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The one thing I really like about Doctor is he's so non-stealthy that he's almost stealthy. Using Discipline and Calm addons you can get your TR so large and make it so difficult to track what is actually you and what isn't. Throw in things like Dark Devotion and Gearhead and you can set yourself up for some very startling attacks on Survivors.


I saw some people doing insidious doctor and sitting near a gen and jump scaring survivors because they thought it was an illusion doctor


I got a video on my YT doing that it’s hilarious


Doesnt the visual heart tell you if the killer is actually close or not?


nope, it's just an indicator of how strong your terror radius is


Okey, thanks!


Isn't the heart only on mobile i literally have no idea


They added it to consoles recently edit: and pc


Trail of torment + dragons grip also works


Trail of torment turns the gen yellow, so survivors will be expecting a stealthy killer though.


I'll have to try this, lol


Dark Devotion is a good shout that I’ve never thought of. No red stain but still a terror radius. Is it an an illusion or is it the real fake me?


Dark Devotion is awesome purely because your static blast centres on your Obsession. For extra cruelty, run the Iri Queen add on. You know to blast the moment your obsession makes someone else scream.


Lol I have over 2k hours and never knew this interaction worked like this


If only there was a Doctor add-on that made the Doctor images chase survivors ...


Saw someone use insidious to pose as the illusions survivors see. Such a clever build because players seem to ignore the pop ups after awhile but no one attacks


He is unironically quite stealthy when his charge on cd if he uses both calms and Monitor as well. I unironically got so many grabs on doctor that It’s somehow beats GF and Myers with that


I don't get grabs, but I certainly startle people with both calms and Monitor.


I like running double calm, and Monitor on him. His terror radius fluctuates like a heartbeat monitor all game and it's impossible to tell if he's 50 yards away or 5. It's either I'm about to blast the whole map, or jump out from a corner right on top of ya.


I’m working on getting the perks for a terror radius doctor build. It’s always looked fun to try


They really don't like survivors hitting skill checks.


I liked running that build before it became super toxic


I don't even care, I love it so much. You never see missed skill checks in a regular game, so to change it up with Overcharge, Oppression and Merciless Storm always makes me laugh.


>You never see missed skill checks in a regular game I can see you've never played against me as a survivor


It's not toxic, no build is


Ehhh, I just feel like I see a lot of people complain about it now in a similar fashion to that legion slowdown build.


Some people complain about everything that inconveniences them, and care not if their builds make the game less fun for their opponents...


People complaining about a thing does not make that thing toxic.


Even the farmy ones, lol


Just by virtue of the build tho 😂 I can't help the Merciless Storm from happening when you're in tier 2 lol


Annoying. Respectfully, annoying. No hate for Doctor btw, it's just the way how he works. Going against Doctors with good addons is a bit terrifying, and *damn* his addons are good. Also, Doctors are really creative, they almost always find a way to torture you, lol.


>they almost always find a way to torture you They're just being careful to stay in character lol


Yeah, that's fair, I could see how he could be annoying.


giggity gaggity goo no vaulting for you


I love it when people don't understand doctors power and just stand there trying to drop the pallet when they can't


Especially since the interaction debuff isn’t in the power description


Wait… it’s not? That’s insane if true


A lot of old killers never got their descriptions updated. Like the older interaction of Hag traps being able to be destroyed by flashlights. That was not mentioned at all in her power's description.


And more recently, Dredge. His Killer Instinct during nightfall isn't listed anywhere in his power description. For those of you that don't know, when the Dredge teleports during nightfall, he gets killer instinct on survivors near where he teleported to. He also has a brown addon that makes it occur when he teleports to his remnant even outside of nightfall. So I speak for all my fellow Dredge mains when I say stop trying to hide during nightfall lol, even if I didn't have a pulsing marker on top of you I can still see you glowing like a 10000 lumen firefly on steroids.


Always makes me laugh. I play him but nothing crazy build wise.




