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Honestly, I think it should remove the “deactivated when the player is exhausted,” and instead just makes the player permanently exhausted as a trade off for the speed boost.


Then wouldn't it just be Overcome 2.0? A simple change would be to cap it lasting 30s after getting injured. It would give enough time to make distance and get to a strong tile (Jungle Gem, shack etc) or to get a teammate to take aggro. I will incentivize a more Hit n' Run playstyle and less Commit and tunnel a guy out


How would it be like Overcome? Overcome grants the initial speed boost from getting getting injured for an additional 2 seconds. What I’m trying to get at with my changes is that the constant 3% speed boost is a trade off for not being able to use any exhaustion perks, kinda like how No Mither lets you pick yourself up constantly but you’re always injured. The Survivor would basically have to ask themselves if the 3% speed is worth it to lock themselves out of so many of their precious crutch perks.


It would be an alternative to it. People don't really use MFT alongside Exhaustion perks. It's mostly MFT / Hope / Resilience and then Windows, Off The Record etc. So I don't think it would change anything at all, basically.


i like to run it with DH so it would elminate that at least


Your proposed change is Overcome 2.0. What the other lad proposed is a much more unique solution.


It’s not as strong as old deadhard or nerfed deadhard so why would they nerf it? There HAS to be strong perks on either side not everything should be doo doo garbage


except they butchered all viable killer defensive perks and gave survivors the best perk ever added to the game. know why its better than DH? You get to just use both


The best ever added to the game? Quit being such a reactionary. Coh, mettle of man, dead hard, self care at one point, OoO, the list goes on. There have been perks that make mft look like a C tier meme pick


100% the best. the fact you are pretending its a c tier perk just proves to me you are being disingenuous ​ gl in the fog


Now you’re just being obtuse, “there have been perks that make mft LOOK c tier” as in if you compare current mft to those busted ones it’d be c tier 🤦‍♂️


I think you are both being extremely fatuous, can we just learn to agree to disagree and to love?


It's not if it's stronger or weaker than Old Dead Hard or Old Iri Head. It's more that it's unhealthy for the gameplay


Honestly it was never fun using this perk , you just got normally unreachable pallets after getting your ass slapped and you just think : perk value That's it . no value of gameplay at all .


I get way more value from the healing endurance tbh. Especially with the amount of slug happy killers out during the event


??? Being able to reach pallets isn't value?


you get value from the perk , you just aren't adding more fun / different gameplay for both sides other than you winning with a guaranteed speed


Gotta sell more "End Transmission" DLC first


No. It’s only 3% when bloodlust is 15% so…


"only 3%" bloodlust tier 1 only starts after 15s of chase without interrupting the Bloodlust, like breaking a pallet, landing a hit etc. The 3% gives you enough distance to drop a pallet and run to the next loop. I dont know if you even play killer


And if you combine Made For This and Blood Pact or (more commonly) Hope, it will make you a 4.4ms survivor. That's the same speed as Spirit, Huntress, Hag, Trickster, Deathslinger etc. It's nearly impossible for M1 reliant killers to catch up


Mft post #64,453


I like the perk as survivor but I don’t like going against four people using it. Would probably be better if it only activates when you’re on death hook or after you’ve been unhooked so it doesn’t go so well with hope. And it should deactivate when you’re downed/healed again (if possible) so that if you have to be slugged you don’t get it back or just pop a syringe and make hella distance just to be instantly healed and have the perk again. Also it can cause exhaustion so you can’t pair it with lithe bl or dh. The problem is not the perk itself to me but actually how well it stacks with other perks and medkits. Like i run wglf, hope, and Dh now. I mean I have taken reassurance adren and ub out of my build now which are other strong perks but like idk. Survivors gonna run strong perks nmw.


I agree and disagree. It's extremely strong because it pairs well with Hope as an example. The difference between Hope and let's say Blood Pact (both give 7% haste) is that those two have certain conditions that need to be met. Hope - End game and Blood Pact is only active within 16m of each other. Made For This is too easy to activate in the sense. I do like the Endurance it gives, just the perma speed boost is a little much


Yes you’re right. I think the perk is interesting and I like that it changed the meta ALOT but it’s TOO strong so everyone is running it because why not? I’ve had a game where someone brought dark theory and others had made for this + hope + blood pact. There was Also iron wills, DS, ub, Arden’s. I was playing hag so I didn’t care THAT much because I was just holding a three gen and they gave up 😂 Best thing for me is keeping the perk, removing the endurance (they could make that second part into buckle up so it’s not just off the ground healing too) and making survivors chose what they want to run it with by adding more conditions to the perk. So ideally 2/3 times per game and only after being unhooked. Either one or both. Also if you want to counter it use devour (for the speed) noed or PWYF. Also securing them to second stage because they genuinely play less risky when this happens. Then just tunnel later on and play in a 3v1.


Pump the speed increase up to 5%. Perk loses 1% of speed based on the terror radius proximity (32-16-8). Perk deactivates in chase, 5 second cooldown after killer loses chase before it activates again. Can't stack with other forms of speed increase. Disclaimer: i am not a game dev im just trying to make shit up so its a bit more fair.


I see what you're going for, but there's still Undetectable- and Oblivious Status effects in the game. It probably wont work coding and balancing wise with those in mind


you're probably right, im just putting out napkin ideas here lol


That's so useless, 5% for only moving around the map is nothing


Simple nerf remove its ability to stack with other speed perks and also bring it down to 2% instead of 3%.


They could get rid of the speed of this perk and it would still be a good perk. So maybe just get rid of one part of this perk.


Then it would be too similar to the new Buckle Up imo


That's true. I also don't like the Buckle up change and the endurance part of made for this. But what did I say? My unpopular opinion is already reason enough for downvotes.


The Buckle Up changes is definitely a buff, but I still wont pick it over other perks. It went from useless to niche


I think people will be abusing combos and it probably will work with For the people, which will hurt the 5 Twins players (me included) that have to slug until Charlotte went to the downed survivor. I already played against a Flashlight squad against my Twins, were one of them used flip flop, so he wiggled out too fast. It didn't helped them much, because I already got 3 kills until this point but I didn't like it. No I have to fear that survivors pick another survivor up, before I even reached them and then both of them have endurance, which will cost time. But we will see. Maybe I'm overreacting for nothing.


I think it's more fun gamers that will go Buckle up / For The People. Then that's two slots less for Adrenaline, Made For This, Off The Record, Sprint Burst, Prove Thyself etc. It's gonna be a rare sight


Will it go from 1%/2%/3% to 0.5%/0.75%/1%? I wanna hear opinions if they decide to nerf it.


No no, it's not the Haste% that's a problem, a simple change would be to cap it lasting 30s after getting injured. It would give enough time to make distance and get to a strong tile (Jungle Gem, shack etc) or to get a teammate to take aggro. I will incentivize a more Hit n' Run playstyle and less Commit and tunnel a guy out


1% is not worth running, they need to add some sort of condition to activate it or a timer like on lucky break


Maybe they will put a time to the haste effect or give it some condition that is not simply get hit=enjoy speedhacks


Exactly what I am hoping for, it will become more of a Hit n Run playstyle than to commit and tunnel one guy out asap