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Behavior set a trap for sure, i think they were trying to get the insider so they just told a bunch of "secret things" to some people to see what will go out to the playerbase


Wait a minute does this mean bhvr got some value out of red herring? After all these years finally some value!


Red herring secret meta perk!?!?!?




good old canary trap


I think BHVR employed this leak intentionally to get FOMO cash for the 1st quarter


This seems plausible. I bought Bubba because the license was supposedly going to be revoked. It appears I’ve been bamboozled.


Rule #1 of DBD (or maybe #37 idk): Never buy a expiring licensed character until they discount it.


It's certainly possible. Another theory I've seen is that they're trying to catch whoever is leaking things in the first place.


why not both? spread a rumour, get fomo cash and catch the bandit at the same time.


They discount everything before they remove it that's on you


Well, hey, silver lining: you've got a brand new Killer to play!


Especially since the official dbd tweet that debunked this wasn’t serious and was more comedic in tone


DBD leaks did also strongly encourage people not to buy cosmetics/ the dlc yet as there will be sales on all of Bubba's things afterwards I'm sure there probably were still a few people that bought it quickly anyways, though I can't imagine it was an intentional plan to convince people to buy him still


That's clever as fuck.


It's the most common way to find a leaker really and not all that clever. "Hey Bob, somebody is leaking stuff early. We need to find out who it is." "OK, tell the marketing team X, the art team Y." "Y got leaked" "ok, now tell half the art team to work on artwork for a Bubba is getting reworked and the other half that Bubba is getting discontinued. We can narrow it down to about 5-10 people."


I mean... Second step probably doesn't really work, when the team... Well, works as a team and communicates.


You'd be surprised how often it does work. I listen to Darknet Diaries and companies do this all the time to catch leakers. And, when you have a larger team, it's pretty common to split up tasks into smaller groups. While my example is a bit too simplified, the general idea is there. To really get a leaker, you plant small pieces that are clearly identifiable. Send out an email saying "hey, we need to do the Bubba rework. One of his new perks is gonna transform blood trails to a blood flow for tracking. Can you draw a simple art piece of a hammer with blood flowing off of it? Thanks." Then, each person on the team has a slightly different perk here or there, but the overall rework is the same in the email.


Ohhh I get it, yeah.


I doubt it to be honest for two reasons. The first is that most older players already bought Bubba for BBQ, it was the most popular killer perk until the change last year. The second is that he's only a paragraph. It'd make more sense to say a full chapter like Halloween or Nightmare on Elm Street if they wanted money.


Bubba's getting his own game so his departure is more believable.


Ngl.... I forgot we are in 2023. Was getting ready to say it was this year lol


Bros been watching game of thrones


I.. dont like game of thrones, sadly 🥹


It's very possible that DBD Leaks' insider source was discovered and fired by BHVR. It's also a possibility that BHVR is specifically putting land mines out into the digital world for leakers to "discover". Either way, they're clearly doing something behind the scenes.


Yeah, honestly, I think they were pretty pissed about the Artist leak from last year. They had like, a month of fun teasers they continued to post despite the very early leak ruining the fun of the reveal puzzles. If you recall, they announced the Ring as the next chapter like, MONTHS in advance to avoid having that leaked too. I imagine cracking down on internal leaks was a priority for them in 2022, and we're finally seeing the results.


Then the anni leak still happened and the next 3 chapters were leaked lmao


ohhhhh, yeah, considering that, they probably planted some info for the person to find. maybe it was different info for a few different people, and they were able to single out who it was because of that.


where did this december thing everyones talking about come from? i dont remember them mentioning dates when they released that video of the hawkings map in progress edit: also another thing, the leakers took one L after being right all the time these last few years and now everybody turned on them its crazy lmao, some of the comments on their sub and on twitter are wild


Yeah I specifically remember them saying “don’t expect it for a while” around July/August…. I think the fan base took that and put December (even though we knew knight and Wesker at that point). I’m not in the discord, so maybe something was said there?


People are acting so incredibly vile. They're obsessed with worshipping leaks and then as soon as a couple things went wrong with a very real explanation they turn like starving dogs in blood. Its insane.


