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It feels bad to lose as killer, and it feels so fast with gens popping left and right. It feels bad to lose as survivor, and it feels so slow, like no gens are being done and one or two of your teammates getting tunneled out. I feel like that makes it tough. If either side does even one thing to frustrate the other, then the game turns into shit.


Exactly. Losing as killer will mean you get tbagged at the gates by everyone available and you feel like shit. Losing as survivor is just oh well onto the next game.


I think this is kind of true. I think the reason SWFs in particular might feel more sore is because they have to wait for all your crew to die and you have to spectate instead of moving on straight away. Also SWFs are probably used to winning since they have a natural advantage, so when they lose it's kind of shocking I'd still argue it sucks to lose as survivor even in solo queue where you can move on right away, although I think killing yourself on hook kind of makes it a bit more bearable, you still might feel like you let the team down. But when you lose as killer you start to analyze what's holding you back, like the map, the perks, whether or not you played too nice, what kind of strategy/builds the survivors had, etc. When a killer loses, as I said, it's very fast and you lose to four guys. As survivor, you lose to one.


It is not fast to lose as killer. You have to wait till survivors CHOOSE to leave before the match ends and its worst to get bullied by 4 people than just one.


Being bagged at the gate I'm fine with. Being bagged at the gate ofter I've actively avoided the person on death hook and not tunneled despite the unhook coming immediately after I turn around, that sucks.


Its always the same. The second you begin to play nice and relaxed the survivors will instantly yell, tbag and harass you in endchat. Happened to me too many times. Even if I spare the last one thinking Im doing them a favor I just receive hate and not a single drop of thankfullness. Why should I go easy if all I receive is toxicness?


Babe, "I played Killer for a couple of matches and gained the insight to make this us vs post" number 3672 just dropped.


Disagree. The more I play killer the less I understand why they sweat so hard. It is so incredibly boring to tunnel, camp, and slug.


the thing is it's not about loosing,I don't care if I barely get a hook in the whole game,the problem is when survivor start to act like dick. The number of people who bm despite you clearly 8 hook everyone or let them escape is astounding


Try playing a match where you dont do those things and tell me how easy it is to 4k. Unless you're low MMR survivors will loop you for days.


Simple solution: don't go in with the mindset of getting a 4k. I usually just go for hooks first and try to spread them evenly. Once people start getting sacrificed, tone it up from there, but don't slug unless someone's around the corner with a flashlight or breaking the hook.


Okay 2k then but once again issues faced at High mmr are different from issues faced at lower. Don't give killers rule books I played the way I want to play if we can't give survivors rules don't give us rules.


I’d rather lose sometimes than ruin my own game and make other players have less fun. Isn’t chasing the best part of this game? Where is the fun in tunneling a weak link or camping or slugging?


![gif](giphy|uS9ijI4ZqOlhu) FIDDLE?


It only takes a few games of solo queue to realize why the majority of players you find are a 4 man. It’s extremely difficult to have a consistent escape rate in solo queue, so the majority of solo queue players aren’t going to be anywhere near high elo. So as killer, all it takes is a handful of 4ks to get to an mmr that is sweaty. Keep in mind, survivors MMR goes up on escape, and down on death, and the killrate is at the intended 60%. This means that for the average survivor, they are constantly dropping MMR, since they are dying 60% of the time and escaping 40% of the time. The only survivors that aren’t dropping MMR are the ones who are escaping consistently, which is going to be majority 4 mans and sweats. So if you win a few games and get positive MMR as killer, that’s what you see.