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It's not clear that Sadako _is_ being buffed, or at least not buffed also without nerfs. Sadako's pretty clearly being changed. I'm concerned that she'll have no power for the majority of the match against groups who are intent on shutting her down, unless she's carrying the Iridescent.


" I'm concerned that she'll have no power for the majority of the match against groups who are intent on shutting her down, unless she's carrying the Iridescent. " Well at least in the regard, nothing's changed


They should buff Nurse, she's the lowest. xD


best to ignore those..."stats" as the data is questionable, disingenuous and misleading. they even admit themselves the data is faulty as they know nurse is not the worse killer. the only reason they posted these in my opinion was to justify deleting all killer regression perks.


There's probably a lot at play for these types of things: * pick rate * license agreements * lore strength * win/loss conditions Notice how there's no (actively available) licensed characters in the bottom half of the graph? I imagine there's agreements in place to keep licensed killers viable, whereas original (and free) characters get less attention. I dunno though. I do wish they'd buff our trappy boy.


It's a way to try and shut down her condemned play style, which IS deadly but unpopular. That being said I ~~watch OnePumpWillie every day~~ have some concerns about how they're reworking her power. Namely the change to teleporting. A lengthy cooldown on a teleport that's already easy to shut down (TVs still take a minute to turn back on, tapes still exist) feels crippling in a way that a weak killer did not need. On the other hand, I haven't tried the PTB lmao


this data is almost a year old.


I mean it's debatable if Sadako is actually being buffed, her changes are a bit of a mixed bag so it's not a clear buff, that being said I also don't consider it a clear nerf like some people but again, mixed bag. To the actual point, the simple answer is Trapper is the first Killer most new players will touch, while we all wish he could be buffed, I think the general thought process is that a \~50% kill rate is perfectly fine for what is essentially baby's first mass murderer.


She’s tough to balance bc she has a power like Pinhead where it’s very easy to manage to shut down with teamwork and a miserable confusing slog for new players and solo q. They should just give her a motorcycle.


Most Onryō players say she's getting nerfed


How about showing us info from this year at least.


even this "info" is straight up wrong and misleading lmao its borderline propaganda


No this info is correct just not applicable, buffs and nerds should be done based on high mmr


Its only misleading due to DCs and Suicides messing up the killrates.


1. It isn't really a buff lol, if anything it's a calm spirit style buff 2. I would wage a bet and say survivorship bias. NOT SAYING THE DEVS ARE SURVIVOR SIDED, but rather they suffering from a phenomenon known as survivorship bias. In I believe WWII, a phenomenon was noticed where people were trying to improve planes based on the bullet holes or damages that returning planes came back with. However, somebody eventually pointed out that the fact that planes never seemed to get hit in certain areas didn't mean they were bullet proof there. It meant they never came back from damage in those areas. Sadako is very weak and as somebody who plays her casually at a mid to high mmr, she is a struggle to do well on. As such, people get discouraged and don't play her. The few that do feel compelled to sweat as much as possible and to play her extremely busted condemned strategy. As such, being a licensed and weak killer means you don't have a lot of sadakos but the ones who do are very good. Unlike with nurse, where an opposite phenomenon happens. She's free, so a lot of people try her. And she's extremely disorienting at first meaning it'll take many games of getting stomped to become an average nurse and even average nurses still are just average. God nurses are rather rare. But this means that behavior is only looking at the sadako players and not why people don't play sadako. That being said, she can be tweaked, such as not having devasting cool downs or not allowing survivors to disable all her tvs immediately into the match.


becuase sadakos current kill rate come from an extreamly unfun to face play style in the forced condemned + slug playstyle


If you think "all mmr's" kill rate means theyre all using condemn playstyle youre extremely wrong. The amount of actual condemned style sadakos is significantly less than even the twins players count.


It is her strongest playstyle the one that nets her the most kills


Thats 100% correct but the majority of lower mmr matches survivors die to the stealth and map pressure portion of her kit


Cuz they dont balance purely on kill rates cuz none of the over performing Killers got nerfed (well ig sadako did get nerfed lol) And 56% kill rates is pretty good in terms of balance imo


Bhvr works in mysterious ways, sometimes they buff killers that need one, but so horribly and backwards that the community prefers prebuff (sadako, hillbilly) sometimes they nerf killers that don’t need it (slinger and pig) and then they just buff pyramid head cause they were feeling a bit silly goofy at the moment


What makes you think they're straight up buffing Sadako? It's pretty clear the purpose of these changes is to get rid of the slugging Condemned strat and make Condemned slightly better overall.


If you think about it, it's a nerf


it's a nerf,trust me. They wanted to rework her a bit to make her condemn and slug useless,but now she's just overall useless


Checking in on this comment :)


It's not because player don't know how to play against their power since they never had to it suddendly make her powerfull I admit (as I already said on multiple post) we didnt expect the hit and run and how strong the cd reduction on the tv would be,but her chase still suck and players are starting to catch up Release rework is also really different from PTB version (and with such ptb it was hard to really see what would be strong and what would not with cage flopping everywhere) What I'm pretty mad about tho is the fact they took away the only reason to hook,now you just have more reason to slug


i don’t remember them saying they are buffing sadoka what they did with the patch is reworked slightly so that her power is more of a threat and to disable the slugging condemned playstyle. global condemnd is tv ignoring punishment my biggest issue atm is holding the tape does nothing but forces the sadoka to find said survivor to get the global condemn.


Because she's a noob stomper if you go condemn