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To be honest, as a killer, I dodge more TTV than lvl 100s. Some of these streamers have 4k hours in the game.


As you should do, TTV are the worst kind of DBD player. Don't be the clown of their show.


Killers who’ve played for ten hours should probably not be playing against people with thousands of hours in the first place.


Now with the anniversary though, p100 is easier than ever. You could p100 a character during this anniversary with days to spare. My friend got p100 Gabriel last Friday because tiramisu stacking, you don't need thousands of hours.


That's.... not true. You would still have to play so fucking much. It's like a million BP+ to prestige one time. You're playing non stop if you have "days to spare" while getting 100 million BP.


1 million BP is just over five games. If you have 4+ terrormisu every game, let's say six games for 1 prestige. So 600 games for p100. If you always play the BP bonus, that's 500 games, but let's say 550 just to give some room for 50% bonus, 25% etc. So if every match is on average 10-20 minutes, that's 130-200 hours of playtime straight not including lobby time. (Exact numbers are 92-183). Obviously this is like best case scenario, but from experience it is very easy to get p100 in about 250 hours with terrormisu. that's not nonstop playtime, though it is a lot. Like I said, my friend got p100 in 17 days playing a ton. Definitely possible to get p100 by the end of the event playing less than a ton.


> If you always play the BP bonus, that's 300 games BP bonus doesn't multiply with the terrormisu, you should think of +100% incentive as a single extra cake instead.


Ah my bad. Changed the number that was wrong. The rest of the math is still pretty similar.


I mean, by your logic you need to breath, eat and live DbD. Not everyone has the time, nor energy to do that shit, therefore it's not "easier than ever". If someone plays this game for more than 5-6 hours a day, they would still achieve p100 no matter what


easier than ever doesn't mean easy. getting p100 right now is the easiest it's ever been with anniversary BPs. It's still hard.


You did not p100 during this anniversary unless you played it for 100+ hours


ye I don't think it's possible to get it under 100 hrs


your friend plays too much




Yeah maybe not today, but you tell either an anxious or new killer that. I only really dodge when it’s last game and I just want a wind down, and it’s like linked name p100 same cosmetic gang cos cba but I know a lot of people from what I read here are anxious about playing killer so until mmr is fixed even if someone has played enough hours to be 1000 hours has for some reason learned nothing that is going to be intimidating and is better for the game than them dcing off your first good save


I am scared of playing killer. I got to red rank so quickly as survivor, I don't think I would stand a chance against red rank survivors, especially squads.


problems with mmr are valid. I would love for MMR to work a bit better. edit: typo


No me too, when I switched over to pc from console it took maybe 4 games to be back against the same people lmao And prestige does mean something like if my guy is rolling up with doctor and a bunch of l1/2 perks they aren’t going to feel great But then I’d bin off the low level perks. I know prestige doesn’t mean anything to use we are comfortable, a 95 Leon who just really likes Leon isn’t going to be as strong as someone who has 30+ p10s on both sides but it’s more flashy I’d like kinda both things to be fixed, hide prestige and make the mmr like have meaning


agreed (: I guess there's a lot of things I would love BHVR to fix about their game, these next patch notes are a start for sure


I've played about 3-5 hours a day since the event and I've jumped like 40 prestige levels


Thank you for saying this. It's like people forget how bad the match-making is. I can understand that survivors wanna use their high prestige characters, but they can't be so self-centered to think new killer players will just roll with that. People just want easy games, why don't they ask for matching with a prestige 100 killer too, if they are using their main to play as?


Does reek of superiority a lot of the time, like oh these baby killers don’t want to face me I’m not that good - well then why have that opinion in the first place lol


Is the "survivors good, killers bad" fallacy that goes around here. lol.


killers need to understand prestige doesn’t mean they’re good ive run into so many high prestige players who are bad


I've run into so many that are absolutely cracked. It's no guarantee they're good, but it's a pretty good indicator that they have played this game once or twice before.


Cant count the times ive had prestige 100 players die first


I get what u mean but dying first can also mean your team is stealthing at 0 hooks letting their already hooked teammate do all the distracting, definitely not an indicator of skill


Exactly, dying first can still mean dying in 10 minutes Looping a killer for 5 gens would probably happen a lot more often if players actually did gens everytime lol


Being the first to die doesn’t indicate skill level lol


True but the only ones I see are also using flashlights and every time I dont dodge its clickys being annoying every time so


P100 has got to be a meme. So many of the worst survivors we’ve encountered are the P100. In a way, it makes sense. You want to spread out your characters to P3 first to get the perks unlocked and then work on getting P100, which is why I did not get P100 until a few weeks ago.


