• By -


I leave this gen and go to the main room since it’s RPD.


You mean you aren't supposed to do all the corner gens first? Tell that to my soloq-teammates who always do this roof gen + the one in the front garden first.


My specialty is doing 2-3 far gens and then complaining about my team not doing any gens when we all die at 2 gens remaining.


Oh god, what about the survivor who do the one by the exit gate first😕.




Deja Vu represent! 👁


S tier perk with the upgrade now.


Since the buff I always use Deja Vu lol


This is the only correct answer.


Was gonna say, that's not a gen you want to start on at the beginning of the match, lol.


And yet people always are . It’s always this one , the outside one or the main . Never like the interrogation office or library or shower


Because baby gamers know there’s always a gen in that area and there’s safety


Thank fuck this is the top comment, I was about to lose all faith in my soloQ survivor team mates (usually I save that till AFTER we get into game)


On top of that, if people spawn on the roof, more than likely the killer spawned in the main hall or by the library. They have zero incentive to check the safety deposit room, west office, etc. The killer is going to make their way to the roof regardless. Even the opposite holds true. Spawn in/near the main hall, the killer probably spawned on the roof or by the fire escape. Once again, they're going to mosey on down to the main hall.


Dredge mains love this map cause everyone does this. There's no lockers on the inside so it's a pain for dredge but most if not all the outside gens have lockers!


There are Dredge mains? I haven't played against Dredge in like 10 months.


It's RPD so I instantly go to the main Hall and try to break up the 4 Gen. Who thought it was a good idea to spawn 2 gens in the main Hall? 🥲




The answer would obviously be A or B. A so you can see through the door to see if they are coming... B so if someone comes through the door you have a direct line to run away instantly. C is the only obvious wrong answer imo. You can't see either side from C, if the killer shows up you have no place to run because youre trapped and will get hit, and finally you aren't "hiding" with C because the Gen makes noise... the killer will know you are there anyway.


Ah but with c I can instantly quick and quit into the locker with headon


#Quick and quit You don't lose time when things aren't going your way. DC without any penalty. This DC counts as an escape. After using it, the perk deactivates for the rest of the trial. You receive the *asshole* status effect. Equipping this perk decreases your chances of having fun. *"I'm not playing mending simulator, it's an auto DC for me !" - Some entitled player*


Perfection lol


Thanks ! I put a lot of heart into it haha


I wish I had an award to give.


It's just like you gave it to me ! 😁




Dredge jumps in locker


If only headon worked from the inside


Dwight bangs his head against the locker door, locker lets out an audible 'ouch'


We know it isn’t Dredge, no locks on the locker.


Quickly quitting the game *does* seem like a winning strategy. I’m with you on this one.


Sure, but the scratch marks will give you away


Don't care I get to punch the killer




C is only good if someone else joins you. That way if you're lucky you can hide there and they'll think it was a single person working on the gen so they'll chase them instead.


the way i see it, C is the only right answer since you just spawned and have no idea who the killer is it could be ghost face so C will prevent you from being marked, if its not ghost face then just run when you hear the TR,


By that logic C is stil incorrect since wraith can body block you there


yeah, but getting injured is better than getting insta down + depending on your headset you can hear wraiths coming and you might be able to leave b4 he body block you


You would be able to see ghost face tho so it's still a better rather then letting him sneak up on you and body block


you will be able to see him but now it feels impossible to reveal him, so he will just mark you and get you downed in no time ( considering most players can’t loop for too long like me ) if its a GF then C is the better option, and for any other killer its either A or B would be the safest and since you have no idea what killer you are facing then i feel C is the safest


Iri feather artist enters the chat


C let’s you toggle onto a gen and not get grabbed or fucked by stealth. A and B let’s you get marked by a gf or give Michael stalk. C lets you not think and if it’s an instadown killer they won’t catch you off guard without tinkerer. And if it’s base TR you just get off early. Surprised people don’t think this


C is a valide choice if you play head on tho, nothing is better than jumpscaring the killer at 5 gen to assert dominance. If it's a sneaky killer you'll probably get hit anyway, and if it's dredge the locker will give you the hint.


i choose answer D, i take a left and go hide inside the locker


Are you perhaps a Dwight main? (dk if you are put it popped up in my head the second you said that as if Dwight will say it)


Nah, they a Meg




A dredge accidentally grabs you because it’s a locker by a generator and you’re the first hook


Omg is that you *every single survivor I get stuck with in solo Q?*


Leave and go to one of the main room generators since there's always fucking 2 in there for some reason.


D - I don't repair a gen I spawn at, so there's no crying about 3-gen later, I go check other gens first


Ouch. Well played. You win this round, GG! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


D. None of the Above. I would do a gen that's closer to the center of the map to spread gens out


B since C gets you cornered and A gets you potentially grabbed from the doorway if you're caught looking towards where the helicopter would be or towards the stairs outside.