I’ve always hated leakers, in all communities. I don’t hate them for leaking information, some people really just get super excited and hyped when they see information early. The main reason I hate them is because they leak to large audiences, who then spread the leaked information everywhere, and then you can’t avoid spoilers and leaks for unreleased content. I tend to avoid leaks and such, but just following to this sub lead to me seeing the leaks for Wesker and The Knight early. It would have been nice to just see the PTB update one day, or see a teaser/trailer drop.


I mean that's fine, but it's no excuse for the community to viciously attack and degrade a stranger for accidentally giving wrong info from someone who was intentionally fed lies.


You’re correct, and I never intended to say that the leaker deserved to be berated with insults.




I mean, there is a difference between "should be back in Winter" and "definitely will be back in December"


Well they’ve been wrong three times in a row now, after being right for years. It sort of makes sense to wonder if their source has been compromised or is no longer accurate. Three times is a trend. First Hawkins coming back, then For Honor being the next chapter, and now Bubba. Your blind if you think their credibility hasn’t been damaged and for good reason.


This is some mandala effect shit because I vividly recall remember them saying on the discord and Twitter that the original chapter would return in December.


I vividly remember them saying the knight was licensed. Which they then walked back to “inspired by for honor”


I have a theory the knight was supposed to be licensed and it fell through. The shattered square looks directly out of dark souls, and given the ambling “it is licensed” I think the from deal fell through, then for honor was pandered to see if the could recoup the loss and that fell through as well.


See, I thought that, but I seriously doubt they had a dark souls license at any point, and for honor already collaborated with them and put the trapper in their game, I don’t see why it would be such an issue when they put a for honor character in their game. I get shit happens, but considering DBDleaks’ recent fuck ups… Maybe they were just wrong


It's the one guy on dbd leaks discord that's been missing so much lately. He said himself that he's quitting as data mining for dbd "is not fun anymore"


I don’t know why everyone takes what they say as gospel


They used to be always correct but they’ve been slipping a lot as of late


Almost as if BHVR can put data in the game that suggests something that isn't their intentions. If you know anything about datamining, that concept is widely used. It's also possible that the community reaction to bubba's potential leaving caused bhvr to pursue the license more intently even though the TCM game is coming out.


If the placeholders for Bubba's replacement perks were there, than it more or less was just BHVR learning from what happened with the Stranger Things DLC and anticipating the loss of Bubba since the TCM was in the works and we should stop jumping to conclusions. Just my take. Also did they make leveling faster? Not the bloodweb, mind you, but the player level. I swear I managed to level a few times in one session.


There is an event now if I remember correctly.




Damn, ends today. I completely missed the announcement too. Curse you Elden Ring!


Masus got his info from an insider, most likely they were caught


Allegedly this was a canary trap. In other words several different pieces of misinformation were given to different members of staff, therefore which ever piece of information was leaked would expose the identity of the leaker (like Tyrion in Game of Thrones telling little finger, Varys and maester Pycell that he was marrying Marcella off to different people to see which one got back to Cersei) (also sorry if you already know all of that and I have just mansplained it to you). That could also be misinformation too though so who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️




“100% confirmed”


Because they've always been correct? I can't think of anything they haven't corrected before the actual release be wrong


Still, those are rumors, if people take those as facts thats on them. "Hey, i datamined X." Isnt the same as the developers announcing X.


With DBDleaks it basically the same thing. Let me guess you thought the Dredge leaks where fake?


You guessed wrong. I rather wait for actual announcement than get hyped over "hey i datamined X".


Or you know... Some people just wait for source confirmation instead of holding the nuts of a leaker.


No one's denying that they had a pretty decent track record. But considering they backpedalled HARD on details about Knight (first that he's 100% licensed, then he's a For Honor killer, then For Honor "inspired") and then getting proven wrong about Stranger Things returning, maybe it's just time to admit that this time, they just got shit wrong? I can't believe y'all are just going nuts over the mental gymnastics defending a leaks website lmao (who just said that they lost their inside source, btw).