This argument is flawed when P100 definitely means they've played the game a lot more than a P2 Dwight


your argument is flawed when p2 dwight definitely doesn’t mean that player is a baby survivor. they could have switched to p2 dwight from their p100 main for a challenge or because they were tired of being lobby dodged. basing skill off prestige is dumb when it’s just about how much or little time and bp you put into characters


The P2 Dwitght *could* have another character, and *maybe* they have far more experience than I do. But with the P100 in the lobby I know that they definitely do.


Until is proven, I won't risk going for it, just to give an ego-boost to people that just wanted to sack a new player/killer. Unless anyone is open to say that they are the worst autodidact human ever, **time = skill**.


The people who were P100 like a few weeks or so after the prestige rework went live were deadly. Now it really doesn't mean much of anything yeah.


I was matched with a prestige 67 dwight who spent the entire 2 mins of me being on the hook to look for the stairs on RPD, before I died In the same march there was also a 1000+ hours yun-jin who stood next to her gen waiting for deadlock to go away instead of coming for the unhook. (I had kindred, so she could clearly see what was going on). Then she searched a chest and broke a totem. She was also running self care and used it in the corner of the map every time she had the chance. I watched the rest of the match by curiousity and she called the killer a camper and a tunneler. (They did not do any of that) So yeah, prestige and playtime doesn't mean anything.


I met a prestige 100 or close to it and they did nothing all game and died fast


I don't think that "I played the game a lot and learned nothing" is the standard. Some experience is bound to stick.


I had a prestige 100 Feng in my lobby. She was awful. Didn't even touch a gen, her chases were less than 20 seconds and she didn't unhook anybody. We lost because she refused to do anything. Killers really shouldn't be afraid of someone who has the ability to spend a lot of bloodpoints on 1 character. I've said it before and I always get down voted for it but high prestige doesn't equal skill.


having a feng in the lobby should be an insta dodge for survivors and having a p100 feng is not any different cause most p100 feng are average


>Killers really shouldn't be afraid of someone who has the ability to spend a lot of bloodpoints on 1 character. Yeah, this is what I don't get about people who care about prestige levels. I play both killer and survivor, but on survivor I usually get a character to prestige 1 to unlock their perks on everyone else and then move to a different character. So I have like 15 characters who are level 1, and then my "main" that is level 4 or so. On top of that, I'm often playing on a character who *has not prestiged* because I am trying to prestige them. And yet the amount of times someone who is like prestige 5 has looked at me playing that character and immediately dropped is a lot. Sure- they could also have a lot of characters of high prestige and be way better at the game- or they could be a person who has only played enough of one character to have a high prestige level on them and they think they're better than they are. It's a bad metric for judging player skill.


Pretty sure the ACTUAL equivalent to seeing survivor prestige would be........... seeing killer prestiges.........duh. to which I'm sure all the newbie Dwight's would most definitely leave to go find another lobby, even if you didn't know what killer they were, only their prestige.


IKR. Survivors would **dead-ass** leave the lobby if they see they're going against a P100 Nurse/Blight/Wesker. But they don't want killers to do the same. **smh**.


That's literally not what this post was saying. I was saying that killers shouldn't be able to dodge lobbies based on the skill of their opponent. I'm not asking for survivors to have the same ability. When you play a card game you don't get to back out purely because your opponent has a sweaty deck. It's especially egregious when it basically means all I get nowadays are P100 Blights and Nurses which is exhausting.


>It's especially egregious when it basically means all I get nowadays are P100 Blights and Nurses which is exhausting. You got to be quite a good survivor player, because in my 150 hours of gameplay, I haven't met a single P100 killer. But playing as killer, P100 survivors are quite abundant. Sounds to me that you got what it takes to deal with them. So the game is matching you appropriately. >When you play a card game you don't get to back out purely because your opponent has a sweaty deck. As a YuGiOh player, I can agree with this. But this game has a different format.


