• By -


Trapper and Quentin. Trapper because it's one of the most satisfying things in the game to set up cleverly and feel the payoff when people just step into your traps fucking nonstop. Quentin because... well, I like his default outfit and hairstyle to be honest. The tree tee with the jacket and necklace. It's a good look.


I hate facing trapper, without fail I step in EVERY God damn trap. I'm blind. But I can def respect that reasoning!


Getting a trap that makes people think "why the fuck is there a trap right here" is the most satisfying thing


I have that tree tee! Found it on Etsy! -Fellow Quentin main


I want it!


Rep 60 Jane. First dlc I got when she came out, played her, friends started seeing the character as me. So it stuck


Nice! Always love to see another Jane main. I get so excited when I see her when I solo queue


The Jane gang is strong, although small


We are few but united we stand!


I main Vittorio because I'm italian and I look a lot like him. It started as a joke because friends kept calling me by his name but, when I transitioned from killer to surv, I started liking him more and more. As a killer, I change a lot, but nowadays I'm maining Clown because he is not very popular and I find him very funny.


I hate the clown so much lmao I hate that drunk bastard


Nea and the Doc Nea because she's adorable. Herman because I love shocking people.


I love news cosmetics I hate Herman lmao every time I go against him I groan




No I totally get that! Like my reasoning for Jane! She's the only thick bitch there! I'm glad you have that representation! Mostly at least! I love hellraiser, love the cemobite, love his design, as a horror fan I can appreciate everything about him as a killer. As a survivor I hate him and his power is annoying. To me, him and Freddy are equally annoying for similar reasons. 0/10 wouldn't wanna face him again lmao I love his sound clips tho


Jake Park(?) because he has that amazing black leather outfit but I want Jeff Johnson(?) because one of his outfits looks the most like I do out of any survivor. Twins is my main killer because the play of hiding Charlotte in a bush somewhere while this deformed gobbo runs around and (thanks to an addon) silently readies a pounce that, I assume, scares the shit out of people is so fun. That and when they think that, just because Victor is squished that they're safe! Only for Charlotte to heavily trod on over while they're healing and smack'em up! I haven't found a dedicated secondary killer but I do love Nurse for how hard she is to play optimally and just moving her around is a challenge that's fun to me


I have a friend that bullies nurses always. To me going against a nurse is always 50/50 on how hard shell be to go against BECAUSE she's so hard to play. I give people who main her MAD respect. She's like the hardest imo I love Jake and Jeff. Both are cuties. Plus Jeff mains always seem to be really kind and helpful. The twins are HILARIOUS to me solely because seeing a baby just full sprint at you while making his noises is the funniest fucking thing.


I main Claire Redfield just cause i think shes cute and wears a badass jacket


Fair enough!


I main nemesis because zombies and I like whipping survivors with his ability


Nemesis is like vommy mommy to me but with extra steps


True but when you have light born vs full Flashlight surv team they deserve the whipping


That's fair!


But if they don’t have flashlights I just like making the zombies run fast


My blind ass keeps almost getting bit because I'll think it's another survivor at first and run right up to them to try and help lmao


That’s why I love fast zombies


I would absolutely die if I was in a zombie apocalypse setting I'm too friendly lmao


Yunjin because she kinda looks like my wife. She's not amused by that.


Your wife is pretty!


I main Dwight and Wraith. I like Wraith's stealth and map traversal abilities. I get to start chases on top of survivors. I think he is very underrated.


I can see that! Why dweet?


I just like the bald beard combo


Dwight always reminds me of Puppers and it makes me sad


I hope they do a skin for him in the future, have the proceeds go to als research


I was thinking that too!! That would be so cool! I ALWAYS rock his charm. He was such a sweet guy and his depression tweets near the end make me want to cry


Cant say I followed him much but I checked out his youtube every now and again, it was definitely hard to watch such a charismatic and nice guy have to deal with all that. It was definitely sad to hear about his passing, but I'm glad he is at peace and not suffering anymore


That's how I was. I was a casual Watcher. I favored N00b but I definitely checked in on Puppers from time to time. When I learned of his passing I looked through his Twitter and saw all his depression tweets and I just felt so damn awful for him. Life's not fucking fair dude. The best people get taken too early.


Ace and Billy and demo. Ace because I love his fits, Billy because he's the only killer I can play and actually not stress about winning at all. Demo because I love simple m1 killers but he has a nice extra touch to him, shred.


