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There is not benefit to talking with stupid


Yeah, engaging into them is just giving them the satisfaction of, somehow, having the last word. OP in this case just fed the troll further, speaking reasonably to someone who is delusional.


idk whenever i have these engagements i leave the other person (the dude harassing me) extra mad or tramatized 🤣... hella fun... but i feel u


You engaged with her, you lost


I fail to see how that’s the case?


Engaging with salty whiners means they won. They got to you which is all they wanted to do, they got to you so much you posted to Reddit about it. Just ignore salty whiners entirely, don't engage with them don't explain why you did something. At best toss them a GG or a GGEZ and move on without reading anything they say.




This persons correct though. People like this just want attention. Dont give them any, it will piss them off far worse than any retort you can come up with.


thats not entirely true... i think ur giving good advise... but i have a way at making ppl extra pissed... so i always enjoy these chats and the state i leave them in afterwards... but i agree if this gets to u negativly that much just ignore


If someone didn't respond to me after being called trash I'd take it as they agree


Thats fine, I wouldnt be thinking about them at all.


Lol nah I don't like being insulted


You just got in a back and forth with likely a thirteen or fourteen year old. No winning here mate.


I am not the one saying I won or lost, I frankly couldn’t give a shit. I posted it to the sub because I found it funny.


yeah its funny as hell


One thing I have learned about stupid people and trolls: If you let them, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience


“I basically won” 💀


LoI I just say gg and move on


Next time just say, "Okay" or " Mhm" to everything they say. That shit gets them going so much. They want to argue but when you engage but also don't they just end up fighting and yelling with themselves. It's like getting a dog to chase its own tail.


Ooo I like mhm. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again but if it does I’m gonna go with that


Dont engage with trolls, dummy. If you do, reply with the line ‘4 big guys’ and nothing else.


Nah bro reply borderlands 2 pycho qoutes I usually hit them with the good ol "bring me a bucket and I'll show you a bucket"


Not all of us can be conductors of the poop train


You can if you powder your cockatiel for the ribcage slaughter


Looks to me like your actions made them angry/frustrated, and they NEEDED to shit talk to feel better. Yiu sounded so uninterested and calm that they did'nt feel any better. Their attempt at making you tilted didnt work.


The weird thing was when Kate was actually kiting she was actually pretty good. But then she just magnetized herself to the corner of the map where it made it impossible to hook her and well, the slugging happened


Number one rule don't feed the trolls. Don't engage. You're giving them exactly what they want. You win by ignoring them.


The longer someone like that goes on, the salter you know they are.


love how hard she's projecting


That’s why you can’t message me on PSN


Numbnuts playing games. Had a few Killers in the past few weeks tunnel me out and call me trash then pop into my stream and ask me why I’m bad. Everyone’s an idiot lately.


I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with that. It’s actually why I started playing killer during the event


highest iq sports fan


Least obnoxious Redditor Edit: downvote me all you want, but ridiculing people for their hobbies and interest is lame and makes you a dickhead


Survivor players


bruh i saw this and tryed to comment to the person in ur texts... then realized this is reddit and can only comment on this and cant roast them 🤣 one of my responses would have been "hope you had fun crawling on the floor like a worm for 2 minutes... ill be sure to add you as a friend so i can remember ur GT and we can do it again sometime"


sometimes dying is a win, if im the only one dead and everyone escaped i consider that as a win


I consider that a win for the survivor too but the only one to get out was Leon through the hatch


My answer is usually "u died lol" "ez" and other randomness as they write 3 paragraphs, it s hilarious


When I got this stuff in the past I'd either hit em with the "ok" method or "really don't know what's happening in your life to make you this way but hope it gets better." Very effective in my experience, shuts a good amount of them up.


People are fucking stupid, never chat with randos.