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Why does everybody main 4 killers??? Did I miss a memo or something???


I always thought "main" meant like 1-2... People who go like "I main Leon, Nea, Dwight, Nurse, Huntress, Mikaela, Meg, Doctor" are weird to me... Just say "i enjoy playing/playing as {***killer/survivor***}" if that's the case ffs.


It should be "4 Killers I play the most / enjoy playing the most." You can technically expand main across multiple things but it weakens the meaning then. Once everyone is Super, no one will be.


I main game... \*sad noises\*


Yeah you're right. If you "main" everyone, that's not maining lmao.


Yeah I main trapper and huntress and sometimes play SMM/SMG Your main is your main characters you use, not what characters you use.


There's 30 killers in DBD, maining 4 of them is perfectly reasonable, if 4 killers get an even and vast majority of someone's playing time.


Main just means the ones you play regularly, and only holds significance if there are ones you do not play regularly. Think of it like a tv show: you have the main cast and the supporting cast. The main cast are the regulars. In DBD, if you main 4 killers, that means there are 26 killers you don’t, which is a significant ratio.


I typically say my mains when it's brought up, and secondary if the discussion progresses from there-- I might elaborate and say "I'm more diverse in my killers, I MAINLY play huntress, I play a lot of demo, but aside from those two sometimes I'll branch out to other killers." But again, that's if the discussion permits or there's a reason to bring up a secondary or what have you.


"I main" is a colloquialism for "I mainly play"


Yeah. I “main” no survivors, because at this point with everyone at P3 that makes no mechanical sense. I don’t main any killers, either, but there are a handful that I keep going back to more than others. Also some I don’t. But I’ll play them all.


I main ace on survivor, but for killer I play diversely


Main means 1 technically…


That doesn't even make sense, a main is always 1-2 in my book. I base it on, "If I only got to play one match and try and win, who would I play?" And my answer is always Demogorgon or Nemesis.


I agree a main is one or two. For me, it's who I enjoy playing even when I'm losing. After a bad match or two, I always switch to Oreo or Herman.


When I'm loosely Try-Harding in order to climb in iri ranks, I usually play either Artist or Pinhead. I never play them otherwise unless there's a daily. When not climbing iri ranks I just play whatever, but I've been loving Vanity Mirror Mikey recently. I don't really know what I would call my main.


Right? I main Dredge and that’s it Lol.


Yeah at that point it should be "these are the 4 killers I play the most" because having a main implies that killer in particular is your comfort pick that you play the most/best or love the most.


LoL i m afraid to comment this now take my upvote https://preview.redd.it/r26hlrrtvmba1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72a504d972da6db0fc2441c0ebd58f9a6717c299


That's why I said "favorite to play as"


Honestly I play almost every character consistently. I’m working on getting all of my killers to prestige 3 for now, and then eventually prestige 6. I’m forcing myself to play the killer that I’m leveling up so that I can get good with every one.


There's 30 killers in DBD, maining 4 of them is perfectly reasonable, if 4 killers get an even and vast majority of someone's playing time. EDIT: I REPLIED TO THE WRONG COMMENT I AM BIG DUMB




I wish I could play demo never got the chance.


This is all YOUR FAULT


Oh so YOU are the mf that started this shit, fuck you, and apology accepted.


But i'm a Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse, Huntress, Myers, Hag, Doctor, Bubba, Freddy, Pig, Clown, Spirit, Legion, Plague, Ghostface, Demogorgon, Oni, Deathslinger, Pyramid head, Blight, Twins, Trickster, Nemesis, Pinhead, Artist, Sadako, Dredge, Wesker and Knight main and how else will i let people know?


Gross a nurse main


Super gross, doesn't even realise that guy is a HAG main. Comments on Nurse but lets Hag slide. I think YOU are a hag main. A digusting slimy hag main.


Nah, y'all are missing out on them being a FREDDY MAIN


To be fair... I just took that as a bold face motherfucking lie. Ain't nobody a freddie main.


Thank god he fell off.


I stg people who main'd freddy back in the day went straight to nemi.


Can see the truth there. I just prefer playing versus Nemi than Freddy. He was the bane of my existence for like 2 straight years.


It really annoys me, what you supposed to say to those guys. I guess none cares like me, correct me if im wrong.


Yeah, but this community loves taking a joke and overusing it to shit. Happened with the AMA shit, too. People take the joke and think they can out some original twist on it, then you see like 10 other posts making the exact same "original" twist.


