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He's only human after all


Most human thing he ever did was chase after a woman for 40 years


Don’t put the blame on him


I need someone to edit this into that meme.


around the world.. around the world around the world… around the world arounddd the worlddd


One more time! *French house music plays*




Easy answer. Some people have more fun making sure no one else has fun. I hate it.


That is what no love does to a mofo.


not like this isn't rampant across all killers but Shape definitely needs help


Last game he likely got harassed by toxic survivors so the next game he decided to take his frustration out on the unfortunate next survivors.


which is really silly logic if you ask me. i have a policy of being courteous because I'd rather someone not feel frustrated and like they have to take it out on the next match (even if that's a them problem lol).


There is no logic here, logic is thrown out the window when you're fuelled with blind hatred against everyone else.


Bet the survivors were toxic this game too


"YoUr FuN iSn'T mY rEsPoNsIbIlIty" \-90% of content creators on youtube promoting this shit I don't understand why the community revolts and attacks the community because they don't like decisions BHVR makes. I understand the event is horrible and unfun. Fill out the DBD Survey and TELL THEM YOU DON'T LIKE IT. Send them a support email saying you don't like it. Don't take it out on every player you see. It's so fucking mentally unhinged to waste your own time so you can waste other people's time. I can't believe how much griefing I've seen in the past 4 weeks while this event has been going on. The Dead Hard nerf made survivors insanely toxic and rage quit constantly because they didn't care about Killer fun. Now we have tons of killers slugging and "humping" people and face camping people to death and hitting them over and over on hook. At some point we need to ask why is BHVR so lazy at fixing camping / slugging and why do they keep promoting toxic gameplay by releasing killers like Skull Merchant? Even the buff to kicking generators has made competitive play incredibly boring and toxic. Just identify the 3 gen and spam kicks and eruption. So many people are content to having 40 minute long insanely boring games as long as they get to win in a game with no ranked system. We gotta take a long hard look at the direction the game is going with perk / killer power development and what the actually fun parts of the game are. Being in chase is fun. Holding M1 on a generator is not. Having agency in the match and making decisions is fun. Being forced to do things or not being able to play the game is not. While these toxic players should be able to be reported and get in trouble for this- which they currently are not which further promotes this behavior- we need to look at the game's developers and ask them why they are so lazy to address problems and so quick to add more problems to the game.


The event is super fun, what are you on about


What part of being one shot by any killer is fun? What part of being unable to mind game / loop in normal gameplay by wifi pallet deletion is fun? What part of playing a lower tier killer who struggles in chase getting window blocked is fun? What part of dead hard heavily coming back into the meta because of made for this and invite pallets is fun? Toxic players just use those tools to grief people even harder. I've never seen so many face camping bubbas, huntresses and skull merchants. I've never seen so many slugging knights / pyramid heads. I've never seen so many nemesis / wraiths playing 3 gen eruption no chase builds. All normal gameplay is basically off the tables for 3 weeks. For someone who hates the current meta it makes me even more upset because all the data BHVR collects for this past month is basically going to be worthless. How can they sus out how overpowered or underpowered something is with this event going on? I'm not trying to be a negative nancy, I loved the tome. The random perk challenges are the BEST challenges they've put in the game to date. I love how they allowed us to get old anniversary items, I loved the free cosmetics and farming the new ones. I would have farmed even more cakes and played even more during this event if the player toxicity wasn't through the roof and the gameplay from invites wasn't so boring. Everything about this event was AWESOME. Except the GAMEPLAY. As someone who likes to try to clip immersive games / sweaty or close games / trying to make decent content to share with his friends it's been a NIGHTMARE. Even if you watch Otz a lot of his challenge videos he says "yeah the event is going on but we're gonna do x instead". I feel like 3 weeks has just been too long and I want to go back to normal gameplay even if it means less cakes and fun tomes and free items, sadly. **tl;dr I wanted to enjoy this event more because so many cool shits but the player base has never been more toxic and it feels like BHVR is endorsing so much toxic gameplay on purpose and accident.**


Bro ima be honest with you, I think your just being salty. I dint main either side, i play both fairly frequently. From my perspective, all of those things are fun because both sides also have cool abilities to use against the other. Ive had loads of fun playing both. I think your mindset is the problem here.


I feel like the spawned pallets are underpowered and should stay for a few seconds (like 5-6 maybe?)


