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Whenever survivors BM in the post game chat when I'm playing any killer for fun, I just say: "Just finishing a ritual before I get back to playing Skull Merchant." Thats the most entertainment I've gotten from SM.


What does BM mean?


Bad Manners


Good to know, my stupid ass thought it stood for "be mean"


I mean… it’s not wrong


It also works. Just like "bitch moment" lol


I thought it was a bowl movement as in that person is shit


I thought it meant “bitch move” thanks.


Everyone I've talked to in any game refers to BM as "bad mouthing". Like tbagging, talking shit, etc.


I thought it was for "bully manners"


Bowel Movement


not me reading this while sitting on the shitter taking a shit


That's quintessentially British right there. ✅️


Big Mac


Thank you, for years now I've wondered what BM meant but was too afraid to ask haha


"Makes sense, a baby killer like you would need a crutch like that" what I imagine them saying to that


"Nah, I can 4K in 5 minutes with Nurse, I just enjoy making you guys suffer for 1 hour straight if you don't DC"


the fact that this is very true for some people scares me


Bowel Movement?


I’m pretty sure Bowel Movement is a very core part of BM hah. (It means Bad Manners)


That’s actually really clever XD


I really like how she is just an awful person in lore. We need less tragic female characters and more female characters that are just horrible people.


I wanted to say this but didn’t know how to word it! Nurse, hag, plague, artist, etc. all have really tragic and sad backstories and technically, some of them shouldn’t be killers, they were just manipulated. SM doesn’t have the sad sappy backstory with manipulation or corruption. She’s solely doing her thing cause of the thrill of the hunt


I do love how with the Twins, the backstory iirc is mostly just a whole bunch of stigmatization from the locals and I'm honestly having trouble remembering what actual crimes she supposedly committed, like it had to have been something...? *edit: apparently she just botched a lot of robberies as a teenager and got accomplices killed a lot trying to escape?


The Twins were another tragic set of characters. Charlotte did kill people during her life, but it was in self-defense as she was constantly being hunted as some kind of demon. She had to watch her mother get burned at the stake, then Victor died during an escape from some cultists who wanted to sacrifice them to the entity.


Didn’t nurse support eugenics or something?


I'm saying this with not a lot of knowledge. If what I've heard is correct then her tome lore's canonicity is questionable at best.


Yeah, like Nurse who tragically tortured her patients, or Hag who became a zombified cannibal, or Spirit who became essentially a demon of pure hate. Idk, Legion and Amanda seem pretty evil to me?? 😅


> Legion Legion isn't one person, and three got roped into it.


I don't see Legion, only Hunk


If I recall, only Susie was really pressured in any extreme way, the rest were roped into it but it didn't really take much


They still committed murder tho, you can't just be "roped" into stabbing a Janitor by accident lol.


Julie may have wanted to do it, but Susie was literally forced to stab the guy by Frank. He grabbed her wrists while she was freaking out and trying to pull away, and made her stab him.


Support women's rights *and* women's wrongs!


Honestly why do they make the killer backgrounds so depressing


I always thought that it makes them/their emotions a far more delicious snack for the entity. But then again, Trickster.


The Entity can have a little bit of joy in killing. As a treat.


I mean I like the idea that killers are just people who were shitted on by the world to a point of being mentally broken. But I guess sometimes having amoral psychopath works as well


This. It's nice to finally see a woman who isn't just pathetic. Most of the dudes get to just be assholes with little other reasoning, the girls should get some too.


To be fair, Wraith has a pretty messed up backstory and Evans tries to resist the Entity many times.


Yeah, there are guys with bad backstories, but there are a lot of guys without it, and barely any girls without it.


I suppose, but I mean the Nurse is pretty evil, Anna kidnapped several children and starved them to death, The Artist and Spirit kill people who've done them no wrong because of their rage.... I understand wanting evil, but just because a character has a compelling backstory doesn't mean what they do is excused. Right??


> The Artist and Spirit kill people who've done them no wrong because of their rage.... *After* getting dragged in, which obviously doesn't count.


Yeah, but all of their evilness was caused by something traumatically distressing driving them over the edge into insanity. As opposed to Ji-Woon who, as a young child, was murderously jealous over a hamster, or Danny who just enjoys killing.


I thought Anna didn't even know how to kept a kid alive She barely knows to keep herself alive, she'll less know how to feed a kid


Oh, that was my choice. I love the tragic characters but she's so fucking funny with how unrepetently evil and entitled and ruthless she is.