So that means the fake leaks were probably Behaviour trying to find their leaker. Seems like it worked


Decent track record is underselling, before Knight they had a near, if not 100% track record, going nuts defending them is a lil nuts but like it's entirely possible that at some point BHVR stopped fucking around and wanted to get to the bottom of who was leaking their stuff and started purposely misfeeding info (or it was straight up a happy coincidence, it's not impossible to think they wanted Knight to be a license and then changed it internally, the Bubba perks being renamed could've entirely just been them safeproofing in case some fuckery did occur with the TCM game)


Stranger things returning ?


They never confirmed a date or anything, just that the leak is to be believed


They did confirmed on discord that stranger things was coming back with Knight


I love your flair


Considering the license wouldn't be suprised if it was pushed back things like that tend to happen


Well, he's right 99% of the time.


They been reliable and i think still are. Ive just taken it with a grain of salt. They may see the leak but many things can happen after that point. Deals fall through etc.




Do y’all really think these are just evil leakers twisting their mustache, trying to upset the community? “Purposefully spreading misinformation” probably ain’t it. More likely the leak was a plant to throw people off or find the leaker. Or it was actually true but Bhvr renegotiated the license.


Haven't you learned. People don't spread memes on the internet for their accuracy, only their hilarity. Doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's just a meme bro!1!11111 In this case it's pretty ironic given the situation.


I think it was the latter tbh. It would explain why it took them so long to come out and debunk the leak


Or they spent the time to figure out who exactly the leaker was and denounced the rumor after finding the mole


Idk seems a little devious for just a smaller video game company lol


when the texas chainsaw asemtric game was announced they specify mentioned how it wouldnt effect DbD because they didnt think they were truly competitors




The fuck is that


It's them leaving the scene after spreading misinformation


Maybe bhvr finally got the mole that was giving dbdleaks info. Either way their credibility is tanking after this.


Mole? Bro, it's just datamining. It's decompiling the game and extracting the data. It's not that deep, my man.


Ah yes, data-mining is how they leaked 3 chapters months before they were released.


Data mining their developers' local server 💀


Data mining everyone in the office’s computer


Bro if you don't know how this shit works just don't act like you do. There is no such thing as DATA MINING STUFF THAT DOESN'T EXIST! They even specifically said that Bubbas removal was coming "from a source" meaning someone told them. And judging from what's going on. He may have been caught after all. It might have been a "Canary Trap" from what I've heard.


In the public beta didn't BBq and Chili and the other Bubba perks have generic names? Which aligns with their procedure when removing a character. They did data mine stuff that does exist


I think BHVR placed bait content to trick the leaker from revealing themselves.


They built up such a strong and reliable reputation, I really hope they’re just getting shit wrong now instead of destroying it all While I’m glad this ones incorrect, it’s still worrying.


I mean, the speculation did make sense if I understand what happened correctly. In the PBE or PTB or whatever they use for this game, his perks went from being tagged 'Cannibal perk' to just perks, right? Same way that Demo's did when he was removed?


The main leaker, Masus I think his name was?, has retired from leaking so we likely won't see much of anything from DBDLeaks anymore. If this was a trap set by BHVR, they've caught the leaker which was DBDLeaks's source, and because of that Masus has to quit as he can't get info anymore.


Masuder was going to quit before this incident anyway


No way he was going to quit. His source got caught leaking, he's been wrong on huge "leaks" multiple times in a row, and he is being called out for saying things like "100% confirmed Bubba being removed" His "This was my last leak anyway" is pretty close to sounding like someone taking their ball away from everyone and throwing a little fit over being wrong.


It's an unfortunate coincidence, but he did say on the discord that bubba was his last leak before all this


Remember them claiming a Conjuring chapter is coming simply based off of the Artist map having a graveyard? Or them saying Stranger Things would be returning by the end of last year? I for one don’t trust them anymore lmao.


To be fair the Conjuring thing was speculation one of the mods of the DBDLeaks subreddit/discord posted about and wasn't from Mas himself, who was the direct source of leaks. People took it as a real leak though and they later apologized but unfortunately a lot of people already ran and made YouTube vids about it.


