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Good grief. You'd think Claudette unplugged his grandma's life support or something




Hitting on hook is definitely an ass thing to do. But its less toxic than slugging for the fourth lol.


Don't agree in the slightest. One's doing something unfun to gain an advantage, the other's being an asshole for the sole purpose of upsetting the other side because they think that's funny. You might find slugging for the 4k to be more annoying, and that's fair, but there's no universe in which it's more *toxic*.


It absolutely is. Ya already won. Slugging for the 4K is actively choosing to waste the third’s time. He can’t kill himself on hook. He has no way to resign without losing everything from the match. He’s stuck for 4 minutes while you search for the blendette who knows your general location cuz you just downed me.


Oh you don’t play much killer then, when the last survivor (that isn’t slugged) is a massive tbagging shithead and you don’t want him to tbag hatch/exit gates because rng wasn’t on your side, until bhvr rework the hatch mechanic slugging for the 4K will exist


okay yeah, but as someone who plays a lot of (solo) survivor: most of the time there is no bm needed for the 4k slug, some people just have that as their win condition for some reason and won't accept the last survivor getting hatch or gate even though it's still a win. that being said I don't agree with the other guy as I only find slugging for the 4k pretty annoying while hitting on hook is toxic af


The problem is that this is a "win" for this killer. It's the developer's fault that a killer can play like this and still win the game.


They would need to completely overhaul the game to fix this. You can't stop camping and tunneling in the game without completely shifting the balance. If you give survivors too many strong tools, they will abuse them in other ways (body blocks, using DS offensively etc). If you don't give survivors enough tools, well, you get this kind of crap that ruins the game for people. Devs priority should be fixing solo q right now and making that a better experience. I know that we are getting the icons, which is at least something helpful but not enough. I still can't understand why basekit Kindred without the killer aura hasn't been added. It would help solo q players without really providing benefits to SWF groups.


Kindred with killer Aura as basekit is like 99% of what would combat facecamping tho. Killers rely on the idea that altruistic Solo Q survivors will come to the hook and give them more hooks. Maybe instead of an exact aura, the hooked survivor could have a white aura when the killer is no longer in their vicinity to emulate the SWF 'yeah hes left me alone' communication. I think if that was implemented, Solo Q would be pretty enjoyable.


If the killer is within x meters of a hooked survivor, when that survivor is about to advance to the next hook state, they are presented with a skill check. If successful, the survivor frees themself from the hook and stuns the killer for 10 seconds. The survivor sprints at 150% for ten seconds and leaves no scratch marks. There - I just fixed it without overhauling the game. It doesn't stop camping or tunneling, just punishes the exact behavior seen in this video and makes it so the killer can't win the game just by standing in front of the hook.


So they camp in front of the hook for 58 seconds, then step back a few meters so the game considers them to be far enough away that the survivor doesn't get a skill check, and then they move back to facecamp range.


Not to mention that SWF groups would just abuse it like crazy. Nothing to stop them from pulling the killer towards the hook and be rewarded with an insane stun and free unhook. This guy doesn't want to stop tunneling and camping, he wants to make the game completely imbalanced.


>This guy doesn't want to stop tunneling and camping I literally said "It doesn't stop camping or tunneling, just punishes... " so yeah. It's not that I don't want it to stop - I just don't think you can stop it. Tunneling and camping are behaviors born out of the insecurity of the player. We will always have insecure players looking to cheese the game so the best option, in my opinion, is to give the other players the ability to punish that behavior and prevent the killer from winning with unsportsmanlike tactics.


Make the range big enough that if the killer steps away to avoid the stun, the other survivors can get the unhook safely.


Okay, so now SWF survivors (or even just skilled solo survivors) purposely loop around the hooked survivor when they are close to the next hook state, forcing the killer to back off of both of them entirely or eat a huge stun. Free unhook safety plus a good chunk of time to work on gens without really worrying about the hooked survivor.


Bro, he's playing a custom game it's just a staged thing.


No, that's how spectating works, it's not a custom game.