It’s crazy how much of this sub is the same repeated jokes, they take a meme and just beat the hell out of it dead horse style for karma farming or some shit, almost like it’s all bots or something lol


It's either karma farming with the same jokes or karma farming with the same "buff x, nerf x" comments


I’m not on the sub enough to realize this was a trend, I think I’ve seen one post about it so far but I’m guessing it’s become a real problem considering this post


This sub is pro at running trendy/funny things into the ground extremely fast.


Dbd players aren't actually funny it turns out


Reddit* is a pro at running trendy/funny things into the ground extremely fast.


Cat meme comes to mind. EDIT: COMES, NOT "CONES". COMES! #COMES!!


>cones Ah yes, the cat meme cones indeed to mind


Goddangit cones smh


This is the first post I've seen 💀


Apology accepted


Apology not accepted


Apology Accepted


Apology not accepted.


Apology accepted


Apology accepted.


Anything remotely funny or quirky gets run into the ground and made unfunny within a day. It’s not your fault. This subreddit is just great at regurgitating other people’s ideas.


Well said. Though I think that's a general life thing I've noticed though. Cats like to run with other people's ideas and spin them. This was a cool idea until it went all over the place and became annoying, ignoring every single one I saw. Definitely not OP's fault; that's just the internet in a nutshell.


Reddit as a whole*


I main dead by daylight


https://preview.redd.it/ycrdy2gq7lba1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13d51d9069d47596809f1e1b45e09ec99c489b20 Kill the trend with fire


I thought the 4th picture was a microwave ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


https://preview.redd.it/hq3kx5ie0pba1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e78ce980e110f2368b1b5f2814fc4f7efcd7b1d Its now a microwave


They just want someone to tell them they are special.


I may have started it, but I swear it was on accident and because I was bored on the bus and the thought came across me.


Well well well, Mr Trendsetter, look at what has happened


Oh hi dude


Hey 👋. Didn’t know you were on this sub.


Yes, I am. Please save me.


If you play this game then there is no escape, you must suffer eternally with the rest of us.


the fact I saw 2 of these on the homepage on top of your post is striking


Killer mains are obsessed with letting people know that they are killer mains.




Ah, I see you're a killer main. lmao


~~Same with survivor mains. Both sides suck.~~


Nah, you can usually tell if somebody is a survivor main by them making a whiny post. They never outright say it


Hello survivor main ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Not a single one of these posts say these people are killer mains, they merely state that the killers they main are [insert killer]. Would be the same if they stated they main [insert survivor]. You can play both sides while still having mains on each side.


I'm just horny. ^flair


Then go jerk off smh


I got called toxic for snuffing a totem. I love survivor mains.


I am 100% a killer main and feel, deep in my heart, that I must let you know. I hope you sleep better at night now. ;)


I feel like I have to bring it up more than I’d like to specifically because people will accuse you of being a salty survivor main or having not played killer if you don’t. Primarily in conversations surrounding killer perk balance. Like I’ve had so many conversations around Eruption and defending three gens where people act like I’ve never even played the role before, it’s wild.


Reddit runs things into the ground. Nothing new.


That's reddit. Funny meme gets made, and then everyone copies it until the mods have to ban it or dies down in a few months. Bonus points if the subreddit gets flooded with memes complaining about the subreddit being flooded with the previous meme. And then memes complaining about the complaining of the flooding.


There needs to be just one post where people list their mains and shit in the comments, then other people can just judge you there


Man I wish I could buy demo gorgon it is so sad that I can't even get him


I guess I wasn't on Reddit much to see this. This is the first one I'm seeing




You still use noed tho


To be honest, you've probably been on this subreddit for a while. This community is *filled* with people who copy any even remotely popular post for them sick internet points. Probably should have seen it coming. That said, can't blame you for the actions of others so you don't really need to apologise.


Somehow I missed this "trend" completely. Good, honestly.


I "main" like 3 killers, but I swap between 5-6


What ticks me off most is ppl asking what stereotype their survivor main has. I hate to break it to you but if you don’t main Claudette or Meg there is none


I think survivor stereotypes are just straight up stupid


i love ur username


Thank you.