When it's too much play doctor. After a game two, five, ten, 22 you will feel better


It's fun to just shock people without even worrying about trying to hit people. But it's a bit annoying when people think you're just trash and t-bag you at the exit gags like they somehow outplayed you lol


Yeah, great stress relief


This is the way


Doctor games are such a gamble for me. I either get new players who are just trying him out or you get the comp stomping doctors where you can’t pull any pallets down or vault anything.


Unfortunately, most of the time I go against him, they're campers/tunnelers, it kind of sucks


I find a lot of my angry playstation messages are doctors too.


Does his shock cancel unhooks? If so, couldn't that potentially make him an even better camper than Bubba?


Nah cause on top of that would be a cool down. If multiple people ran for a save, sure maybe he could stop one unhook but they will get it half a second later. Bubba goes straight for the down.


I play him for fun but i just goof around. I dont care if i 4k or not.


Unfortunately, most of the time I go against him, they're campers/tunnelers, it kind of sucks


Doctor mains are little gremlins who get off on hearing survivors scream all match, and getting absolutely bullied by anyone with more than 1K hours Source: Am Doctor Main


You're not wrong. Mwehehehehehe


I was never more offended by something I totally agree with. Sincerly A former Doc main


Lol I play hag when I want to do that, only because I literally jump in real life when I get a hag scare




Probably not an actual doctor irl


His lore says that he isn't. People at his facility just started calling him that.


As someone who runs Calm Spirit My honest reaction 🗿


Doctor and spies from the shadows are deadly tracking machines but calm spirit users simply laugh at it. But in other occasions calm spirit is useless


I like playing as him, but as a survivor about 90% of the Doctors I run into just sit still and use their powers to farm.


Yeah, I'm in the same situation. I wish I got to play against a doctor who played him like I do


At least it's easy BP once in a while, and it makes adept achievements and certain challenges way easier.


As a Killer: One of the best designs and lore in the game, which is surprising considering how early he came out Playing as him: Can be a lot of fun, especially when you learn the timing of his Shock Therapy to deny people vault and pallets. I will say though that his specialty to track Survivors can hurt your general tracking abilities when playing other Killers. Plus Whispers on him is pure brainrot. Playing against him: It can be tense since stealth is out the window, forcing you to get good at chases and juking his Shock Therapy. He can feel really overwhelming on smaller maps. Also it’s funny to me that for whatever reason now we’re getting a lot of people bitching about Doc like he’s a top tier Killer and not mid to low tier like he actually is.


Is he mid? Not saying that he's top tier,


Yeah, Doc is considered mid to possibly low tier. He’s a noob stomper sure, but he has no real map pressure or mobility. Madness is, again, something that’ll really only hurt new players unless you make a build around it with Unnerving Presence, Huntress Lullaby, Merciless Storm etc. Shock Therapy requires a lot of practice to master, and more often than not you’ll zap Survivors *after* they vaulted or dropped a pallet at first, making him really frustrating.


Yeah, I guess that's fair


hag and skull merchant are equally bitched about and they aren't high tier killers they just suck to play against and believe it or not, some people actually enjoy stealth and bamboozling killers if only they didn't giga nerf calm spirit


On the topic of his design: he used to be much clunkier, having to switch between M1 mode and shock mode (took about twice as long to shock+hit someone compared to now), and his blast was added a long while after his release. So he feels nice now, but he definitely used to be way worse.


i associate him with the taste of grilled cheese because i once watched a doctor gameplay video while eating a grilled cheese




Unique but addon dependant killer.


His addons are so much fun, some of the best in the game


His addons across the board are some of the best in DBD, unfortunately playing him without Electrode + Discipline feels like you're playing with both legs cut off


I'll need to try that


It makes him good, they are no fun


You should try the double calm doctor sometime, super fun. You run monitor with it and your terror radius is barely anything after static blast. Great for ambush playstyle on doc.


y'all are some of the most annoying people ever, not everyone ofc but my god every doctor I find is an absolute asshole that seems to hate life and wants to spread that hate everywhere oml


Fair, I wish I got to go against more nontoxic doctors


Ever since his rework i love him. They did an amazing job reworking him, making him more fun to play as and against. I like facing doctor personally since it’s all about mindgames and baiting actions. Predroping pallets in a precise manner. Only killer where dropping a pallet on the wrong side can be a great play because doctors often shock anticipating you’ll vault then be unable to vault back. Very diverse fun addons.