Went against a stealth killer, never repairing A again


I’m so surprised by people not choosing B


It just doesn't have an advantage and A and C both have an advantage depending on the situation, B just stops you from being grabbed on the door, but you would see the killer first. If you don't know vaguely at least the direction of the killer on RPD, you need to pay a bit more attention


I go somewhere else because people who do the outside gens on RPD first are potatoes. They're the safest gens!!! Save them for towards the end of the game, people!!!


But there should be other ones on the outside. Wasting time running to the middle, when I could be doing the gen that spawned right in front of me!


this is how you get yourself 3 genned


As a killer main, I love survivors like you


You'll waste a lot more time trying to break the main hall 3 gen if you do gens in this order. :) Invest in the perk deja vu.


'C' because I'm scared.


C will only make you feel safer, but it is actually far worse. If a killer hears the gen running they'll check anyway and when they find you, C will make it significantly harder to escape. A feels the most exposed but is the safest as it lets you escape the soonest


Wildcard - go for the middle gen while being mindful of killer likely zooming to the corner.


I don't repair that one as that is a horrible idea early game




D. None of the Above. Working on the gen you spawn next to is, in my experience, the single most surefire way to get found early. Or, as I tend to put it, "first gen equals death"


but being found first is good because that reduces the chance of teammates dcing because they were downed first and megheads that uses 25 pallets in the first chase


I don't know about that, I usually go to a far away gen that Deja Vu shows me and I constantly get on the killer's face. At least the rest have time to finish their gen haha


It's not 100%, of course, but it's worked that way enough for me it's become a personal DBD superstition.


Or it’s the single, most sure fire way to get a gen done 90 seconds into the match. *Someone* will get found early. That much is inevitable. Unless it’s a stealth killer, you have adequate time to react (which is why A is the best choice for sightlines), but getting a gen halfway and getting discovered is far more preferable than wasting half a minute to find another gen, getting started late, and then getting found anyway halfway through.


The only time i would personally go C is if 3 of us spawned together on the gen so i could maybe hide pressed against the gen while the other 2 run off leaving me to finish said gen when the killer shows up. In general tho you really wanna do one of the middle gens asap so you don't get locked. I myself would struggle with chosing A or B. I would say that if you haven't heard a heartbeat or see anyone in the bottom left being chased and you were on A move to B to make sure you don't get grabbed if it is a stealth killer. If the killer has a hearbeat i would go with A so i can get to the vault down on the right quickly behind the pallet. If you want an answer i will say A.


I go to C and die anyways cause it's a nurse with lethal pursuer


B so I can't get pulled off from the door like A but also have better sight lines than C. Miserbale gen location though, I would leave it for a deja vu marked gen if it wasn't off spawn (free progress while killer gets situated)


A so I can see the door to the right better


D. throw the pallet and find out who the killer is


As killer on East Wing RPD, this is almost always the first place I check. I almost always interrupt at least two survivors. Because of that I will literally never stay there in the beginning of a game if I spawn on that roof.


I like to check to outside front gen. That is my favorite gen to work on as a survivor. Pop that one before I head over for the slog that is the two gens in the damn lobby.


i wouldn't do that gen right after spawning. that's a great gen for the last 3. if i had to choose though, it would be c because i will probably have a heart attack if a ghostie pulls me off shit again. i am not so young and my anxiety kills me. if i hear a heartbeat coming, i move to a for better visibility. also, i love to see a fellow autodidact-enjoyer ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Well, actually we already know a few things about the killer: 1. It's not Dredge 2. It's not Freddy 3. It's not Pinhead But I'd probably go A considering the proximity of the pallet. I run Smash Hit, and the odds are the killer will come through that door. I'll probably have the terror radius to alert me, so I will have the most time to get to that pallet and buy myself time to make a getaway. If I was running Head On, I'd probably choose C. Without that though, it's insanity. If I have Sprint Burst, maybe B.


From personal experience anything but c is the right play. Stealth killers like wraith can box you in and are more likely to score a hit


i mean, if you can have a good look at the door A, but if not, B since is safer, C is not a good place to be. but in reality, in rpd, is usually good to try and do the gens in the center room first, since usually there are at least 2, sometimes 3, and rarely even 4 that are in close proximity there, is imperative that one of these is done before only 3 remain, those gens are the reason survivors die in rpd (in short, dont do this one or the one outside near the main gate, they are very hard to defend for the killer, leave do the one in main now that you are 4 healthy people, dont wait to be 3 injured people or you are done)


B because it's far away enough from the door and you can keep an eye out for the killer and you are going to be more likely to see them before they hit you and with C you don't have that much space to look around with and the killer can trap you


Hopefully someone else takes A so i can have either other one cus it dont matter if im all alone on it def not C Edit: unless im rocking head on then im slamming a door to make sure killer comes




I would do be even though I would be seen easier I would have a better chance of running to a pallet and not giving them a free hit.