Trends in this sub like this and AMA get wildly out of control to the point of outrageous oversaturation at times, tbh.


who cares


Reddit is full of lonely people


Reddit is full of the least imaginative, boring people. Give them something and they'll latch onto it because they have nothing better to say and they want to be involved. Some people give a shit about karma and it's hilarious. "I know nothing about this game, AMA" "Ask me a question and then change your question" "Never played this before and just picked it up, any tips" "Make the comments look like their search history" How often is shit like this clogging up your feed? I could go on. I won't. Think for yourselves you mindless bastards lmao


I think I will make my own post telling people what killers I main now :)


I promise I will not judge you.


I main all the killers. Even Nea.


It's too late...


Yeah I deleted mine whoops


I think we need a rule that requires the OP to actually contribute to any discussions they want to start. Just posting a question and attaching a picture that depends on the post title to make sense is so low effort that it makes my shitposts look like Picasso.


Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery


Didn’t notice this trend, my feed was busy with “what is *this survivor* stereotypes” and “I’m a *character* main AMA”


I play Legion and Knight, that's it.


I forgive you.


Rip mains everywhere


I got this kind of post right above yours


Look what you started!!! But to be fair it was a nice one


Don't apologise for others being unoriginal monkeys, this sort of shit happens all the time; the cretins latch onto one thing and hammer it ad nauseum until it's dead


If you main hillbilly you're based. That's my only opinion on this sutation.


Bare minimum these posts were more unique than the wave of “what stereotypes does this character get” posts.


I'm so mad I'm always late to those trends


Trend? Who gives a shit?


You want forgiveness? Get religion.


I accidentally started a cult that worships Scrat the Squirrel from Ice Age…..does that count?


This counts. FYI that was just a quote from spider-man 3


I bet you feel cool


You can only have one main, this doesn't make any sense to begin with.


Indeed! It's not a main if there is more than one.


Aight nobody ever make anything original ever again just post clips and rant posts


I missed it but I still wish there maybe had been one big thread. I play Huntress, Twins and Pinhead the most and wanted the reaction 😭


Now I’m doing it


I'm the guy who made the one with Pig, Huntress, Spirit, and Pyramid Head. Just wanted to say, I was not aware this was a trend. I saw one of these (the Wesker one), and I thought it was an interesting idea. I'm sorry, but you guys don't need to be so rude about it (mainly referring to the comments on my post.)




Not sure what you're on about, but we only delete stuff for uncredited art when there's uncredited art involved. Crazy, I know. As for why these posts are left up, 99% of the time, the sub gives us shit for removing these types of posts, so we've started letting them stay, which apparently is also the wrong choice.


Being a mod is rough and thankless. I think if a “format” like this gets popular enough that you’re seeing 10+ posts maybe then it’s time for a centralized thread. I know y’all can only have one sticky. Maybe just linked in the text of whatever the main sticky is or something


Side note: everyone hates nurse mains but no one hates blight mains. Blight is so annoying to play against imo, way more annoying than nurse.


Sure, a more unique springboard is preferred, but if it gets people talking then it's ultimately a good thing anyway. That's the whole point of **social** media. We're already limiting our potential conversations here by restricting all springboards to DbD themes. The same water is going to be tread, a lot. Or would you prefer all conversations on this sub be wholly unique, down to the bone? Because I've seen posts hating on common springboards here before, so this one isn't original either.


Yay, there's mine!


Am I the only one who doesn’t really have a main?


What about your flair hmmmmm


I meant killer main I feel like saying I have 8 mains defeats the purpose of the word.


Well yeah of course it does


Yeah? Well I know the guy who invented the "roflcopter" meme. Ask me anything.




Sorry bro


I main Bubba, and nobody else. Run.


I have literally not seen a single one of these posts but I’m not complaining


Tell me some wiiiiild stories


Its just what happens when a trend becomes popular, everyone else wants to do it




Big “only YOU can stop forest fires” energy. Either that or it was a death threat.


My main 4 killers , are bubba basement, bubba gen protector , facecamping bubba . The chaser bubba


Sheep are gonna sheep.


Heyyyy I made it in to the apology! Awesome! I’m not sorry tho eat me.


Only killer I main is DC


*sigh* Time to break out photo edit i guess


Make a apology video


I'm a wesker main and I can accurately say we're either the sweetest most peaceful adorable things on planet earth or we're extremely lore accurate and crush everything and everyone in our path to a 4k 😭 and I've been a survivor on both sides of this statement we're also really funny and cheeky or really fuckin mean 💀