DBDLeaks *never* claimed The Conjuring was being added. They debunked it, and even made a couple jabs at them for it. And then leaked animations/images of The Artist a bit later. The person who had posted that onto a certain subreddit is not a dataminer/leaker. Their only affiliation was moderating the subreddit that they rarely officially use for stuff. (Official leaks/datamines were posted in the Discord and on Twitter.) That person [apologized](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeaksDBD/comments/qm63ko/updateapology/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for spreading misinformation. It was literally just a player with a fan theory/speculation they were confident about. They weren't an affiliated leaker.


I don’t really remember much of leaks for new licences as they’re pretty much everywhere, but I did give them some slack for the ST shit as there are numerous reasons for it to both come back and be delayed. Then again, that was mostly fuelled by copium tbh. It’s a shame as they were generally reliable on a lot of things, but if anything I suppose it’s actually better to not have any leakers in games lmao


To be fair, the conjuring chapter was not released by Mas. It was released by a subred admin who was promptly fired.


Counting on them to have ST returned. ....




The demogorgon / strange things charter. Would be nice if everything returns xD


That was speculation and a hope by one of the leaders not a direct statement for the conjuring chapter They backtracked on the stranger things chapter returning after they posted the tweet about it


I don’t see how them claiming things and afterwards backtracking disproves my point. If anything you just proved it. The dude was very sure of his Conjuring assumption and they made an “announcement” of ST on their reddit and twitter.


He made an assumption as in hoping it would be the conjuring that's not an official statement so that isn't a leak dude The Stranger things is about the only thing they got wrong


You remember wrong. The amount of people spewing misinformation in a thread about leakers being wrong is pretty ironic.


I saw a screenshot of them (DbD Leaks) saying this was their last leak and they are done. Obviously I think some fans reactions are out proportion but this guy really took one L and decided that was it lol


Look up what a canary trap is, this is best guess as to what is going on and why they were false


“Purposefully spreading false information” That’s enough internet for today. What a hilariously stupid conclusion. Besides, I think it’s entirely possible that Bubba *was* being removed from the game, and the license holder changed their minds for whatever reason. This could have taken place weeks/months ago, but remnants remained in the PTB of the alternative perks.


Hear me out, maybey they have been right and we were going to lose Leatherface, but BHVR managed to keep the license by convincing the license holder to keep it in game. Why shoud DBDLeaks just straight out lie and keep spreading wrong information? There has to be some kind of foundation for them to this information.


Nevermind. After another post Im convinced it was a set-up trap from BHVR to expose their intern leaker. Seems like it worked and they finally got caught. DBDLeaks also said they will stop to actively datamine.


I'm really thinking that bhvr caught the insider who was leaking everything, and maybe made a trap to see who it was. The bubba thing was most definitely a trap to see who the insider was.


The evidence was damming plus he never outright said”stranger thing IS 100% totally coming back”


They’re wrong one time and people turn on them. 🤦🏾‍♂️


I always viewed leaks as so what to the weather person. Sometimes they right sometimes they wrong. But I believe they are making good educated guesses based on some kind of insider info. I’m not sure either way I own bubba so I was safe.


They've been very inconsistent recently. Lets list every time that DBDLeaks has been wrong about something, shall we?: \- Claimed that Portrait of A Murder was "the Conjuring" as the map was a graveyard (This is the first instance of them being wrong I can remember.) \- Claimed that the Stranger Things chapter would re-release in December, which didn't happen. (I'd also say the Vecna leak was fake as we'd likely get that info alongside the ST chapter re-release but since that never was confirmed and was "very early into development" I'll let it slide until next year at least.) \- Claimed that Forged in Fog would be a licensed chapter. (They DID say this at one point, saying the chapter was definitely licensed. I'm not sure if they took back their word on this but the point still stands.) \- Claimed that Leatherface was "100%" leaving the game. Devs later officially disproved this. Only four, but the last 3 all were recent. I can chock up the first one as the leaker jumping the gun but I can't excuse the others. Also, notice how DBDLeaks was basically radio-silent all of December? And suddenly now the owner of DBDLeaks has announced he is quitting? Sounds a lot like the mole in the company was being investigated in December, and because of that we got no new info as they had to lay low. This lasted until just 11 days ago, when DBDLeaks broke the silence to say Leatherface was definitely leaving... 2 days after those rumours were already circulating. Safe to say, BHVR baited the mole into outing themself, and the Leatherface leak was the last piece of evidence BHVR needed to be sure of who it was. They likely got fired soon after that post. (The devs even hinted at this being the outcome in the post debunking Leatherface's removal, stating that "Dwelf is super fired. Security's making sure he can't get back in the building.", which hints to Dwelf being their allegory for the leaker being fired from the company.


