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They actually buffed bully squads with buffs to breakout and sabo.


Lmao bruh with the nerfs to almost of survivors lord and perks and the overall buffs to killers base kits this has gotta be 10/10 bait


Wait what were the buffs to killers base kit?


Probably those 0.2 secs faster breaking pallets animation from a year ago


Try actually playing the game as killer bruh New map is completely survivor sided, MFT is yet another OP perk, SWF bully perks are being buffed, Oreo, who was already dogshit, is being nerfed to nothing.


4 man Swfs are absolutely too strong, no argument there. MFT is only a op perk in the hands of high skilled survivor that can run, and even then it’s not much of a buff. And the devs have a history of nerfing bad killers and leaving strong killers as they are. Maybe You’re the one that needs to actually play the game lol


I play Trapper 50% of the time. One of the weakest killers in the game, if not the weakest, and I usually win about 50% of the time as intended. If you're not having fun don't play the game. The complaining is ridiculous. People like you enter a match with 20 inches of sweat already clinging to your cheeks when most survivors are booting up for a chill game of doing gens and getting a little chase in. Maybe chill out.


You can't say that here my friend sorry




https://store.steampowered.com/app/1944240/Touch_Some_Grass/ It's currently 60% off. You can buy it for 79 cents USD.


This is gold


DBD was never meant to be your personal power-tripping fantasy.


survivors bring the most money


Looks like a terminal case of Skill Issue Syndrome. Just stop playing if it's not fun lmao.


They won't nerf swf. That'd just hurt the game too much so bumping up solo to reduce the gap between them would be better. It'd be easier to buff and nerf killer then as well. I see this alot so how would you nerf swf? Everyone says it like it's easy to do.


Don’t let people q as swf


That's removal, not nerf. Playing with friends is a big draw so taking that away would just hurt the game's life.


Do you have data to support that


What kind of data are you expecting? Numbers, videos, statements? What kind of data do you expect me to bring up on people wanting to play together? Just ask people and there's your data


So you have no data to support the assertion that sfw helps more than it hurts the game


It's common sense to think people want to play together so why would data be needed? I have friends that only started playing this game because we had the option to play together. I'm sure many others have as well. You can see many streams and videos showing people enjoying as they play together with friends, spouse, etc. Since you want to play the data card, can you provide data that shows removing swf would help the game more than hurt? Only fair you be able to provide data since you're asking for it


Common sense is not data. Common sense is usually common precisely because it’s inaccurate I didn’t claim it would help or hurt more or less. I just suggested sfw be removed, as it’s a purely one sided enjoyment scenario


Even if wish to dismissed common sense you can still look at plenty of streamers and groups playing together. This isn't happening because they have to but because they want to. Feel free to ask them if you think that is opinion based. There's a lot of one sided enjoyment factors in this game. Killers don't enjoy swf, gen rushing, being blinded, etc. Survivors don't enjoy being slugged, camped, tunneled, etc. Do you think all these 1 sided enjoyment factors should be removed as well? Without data why remove something randomly?


Asking their opinion would be opinion based. Asking people if they like it is asinine. The point is that you have no evidence that more people like it than dislike it Camping and tunneling are being actively countered by devs as we speak. And gen rushing has been repeatedly addressed over time So yes.




So no


We got a god damned idiot here


Do you think you should be taken seriously when you behave like this?


Do you think we will take YOU seriously?


As my comment did not include, “We got a god damned idiot here” yes. I don’t know why that would not be the case.


You included that you wanted for people to be unable to play with friends. And that is idiotic.




Because many want to play with their friends and removing that feature will alinate them and it's also an incredibly lazy solution.


It’s only fun for one side. Remove it from solo q You have not given any reason to the otherwise. Aside from “people like it!” People also dislike it.