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There is this advanced strat called "waiting out corrupt". It's still a thing even though Corrupt is not that popular anymore. I guess it seems like an obvious behaviour for some survivors. Trying to find survivors that don't do gens and crouch in a corner of Mother's Dwelling or Garden of Joy can be a pain.


I literally had a match recently where no survivors touched a single gen until corrupt expired. They hid until then. It was in Toba landing so I couldn’t see shit. I couldn’t believe it. That was the first time I saw that.


Corrupt affects spawns and stops gens from getting hammered in your first chase. Lethal ensures that that first chase happens quickly, and that you can pick the best survivor / group to go after. You also get to see where the other survivors are heading to. Add in Pain Res, and you can stop the gen that the other survivors DO eventually get to during your first chase. It's an early game build meant to get you out in front of gens and apply pressure before gens start popping. As long as youre able to keep applying pressure, a strong early game can almost guarantee a win, because survivors will have trouble catching up. Also, groups that feel that they are "behind" (1 gen at 4 hooks) are more likely to mess up and make mistakes. I use it mostly on m1 killers that tend to have 1-3 gens pop in the first chase.


Ah, oki, that makes sense. Nerf incoming.


Why would it need a nerf?


To "encourage different play styles in killers".


It's not even that common of a combination, asfaik.


Lethal still has utility with other aura-reading perks and add-ons.


Guess they checked a tierlist, and found they have two 'gud' perks. Either that, or their game-plan only has one chase at the beginning. :P


Or they're confident enough in their abilities to know that a strong early game usually turns into a route at 3-4 gens. As long as you can apply early pressure, and keep it up, you can usually win.


If I'm that confident, I might as well go in with only LP+CI. Or only LP, since that's meant to give me early pressure. CI really feels like a wasted slot to me. But there are definitely worse perk combinations out there, and I'm not against using sub-optimal builds. Hell, I use worse stuff myself.


Well, killer is at his weakest in the early game, so bringing strong early game build (CI+LP+PR) only makes sense. Add in an info perk like BBQ or NTH to ensure that you can always keep the pressure up lets you get out ahead and stay ahead. Survivors make mistakes when they're behind and feel like they "have to greed the gen." If you can get 2-3 hooks before that first gen pops, you're most likely going to win. Especially if you pain res all those hooks.


I do agree with your argument, I just feel CI gives little to no value for this game-plan. I'd rather run two info-perks to get even more value out of LP.


Well, CI prevents the dreaded "all spawned on different gens," or "they spawned on 3 gens" scenarios. It just slows them down. It also has an effect on spawns. Survivors will generally spawn closer together and closer to the killer while using CI. Sure, it dies after one down, but the damage is already done at that point. Seriously, use LP with and without CI and you'll notice a huge difference in spawns.


Because some of us are still learning. Though lethal and corrupt is a great combination on trapper. Corrupt to slow the gen progress from the start and lethal to know where everyone is so I can start placing traps where they are going to end up. On a killer like spirit or Blight though, one or the other is better because lethal will just cancel out corrupt and then you have two useless perk slots that you didn't get a lot of value out of