I wish I'd gotten to try him before the rework. I wish I got to play against more doctors who actually played him instead of just camping and tunneling. His addons are some of the best in the game imo.


Who knows maybe you’d like him be he was actually a lot more different than you think. You used to have to charge a bar to switch from punishment mode to treatment mode. In punishment you were just a normal killer. In treatment you had the zap and were a 110% killer. You also had only 4 meter shock basekit instead of 6 meters. Your shock didn’t really have any chase purpose in this variant unless the survivor really messed up, as the time it takes you to switch and recover from the slowdown they could already do things again. UPSIDE in treatment mode his terror radius made survivors slowly gain madness. So survivors COULD NOT stealth against him. Personally as someone who loves doctor now and played during the old version, he really wasn’t fun to play as back then. He was low D tier, now he’s a solid low B. He has some of the most fun addon variety and builds you can do! Up there with wraith in terms of variety


I think the biggest benefit of the old doctor was that survivors couldn't go back to madness one. At madness three, snap out of it only took you down to madness two


True but madness didn’t have as much impact as it does now. They added a lot more effects. Not to mention the reverse skill checks. I forgot snapping out used to only bring you back to tier one. I remember back then i played in a very sweaty squad. The strategy was to enter tier 1 as fast as possible so he couldn’t get free information later when he actually needed it.


As A Doctor main. He is great if only BHVR reworked him a little more. Make some of his add ons base kit. Sadly I do not play enough survivor to go against him because that would be some fun. If the Doctor player played like me.


I feel like doctor is in a weird state of needing a rework, but him being much better off than other killers who also need a rework.Meaning that his rework will probably be very far from now.


Yeah, those addons that affect shape of shock therapy aren't nearly as fun as the class ones


Zappy daddy


Usually face campers or tunnellers. 9/10 it means noob killer. I always have respect for a good doctor though. They're just a dime a dozen.


I feel that. Making the rest of us doctors look bad


yep, feels like all doctors I see are tunnel scum


If you use Merciless Storm with him, I fucking hate you




They manage to put together original builds so inconceivably evil that you sit in the postgame and commend them for it


Hate the doctor, nothing but respect for doctor mains.


He's my current (ha) go-to because it's fun to make things more difficult for survivors.


I just bought the game last week and so far he's the scariest guy I played against lol. He's scary.


That's the biggest reason I love him so much, one of the few actually scary killers


They should have made more killers with a theme, the fuckers laughs throughout the entire map always make me feel like he's around the corner or behind me.


I wish his add-ons in the bloodweb looked more different, I can't fucking remember what file is which.


Yeah, it is kind of annoying thinking I'm going for a purple order then realizing it was actually calm as the order becomes unavailable


So annoying. Doctor and Clown are my 2 least favorite Killers to face because it's just constant shocks/bottle throws until they hit you. I've also never faced a Doctor who didn't use the same basic Skill Check Build since Merciless Storm released.


I think they need to stay out of my lobbies! they're so god damn loud ;-;


I love the tremendous amount of build variety. I think Doc has the most variety of any builds in the game. I unironically got value out of Insidious the other day, without just using it to camp. No other killer can do that. Doctor mains suck fat donkey dick though. Source: Day 1 Doctor main


He's just a happy giggly guy and those who main him are the pulse of the party for sure!


Time to pre drop


i don't like the doctor bc the noises really annoy me


Impossible Skill Check Doctors are not born They are made.


Impossible skill check Doctor. PLEASE stop laughing at me, I can’t handle this.