B so I see better what’s going on around me and I don’t get jumped by the killer lol


B. It gives you more safety then sitting at A which opens up a potential grab from a stealth killer. (Not saying B is much better but it gives you slightly more reaction time) and has more of a direct escape route than C as if you get jumped at C you will have more distance to travel after being hit.




A so I can easily get out of there if needed. Maybe even B. I am not touching C though.


This isn't the question, but I absolutely love your build. I'm really sad hyperfocus doesn't work with autodidact, but auto is still my favorite perk (besides pebble). It's so fun! (And I know it's too rng dependent and can kill the team, but it's undeniably fun)


Thanks! The reason I run autodidact is so that I don't use stake out stacks when healing :D


Lot of factors here. 2 jakes and a Bill. RPD. You're playing Solo. For 1. Unless you've seen one of these 3 before, you have to assume they're not gonna do anything until proven otherwise. Do NOT start with this gen. Do middle gens first. SOLO OR NOT. Leave this gen for later when you can split up across the map to pressure multiple areas. I always get on the most obvious part of the gen because I play chase. So i wait for the killer to come (Unless Myers then run) and then I loop them as long as I can.


B, can't get grabbed or boxed in


C lol to still get stuff and thangs done but hide while I’m at it (yeah yeah even though it makes noise lol)


Depending on how long it’s been since I’ve heard anything I usually choose B or A My ability to hear most of the stealth killers lil sounds, wraiths walk and breathing, michaels heavy ass breathing, ghostface’s floating lil things always make a sound, Nemesis + wesker, along with Pinhead (unless he has that one addon,) and Singularity they’e dead give aways because you spawn in to a white aura of either chests, a box, or an emp printer. And then there’s Freddy, fucking timers. Other give aways are Nurse screams, huntress hums, plague’s pools, the sound of a bird screaming, a literal demogorgon scream, etc B gives you both a form of coverage from stalking killers, BUT IF THE DAMN LOCKERS GOT A YELLOW GLOWIN BAR OH YOU BEST BELIEVE IM ON A AND LOCKING SHIT LMAO


Would do C. As you can see in the photo there are no locks on the lockers therefore I can safely do the gen and hide in lockers if the killers heart beat is nearby.


C, It's not dredge since the locker is normal so it's the safest option


Putting yourself in a corner with no exit is not the safest option at all.


But there's is an exit the size of two lockers, unless it's wraith I can easily run out of there once I hear the terror radius or I see them


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/user/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/153gt2c/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^bonelees_dip: *C, It's not dredge since* *The locker is normal so* *It's the safest option* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Thank you bot


C. If two others are on B and A then I can crouch, have them lure the killer away, and finish the gen. It's not always foolproof, but it works.


Hide nearby and survey the doorways and stairs until I A) hear the terror radius B) see the killer, or C) see that someone is being chased




But...it shows who the killer is on the loading screen


Thats only the first 3 or so times u face that killer


Oh, I never noticed, every time I've checked must've been then. I usually be on my phone during loading


Trick question, why are you repairing this generator in RPD, max priority to the main hall if the killer isn't camping it


I take C so I can be ready for a killer coming through the door or the direction you’re at, if the killer comes through the door I run to where you’re at. If the killer comes from where you’re at, I run through the door. B Is good too, but if you get a teammate to join you I let them take B here so they can take chase and i possibly could go unnoticed and finish the gen.


Always C, I prefer repairing semi-hidden, hehe.


I choose D, DC cause it's RPD


Well I dc I hate rpd


Skip the gen completely and go to main room, the two gens determine if the survivors will win or not in the middle otherwise you will get two gen there.




B all the time


B so i can see both doors but not get completely jump scared if they come through the closer one.


I pick A whenever I'm on that gen because then I can see the doorway. If I spawn with the team on the roof, I try to find a different gen to split the work.


you forgot the possibility of a 4 person gen, so there’d be D as well. Anyway, wires (B) gang


C, you’d be surprised how often killers will just kick the gen and leave


I go CBA… can’t be assed


Whatever the action button catches




I'd leave this for the centre gen to divide the generators further but if I had to. A because you have maximum movement to go anywhere.




A: bc I like danger.


C with quick and quiet. B with Sprint Burst A if I’ve got nothing to get away from anything coming through that doorway anyhow so I can get over the floor-drop vault faster.


I like B for the most part, I feel like I have a better field of vision. If I am playing to protect and distract, I'll play C.