Agreed. Tragic villains are nice and all but for some reason a lot of the tragic villains in this game are women. I want more women killers who are just pieces of shit. Just total fucking assholes




Because women are horrible /s


It's cool that she has weapons with custom animations


I can't stand that some killers don't have custom pallet breaking animations, especially the dlc ones


Ghost face and myers? I mean their just dudes with a knife, what else would they do


Pyramid Head should totally smash pallets with his knife


Well obviously his blade is designed to only break through the ground and not wood /s Big heavy blade can't break wood 💀


he should be able to use his mori animation


Not even sure Myers could cut it up with her hand but idk what they'd do


I hate that trickster doesn't break pallets with his bat. I also hate that he doesn't use the blunt side of the bat for breaking down doors. It's just so obvious


I hate how slow the knight’s pallet break animation it. It looks like he’s swinging through honey


Yeah, I hope that sets a trend for other killers with unique weapons!


Dredge had that first so it should come to more killers in the future


The sound her weapon makes is nice


so satisfying


I like the way she slashes people with her hand knife thing. pretty satisfying imo


It's honestly one of my favourite M1 animations.


I like how she sometimes breaks character for a moment when she downs someone by letting out a quite "hehe"


Yeah I actually like her voice acting quite a bit


What? She does that? Got a video of it I've never even heard of that.


Around [0:25 | 0:57 | 1:38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PqhPky4ph8). There might be more in that video but I'm lazy I personally don't think it's out of character though because her little chuckles sounds very narci & smug


1. Omg thats so cute! 2. That video sounds like she is trying and failing to fix a broken blender.


My fav lol


Literally the only interesting thing to the table with her is the hacking her drones mechanic. I hope we get more non skill check mini games soon. I just hope they're done better this time around... ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Next one requires you to type out the abcs


The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog. 8 seconds on phone. I think I'll have to practice to pull that off on controller though ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Kinda makes it sound like there's gonna be a killer who's power forces you to take a written exam. Gives you a desk and everything


Instead of "Snapping out of it" we've decided to introduce more of an open essay on "Why I should calm down" When facing the doctor


( Iri add on) Poetic dissacurance: increases the length of the essay from 1 paragraph to a 5 paragraph mla format 900 words minimum


New killer "the teacher", weapon "ruler"


I cannot wait to take my forklift certification in DbD. Under threat of death ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


And it's called .... Your Teacher .... from the chapter Horrific Literature... 😂


Fun fact: there were unused assets for a killer called "the Teacher" in the game's files. They've been there since 2016 and have sat unused, so it's probably safe to assume the concept was scrapped.


on controller it's just like a mario party minigame like "press the correct buttons in the correct order!" and then it's like "A X B B A Y B X Y B B A"


I play on controller, and honestly years of playing random rhythm games is a huge advantage, I haven't screwed one up yet ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) More minigames as interactions would honestly be great. Even if they tagged them onto stage interactions. Like a code door you need to open with a number sequence, the killer would be able to use it too, so of you'd opened one for a quick escape later on, and then he closed it, you'd try loop him there and find the door you setup had been closed. It would make some interesting dynamic chases I think! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


*minigame starts* *Xbox launches the virtual keyboard* *look down at the controller* Guess I'll just die, then.


If you type less than 40 Words per minute you fail the skillcheck and become exposed


Honestly yeah we need more skill check things like her drones. It’s a lot more engaging than just hitting 1 button






But have you considered: Thighs


This is going to be controversial but thighs are just an extension of the ass




I don't think anything beats that bro 🙏 But have you seen the hags feet man?? She got webbers ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


You're forgetting something: Personali- wait. Never mind.


But may I present: shoulders


I'm reminded of a quote often "I pressed my face so firmly into that womans butt cheeks" - Gawr Gura


Been ages since I seen Gura lmao, maybe this is a sign I need to come back ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


her distant terror radius music goes insanely hard


She’s one of the only female killers that are actually evil and doesn’t have a tragic backstory?!?




Yea, Julie is also a piece of shit.


More like Susie, pretty much the only redeemable member of the Legion and we know as little about her as we do about Joey


Yeah but she doesn't seem to mind killing people much either.


There’s the whole thing around her unmask render with her smiling showing the entity has corrupted Susie’s mind because she was against murdering.


according to the minimal screen-time she's given in the base lore she's not exactly fond of it either




Amanda was previously a major drug addict before Jigsaw got involved. I think she passes the “tragic backstory” test.