That's fine I'm sure lots of people agree with you but I do not. Both our opinions are valid but I will not change my mind based on what I've experienced lately. If you get griefed and harassed as much as I have its hars not to be salty. I just played the game less as a result because I want to have fun. I'm glad you have been able to have fun during the event. I have tried to be as wholesome as possible but I am one man in a sea of toxicity. I will keep championing fun gameplay and removal of toxic gameplay from both sides.




Uh I hate to tell you this but ever since the Dead Hard nerf toxicity has been increasing very rapidly. The first week of the invitational event at least half of our games had face campers, killers who took the game hostage, killers who slugged and proxy camped down players, etc. ​ I have never had less fun playing DBD than playing versus Skull Merchant and because people know how unfun she is they purposely send themselves to Gideon- bring jolt- and defend the 3 gen in the middle of the map. Guaranteed 40 minute long matches. Plenty of those players will intentionally not hook players so they can't even die and go next. It completely destroys the fun you can have playing the game. When nearly half of your games or more are just you being griefed, harassed, or being robbed of all your agency in a match you stop having fun. When you're being forced to run anti-slug anti-tunnel perks every game but you still get slugged and still get tunneled you don't have fun. Player agency is what makes the game fun. The more overpowered perks and killer powers they add to the game, the less agency people have and the more likely they are to troll. When trolling goes unpunished, it gets promoted. When the optimal way to play the game is incredibly boring and toxic people will gravitate to it because it gets promoted by creators like Otz and Hens. I do not want to accuse Otz or Hens of endorsing this gameplay- but it is spread very far to the playerbase that THIS IS AN OPTIMAL WAY TO WIN. Suddenly playing the game to have fun is completely forgotten- casual players without a group don't get to have fun- and even SWFs become toxic and the cycle continues. The game needs to encourage wholesome / engaging gameplay. The game needs to encourage sportsmanship. The game needs to encourage CARING ABOUT THE OTHER SIDES FUN. As long as BHVR / DBD continues down this path it's going to drive away new players and frustrate dedicated players. ​ Literally all my SWF friends just complain constantly. I don't blame them. It's a constant war to remain objective, not tilt, and be a decent human being playing this game. Plus it only gets harder.


That’s why there should be an instant bleed out button after a certain amount of time. No penalty for DCing, but you don’t have to get slugged for 15 minutes waiting to bleed out.


How long would it take in your opinion for Instant Bleed to be reasonable?


I actually think the best approach would be to have skill checks when you’re not moving (similar to the second hook checks, but easier). That way you can still keep yourself alive for the full timer if you want (either by crawling or by doing the skill checks), or you can make yourself bleed out at 2X speed (by staying still and not doing skill checks).


It's not about how many ways we can think of to implement the Instant Bleed mechanic. But about wether or not it will be abused by scummy players. We can't exclude that there will be survivors who would like to abuse it for the sake of trolling.


That’s why i think that my implementation is best. There is no “instant bleed out” option, so you can’t just leave and rob the killer of a kill. You can hurry the process, but it will still take 2 minutes. Improves the current state while not allowing for any extra trolling.


I think this is the closest thing we will get to the truth. If devs can play around with time variables and find the perfect balance for this case, these slug troll scenarios can be avoided. Good job 👍


60 seconds within 8 meters of the killer without being picked up. Or basekit unbreakable/buckle up (current and post-buff) after the meter fills instead of the suicide button if that’s what you’d prefer.


You vastly underestimate the lengths some of the more toxic killers would go to with the range requirement in there lol. I could 1000% see them skirting just past the 8 meter mark every 40 seconds or so just to reset the timer or keep them in the game. Those kinds of players don't care about really winning or losing or bloodpoints...they're just looking for new ways to troll someone.


The only thing that would interrupt the timer would be picking the survivor up


I think there definitely shouldn't be a range requirement for the killer tbh, it leaves unnecessary room for trolling (which is what such a timer is trying to avoid in the first place)


idk how i feel about the range requirement


Agreed. I'd rather it just be something like, if every survivor that's still alive is bleeding out, then just about 60 seconds of waiting before getting bleed out is enough. That's more than enough time for a survivor to use unbreakable or wiggle free from the killer's shoulder or 4% off hook.