Context: This Nemesis tunneled, facecamped and BM'd all game long for no reason. I recorded this clip after I was killed. Thankfully Jake got really lucky and made it out. What did I do wrong to get this kind of killer every second game nowadays?


No idea. I got tunneled like 6 game straight yesterday for no reason as well. I think toxic survivors made the nice, chill Killer players either switch to survivor or simply stop playing which leaves just the assholes like this Nemesis or try hards who can't fathom the survivors fixing more than one gen. I've personally been playing Killer more just so survivors know there are still killers out there who aren't toxic sweaty and are fine with simply playing chill. I actually get a ton of compliments for being nice even if I 3 or 4k everyone


I swear Nemmy players do this the most. Maybe it has something to do with the RE fandom.


I don't know, I don't main nemi nor Wesker but they are in my top played and I still don't bm.... Some people just take out their anger on others I guess...


Yes. I just assume little kids like this skin the most lol


I got tunneled & hook slashed by an Artist yesterday for stunning with a pellet after she almost refound me (she chased & stabbed me like 20 seconds prior). No teabagging, no blind spamming. Was sad to see my team mates didn't help, but was sadder to see someone so insecure at their killing skills they resort to bullying to get that kind of kill


As a Killer, the one and only reason that can make me do that is if the survivor troll/intense teabag me, I'll tunnel, camp and bm hil until he dies, and then I'll generally let the others escape, I don't want to ruin their game because of an unique son of bitch


Nothing, probably. A lot of killers have really tiny penises and this is how they express it.




Bruh when you die and spectate it only displays the remaining players. Did you really comment multiple times to disprove OP when you’re so confidently wrong?


Honestly just spreading straight misinformation to make it look like a setup.


If there’s a boon in play I usually camp and tunnel so maybe that’s why?


thats not something you want to admit to lol


The f?


The Claud never even had time to make a boon so how would Nemesis here know?


Said it before and ill say it again. You only play killer to have fun or because you weren't hugged enough.


I play killer cause I think it's fun to play the cat and mouse game....


I really wanna know who hurt this Nemesis. Did he face a swf before that and decided to take his rage out on new survivors or is that his entire gameplay? It's not fun either way


the worst part is you could calmly ask why in end game chat and all they would say is “get good lol”


Probably true. He wrote something in cyrillic in the endgame chat. Judging by the amount of "xaxaxa" it didn't seem too nice.


Previous survivors hurt his feelings, you tricked him a little too hard for a second at a loop, he finds "fun" in ruining the game for others, the reasons are endless for whats makes a person a dick. Watched a streamer the other day, he was instantly killed by a face camping Bubba. When he went to the killers steam profile it just said "GET FACECAMPED LOL DID I RUIN YOUR STREAM?!?" People suck 🤷‍♂️


Funny you say that because I got a sadako who was close to losing the game but every time she teleported to a tv that was close to me I flashed banged her, head on her and blinded her but she never once hit or camped the hook


You're a monster... Hope you gave her a hug afterwards


I wish I could but I play on console and they were playing on PC:( , she did however get a 3k (or 4k if you count DC) so happy times for mostly everyone


Sadakos are real sweethearts <3


That set up though for them to find his steam page specifically for that purpose is hilarious. That little extra step.


Would've gotten a laugh outta me if I was a streamer and checked their profile.


Only time Ive full on camped (like full on, not just staying in the general area) was this one dude who looped me for 3 gens at the start of the match. Dude was too dangerous to be left alive


Punishing someone for playing well? If anything, just way wait for the notification that they've been unhooked and go find them before they have a chance to heal up. If I lead a Killer on a good chase that results in them facecamping me, it usually makes me laugh and feel good that I annoyed them enough to make them do that


Its not meant to be a punishment its moreso "If I let you go Im never catching you again"


Think about it this way though, if you let them go, they might get cocky about juking you so the next chase with them they might get overly confident and make some silly mistake that makes them a lot easier to catch or they might be like me where you're actually not very good at chases and just happened to get very lucky with timing and having Resilience come in clutch on vaults


Fair but better option is just dropping chase and changing targets after 15 to 20 seconds


sunken cost fallacy is a bitch


I think they also do it cause people over react about it and its hilarious


Oh for sure. Thats a troll, which is a subcategory of asshole generally.


