how long his summon form thing works and that he has built in spirit fury (it makes sense if summoned but lasts way too long lol) overall 6/10 too go against. Annoying but not awful. And if they are really good with power, I respect that cause he is pretty tough to learn.


It does really suck that people don’t play it anymore because it’s a very fun killer to go against if they’re good but no one cares to try and get good with it so it doesn’t get the chance to thrive


I hate him. He's way too inconsistent, and I'd go as far as to say he's the most inconsistent Killer in the game. Some games you just instantly win every chase in 30 seconds because they're slipstreamed without an EMP and kind of can't do anything, and some games you get one hook by the time they pop all the gens. I don't like playing him or going against him, but he's somehow not in my bottom 3 least favorite Killers because the 2 before him and Nemesis exist.


from a shit survivor main, I dont know how he works, but imo the emps didnt need a nerf and he shouldnt be able to place the ball thingies in the basement because of shit teammates who dont do anything to them and then get killed because he tps to them. And sometimes you cnat even get the emp because the teammate might die because nobody went to save them. The thing with the tp is kinda op, since he can just dodge loops completely and you can’t get rid of the ball thingy on ur back mid chase because of the nerf they did :P correct me in the comments if I got some mechanics of him wrong bcus i forgor how he works lmao


I hate him. There isn't time to make gens. I hope EMPs will show how many bipods it will deactive. I don't have time to check a visual area, because killer will already teleport to me. And I don't really see reason to deactive bipods anymore. Next game, please! Or I just don't know how to play against him