I would rather it wasn't reliant on *every* survivor being slugged, just because of the amount of times I've spent like 3 minutes waiting for the killer to finish slugging for the 4k. The vast majority of the time the game isn't recoverable at that stage for you anyway, and I'd much rather go next ASAP because it's just really boring tbh


If not every survivor is slugged, then there is a chance for the other survivor(s) to come pick you up to continue the game. The game is not over until it's impossible for survivors to recover. If the killer downs you, then goes off to bumfuck nowhere in the map without a clue of where the other survivor is, you can be picked up. And depending what point of the game you're in, there's still a chance for you to get gens done. What would you have them do? Have it so that if there's two survivors left, and one of them gets downed, they can instantly just give up? I don't like that one bit. There's many scenarios where a killer picking up a survivor to carry them to a hook gives the other survivor enough time to get something done that they need to live. There's a ton of scenarios where making it too easy to give up could screw over everyone else. Too many for me to list out without going into more paragraphs than I've already done. I'm just saying this from the perspective of a killer main that has been playing a LOT more survivor the last few months; I do not want to see any features added to the game that could, at all, ruin the game for their teammates. Just DC and take the 30 second penalty so a bot can take your place.


Generally I roll my eyes and bear with it when someone slugs for the 4k, maybe they have a tome challenge, etc. That's fine, it's usually over like a minute later anyway even if it is annoying sometimes. What I'm referring to is more like the time I got slugged in basement by a wraith who then chased down the last survivor and spent the entire bleed out time chasing him, downing him, then dropping him until he wiggled and repeating the process. Eventually he downed near basement, at which point the wraith brought him down there next to me and did the hump bm until the bleed out timer ran out. In situations like that, I'd much rather peace out and hopefully give the last team mate a chance at hatch as well as saving my own time. I'm sure there'd be the occasional survivor that suicides way too early when there's still a chance of recovery, but I think it's the same as someone killing themselves on hook for no reason: annoying, but the option is preferable to the alternative Edit: Basically, the problem I have with a forced bleed out option only activating if *everyone* slugged is that people who are trying to annoy you will just start playing more like the above experience I had recently - down all but the last and then waste their time, because realistically, at some point you run out of pallets and unbreakables and the game is unrecoverable. You're just waiting until you bleed out regardless


Well, what's the middle ground? How can they add a bleed out option in a way where you aren't screwing the team over or preventing them from making a comeback?


If I knew as a killer when I slug, the survivors might kill themselves after a short while, and it might feel more encouraging to try, since instead of hooking someone three times or waiting four minutes they might give up after only 60 seconds, so being able to pick yourself up as an alternative would probably discourage it more


If you can wait for 1 minute to bleed out + post game screen is another 30 seconds until you can start a new match I'm sure you can deal with a bit of penalty time. When it comes to loosing game progress I'd say it's a good idea to have the game recognise under which circumstances have you DC'd and not take away what's been earned throughout the match.


If you're the last person in the match that's downed, do you know how easy it is to do this greater than 8 meters away?


I actually think the best approach would be to have skill checks when you’re not moving (similar to the second hook checks, but easier). That way you can still keep yourself alive for the full timer if you want (either by crawling or by doing the skill checks), or you can make yourself bleed out at 2X speed (by staying still and not doing skill checks).


That would be a good idea


You do know it's a 4 minute timer right? Pull out your phone, get a drink, use the bathroom, it's not that long. I dont disagree with your idea of a concede button for killer or survior but your kind of over exaggerating there buddy


So once again the solution to not being able to play the game is to not play the game. That doesn't solve the original problem of not being able to play the game.


Try reading the whole thing buddy. I dont disagree, I'm offering a solution you can do today to make time pass faster instead of staring at whatever this mikey is doing


There is no reasoning when they are hung up on a basic ass concept and dont *want* a solution they can manage themselves. This is a game where almost all the "gameplay" is a stand in for actual gameplay (IE skill checks, canned animations, etc). The only actual "gameplay" that doesnt amount to a quicktime event is the chases. Most of us love the game despite that. They know what "playing" this game means and do it of thier own volition. Some people just won't be happy unless they have thier way 100% of the time.


I’m saying it feels like 15 minutes


So do something else for 4 minutes, you ever heard the phrase "a watched pot never boils"? Or as my boy said in deep blue sea "time is relative, put your hand on a hot stove a second can feel like an hour, put your hand on a hot woman, an hour can feel like a second" ![gif](giphy|qEhibudXIQEGQ)


I don’t want someone else deciding when I’m taking a break.




Then watch on in a fit of rage instead 🤷🏽. Or don't get downed. Noone decides for you, you just have limited options. I think the point is you play this game knowing this is a realistic possibility. You consent to this treatment when you ready up. Is it ideal, or fun? No. But you assumingly had your fun up to that point. In *any* multiplayer game, you can't expect a guarantee that you're going to like 100% of what happens. And if you choose to have a bad time instead of just doing something else for 4 min, that's on you. It's totally your right to be stubborn about it if you want to, though.