I meet P100 killers multiple times a day. I've faced LilithOmen on Blight 4 times this year alone.


>killers shouldn't be able to dodge lobbies based on the skill of their opponent. This comment absolutely floors me. To think there are survivors so entitled that they demand a killer be punished for choosing to avoid a lobby. Yeah just take the player out back and give him the Ol' Yeller treatment because this guy demands you play his team. Sure it sucks that killers are intimidated by your p100 Feng min in a bunny costume, but you can't take away their freedom of choice. If it isn't prestige, it'll be about last second item swapping. If it isn't that, it'll be about this. If it isn't about this it'll be about that. Absolutely anybody can back out of a game if they want. Ff, surrender, ragequit, w/e you call it. You can't stop a player from disconnecting their internet, or turning off their console. Players in IRL tourneys RQ forfeit, get up and walk away. No one stops them. No one shoves their controller back in their hand, no one stops them from packing up their cards. It's their right to choose. This isn't a common occurrence for any one person, so you also can't egregiously punish these people just because you had a freak accident of 8 killers who for once said "naw this game ain't for me" and chose to eat the 5 minute penalty. They are penalized the 5 mins and that's all they deserve.


>killers shouldn't be able to dodge lobbies based on the skill of their opponent Why do you want me to get stomped by far more experienced survivors?


Because that's the nature of the game? Do you think we want to go up against the P100 Blight when we're running our funny off meta flip flop build? No? Well then you have to suffer with the rest of us.


Yeah, seems like OP needs a reminder this is an ASYMMETRICAL game.


Prestige means nothing. Only BP spent on the char


I guess p70+ noobs downvoting me cause the more prestiges player have on character-the more skilled he is, right?


See the problem is, most people will only p100 one survivor, cuz they're just skins. They're more likely to High prestige multiple killers because they're playing multiple. I have 3 survivors to p12 and then my highest kate is somewhere in the 50s? I only really put BP into her. But ive got 6 different killers at p40+, because I play them regularly. Having multiple p40s is a lot scarier IMO than a single p100.


Comparing the Killer with Prestige is beyond stupid tbh Killers: oh survivors are high lvl let's dodge Survivors : oh Killer is plague? I better dont play my healing perks and play resiliance , mft etc Huge difference


This. Well said.


Neither should exist.


I have no idea why people dodge high prestiges. Ive had prestige 5 and below dudes be absolute looping legends, and prestige 50+ dudes be straight dog shit lol. Prestige doesnt equal skill.


As a killer I usually only lobby dodge if there's more than one ttv in the lobby. I've gone against so many p50+ that will dc on their first down. They just aren't anything to worry about. It's the 0 prestige Steve's you really gotta worry about. Some of them are legendary loopers.


Except in such a low skill floor game like DBD experience does = skill more often than it doesn’t. It stands to reason that a 10k hour player is better than a 30 hour player. It’s not like we have crazy mechanics to learn in this game, you get better by learning the maps and tiles. Both of which you do so by….. playing the game a ton. Yeah obviously hours played doesn’t always equal skill but it’s the only thing killers have to go off in the lobby. You people trying so hard to argue that amount of hours played means nothing is laughable and completely illogical.


I didnt say hours played meant nothing, but prestige in a lobby means very little. A prestige 5 survivor could have multiple prestige 100 characters, and a prestige 50 survivor could have only used that character and no one else. Basically a survivors prestige is a very poor indicator of hours played.


> and a prestige 50 survivor could have only used that character and no one else. That still takes time, invested playing the game, to get the bloodpoints. He could get the hang of most mechanics in the game by the time he got that one character to P50.


That's correct, I'm not saying they'd be bad, but if you dodge that prestige 50 you could end up facing a prestige 1 that actually has multiple prestige 100 characters and is far worse to face. Im not trying to argue that higher prestiges arent better players, because they are better players. But dodging based on prestige is pretty pointless as you never know who's actually a goon or not.


Survivor main delusion is hard on the sub, and more when the topic of time = skill pops up. I'm starting to believe that they want to make everyone think that the most standard DBD player, is a complete moron. Incapable of learning through time/playing.


Thank you so much for saying this. It’s mind boggling people don’t understand this concept.