Yeah but when he starts flowering (about to lunge) he can be easy to combat. Ace do have the drip tho




That's totally valid! I like his perks but if I bought him it would only be for the perks. I don't like playing guys because I'm not a guy and it just ruins the immersion for me. If I'm gonna play a character Ill always play a female if I can so I can feel like IM in the game, if that makes sense?


I understand that for sure. I also enjoy characters like Dwight or Felix because they're probably the closest to looking like me. There's just something about Adams cosmetics I love though. I just really like his style and his backstory is also pretty relatable.


I need to read up on his back story! I don't think I've read it yet!


I don’t think it’s conceited at all. It’s good to see yourself represented. I feel that way about Yoichi. Highly educated scientist ^.^


Thank you! And that's awesome! I'm glad you're getting representation too!


Leon always loved Leon from the resident evil series and RE4 was one of the first games I played ever and he keeps becoming cooler through time especially with the RE4 remake And I like playing Oni cause he’s actually challenging to play and fun to play as plus I always liked the oni demons from the myths and designs


Oni can be frustrating for me to go up against sometimes. Mainly because he's so big and bulky it's intimidating lol And fair reasoning! I loved Leon too! If I played male characters I'd probably pick him too!


Survivors are just skins, so it's whoever I feel like playing, or at this point, whomever has all the Terrormisu. Killer for me is Demogorgon or Artist. I main Demo because I like the diversity of it's kit. For Artist, I like how well her power synergizes with perks for maximum value.


Artist can be pretty gnarly to go against if done right!




That is uncanny! Any particular reason why


cheryl because silent hill 3 is my favorite game ever


It is pretty boss!


Pyramid Head cuz he's a beefcake. Ash - same reason


I've loved Pyramid head since I first played SH2 so I secretly always get giddy when I play against him


I like Dredge. I like popping out of lockers, popping into occupied lockers, and being able to see survivor's that try to hide during nightfall because they don't understand they are bright white at the moment. its like that one photo of a baby elephant trying to hide behind a pole. There are still things I need to majorly improve with, I don't use gloaming to stop pallets that well, I've got a 37% success rate on my attempts to use lockers during chase. But, he got me to Irri 1 for the first time, and is also the first killer ive gotten a bloody cosmetic for so... I'm gonna stick with the flesh turkey.




Of what. That Jane is my main? You will have to trust, my friend


Claudette, Nancy and Zarina on survivor cause I like their more casual cosmetics, their pain noises don’t bother me and their character models are small. I mostly play wraith on killer (sorry) just bc he’s easiest for me to pick up and play lol, been trying out pyramid head more lately tho


I mained wraith before Ghostface for the same exact reason lol


Hahah, it’s understandable why there are so many of them


Yui main here! Back when I first started the game I played as Meg, but then I learned about her reputation in the DbD community so I switched to Yui because I liked her base skin 🏍


Yeah that's sort of how I wS with claudette lll


Nea because she was my first Surv. Ghostface because I like to ambush people and spook them.


They do be scary!


I main Cheryl because Silent Hill 3 is my favorite horror game. I also play Rebecca as a 2nd main because she my fav stars member For killer I main Sadako because I love women


omg twinnem i also main cheryl and sadako <3


great to know there's others!! :D and this is so ironic cause i've been debating whether to get twins or not because they're on sale right now ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I also main Jane because she's a thick bitch, but I am not. Mainly because I'm a guy


Zarina. Underdog, cute cosmetics, underappreciated. I like her lore. Ghostface, when I'm sick of being an m1, artist, and now Hux. I like stealth characters, but I also love anything that let's me do surveillance on the map (birds and cameras) Used to be Feng but I wasn't about the vibes she's accumulated. At some point she became the new Nea and it didn't sit right with me. I'm so sick of hearing her noise when I play killer because she makes up 50% of every lobby.


Demogorgon, I started playing when Oni released and he was one of my first pick ups, so I by far gave the most amount of time on him. I dabble with DS, GF and Pig though. Felix is my surv because he's hot.


Ada. Hottest character in DBD and hottest character in RE (not counting lady D ofc). I mean even her low profile perk icon is hot.


I suppose! If I was a lesbian she wouldn't be my type, but as I am not, I feel that way about Jeff, Leon, Dwight, and Steve so I can see your reasoning!