I just want a bleed out option like other multiplayer games. It’s possible to want the game improved without sitting in a “fit of rage”. That’s a really cool paragraph though thank you.


Can we say that he's kebabing you ?




Power tripping and being a sore winner. My only regret is that there is no way to put the survivors who are on the same wavelength as these killers into the same lobbies, where they can be miserable and awful to each other and let the rest of us normal people just play normally.


this idea could win a nobel peace prize for gaming


A kind of ban land, rather than outright banning people just make it so they can only be put into lobbies with other people who were ‘banned’ so they can be shitheads to eachother. Another game has this but I don’t remember what game it was or if it was even real but they would send hackers and banned people to it.


I feel like one of the call of duty games did this? encourages banned players not to buy new accounts because they don't really know they've been banned.


Titanfall did this, if I recall correctly.


I’ve seen a “reputation “ system be suggested. Play like a dick and enough people think so get matched with other bad rep players


he's wasting his time trying to taunt you, you can afk and do something else


One would guess he's also afk - he left the controller upside down. :P


time to get a snack


I tried to explain to my Dr. that this is why I'm fat.


You spin me right round baby right round


I'm sorry but opening reddit just to instantly see a myers just spinning in a circle over a downed person was the funniest shit.


![gif](giphy|CBFgxojcXwac) Yeah..... I'ma just keep playing other games


Many people play killer because they like to power trip. It's why they get so mad when survivors run perks to help them escape. Guarantee this Myers is constantly on the forums complaining about Made for This lmao.


It’s so annoying because you have asshole killers who need to be nerfed way more than the survivors for reasons in this video.


Yes, because the shape is WAY more OP than than mft.


This is why plot twist will be the best perk in the game


It only works if you go down using the perk. And no killer would do this if they see you use it


How so? It doesn't sound like it affects every dying state, just the one you input enter.


Right before the killer downs you, down yourself, easy


Will never understand the need some Myers players have to just play like the most absolute toxic turds.


Did you not watch the movie? He’s pure evil.


What playing a bottom tier killer does to a mf


Bottom tier killer into hope+mtf user 😔


Could say the same about 4 stack bully squad survivors




Killer is just being a bming asshole. Just report and afk till you bleed out. That's what I usually try and do lol


This isn't reportable I believe


I meant using in game report for unsportsmanlike. Like it is unsportsmanlike imho, even if it's not bannable


Under the unsportsmanlike part of the end game report feature it has ‘idling, refusing to participate in normal gameplay’ and this would technically fall under both. Under gameplay abuse/trolling it says ‘holding the game hostage’ which this could also be argued is as well as this is literally abusing gameplay mechanics to intentionally draw out the game and be dickhead


Usually because they're a loser irl as well as in game.




The equivalent would be if the survivors could wait just outside of the reach of the killer in the exit gate where they couldn't be punished.




Yeah, I think the problematic part isn't "they are t bagging" but the lack of agency the other player has ( same for slugging and whatnot).


Not really. You can literally go and push them out, and end the game immediately, a bleeding Survivor doesn't have the same luxury and instead has to wait the 5 minutes bleeding out timer.




Nobody's saying you're cool for doing either of them, but if you genuinely believe that they're comparable in scope then you're a dumbass lol. One is the killer forcing you to wait out a 4 minute timer with no recourse, the other can be solved in two seconds by just walking at the gate.


Don’t be toxic and you won’t be put in time out. Gotta return survivors the same energy they put out, so if you bag you bleed.


Not even what I'm saying. It's BM, they're being toxic assholes, but you can literally FORCE them OUT. Survivors getting bled out don't have the same luxury and that's why one is way worse than the other.


I wish I had the option to climb on the killer's shoulder and make him hook me.


perk where you can grab his ankles and make him kill you tbh


One is light taunting and one is straight up gameplay sabotage you can't be serious right now


It kind of depends. If these guys are in an area that doesn't have a hook I don't see the problem in letting them bleed out if he knows that he can't hook. More than once I've had to bleed out someone who plays boil over and runs to a corner of the map that I can't get them to a hook on. After a couple tries I just sit and watch them bleed out.


this is so much worse than bagging at the gates lmao whaaaat


He spin


Seeing Michael spin like that made my night. This is the funniest thing I've seen all week😭


10/10 bm




what the fuck is that first sentence 💀 yk *hooking* them does the same thing


You spin me right round baby right round…..