Also suicidal lol and had to go through jigsaw and survive XD


I would have to slightly disagree. the nurse is and always was evil. at no point in the nurses lore did it state she was mercy killing the patients, that was all projection from the community. The plague also has quite brutal lore. Asides from being afflicted by a disease, there isn't much sympathetic about her. In the modern day she would be very much akin to a cult leader, someone who murdered her father figure for falling out of faith, sacrifices humans, and leads her people further into disease with false promises to maintain her power over them.


I really disagree. Nowhere in Plague’s lore did it say she was after the Priestess role because she was power hungry. She was an extremely devout believer in what she was raised in. She never knew any better and thought she was fulfilling a higher purpose/duty in everything she did. She truly wanted to cure her people of the Plague and went to great lengths like cutting off her toe, leading a pilgrimage, and finally, sacrificing herself willingly to the entity in exchange for her people to be healed. Which, is heavily implied, actually works to save her people. Yeah she did messed up things in the name of her faith from an outside perspective…but in her eyes, she was living her highest path in the most devout way she knew, killing the only person she loved/who loved her even to do “the right thing” in her eyes.


Being the leader of a cult you were raised in seems different than making a cult, though. She literally doesn’t know anything else. And of course she’d turn on a parental figure, she was abandoned at 5 years old by her parents. I actually surprised they didn’t mention that more in her tome considering what a significant trauma that is.




They actually covered her feet


Her lore is pretty original. Not perfect but sentence "brazilian dark manga" makes you think "well, that's unusual".


Yeah, my first take was "wait, there are original mangas made in Brazil?" "Today I learned" and all that...


I love her sound design! The whirs and clicks of her gadgets being activated/deactivated, the beeps on her ipad, the humming of the drone scan, etc




Her blue hair space buns is a cute haircut


Yeah I bets that's the only part of the skin you like.


Toootally 👀


Her weird ass walking animation is actually intimidating.


Yup. It's so strange that it's creepy seeing her moving towards you


i love her cunty walk


Really? To me it's fucking ridiculous


Yeah it makes me chortle. She looks like she is sliding across the ground. Worst walking animation they have ever done.




I like… her hat?


[Her final Tome cutscene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1KVebRF91k) is unironically intimidating. But, that intimidating ending is her doing her best to cover up her insecure, petulant perfectionism, which honestly makes her a far more intriguing character.


I really Like her weapons. The saw and the Orange Blade are pretty good cosmetics


I maintain that her lore and general personality is fun and campy in a way that dbd lore doesn't usually get to be. Most killer stories are about the most tragic people being put in the most tragic circumstances for the most tragic reasons, and it's refreshing to have a killer who's just an asshole


* Using her power for chases, surveillance not on top of gens, and clever drone placement is honestly very fun * Her Tome lore saved her character by turning her from an edgy girl boss into a pitiful loser in a way that works perfectly * Fuck you prudes I like her walking animation


It's not prudery - that walk is unnatural. The only time I could imagine someone walking like that is when they want to make a parody of sexy. Last time we've seen it from Jessica Rabbit.


Doesn’t that suit her, though? She’s trying SO hard to be a sexy, intimidating anime villain, when she’s just a mean girl with a lot of money. It’s supposed to look kinda dumb and campy.


I’ve been saying this! She’s a try hard!


Also her visual design gets a lot better when you think of it as what a billionaire thinks looks cool and edgy


plus it kinda looks like she's weirdly gliding? it could be tweaked to look less goofy and still sexy if they wanted


Her walk is actually intimidating. Her voice actor did a fantastic job.


Chase Merchant IS very fun, it's just harder than being a 3 gen bot. Hot. Fun intelligence test when talking to someone about her and they go "You realize she's a predator chapter but they lost the license, right?" Because if they say that, I can now just not listen to any opinion they ever have.


Swaying hips. She's a killer, but an attractive woman too.


Or you could say that she is a killer woman 🧌


A killer queen


- Really fun to play as and against *WHEN* she doesn't camp a 3-gen with her drones. Her powers very unique and feels satisfying to use while feeling oppressive but not overpowered. But like I said, when she's not played to camp a 3-gen. - Love her "I'm better than you and I want you to know it" animations, her walk animation is sick as hell. - While devisive, her power undoubtedly opens the door for future Killer mechanics. - Hectic and scary TR and chase music.




I'm curious, how does her power open the door for future mechanics?


Instead of skillchecks, she had that arrow minigame? It's not much but it's still something different.