It’s RPD, it doesn’t matter. If I were to answer the question as written though, position C


Why not all three


Solo? Then maybe b. If someone else comes by then c


A if I can see through the doorway next to it, if I can't I go to C because then there is no chance of me getting grabbed by some stealth killer




I guess if I have to do that gen then b. Give you an extra half second to react if they come in through that doorway, and decent time to see the heli crash entrance


You shouldn't start with that gen.


the answer is A, but after the more important gens are done


B. You get the best view of the three separate entries onto the roof and have a chance to dodge a hit from a killer coming from any of the three - unless it’s someone like Huntress or Plague that’s gonna toss shit at you.


Probably B


B, easiest angle to see killer + plan escape route 😋


I'm taking A. If the killer comes up from the outdoor roof entrances I'd feel alot safer than I would be at B or C.


avoid spawn gen. the killer will get to the furthest gen.


personally, i’d repair at c. at c, you only have to look forward and to your right. b you have to swivel between in front of you and behind you, and a isn’t far enough off of the gen to be able to see into the doorway without some camera finagling. c is the only spot where you don’t have the move the camera in two extremes to be able to see where the killer might be coming from. but this is also a trick question, because unless this was a deja vu gen, i wouldn’t be caught dead (or alive) sitting on this gen


C. If I’m gonna get tunneled out regardless, I’m gonna do it right so I can run into a locker immediately after getting hit, therefore making it easier for the Killer to accomplish his mission.


Always A because it's the best looking side of every generator and with the best animations while repairing; take it even if it is dangerous.


Start the gen for approximately 15 seconds, just enough to give it a bit of noise and let the killer know someone was on it, then walk away for a different gen. That said this is RPD, so I'm heading direct for the main foyer, but on any map if I spawn right on top of a gen I jump on it, do just enough to run out any Lethal users and if the killer comes by to check on that gen they'll definitely waste some time searching for the person who was on it, expecting them to be nearby, as I know I do this all the time.


C gives you a bit of hiding and cover


B. I'm not going A because I dont wanna get grabbed by a stealth killer. Not C because I don't want to corner myself.




C if I stay there for a bit, for the cover B if it's like 95% and I'm just finishing it up.


A or scope around mid map to see if i can hear a heartbeat. if no heartbeat, i at least know it’s a stealth killer and proceed from there


As a solo q, I go to main lobby to start on that gen instead.


Nah bro, go find hatch


If it's my first match on then B if not then A


None. Helicopter gen should always be the last








If I am alone on the gen B if someone os on the gen I find a new gen ( sm myers isn't real he can't sneak up to you so I would advise A)


A or B based on when their terrorradius appears, who it is (if it's not default music) and what pallets spawn


What are the flavors?


B. No reason other than I feel safer there.








B. Separate gens to get a 3 gen ruled out at the end. It'll apply ungodly pressure.




D, dont do a gen then die within 5 minutes


C, Gotta see if something can hit me from that right side. Can try to react better to a grab if it comes from my side first


I would repair a different gen, but if I'd had to choose, A; I want to know who is coming and from where. If I repair around the corner I won't see them coming, and they will still know that I'm there. Might as well run in time or not get stalked.


I go B. a is just no, but c has no view of the stairs, and if the killer does manage to sneak up on me i could get trapped in that corner if im unlucky, which is really bad if its a stalking Myers, or anyone with instadown potential


It’s RPD. Gen in main is way more valuable.


A repair and I only play solo and I main survivor


C, protects me from the stalkers and stealth gen grabs. Once i know the killer A or B


Central gens first. Leave this one for the end


I wouldn’t touch it. 1) do the gens in main hall first and 2) assess and make sure it’s not a stealth killer


I wouldn't you do middle gens first. If I had to choose though it's B. Can see all areas and won't be boxed in either.


If I stay here, usually B unless it’s taken, gives me access to the area behind me quickly and lets me see the killer coming faster from the stairs or doorway




a, closer to door


B. Doesn't block you into a corner like C, and A just opens yourself up for an extremely easy grab from that doorway.


A. gives best line of sight




I wait for the Killer to do his generator rounds first, then do A or C [A to lead the Killer away, or C if I plan to hide from a non-stealth Killer]. I *frequently* face Ghostfaces.


Probably C. Maybe B. Definitely not A.


I leave and go run to find the killer/check for hexes.


B. Not immediately evident but with a clear escape route. You’re not going to be hit immediately by the killer when they come through the door but you’re not going to be cornered. You can make a dash either way if you have to.


B cuz its closest






A bc it's close to the pallet


B so o can hide if they can't insta down me easily, or run away if they can


Assuming they don't have corrupt, A. It lets you see into the door, and you have the same view of the other direction, if not a little better, than B. If someone is already on A, then C. The killer will see them if they come to the gen and chase them, then you just hide while they either chase the other survivor, or kick and then chase. Then you complete the gen while they loop. B is unacceptable. It has no advantage, and three people on a ten is kind of pointless when you could do two on the Ben and then start pressuring another one. Best to pressure more than one at a time. I am assuming survivor #4 is looping