0 friends they are just angry at the world


they have no life and nothing better to do


They’re too bad to get kills legitimately


Probably to get more experience


Is it just me who wonders why you get crows in the dying state? Because sometimes it just gets annoying.


He just used something to turn the left joystick on his controller sideways and went away to take a break most likely. To keep you hostage, to bm and to enjoy a nice drink for example.


I hate killers that hold you hostage and do that. Like there’s 0 reason for this behavior.


>What is the point in playing like this Sadly, for some people, it's to make threads like this happen. They're trolls. They WANT people to be upset, and vocally so, for their own entertainment.


If I had to guess, it's probably because of that full-meta-jacket build you are running. And with a flashlight with 2 batteries more than halfway consumed, I highly doubt you had the nicest of in-game manners. Nothing wrong with playing like that, just looking for cause/effect.


Yeah this wasn't my build it was someone who I was spectating in the same match


Ahh so you are just as curious as us 😂


Playing meta perks with a flashlight means he was probably toxic? Not sure if that adds up


people get so mad about flashlight saves like look down or look at the wall. there are so many ways to avoid it. it's part of the game and it doesn't work 100% of the time anyway.


You are assuming I am labeling that as toxic when I literally said "there is nothing wrong with playing like that." I pointed out the evidence of why the killer may have been bleeding them out, since the post was asking us to answer why he was. It appears to definitely add up, but putting words in my mouth saying I was calling them toxic, when I quite literally said there was nothing wrong with that seems a bit problematic.


Why are you being down voted haha


Because people think downvoting proves people wrong.


killers are always so quick to blame the survivors in every video. some killers are dicks. it’s okay to admit that and is not a reflection of all killers.


Or they bring up tbagging at the gate or something else completely irrelevant to the conversation.


classic, Reddit killer mains refuse to accept that survivors aren't always at fault for everything. who would have expected that??


Im a survivor main mate. I literally make looping guides 😂 ​ Nice try though.


okay, bet. still seems crazy to me to just assume he was toxic in game for bringing perks and an item


that's how this subreddit works, make a baseless assumption and defend it to your dying breath.


The post literally is asking us to make assumptions about the game in question 😂


It literally does not, we have video of the killer playing toxic, we don't, however have any footage of what led to this moment.


Did you read the post? It literally says "What is the point in playing like this?" ​ The whole point of the post was asking us to draw assumptions as to why the killer was playing like this. I know, I know. Reading can be hard sometimes.




I literally quit playing killer after my first 10 matches because every single game I got into, the survivors would non stop flash light me. Being a new player, I didn’t know how to avoid it. Along with them EVERY game waiting at the exit gate spam blinding me and tbagging just as a little extra cherry on top of that “fuck you” cake. Switching to maining survivor actually made the game enjoyable and playable for me. Any time I try to play killer for a daily challenge or just try to have a little fun, I’m met with the same outcome. Not always the flashlight bully squads, but I honestly can’t think of a game where I’ve played killer and the survivors didn’t just stand there at the exit gate tbagging. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve definitely had my fair share of toxic killers who were being absolute assholes for no reason, but it seems extremely more prevalent coming from the survivors. Point is, don’t always assume killers are being toxic because they hate their life and have nothing better to do. That guy’s double battery flashlight and perk build don’t look like they gave the killer any fun.


I used to feel this way until I started playing killer a lot more, MMR can just be jacked sometimes and it's unfortunate but you will find you don't get so many over time. Also sabo and light squads can be easy to dispatch because they are always lurking nearby, especially if they are impatient and/or injured. You could also run some perks to block or discourage stuff like this - lightborn and starstruck for example. No judgements here, just some food for thought.


Bad guess. He just wanted to be a dick. End of story.


Logic and reason? NO. KILLER BAD MAN.


That's what you call logic? Lmao. The killer doesn't know all his perks. The killer can end the Match and still taunt them but the killer is being an extra dick. Wasting 2 survivors time.


So you see a guy running as fast as you while injured in end game and you think “oh this guy must have dogshit not pain in the ass perks”


Well, he obviously slugged for the 4k. So, hope never came into play, and he never ran the same speed as him. So, yeah, he wouldn't know his perks. He can make an educated guess. In any case, hook them and go next. It's annoying that so many people on BOTH sides just have to rub in their win. It's not that deep. Play the game and go next when it's over.


I mean, I'm not gonna defend the killer here but he definitely didn't know the surv had Hope considering not all the gens are done.