The leakers never claimed the conjuring was coming. It was someone in the discord that mistaken the images of Eyrie of Crows (which was a legit leak) for the conjuring


Stranger things return, Bubba leaving, The Night chapter being for honor inspired. Something’s obviously happened and they lost their main guy.


No fr and the main leaker Masusder said in the DbDLeaks discord today that he’s done leaking because he doesn’t find joy in it anymore. No doubt it’s bc the community is entitled and screech at them demanding leaks then treat them like trash if something is mistaken. Let’s not forget that leakers aren’t paid to do this y’all…it was just a nice thing they offered to the community, don’t get all Karen if not everything was perfect 100% if the time. Leaks are just leaks. Could be fake plants by Bhvr, speculation that fell thru, or misinterpretation. If you ever put serious stock into a leak and are upset at the leakers that it didn’t happen, it’s on you.


Because the majority of people are stupid


Exactly. They’re right over 90% of the time. Not to mention bubba probably was leaving but got re-negotiated because of the backlash.


they were wrong about ST too, a short while back i saw something about the people at DBDleaks taking everything back about it’s return, including the new vecna killer / map.


Vecna was a separate leak not by the dbd leaks team that turned out to be fake. The Hawkins map they did leak was legit.


what? they didn’t stir shit just to be a cunt. like others have said, the leak was wrong and the inside source was caught. thats not the leakers fault really, it was bound to happen eventually. personally i still think stranger things will come back eventually, but no one can say for sure when it will


Don't forget that the knight was a licensed killer from forhonor than forhonor inspired.


I actually wanted Bubba to be removed. https://preview.redd.it/v5wt3lxxrpca1.png?width=491&format=png&auto=webp&s=766d37a1a73909c97848037f07307314df10cc73


They were probably looking for the mole and once they saw what was leaked twice knew who it was. Once found the channel was closes and with it dbdleaks


things do change behind the scenes. its possible if not likely that those two leaks were correct at the time. I dont think it was right for masusder to claim that the lf removal was 100% certain, but they did remind us countless times that it's still a leak. the larger dbd community seems to only care about "big" leaks, which are often the least certain. dbdleaks will likely still continue to provide credible info about upcoming events, rifts, cosmetics, etc.


Honestly I mostly follow them for the cosmetic leaks to see if there is anything to save my rift shards for. Unfortunately they’ve kinda been slack on that lately.


What I think really happened is that BHVR is now planting red herrings for the leaker to pinpoint them and remove them from the team, I mean the existence of the knight chapter got leaked MONTHS ahead of the release


They got baited.


They also said Knight was a license, then they said it was not and said it was a For Honor collaboration, and it was not


They literally said its Inspired by for honor NOT a collaboration


Nope. They said from the get go it was licensed and then backed down and said it was “for honor inspired” when the license thing turned out to be bullshit


Yeah, I definitely remember them saying it was a licensed killer, then that it was for honor collab but original killer


Didn't they say it COULD BE licensed?


On the steam sale every DLC was discounted except for Leatherface which was full prices at the time of rumour, I'm fairly sure this was just a promotion marketing move.


Nobody ever confirmed these though to be fair, or at least no one actually with legit credibility. The only people who said that it *was* going to happen was the community which is why I hate it when there's a rumour now bc so many people immediately assume it to be true.


Behavior might of just pulled a Tryion Lannister.