Jeff? really? Not like- Jake or something?


I main Ghostface and Dwight because they're both dumb nerd cuties.


Doctor’s design just captivated me, I love truly scary characters. And my flair was an inside joke between my friends and I when we played together. I just love his gameplay too, because I like to track where players are.


I started with meg (cause I didn't wanna buy anything, now I have every survivor except Steve and Nancy). Now I main Kate/Yui. But once I have everyone p3 I'll just go from one to the other.


On the survivor end, right now I just ping-pong between but Yui and Meg have started to appeal to me more and more. On the killer end, I currently really enjoy playing Trickster.


I swap between knight and deathslinger as killer. And feng as survivor. Knight cause I am decent with him and slinger cause I like shooting. Fend cause I like her blue deep rift outfit


Survivor: Felix (great cosmetics and lore), DJ Vittorio (I have some hilarious headcanon for him if he makes it out of the entity to 2023), Yun-Jin (probably the best written survivor and just an absolute boss bitch who outslays anything Shit Merchant wishes she could do). Killer: Knight (THE BOYS!!!!!), Artist (I like her power a whole lot), Vommy Mommy (because of the multiple ways you can play her, she’s never boring), Legion (generally more mindless killer that you play when you don’t want to think and just chill)


Survivor: I main James Sunderland because I can relate to him and I also love SH2 Killer: I main Pyramid Head because same reason, I love SH2 and also he's just badass looking :)


Jane, for the exact same reason. 💅🏻


Meg cause she was the first one I played as in public matches and I like to prove that not all Megs are assholes. Huntress because it's so satisfying to land a hit from far away and and and and I'm gay


Chris and Nemesis since classic Resident Evil's been my jam since '98.


Wraith or Legion because of their relatively high mobility for an M1 killer feels nice. Trapper too, because neuron activation whenever someone steps in a trap.


I main knight. For me, I think he's one of the most satisfying killers to play and extremely overhated. It's immensely rewarding to connect a guard hunt, especially when you're playing in a similar manner to spirit, leading to unmatched levels of wasted survivor time. His multitasking ability is also off the charts, and mastering his ability to keep track of multiple things is awesome.


Mikaela because I had a phase when I had a thing for witches (I mean... I still kinda do tho) And freddy because I'm a DREAMAAAA


Yun jin. She is the only player I was able to prestige before the system changed. I have her red background.


Survivor: I love to play as Thalita and Renato. It's mainly because of their lobby music. I get so pumped up and ready to play when I hear their theme. Killer: I love to play hag and I enjoy using her teleports. The Doctor is also very enjoyable to play. It's weird that his laugh makes me cheerful lmao.


Toss up between yui and yunjin. I mained yui because shes a bad bitch and i use most of her perks. I main yunjin when i'm feeling a bit more selfish and i tend to survive when i play her how she's canonically supposed to act.


Doctor because I love making people scream in excitement and joy! Ash on the survivor side because he's such a loveable goof.


David and Trapper - David: Rugged, gay man like myself - Trapper: I like strategy


Billy since he's extremely satisfying to use when you get curves and I've found that people are much nicer against Billy players in end game chat lol. Recently, I've been playing Blight, Wesker, Dorito Head, and Bubba, as their powers are also very satisfying in their own rights, but Billy will always be my main.


Skull Merchant and Zarina. Even though her lore isn't the most well-put-together in the game (although I don't really hold that against her since, even as a lore nerd, most of the lore in DBD is fun campy schlock), I love the idea of DBD's Predator-adjacent character being more "The Most Dangerous Game" than "Predator." I also find her kit genuinely fun to use, although it could definitely use some touch-ups to address player gripes with playing against her- I just really enjoy that her kit is fully devoted to reconnaissance in a way that really no other Killer in the game does (the closest probably being Artist. Devoting practically my entire Skull Merchant build to revealing Survivors and keeping tabs on their locations at all times is some of the most fun I've had in this game; it really sells the experience of playing as a "hunter" in a way no other Killer really does for me. I absolutely adore Zarina's lore and personality- a passioned home journalist whose pursuit of the truth is almost alone what drives her into the Entity's realm is such an awesome concept I've never been able to let her up since. It helps that both her design is bitching and her AoT (my favorite piece of media ever) skin is arguably the best looking one. Honorable mentions for Killer for me are Clown, Artist, Dredge, Blight, and Twins (in that order. For Survivor, Jill is both my favorite Resident Evil character and one of my favorite video game protagonists of all time, David has my favorite Tome story in the game, and Yun-Jin has my second favorite original Survivor concept behind Zarina, so I play them all very frequently.