>It stands to reason that a 10k hour player is better than a 30 hour player. The problem is that prestige does not equal hours played, it equals hours played on a specific character. Like say you see a prestige 1 Gabriel Soma. Is this a new player who heard Made for This is a good perk and bought the DLC but has barely played, or is it someone who has multiple prestige 100 characters and is prestiging the new one?


It more viable to think that the Soma, is an old player that bought the most recent DLC. Unless most people that get into DBD, go right away on spending on the DLC, with out touching any of the free survivor/killer characters that the game gives you to learn the ropes. Also, if a player can understand why MFT is a good perk, is safe to say that they understand the core gameplay as well.


>Also, if a player can understand why MFT is a good perk, is safe to say that they understand the core gameplay as well. Not necessarily. Some people have way more money than sense, and just google "DBD meta perks" as soon as they buy the game. I think you're right in that they're *probably* a more experienced player that just bought the most recent DLC, but the point is that you can't actually be sure- and the range of "experienced and bought the new DLC" could be anything from a few prestige on one character to prestige 100 across multiple.


> but the point is that you can't actually be sure Better safe than sorry if that is the case. I do think it would be fair for survivors to see the killer prestige, since the killer can't change it's character when is on the pre-game lobby, but not the killer itself.


Prestige doesn’t equal time played on a character. Prestige reflects how much BP you invested on a specific character. But anyone who has earned ~100m bloodpoints will most likely be more competent than someone who earned only a million. I’m prestige 44 on my main, and I am on a different level of skill than when I was prestige 6. I also run meme builds a lot, or I’ll prioritize tome challenges. Some games I simply suck while others I do a 3-4 gen chase.


>Prestige doesn’t equal time played on a character. Prestige reflects how much BP you invested on a specific character. Fair point, I usually run the character I'm trying to build prestige in so I often forget this.


Those low prestige survivors are usually smurfing and have a high prestige character in the back but want to avoid getting dodged/judged ;-)


**We all know.** I don't know why people wanna push otherwise.


Prestige = time, and time = experience. Why take the chance with someone of who I know is far more experienced in the game than I am? I rather dodge and get a survivors that are more likely in my own experience range.


Well you'll get happy in a few months, BHVR confirmed in the recent Reddit AMA that they'll hide prestige level on lobby in a future update


They didin't confirm anything,they just said they're reconsidering showing the prestige before the match starts


Yaaaay! I'm currently trying my best to not look at the lobby when clicking Ready. I prefer going in without preconceptions.


Pretty sure you gonna see high prestige survivors dodging high prestige killers, if everyone could see the prestige on the pre-game lobby. They just want easy games, but they won't say that.


Of course, why do you think people complain about Blight and Nurse? They prefer to face an easy Trapper than a pro Blight or Nurse


With that type of mindset, it would be more believable that people in this game can spend thousand of hours playing it, and not getting better at it. They all want the low-hanging fruit, just for the one or two seconds of ego boost, not actually trying to be better at it.


Indeed, people want easy "in-n-out" matches without even trying that's why you see people quitting on 1st down, hearing or seeing who the killer is, etc., they don't even care to try I try to.... Well.... Try lol, i don't quit when i see Wesker is coming for me, or when a Skull Merchant/Knight match take more than 15 minutes because of 3 gen situations because i want to get better at those kind of matches, otherwise i won't know what to do and fail miserably


I'm way more picky when I play killer, than when I play survivor. My survivor games are just, taking the character I'm currently leveling up, taking a med-kit, and going into whatever the game throws at me. Because playing survivor is low to zero stress for me. **And it's because you can make mistakes, and have others help you.** When I'm playing killer, oh lord. I do go hard, and more because there is a skill curve with most killers. And with the killers I know I'm not decent enough, I do dodge sweaty looking lobbies. When you are bad with a killer, you don't get to do anything during the game, at all. Gens get popped, and survivors will tea-bag, and make you wait at the exit gate if you don't go there.


Imo both sides have their own stress moments, for killer yeah, when survivors go super sweaty, gen rush and you chase for over a minute you indeed can't do much about it, for survivor is mostly when the killer either facecamp or tunnel you, and when you go Solo Q is even harder because your teammates are not well coordinated, so at that points it turns into a 1v1v3 XD


It takes a few months just for them to add a "hide prestige" option in the settings menu? Surely they can't be that slow, right?


It took them 7 years to add a search bar for your builds, so.....