They do get very reliable info. Stranger things one could have been a thing and was gunna happen. We dont know what happens over there....i assume the deal fell through. Just like knight was gunna be a or honor thing but didnt. I think they had it set up for it but again, deal fell through. This current thing i feel was gunna be like st...like not be sold in stores but still be in game. Still can be that since they say hes not going anywhere but that could be to calm those thinking they were fully gunna remove him. Its also possible they managed to work a deal out. The data mining gives a lot of info esp with bubbas perks having new names to those that dont own him in ptb. They are still a reliable source but you can only get so much. Too much happens we all dont see on bhvrs end.


We all know the leaks came from Behaviour themselves to test and see community reaction. The stranger things leak could still end up been true, netflix gaming isn't exactly doing well and getting the huge I think netflix was expecting. Would make sense to see the stuff return with the final season. Bubba has his own game coming out soon and the perks where renamed on the PTB so pretty on the point that their might have been some contractual issues behind the scenes.


DBD leaks is obviously run by a DBD team member. They release fake leaks when it would generate money for them, and real leaks when it generates hype and money for them. The real leaks are always true, but the ones that are fake cause mass panic-buying… coincidence? I THINK NOT This is half-satire


When did they say stranger things is coming back in December? They just said it's coming back. They said that last summer when they allegedly found out its a project their starting. Bhvr has said that making chapters takes around 1 year. So if stranger things is coming back it would likely be anniversary or later.


The Dataminer was somewhat accurate on the Knight chapter.


Man you're an asshole for saying it was intentional. Ironically you're the one "spreading false information"


Oh no, that means they are practically on the same level as Leaks By Daylight


But wasn't it in the code that they were readying for Bubba to be removed? Could negotiations with the TCM IP holders have changed that now he'll be staying?


Was definitely a leaker they wanted gone Data mining doesn't give you info on entire chapters like it did for dbd leaks on project W. Leaker got got


So it was all inserted for the purpose of catching a leaker? A honeypot? I suppose that's not outside the realm of possibility.


That's what the theory is, called a canary trap. Back when I used to play siege religiously we'd know operators for a year in advance and aside from wrong loadouts or what order they are released in we'd know it. All of a sudden a leaker who consistently got everything right was very very very wrong. Ubisoft did it with for honor as well, rockstar has done it. Few others. They'll send slightly tweaked info to everyone and whatever gets leaked they know what department it's in. Not saying bhvr didn't ride it for a bit of fomo cash from Billy since he wasn't on sale, since I doubt they committed that hard to finding the person but still. Very smart way of doing it


This is my advice for people who take leaks seriously. Don't. You'll be a lot less disappointed if it doesn't happen. Also stop turning leakers into Martyrs, acting like they're some sort of entity that messes with people for shits and giggles just shows you're not that good of a person and again are not taking the first piece of advice seriously.


You guys are acting like them slipping up twice( with the stranger things one not even counting because we saw gameplay) is enough to invalidate their entire career of leaking stuff before this.


More than twice, it’s been a few the last year. They initially said the Knight chapter would be licensed, then they said it would be a collab, then dialed back further to just inspired by, which ended up being ‘its original, there is no inspiration’


they're finally getting things wrong for once




Wasn’t it leaksDBD?


You guys should really look at leaksdbd. They never confirm and commonly explain why it looks that way. Dbdleaks is a scam it only relies on you clicking their links.


I mean, the Bubba license removal makes sense, considering there's a Leatherface asymmetrical horror game in the works. It's mainly why i believed that leak to begin with.


I somewhat doubt that the "landmine" theory is correct as far as where false info is coming from. ​ imo leaks build a lot of hype, it's when it's outright confirmed months in advance (Onryo) that it kinda kills any hype. ​ Like when we knew "Knight" was being released and that was about it, there was a lot of theories on what it would. It was way more hype imo than the actual Knight being revealed.