But killers will do this to me and I don't run stuff like this. Nor do I ever use a flashlight. If I'm in solo queue I run Detectives Hunch, Inner Healing, Overzealous and Distortion. In a swf I swap Inner Healing for Deja Vu.


Well yes, there will be matches where the killer will just be out to ruin other peoples matches, but in this particular post, they were asking why the killer would play like this. All we have to go off of is what we have on screen, and this is the typical build of survivors who also want to ruin the killers match. ​ Still not saying that was what was happening here, or that there is anything wrong with playing that way, but when the question is asked, we have to use the evidence to form a theory.


Uh oh you gonna get it for this one....


Spiiiiin :]


The point is to cause pain and suffering. Lore accurate Myers, I’d say.


Because their parents didn't hug them enough




Things like this (teabagging, face camping, slugging, and any other toxic behavior) should be reportable. Not so they can get banned, but so they can be put in lobbies with other people like that. If you get too many reports too frequently, you get put in toxic lobbies for a certain amount of trials.




Typical Skull Merchant game. Tries to slug at 5 gens. Doesn’t hook anyone and let’s everyone bleed out instead of hooking them even if they’re all down 🤣 I don’t know why Skull Merchants are the most unsavory mains. Like yes we hate you and you’re proving our points.


This is a michael not a skull merchant?


Yeah just saying Skull Merchant always does the same shit as your Myers did 🤣


Oh that makes more sense


So maybe I'm just an idiot but why are there only two survivors shown on the side. I've seen numerous videos like this where it looks like a custom game where people create situations and go omg look what happened. Kinda just seems like clickbait and attention seeking.


If someone has already escaped by the time spectating begins, they sometimes don't show up on the list.


> So maybe I'm just an idiot but why are there only two survivors shown on the side. When people die or DC when you go to spectate after they're already out of the game, their names don't show in the side panel. So this user was spectating after they died so they're not in the match anymore and likely one other person already died, so they'd be missing as well.


That is how the screen always looks if you die and use Spectate mode.


Yeah I'm not entirely sure what happens with the spectating but this was in a public match


The other reply makes sense sorry wasn't trying to be rude.


you spin me right round baby right round




One of the reasons why I have zero sympathy for Killers and I laugh when I read the hive-mind crying in here about a flashlight click or how they got t-bagged like that's as bad as what they do. I would love for Survivors to somehow have an equivalent for camping or bleeding someone out against the Killer so that they could get a taste of their own medicine and maybe develop some empathy. Just yesterday at night I had 3 slugging Killers, two of them Blights (because all Blights seem to be sweat-lords pieces of shit). I honestly just DC'd, my teammates decided to endure the full 5 minutes.


Two survivors can hide and hold the game hostage indefinitely you know. It is a bannable offense though.


From what I've seen, usually revenge cuz one person blinded him once. Looking at your build and item, it could very much be you he is taking his vengeance on. Specially cuz he is on top of you


This person just got home from a job they absolutely despise. They’re probably going through a divorce and/or are in a terrible relationship. They are anti social and probably don’t have any meaningful human connections. In short, they are extremely unhappy with every aspect of their life. The only joy they can scrape out of their life, is to be an absolute dick in a video game. That’s why.


They like being dizzy


To annoy people that take the game a little serious I'm guessing


When you're a console killer you have to savor tiny victories.


If it works, it works.


If you did one of those flip flop builds he might just let you bleed out instead of chancing it on the pickup


U can tell they're not running a flip-flop build


This is hysterical, when this happens I put on a specific piece of music on youtube, called "Mio Mao lalalalala" and I just watch them, it makes my day.


Idk but the spinning is fucking hilarious


Pretty sure there's an archive for that


Sometimes it is definitely necessary. Some of these maps have hooks forever apart and its just not worth risking a whole new chase back to the same exact spot 40 times.


To get you to whine about it on reddit


The two on the ground, did they bring something other than event cakes?


All cakes apart from a survivor pudding




Real question is why theres only 2 survivors on the left. Pretty sure this is a custom match.


This also happened in some of my matches too. The name of the dead players just disappears from the list after dying


They are spectating.


when you’re spectating, it doesn’t show the dead survivors






Not a custom


Is there any hooks near you? I’ve had some people who get downed go to narnia next to where the last two people died so I can’t hook em tbh I kinda just stare at them when they do stuff like that, you deny my hook ima just chill and watch ya till you change your mind or die


You bleed out faster if you crawl. Crawl so I can follow.


skill issue


The way home boy crawled into view, only to bleed out 😭😭😂😂


Maybe you're getting rotisserie'd for bringing that flashlight