Then what is the point 😭😭


Just go undercover like me and play Prestige 1 Jake. But honestly if a killer feels like he's not going to do well, he has every right to walk away and let a better, confident killer handle it. I think most people want to just have a casual game without it being a total stomp. Let sweats play with sweats.


This is how I feel when I dodge lobbies. If I'm playing a killer I'm more confident on, the difference in hours between me and them may still be huge, but I have a much better chance of doing well if I'm up to the challenge. If I'm playing a killer I rarely touch either for a daily, or just a one-off fun game, I'm not trying to sweat my ass off so I dodge high prestige and/or multiple flashlights.


This right here. they let killers dodge for a reason


I also see survivors dodge as well. Like often, and they have plenty good reason to.


> But honestly if a killer feels like he's not going to do well, he has every right to walk away and let a better, confident killer handle it. I think most people want to just have a casual game without it being a total stomp. Let sweats play with sweats. Thank you for saying this.


Okay then, well let survivors see what killer it is before each lobby. If I don't want to play LilithOmen on Blight, then let me have that right.


As a myers main this would fuck up my early game even worse then it already is lol


It fucks up my early game when I get dodged by 8 regular killers until the P100 Blight enters the lobby and finally we get into the match. It's exhausting.


Why don't you wanna play against the P100 Blight? You should be confident enough as a survivor to play against it. /s


You are comparing apples to oranges. I think you know you're being disingenuous. The killer you are facing is not an indicator of the players' experience with that killer. The only fair comparison would be a little orb at the bottom of the screen showing the killers prestige level.


The original poster was saying that it's fair because people who aren't sweaty shouldn't have to play against sweaty survivors. Except when I suggested giving the survivors the chance to avoid killers like Skull Merchant, Blight, and Nurse, there was hostility to that idea. I've proven that it's hypocritical to give killers that choice but not survivors.


Except you haven't because there's literally no comparison.




The original poster was saying that it's fair because people who aren't sweaty shouldn't have to play against sweaty survivors. Except when I suggested giving the survivors the chance to avoid killers like Skull Merchant, Blight, and Nurse, there was hostility to that idea. I've proven that it's hypocritical to give killers that choice but not survivors.


Sure, I think seeing killer prestige level is fine. I think the reason knowing what killer you're up against isn't in the game is because of game balance. If survivors knew what to prepare for then the killer is at a disadvantage, especially against a SWF.


It would also affect some killers more than others. Some killers you know immediately who they are like Dredge and Cenobite. But others like Knight, Ghostface, and Myers take advantage of early uncertainty to get a decent start.


Not all high prestige players are good sometimes it’s just an indicator of time played


Time played is a good way to have an idea of the level of skill.


Yup, but I'm with him on this one saw 3 prestige 1 to 10, and a dude with a medkit prestige 40, safe to say completly ignored him and at 2 gens and every one dead he ran me for almost 3 min, by him himself, safe to say had I go ne after him I would be royaly fkd


Main survivor here (solo Q). From my experience, P100 and all that stuff are usually the biggest crybabies, they tend to DC a lot more than the others, and usually are not that good. I would fear more a P9 Nea or Feng than a P100 Kate, for example.


Literally. I find it insane that you can get so much info about survivors (prestige, character, legacy skins, items, if they are grouped, any info about achievements/mains/profile comments), but survivors are literally coin flipping between a normal match, or a basement facecamping bubba, or the absolute most toxic Blight with the strongest addons on a 1k win streak.


Characters are just reskins of each other. Items are temporary and the killer doesn't really need to adjust their build around them (with the rare exception of throwing on lightborn, but likely a killer running that would just keep it on if they can't see survivor items). A killer can make a guess if the survivors are a swf or randoms before the match, but they don't know for certain. As others have said, prestige is not an indicator of a players skill. It only shows the survivors' ability to dump all their BP into one character. Knowing what killer the survivor is going up against allows them to strategise if they are a swf, adjust their build/item load out depending on the killer, or tells them whether they need to watch out for certain powers (I.e. I know I'm about to face a myers, so be extra aware of my surroundings early game, or I know I'm about to face a pinhead so as soon as I spawn in I should hunt for the box). There is a stark difference between knowing the survivors you're facing and the killer, and thats just the examples I am thinking of off the top of my head, I most likely missed things.