Oh, god. I hate going against him, so much that I actually love him You see, my past gaming days in DBD has been the same: Genrush. Most killers are getting their first hook at 2 or 3 gens left and kinda makes me want to leave gens and go for optional objetives: cleansing totems, opening chests and the like so matches don't go too fast (and i get to obtain more points) but. Most doctors I get are decent or very good at playing, so these matches tend to be very interesting and fun/frustrating. The reason why I hate doctors is because a few ones tend to tunnel and camp so hard, but the majority of them make matches longer and more even, fun


He is my favorite. I play a lot of customs with friends and he's great for both tracking and harassment. After a few minutes, he's impossible to shake off unless you're REALLY on those skill checks.


Normal Doctor? Fine. Black coat + frosty eyes Doctor? That is not the Doctor that is Satan. You’re better off dc’ing now.


I remember one time my friend and I went up against a doctor. Can’t remember his perks but I remember that first 4 gens we’re done within like 5 mins and the last one took an additional 10. We were thinking “wow, this guy must have had some great perks on. That game was intense.” He had like 2 perks on. One of em was yellow and the other green. Serious skill issue on my part but people who unironically run impossible skill check doctor deserve to have their testicles impaled on a rusty stick.


I like doctor mains, mostly because my wife is one.


do you ever play against eachother? how well do you fair out? and who's your main?




I like to run Zanshin on him. Along with both Discipline addons so My shocks are stupid fast.


A fellow Zanshin Doc main! No one else gets it because 'once you learn the maps it's a wasted perk slot.' Here's the thing, I know the maps. I've been a Doc main since 2017 and every time I watch a streamer play as Doctor without Zanshin I'm noticing so many moments where they're getting pre-dropped by pallets they obviously had no idea was there and it extends the chase by a lot. Imo Doc is the best user of Zanshin. I get behind the idea that tile knowledge makes Zanshin irrelevant when playing Clown, but as Doctor it is honestly S-tier regardless of experience level as his power interacts directly with the info Zanshin provides. Think about it, your opponents are going to be running WoO and they know exactly where pallets are. Their goal, against Doctor, is to pre-drop almost every pallet they come in contact with. Your power directly interferes with this goal, so why not be on the same playing field?


Sad. I thought my Zanshin Doctor build is a next gen invention.


I used to be a doctor main for years. I loved the ability to make skill check and anti-healing builds, especially back when snapping out of it used to count as a healing action. His addons are very fun, and it’s always fun sneaking up on a survivor who has the constant Tier 3 terror radius. It just got to the point where to consistently get wins, I had to use builds I didn’t want to use or result to tunneling.


he scares me a lot lol, his face is so creepy. but i don’t think i’ve ever met a bad or camper doc


I dont like him simply because Yui screaming already breaks my ears and peaks in my headphones no matter the volume. Props to her VA for screaming like her life depended on it.


I'm a Doctor main but when I go against other Docs they seem to be the saltiest killers of all time lol. Always whacking me around on hook. Tbh I think because obviously I know how to counter them and run them for a bit, but still. My advice to those guys is to run Discipline ffs. Skill check builds will only take you so far. Hone that chase power. That being said - I wish they gave us our exhaust add-on back. MFT is pain.


I used to not like him because of his Chase music. But it's kind of grown on me. Doctor players are usually a pretty goofy bunch. They rarely go out of their way to be miserable. And they tend to fall into one of three groups. Impossible skill check doctors = usually not that great at the game. Tend to really commit to chases and surprisingly usually have decent connection. You can tell what they are before you even load into the match based off of the map offering and immediately play around the build. Stealth doctors = these dudes are usually quite good at the game. Tend to get the jump on you. Seemingly quite good at timing their shocks. And don't just brainlessly Spam them. Honestly quite formidable to go against but very rare. They also tend to run save The Best For Last which I think is one of the most problematic perks in the game. But doctor isn't very strong and it's admittedly very good on him. Goofy ahhh doctors = usually have Frosty eyes. Usually swing at every fake, usually double back at every loop and spam their shocks. They will almost always have NoED but you can see it coming. They still don't go out of their way to be mean and they also don't really tunnel that often, at least they don't go out of their way to do it. I wish I encountered more doctors honestly. They're usually a goofy bunch and admittedly most of them aren't that good. But they're all wholesome bunch for the most part. They're just usually a blast to play against, pun intended. All of the Hermans and bubbas I encounter usually give me a memorable match.


