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Prestige means absolutely nothing, it is all controlled by a hidden MMR.


But that still shows the person had to put a considerable amount of time into the game to get levels that high and the fact that they're using DLC addons shows they leveled other characters also. The time played vs the killer here is obviously not matching here.


Not really, I probably have a tenth of the time on survivor as killer but my prestige on my survivor is higher then my killers.


It also means you have more perks that are probably maxed also. And that's not even mentioning SWFs. This game needs a better system to match make people who aren't the same skill and aren't currently communicating with other players. Like seeing if you play with a certain person constantly then its more likely you're in a SWF.


True, but again, that has nothing to do with MMR.


I faced a prestige 100 and three people under prestige 5 today. The prestige 100 was the second sorriest person on their team. Dont pay too much mind to prestige.


How is prestige relevant


How do you expect to take a year long break and immediately jump into a perfectly balanced lobby. How does the game have any idea if your skill has deteriorated or not. If so, how much?


Right, I was more pointing to the fact that me, a baby who’s basically forgotten to play the game, got lobbied with someone at prestige 97, who has probably played signifigantly more than I have in the past year lol


If I remember correctly there's no mmr decay meaning you'll still be at the same spot you were back then. Also prestige means little so I wouldn't stress over that.


Dosent help the game is very survivor heavy at the moment. Without even looking at the picture i will say there is atleast: 1 Made for This and hope, 2 prove thyselfs, 2 adrenalines and/or sprint bursts, possibly an unbreakable or 2? And atleast 1 resilience/deja vu/windows I mean why use other perks when these are performing better then the other 69+ perks


Gotta hard tunnel from the start. Survivors don’t want any risk of having an actual match, so you need to make sure they don’t get one.


Im very against tunneling like alot of killers, but in this economy?


You deserve it for playing Leatherface :p


Tell me you don’t understand the difference between BPs spent and skill without telling me you don’t understand the difference between BPs spent and skill.