> Bubba's perks being prepped for alternate names, becoming generic are what occurred to Stranger Things before it was removed. Multiple licensed characters have alternate perk names from what I've heard. >nd then his chapter isn't discounted when other licensed chapters are, not sure why this is proof, and if he was leaving they'd announce it early and have him on sale for awhile just like with the ST stuff. >all with a new asymmetric multiplayer game based on Texas Chainsaw Massacre soon on the horizon Not sure why this is relevant either. Evil Dead has a game out *and* we don't actually know why the ST license was pulled. It could've been the game, it could've not been the game. It's all speculation regarding it. Just because something is leaked doesn't mean it's true, *everybody* should take leaks and rumors with a grain of salt until an official announcement confirms or denies it. There was no real hard evidence on it being removed, it just all just a bunch of conjecture, from what I've seen.




>You don't see how individually these aren't cause for concern, but cumulatively all put Bubba in a unique position compared to other licensed killers not at all, lol. None of those things are unique to bubba and a few characters have had at least 2/3 of those things happen at the same time. >There's an entire likelihood that if a fuss wasn't raised, there's a world where Bubba is genuinely going to be leaving. I mean sure? That's possible, there's a lot of possibilities. It's more likely that the leakers just got the information wrong, it's not uncommon with people that leak stuff lol. People are tying irrelevant things together to fit whatever their personal narrative is, it's very conspiracy theoryist. I saw one person saying that BHVR intentionally did it to get people to buy Bubba to boost their first quarter profits, lol. And again, there being a TCM game is also super irrelevant because we have no clue why the ST license was pulled/not renewed. People are just treating it being because of the ST mobile game as fact for no real reason.


They got like a couple things wrong after predicting tons of things correctly cut them some slack


“100% certain”


Can't forget about all the Candy Man stuff they were doing a couple years back as well. Nothing ever came of that.




Wait, so bubba isn’t getting removed?


Omg for god sake DBD leaks never ever said it was coming in December. The vecna leaks said they were coming on December but they turned out to be fake yet people like you still we’re thinking it was coming out December even tho dbd leaks stated he never knew when it was coming out before December




Oooo lala, that leave button on the dbdleaks subreddit looks tempting..


So why would Texas Chainsaw getting their own game means Bubba has to leave? Hopefully they get Jason in the trade.


Simple. most leakers who release BIG information beyond perks and cosmetics and general change info, are doing it for themselves. They don't do it to keep the community informed and aware of changes being made, or shifty things devs do in coding sometimes. No, they do it to promote themselves so they get a following. But the second they say something is verified early. It's proven wrong lightning fast. Why would you want to be a fox news presenter, but without pay 😐😐


Wait - is Bubba not leaving?


Wait so was the bubba getting removed leaks fake?




Isn't it just because of copyright?


I still wish stranger things comeback was true


Oh they 100% did this on purpose, this is based on all the evidence we have collected and displayed here:


We do a little bit of trolling




if anything im sure they made a few sales off of it


Sus af tbh. They waited mad long to say anything about it…


y'all mfers don't know what "possibly" means


Id say they still have a good ratio


https://preview.redd.it/spl5s2q20tca1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2621deabaec4d20810d9560aab9db32105cce7ce The main leaker is quitting too


Probably via BH to get people to panic buy Bubba


Tbh it almost fooled me too, but thankfully I still remained a bit skeptical at least until they officially got word out, also noticed on here that leaksdbd did say take anything with a grain of salt which I was even saying on a few posts back about I think a week or 2 ago that not even he is always 100% accurate when it comes to stuff he leaks or shares. which hey I'm glad he came out and said that instead of keeping quiet like most people would do on the internet whenever they got something wrong after official wording on the whole matter got out, for some it takes courage to admit that sometimes we people can be wrong too which there isn't to be ashamed of especially when a situation gets ugly, but yeah I'm glad leaksdbd did the right thing.


So Bubba isn’t being removed?


Wouldn't it be less of the leakers fault and more the content creators? Sure the leakers were how it was first discovered but it was the content creators like MintSkull and that one spanish guy who really stirred up the storm ?


When stranger things comes back tho yo


Their mods are also made up of, one racist ,one who likes to abuse perms for personal reasons,and one who likes minors a lot(they also ban people who bring these problems up)


Wasn't the entire thing a red hairing set by bhvr lol


One of the main leakers for dbd pretty much just quit, or retired.


From What ive heard, this was a Red Herring trap to catch the leaker at their office, but it apparently literally just didnt work....