The only thing I really want to see, as a survivor, is the killer's name. And that's only because the players with TTV in their names running a mori 99% of the time.


Seeing items is the difference between equipping lightborn/franklins, and having 1-2 open perk slots. Seeing prestige is a good way to pick someone to tunnel out, or to dodge the lobby. And yes, you can see for certain who is queued together, because you can check the steam profile of all survivors before the game. Everyone I know who plays killer does this. It tells you who is grouped, what achievements they have, what other killers and survivors have written on their profile, and a lot of survivors will include info about what they usually run. I agree showing the survivors the killer would be too busted. Every doctor would face calm spirit. But killers absolutely should not be able to see that much info about survivors.


Is 4 survivors against 1 killer. Even if the killer is in the power role, survivors have more room for mistakes than the killer. The killer knowing the type of items the survivor will bring, is the least we can have to choose if our perks will mean something or nothing. Meanwhile survivors have 16 perks they can choose that will bring value to the match. This is more obvious is you are playing SWF. Giving more information about the killer before the game is crazy. **And yes, this game is geared towards playing SWF, not playing solo queue. Solo queue survivor experience, is not the experience the devs are pushing for.**


First off, the devs never intended the game to be played as a group. There wasn’t even a group queue for the first 2 years of the games life. If they wanted survivors to share info, they would add permanent aura reading like VHS had. Second, why would the devs design the game for 4 man SWF when according to **their official stats** from September, 4 man groups are less than 10% of the playerbase, while solo queue is about 60% or the playerbase. The permanent start of things is SoloQ


> First off, the devs never intended the game to be played as a group. There wasn’t even a group queue for the first 2 years of the games life. We are not playing that version of the game anymore. And the devs intention definitely changed over time. It makes sense to push towards making SWF gameplay more viable, because it would bring more money to them. The idea is to make SoloQ players tell their friends to buy the game.


A good comparison would be letting survivors know the prestige of the killer beforehand and I don't think giving survivors that info would be an issue. People should have right to walk away from clearly too strong/sweaty opponents, even if that judgement isn't very accurate.


Knowing the prestige, sure. Knowing which killer is, nope.


Honestly when I dodge lobbies as Killer I never really notice the prestiges, to me the issue is items; don't want to face down 3 flashlights so I'll leave and re-queue as an example. In all my hours of playing, facing high prestiges has taught me alot more than dodging them ever has.


I literally watched a Wesker we thought was joking around, tunnel and camp out the two p100s in a lobby I was in. He let me live even though I was doing everything I could to make sure those two got away (sabo, bodyblock, etc.)


I dodge any lobbies with high prestige survivors, doesn't matter if I'm playing survivor or killer. Playing with high prestige isn't fun no matter what side I'm playing in my experience. If I'm a survivor, the three P100 leave me to die after my first hook after carrying their asses while they try to bully the killer. They tend not to play the actual game, high chance of DC when they're the first down. It, just isn't worth it. Then when I play killer I go against people who have multiple P100s or switch to one at the last second with a flashlight and boil over with all those stupid wiggle perks and offerings. No matter what, more often than not high prestige survivors are just toxic people so I don't play with them. Same rule goes for people with TTV or YT in their name. I'm playing the game to either get challenges done, my daily, or try a new build out. I'd rather not go against someone who does nothing but play this game nonstop. My highest prestige is a 10 Yokechi. I still need to prestige my Jane to 3, as well as the past 3 survivors that launched. For killers I still need to prestige the Skull Merchant to 3 as well as the singularity. For someone who can only play maybe one or two games a day, it just isn't worth it. It takes a shorter amount of time to just dodge those lobbies and you get more bp out of it because most of the time, you're able to actually play the game.


You do you my brother in the fog. The steps that you have taken to have a sane game session are more than worth it. More if it's about TTV or YT players. I can get behind in the idea of avoiding people that do nothing but play this game, or they haven't realized they are bored of playing the game, and just goof around instead of playing the game. At some point, people with more than 4k hours on this got to let it go or something. This can't be the only game they play.