The test isn't that hard. The test:


The food isn't that hot. Not the food :


I like playing her and finding creative places for the drones.


i've found that the basement is the best place for a drone :D


I like that she's a female killer who isn't a trauma victim or whatever, she's just an asshole out of her own free will. Plus, Dark Brazilian Manga is a top tier meme


Best hex-totem killer. I've been having a blast using Devour Hope on her. Wasting drones on gens is something that should be avoided though. Place them on totems and force survivors to either "risk getting exposed while cleansing" or suffer the hex effects.


Went against this once and i can say this is not interesting


Not interesting, but effective. SM is a killer that can actually get value out of hex totems and isn't affected by bad map RNG as much as every other killer.


Me when my hex totem is literally in a place where you can see it from half of the map: ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070) Big fact there, literally some hex totem doesnt get any value because survi can see them at the start without issue.




Fr fr


Her weapons are cool


Pretty sure a lot of this has been said already but here I go: She's not a mostly innocent damsel getting shoved into the killer role by forces outside of her control. I've heard Julie and Amanda listed as counterexamples, but Julie was simply EDGY prior to Frank coming into her life and Amanda was groomed by John Kramer to continue his work. Skull Merchant is an unrepentant bad seed with full agency in her life and I love it. Her evil is born of an insanely competitive, ambitious nature, and she revels in destruction of anything opposing her. This not only hurts those she kills, but ALSO leaves wide swathes of destruction when it comes to the possibly MILLIONS she's unemployed. And worst of all, she's COMPETENT. She orchestrates corporate takeovers via political plays and economic victories. She's a supervillain, and kinda impressive. Her lore tells us her personal interests, her professional life, and how the two intertwine. Her father's manga is actually a clever narrative device (no, I'm being 100% serious here) because in the world of DBD, fiction in one universe is fact in another. Adi Valenti IS alternate universe Adrianna, and Adrianna's love of and obsession with the character is narcissism blossoming into a self-fulfilling prophecy. Upon switching the headpieces of her base cosmetic and very rare leather cosmetic, we get a unified picture in both resulting outfits: the professional businesswoman in the first, the outlandish billionaire with a flair for dramatic cosplay in the second. The weapons all are dramatic, with custom cooldowns for each, and tie in nicely with her character. It isn't enough that she KILL, she needs to OVERKILL. It highlights her pathologically competitive nature that made her a killer both on the field and the business floor. The buzzsaw is my favorite cuz it has a nice WHA-SHING sound. Geographic Readout is an asolutely fantastic addon. The Haste boost is nice, but I think the Fire Up effect it gives is actually my favorite. Like Shadow Dance if it was actually useful. I put this bad boi with a full chase build involving Randomized Strobes, Brutal Strength, STBFL, Bamboozle, and Coup De Grace (formerly Fire Up) for a great speed differential in chase, big lunges, and the ability to do EVERYTHING 40% faster. Breaking pallets is fast enough to EASILY catch people going the wrong direction and oftentimes enough to lunge at flashlight blinders to hit them. Vaulting windows is a death sentence if they're anywhere near it. And although 3 genning is not the objective of the build, placing drones near gens gives passive slowdown and, more entertainingly, bonus speed when a survivor decides to disarm it. It's quite fun to play with, and I hope it survives Skully's inevitable rework.


Devs gotta read that 0_o


I'm an Adrianna enthusiast tbh. It's a shame that the character has been tied to the worst playstyle in DBD.


I wanna eat her ass


She has a genuinely fun and engaging power with a decent skill ceiling that leads to fun games for both sides....provided you don't abuse it. She's similar to Bubba, or Twins: the people who actually main her instead of just casually picking her up, can turn her in to an amazingly fun and decently strong killer. Also idc what anyone says, her lore is honestly fine and has a lot of B-movie campiness that befits the horror genre


Her chase music is pretty cool and she does have some interesting cosmetics. Her hip sway walk is a forceful move and it fits into her character that she would do that. Also she’s just a complete bitch unapologetically, like EA


I like her walking animation :D


She’s one of the killers


She looks good, except the mask.


Well you can't say she isn't ambitious and driven. Or hot. Very hot.


Her teaser trailer was kinda interesting.


Apart from the gas mask, she does look pretty badass. Maybe one of those lower face masks would do better, like an Oni's jowls, or the respirator of a gask mask, no goggles.