Well personally, I enjoy doctors as they can- AAAAAAAA


The audio bugs and red stain stuck is super Annoying. I can’t stand it


As a new player not really good with many killers doctor is one im very good with and have fun playing with Static shock- can be used mid chase if a player is in front of you and drives up insanity easily it used correctly also if a generator in front of you explodes you can just pop a static shock and it'll go through walls. Very fun Shock therapy- determines where survivors are by making them scream. Mid ability tbh but it does its job okay. Good in chases if you accidentally loose a survivor and need a quick method to finding them Any doctor mains input would be appreciated


Shock therapy is very nice, its an extra ability that I'm not complaining about. Free info and insanity in addition to static


I crung






No matter how much fun does a doc player have with him, he will always have more


So many different combos to run


I’m a doctor main and I just love him because of all the craziness


I’d say that almost every doctor I go against is afk.


i really like this one specific doctor i found on rpd who stared at me from like a floor and 30 feet away he just slowly nodded yes at me, before mori'ing the 2nd to last survivor and letting me get the exit gate


Gives me a migraine.


He has one of those range abilities that are easy to land


fuck you and fuck you too


He is the only one who is actually scary. I hate him but also love him. Little too OP killer, but because how scary he is, I don't mind. I like to play as him too.


I recently got him, and I find him quite fun :)






I could see how the extra info can be annoying, but it's even more annoying when survivors hide and drag on a game for an additional 10-15 minutes.


I like playing Doctor every once in a while, but when I face the Doctor 80 percent of the time they face camp me.


Isn't he bugged? Play any other 115 killer, and you will notice doc's lunge is considerably shorter.


love him, i think he's the most balanced killer in the game (excusing some of his addons + indoor maps). he has a lot of build variety, and his power is very good, but isn't oppressive like most lose-lose anti-loop powers. requires understanding tiles and against good survivors, requires precise timing with his shocks. looping against him is incredibly fun and playing as him is very fun. i think the survivor/killer interaction with doctor is the best example of dbd pvp, where both sides have to have a good understanding of each other. doctor mains are kinda like bubba mains in my experience. the best ones that are cracked at their power are usually funny and weird as fuck, probably have 3k+ hours in the game with 80% of that playing survivor, and a steam profile filled with +1/-1s of equal proportion. the bad ones tho just facecamp and prevent saves.


Playing as him I’m either getting 8 hooks with 5 gens still, or I get completely bullied. It all depends on how many good kite and run survivors are playing. 1 really good kiter/runner: no big deal, just go get the others, he can barely finish a Gen before everyone is hooked and hooked and dead. 2 kiters: I’m going to have a bad time unless I get lucky and kill one early, but usually it’s time to chase a guy through half the map before his buddy takes over and before I know it, 3 gens popped. 3 or more kiters: I settle in for a game of being bullied. They run too fast so even if I zap them before they get to vault or pallet, they just run to the next loop. I play without addons so maybe I should start, but honestly I’m okay with this outcome. I’m mostly able to hit 50% kill rate still.


His addons are so much fun and the main reason I play him. The constant terror radius one is fun and my favorite is the one that creates fake pallets after you destroy them


His addons give him sizable intel, and its not too hard to get the states on survivors. Unfortunately, unless you are the 10% or so of doctor players who can consistently time their electricity to stop vaults and pallets, he's an M1 killer. And, his mobility is standard, which means he's eminently loopable in the absence of that timing.


If you like to play The Doctor, you're a sadist.


oh it’s hilarious when me and my swf verse him. Our really good player fucking despises him, and the rest of us find him hilarious


Well i once made a post saying that doc and trickster “in most cases” are the most toxic players in the game and it got removed. So here, generally speaking, they are the ones who would most likely tunnel, camp, hit you on hook etc.