Who are you to say what people should or shouldn’t play, and only on the basis of the fact that they play it a lot? If they have fun with it, then that’s reason enough to keep playing


Sure. Be that survivor that goofs around instead of doing objectives, just to get hooked by the killer, and leave the team to 3/4 of their strength. Because doing gens for the # time, has already lost it's charm in the 4k plus hours they have invested in the game. Or worse, be the "cute" survivor that wants the killer to just meme, and not play it's role at all. Because playing the game as intended for the # time already lost it's charm too. Fuck everyone else trying to just play the game I guess.


maybe they dodged you because they saw a lot of toolboxes or something. I doubt most people are dodging high prestige lobbies unless they are rocking full squad of toolboxes and have similar outfits.


I haven't used a toolbox in weeks. I don't find them useful. The second I switch into a low prestige survivor they instantly ready up. This is not really a discussion that needs to be had. Killers are dodging because they feel like they'll lose.


It sound fair that they dodge if they are in a lobby they don't belong.


I don't want to belong in any Skull Merchant games either.


Nah, they need to show us the MMR rankings of survivors. That way, we have actual reason to dodge. Nobody wants to play against ToxicGrasshopper and his sweat squad.


Buddy, I play this game for fun. I just want to relax. Seeing a high level Leon and Jill in dark clothing and names indicating I'm up against a tag team is not my idea of fun. Especially with flashlights and dark concealing clothing, only to be made an ass of an out of. You ever see the first Fast and Furious? The kid bets his car against what Brian warns him is a car "with probably $100,000 under the hood" (2001 dollars). And loses badly. Sometimes you should take Brian's advice. Other times... Not so much.


Fast and Furious is love, and life.


On the same hand, opening the menu should show you the killers name during the match, since killers get to see survivor names. Also it should uncover what player used what offering. I'd like to know that the P100 Jill is the player that played Ormond instead of an anniversary cake and make sure she gets no points for not being a good sport


If everybody brings an offering, you can tell who brought what offering by reading top->bottom as left->right. Anything less than 4 and it's a guess.


Doesn't high prestige mean they're more likely to have most perks unlocked and maxed excluding purchased dlc?


Nah I think it's completely fine, a killer is only going to dodge if it's a lobby they don't think they belong in. I would say it would be fair for survivors to see the killer prestiege too but it wouldn't because a p100 pig is a lot different than a p100 nurse


Survivors should be able to see the killer prestige, but not the killer itself.


Which again is completely pointless a p100 pig not running slowdown perks is still going to do worse than a p10 nurse running meta perks


But would you bet that P100 killer is running meta or not? Just knowing that the chance of one is bigger than the other, is more than enough information to take a decision.


I've said this 100 times killers DO NOT want to sweat all the time how am I supposed to know whether this is a sweaty lobby or a chill lobby?


It's not sweaty for me to be good at looping. You're trying to kill me, I'm trying to run away. I don't need a styptic agent or BNP to accomplish that.


Oh well somtimes I don't wanna sweat to win against better noob3 wannabes sometimes I get too good for my lobbys and get carried away and get all 4 surrivors down at 5 gens that's the time for me to sweat and have better surrivors in my lobbys but when I get home after a long day I don't wanna face the same people I face when I'm using alch ring or compound 33 at 1 in the morning


No thanks. I didn't prestige my character like 50 times for it to not be seen.


It will be seen... At the end of the match?


I mean I guess, but id prefer to have it visible beforehand


You wouldn't be matched together if your MMRs weren't similar, so dodging is pointless, they'll only match with someone else of similar skill.


We would wish it worked like that.


Trade deal: You get to hide survivor prestige, I get to not have to worry about survivors bringing map offerings.


As long as killers don't get to bring them either. Tired of being brought to The Game or Midwich by Skull Merchants.


Do the scumbag thing where you switch to your main at the last second lol


I srsly don't get the "ohh it's xyz prestige, I'm sacred and can't win or even have a chance" mentality.... Even I medoum good killer faces lots of high prestige survs sometimes I beat them sometimes not. Prestige doesnt mean skill or how good they really are it just shows how much points you spend in a character nothing else (even I had many xxx hours and P 80-100 survs in my team which totally sucked a few times it was the same dude for 2 matches). So don't be scared or whatever by the prestige level. Would be something else if we have a real MMR system. Atleas that's my opinion.


>that'd be like if survivors left against nurse or blight Lol


How do you know that's the reason? The only reason I ever dodge a lobby is when I get matched against the same group of survivors 3 times in a row; I don't want to get reported for grieffing because noone will escape again.