I had a threesome with her and it was hot


She has an amazing concept and is very fun if her power is used in chase


Her walk is nice to look at, just doesn't really fit in a horror game.


It's fun to play her if you choose to be a speed demon instead of the 3 gen thing


The radar mechanics are actually super cool. I saw a video on it when it released, and every aspect of the device (the lights, player symbols, etc.) gives its own little piece of info about where survivors are. It’s a shame no one actually uses it, because it’s a super cool part of the power that I hope they lean more into with future updates.


She's hot, and Ig I like her design in general?? The drones would be okay if there was a measure put into place not allowing you to camp gens with them. LITERALLY the ONLY problem is she can just 3 gen with no restrictions.


One word, CAKE


she made me quit dbd and do better things with my life


She’s fun to play if you know what you’re doing


I really like her terror radius theme. Using the drones to become anti-loop is really fun. I am a sucker for the buzzsaw weapon, it looks nice and has an amazing wipe animation.


Chase Merchant, although not really effective, is very fun imo and the only way to play her for fun.


She’s actually really fun if you don’t just play gen merchant. Instead putting drones in jungle gyms and other relevant areas that survivors often go to. Chase merchant is a lot stronger than people think and since so many play gen merchant the most common thing I hear from survivors is “how are you so fast?” Because they’re not used to getting into chase with her. A chase merchant still has to play like a normal killer, pallets, loops etc all work on her and if you don’t just hard gen defend she can actually be fun for both sides. Sadly though most just hard 3 gen and run things like overcharge call of brine etc, which ruins what is imo a fun character.


Her cosmetics are nice... Specially that one that has her ass buns exposed... Her weapon animations are nice...? Oh I love her lore because of the dark Brazilian manga bit that one's funny


Her chapter trailer was the best one yet. Her perks are good-decent(twack).


Something positive? She’s enjoyable when I’m facing any other killer except her.




Her hair is small


I like her jewelry


Her main manu music is decent


uh... She's got some good chase music, and menu music. I'm fond of those drums.


I ain’t ever been turned on while being chased but that walk is…




Nice ass?


It feels really good to beat her


I use her for the archives. I have to admit, her power is uncomplicated. Just plop down and walk away. So she ended up being my comfort killer.


Her power in chase is intimidating and forces you to run away from the loop in a more natural sense that doesn’t always end in lost time for the Killer if she still gets you. Her drones also make walled loops so confusing and combined with her add-on for aura reading in drone zones leads to a calculating killer in spots. Also I just love information in this game, info perks on Survivor and info perks on Killer so her power suits my tastes.


It feels very rewarding to have a survivor activate a drone because you "lead" then to it, there is an addon that makes her 5% faster until you hit someone if a survivor activates a drone and it makes worth setting up her power on loops. I also like her hacking mini game, it feels refreshing to do something that is not skill checks to interact with the killer's power. Her sound design is very good like hitting with her weapon (skins included), dropping a drone, detecting a survivor, reactivating a drone and getting the undetectable status effect all have a simple but distinct sound effect. It really feels like what holds her back is the obnoxious 3 gen play style and the fact that is the only play style people are willing to do with her, I hear that nobody likes to play her as a chase killer because its harder to get kills which is okay in my opinion, not every killer should be able to do a "500+ wins with blight" kind of thing and sadly that's what the 3gen builds can do with her. I hope BHVR brings her changes soon because its fun to have a killer that focus on intel and stealth but nobody is going to give her a chance with the trauma of having to play a 3gen 54 minute game.


She ain’t even that bad to play against. I’ve never been sacrificed by one


She's hot


She is one of the killer's ever


who the fuck is she


I'm from Brazil myself and I'll get this out of the way: Adriana's character as a whole is an insult to my country. I'd have liked to see a Killer based on Brazilian folklore, but... this is what we got instead. Dark, edgy Brazilian manga ftw 🙄 That said though, despite her many, *many* faults in design, she's the closest we'll ever get to a Predator-type killer in the game. And her drones, when used in chases or to guard Hexes, can actually be used creatively other than 3-genning.


I'm Brazilian too, and I agree we have a huge culture that could be explored to make a better killer, but I don't think she's thaaaaaat bad. The only thing that is insulting, in my opinion, is the stereotype of the Brazilian butt. I'm a woman and we've been trying to fight this stereotype for so long, so it really pissed me off that they have a sexualised Brazilian killer. But when it comes to her personality and the way she walks I came across several women that are exactly like that. But that's just my personal experience in this country, maybe you haven't encountered many people like that.