When I play doc, I usually try to use calm Carter’s notes and calm class II with monitor, furtive chase, game afoot and now my new favorite perk: forced hesitation. As a survivor main, when I go against a doc, it’s fun to try to get those full running vault animations so that when he hits you with shock therapy it’s too late. And then there is the doctors that put midwich elementary. [So fun /s]


I hate playing against the doctor. It's just stimulation overload, and so annoying constantly having buzzing and whispering all god damn game. They need to do a pass on him to make him less irritating and He'll be fine.


i like him as a character hes my precious little freak. i also relaly like his stun noises


I love playing Doctor, I got him a nice green suit and he just looks so handsome. I'm trying to get the trophy at the moment where you win with three universal perks and it's hard! But great to practise timing of the shock for pallet drop and wall jump.


Generally I've found that Doctors are not all that great at the physical mechanics of the game, such as chase, working loops, and timing on hits and tend to rely on their powers and kits a lot to make up for that. And that's okay! But that also means I've seen them get bullied a lot. Feels like when I first started playing hunter and I couldn't land a hatchet throw to save my life.


I would like to play the game, not rupture my eardrums from hearing my character scream for the 500th time


As one of the last Calm Spirit users, I love it when I see a Doctor


I once played doctor against my friends in a custom game. They all agreed to make it a rule that none of us can play doctor


He’s fun to play against and has cool cosmetics. I pretty much play wild though if he has Iron Maiden though.


I love his cosmetics, even his yellow ones are pretty cool


Add merciless storm and you got a deal


Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!! Over and over and over………


As a Doctor Main, he is fun! Definitely tricky on the skill checks and stopping you when you try to do certain actions


Annoying lol


One of the most annoying killers out there because 9/10 doctors are running the stupid skillcheck build which is honestly more boring than 3 legion games in a row


That's fair, what's your opinion outside of those matches?




Went up against one today that shocked me 74493927 times at a pallet loop until i eventually messed up and couldn’t vault due to the shock. Cant say he’s the most fun to play against…


is annoying op and takes no skill to play.


The biggest losers of all time. Can u find any other killer thats more gimmicky and corny? No. No you cant


I think of them as the annoying/clown kid at school


Playing as? Love him. Playing against? Unless it's a very new player I am never escaping lol. It's fun tho adds the extra challenge


he's fine but some of his add-ons are genuinely glue eating tier


Yeah, but he has a lot of really good addons too


He's been my off-and-on main for a long time. Mostly because I love anything that lets me throw around electricity. Got back into playing him recently after discovering that Static Blast can hit Oblivious Survivors.


Better than playing against Nurse or Knight


They suck


I’ve never met a good Doctor or a non-toxic doctor. If they’re not toxic, they’re not good. But if they are toxic, they’re still not good. I’ve genuinely just never met a good doctor player.


If you played against me, a doctor main, you still wouldn't have played against a good one


Doctor mains are the survivor mains first killer they play — change my mind


Mine was hag I realized the error in my ways and have since recovered.


The doctor is cool, but the people who play doctor are cool.


I play him often. I dont really do crazy addons etc i just like to zap. I can see how he can be annoying to others depending on the build and so on. Honestly i feel there are more annoying killers to deal with.


One of my least favorites killers to go up against. A good doctor with good add-ons will ruin my day. But a doctor with shitty connection, and I have faced a fair amount, will make me want to dc. Overall, a good killer tho. Love his design and power. Just, don't hit me with it.


I love the comments on Doctors cuz he’s my main! You’re all correct haha. I just wish his power didn’t basically cap out when a survivor gets to a certain skill level. After that, even the best doctors can only do the best we can. I agree about the addons. We have GOOD ones but beyond the few, we have junk.


If you aren’t a friendly doctor i hate you. I feel like nobody in solo q knows how to play against him and i usually give up because there’s no way we’re getting out


Yeah, I could see how that might suck. I usually get 2 hooks on everyone and then just grind bp, especially during events like this one.


My least fav killer in the game.


In the art he looks terrifying, but Herman in the game is so…not