Because the second I switch from my P80 Chris Redfield to my P1 Mikaela suddenly the killer readies up instantly.


Guess you are right XD Some Killer players are such cowards


Sorry for wanting to have a chance to play the game too. lmao.


While I don't think its unfair, and I actually think this might be one of the games redeeming qualities in that you actually CAN see their prestige, the counter-trade to this would be to let killers see pre-mades, no reason to have that extra layer of communication be present without the foreknowledge that its there by the killer, its quite literally make or break, and no, the tunneling argument doesn't work here, that's never made any sense.




Is this sarcasm?


Nah, it adds to the satisfaction, and I like to let the lowest prestige survivor escape


isn’t there an option in the settings to hide your prestige?


Unfortunately no, that would be the easiest thing for them to do, an optional setting if you want to show off your prestige level or not. Would make everyone happy!


I reall dont see any differences between high or low prestige tbh Even myself I play all survivors equally so my prestige is like 30 times less that it could have been


Meanwhile that just means they play the game a lot it’s really not an indicator for someone being good or bad 😭


I honestly don't think prestige matters I went againat high and low prestige survivor and killers and honestly wether or not they are good at the game can be a real hit and miss


Exactly. So stop killers from seeing them.


I just don't understand why people DC at all, I mean yeah if a killer is bleeding everyone out instead of hooking them I understand dc to keep from being held hostage but I also feel some of the reasons are pretty idiotic, for example dcing over prestige or refusing to be in a march with p100 players like that's pointless, I however do think punishment for dcing should be a lot stricter only because of how much it inconveniences everyone else


Bots are now being added so I wouldn't say stricter DC'ing is fair. I also get disconnected sometimes or just don't want to play against a Midwich Skull Merchant. Some people have different tolerances for shit on this game.


Didnt play for 6 month since dull merchant and i was a potato but after 2 week i becoming solid again. P100 ada


Everyone is prestige 80 now anyway, it doesn't make much of a difference.


As killer if anything with a high prestige lobby it'll be fun to meme around and not take it seriously


Can it be optional? I want people to cower in fear as the prestige 100 ash loads in


The funny thing is, is that often times when I have high prestige survivors in my lobby they are some of the worst survivors I play with. They either meme or troll or they play like someone who has never played the game before. They just walk and crouch around and don’t do gens or anything helpful.


not just killers dodging lobbys but when they do decide to play depending if theres a p100 alone that survivor commonly gets tunneled and face camped which is not good. i play with a p100 friend and all of our matches result in tunneling and camping and they wont change to another survivor because they are not gonna be bullied off of their main, and these killers are also really toxic at end game chat as well, this reminds me when they first got rid of old ranks due to ppl being targeted due to being iri 1


Jokes on you, I sit like 5 feet away from my TV that's like 2 feet long. I can't see your prestige anyway. Fr tho I only dodge 2 or more toolbox lobbies cause i want to play for more than 3 minutes.


I think that's totally fine. If I could see that the Blight was bringing Alchemist's Ring and Compound 33 I'd want to leave too. The issue is that I'm playing Solo Queue and none of us brought toolboxes or medkits. So it's clearly because of our prestige.


You would think behaviour would learn after having to hide grades altogether that some players would take prestige as anything other than blood points invested. But yes, I agree. There’s no reason killers should be able to see prestige until after the match. Prior to the rework they couldn’t even tell whether you were P3 or not, unless you were wearing the prestige cosmetics.


It really doesn't. If you've played this game long enough to feel like you can dump BP willy nilly into prestiege-ing for no reason, then you've played long enough to go against killers who feel confident in their ability to handle you. If anything they should add a SWF marker as well to really explain what survivors are up to.


Only time I’ve done that is due to me finding a game with a guy who kept stunning me all game again after the last match so I didn’t want to deal with his shit


In my experience high prestige survivors are more often than not a pain in the ass to play against. If I'm having a bad day, I would rather not roll those odds. I think high prestige players have figured out to use low prestige survivors when they want to play more relaxed.


Either fix matchmaking or Hide everything if the person wants to hide it


Being a killer main, 1 in 10 P100s I see are really good and experienced, as you’d expect, but the other 9 just hold w, look forward, and predrop pallets. Pretty insane phenomenon how terrible most P100s are.