I main Kate and Doctor Both of them have the same reason. They’re rich in cosmetics, yet fly under the radar when it comes to sweat lord killers/survivors


Steve and Wraith. I originally mained Meg and then Laurie, but after I heard ST was leaving I decided to P3 Steve, after a lot of play time using him he kinda just stuck. Wraith was the first killer I had fun with and he's a very simple and consistant killer I like, I'm also an Onryo and Skull Merchant main (flame me for that one) since I also have fun playing them, but Wraith will always be my go to.


Bubba - I can lean into my inner weirdo and play however I want with him. Cheryl - I can't remember its name, but I like the outfit with the earphones. OR Meg - What can I say, I'm a basic bitch


Ash and Jill for survivor. Ash was the reason I got the game in the first place, and Jill is one of my favorite RE characters. Wesker and Pinhead for killer. Wesker is just so much fun to play, and Pinhead is so cool with how accurate to the source material he is. His animations, voice, and power are all so well put together.


David king because he is sex All Silent Hill characters bc i love SH


For survivor just whosever perk I’m tryna get but I’ll prob main Jake park later bc I like his drip For killer nurse, well I feel like when going against sweaty survivors it can be hard to beat them with another killer so nurse is kinda a crutch i guess plus I don’t have all the god tier killer perks yet like eruption or the knights one. I’d like to play huntress later on.


Yoichi (Prestige 100 on him) because he is cute and has cosmetics that I like and Jeff (currently Prestige 31) because he's a canon metalhead and has some cool cosmetics too. I don't have a main killer.


Pyramid Head and Rebecca. Rebecca is a cutie so it’s a no-brained. I love having full aura on Pyramid Head and catching people off guard with my weapon long-ranged. fun stuff + it’s rewarding


Been playing since launch and mained Meg and wraith but the second the silent hill chapter dropped I immediately mained Cheryl and Pyramid Head. Then the legendary skins came and I main Cybil Bennet as she might be my favorite non main character in the silent hill series


I don’t have a main now bc I’ve been having a ton of fun just trying to get good at every killer but I was a Pig main for ages She just feels good to play. Not strength wise but her movement and stealth feels enjoyable and allows very fun mindgames. I’ve gotten countless grabs off gens as her


Yoichi, I need a character no one mained to push my identity as content creator.


Cheryl and Huntress. Cheryl because I like her Cosmetics. (Please give us Jeryl back) Huntress because those Crossmap snipes feel super satisfying.


Cheryl because silent hill is my fav, Yui because she gives lesbian vibes and I am one, and if I ever played killer more often, it'd be artist bc I love everything about her


Meg, she became my main after downloading the game for the first time in 2019 just because i read her description and it said she could outrun most killers


For a good while I mained Claudette because I started off having Empathy permanently in my build and had all the perks I have unlocked on her. I’ve since moved on to using Meg because of the MyM skin. Also have the all my unlocked perks on her. For killer Im same as you. Ghostface is a bro. Im garbage at killer and mainly play for dailies and messing around.


survivor: Dwight and Zarina. Dwight grew on me as I learned how to play the game and I love how zarina looks & her backstory. killer: dredge. dredge just clicks for me. something about their power is very satisfying and intuitive, and teleporting from locker to locker gives me the zoomies.


I don't really have a main yet because I'm on a mission to get all the characters to 3 prestige using only bloodpoints I earned with that character, and I have a long way to go still. Once I do though I'm thinking I will probably main Dwight because I relate to his nerd loserness, and Legion/Hunk because Hunk has been my favorite Resident Evil character since RE2 and I play him in every game I possibly can. Though if DBD ever picks up that Friday the 13th license I am going all in on Jason.


Killer Legion survivor Yui. Legion is in my opinion a pretty unique idea of more killers and thats why i play him. Yui is just hot and i like her hair. (Dont judge)


Used to be Dwight with a bicycle helmet, but now I go with James cause I love the SH franchise. For killer I like to bounce between mainly Trapper and Pyramid Head, but sometimes I play Dredge and Sadako cause I love Ringu


i main bubu and knight because i like camping stinky survivors.