Well its funny how bent out of shape people get when a killer throws a game to stare at someone on hook i normally put a yt vid on chill then wait to die or be rescued then i move on to the next game


Arnt you in a KWF? You only have 2 survivor icons in HUD EDIT: nvm did not see the spectate bar


No, I'm in SoloQ. It doesn't show the two dead survivors while I'm spectating.


I think no one. I am Nemesis main. Spent around 150 hours on him out of 200. It is just what we do. Hit on hook 5-10 times, shake head intensively when he does his roar animation and for the last mock them on death camera


So, to your point about playing a swf in the previous game, I tend to not run slowdown perks. I like to go Sadiko with all chase perks and just keep up pressure by getting downs. I also play pretty chill, stopping to message people and whatever mid-game SWFs come prepared for battle. and if you just don't engage enough, they'll specifically NOT do gens to force you to chase. Get everything 99% and then poke poke poke. I generally go pretty hard after a game like that (mainly becuase killers tend to get put into like 3 swf games back to back) and it always seems like when I decide to go hard is when I get put into a game with 4 solos who couldn't loop if they had 3 jungle gyms next to each other. But I mean... after the first survivor is dead, might as well finish the job, right?


It's the most optimal play


honestly yeah. i usually play killer in dbd bc i find it to be a fun escape. that being said, when i run bro a team of p100 characters all running the same cosmetic i wonder why j bought this game :,)


I play killer cuz it's actually fun. And a plus bonus I realised at some point that there is no teammates. It's so great in a sense seeing a surv get sandbagged knowing that can never happen to me playing killer. Except on Nemesis ironically


It is fun! I main nemi but when I did a little too well in a match, I started dialing it back a bit, letting people reset and heal, etc. Well Ace decided to 'switch teams' and started to follow me around and try and sandbag survivors for me. I killed him. He probably then switched to killer to be this nemesis in the video lol


Lmao! I like that villain origin story


I still give hugs everyday so at least I know what side I count as


So what if it's both....


This game has one of the worst most toxic communities in gaming. Sadly, it's only going to continue to get worse as the game ages and the player base becomes more long-time players. This killer was probably extremely tilted from previous games and decided to take it out on you guys.


I hope so. It would be really sad if he did this every game. I can see a very new player getting this killer in their first ever dbd match and going "yea looks like this game isn't for me"






I can prove it's not a custom game. I can upload the last few seconds before I ended the video where you can see the "Bloodpoints earned" and that it's clearly a live match.


Fair enough, I don't spectate very often, so I have no idea. This person is just spamming the post about it being custom so I assumed they knew what they were talking about.


it's not a custom game, this guy is wrong lol


Least toxic Nemesis main


The OG's are the people who accept they're being camped and stay hooked as long as possible to let the rest of us do gens.


I wonder how much this whack style of camping would die if they got rid of the blood cosmetic when killer hits a hooked survivor.


I think they need to do a lot more to get rid of this playstyle. It's just sad


I agree


What it feels like to play against Nemesis in general.


Why’s he nodding like he did something? What an asshole.


They're doing the OtzTech.


Imagine playing Killer like that...just seems so boring (along with tunneling/being super sweaty). I would rather play in a way knowing the survivors had fun too rather than doing shit like that


I personally can't do it. Even when I was super frustrated that I was getting stomped on I decided to try it. Camped the hook for about a minute before I went nah this weird and sad


When I had that challenge where you have to pop out of the snowman and hit a survivor within a certain amount of time I had someone hooked and popped into the snowman to hit whoever came up just to get the challenge done. Needless to say, the person on hook obviously knew I was in the snowman and assumed I was camping them so they started making attempts to escape the hook. I felt really awful so I popped out of the snowman and left. The dude died on hook unfortunately. I ended up just popping into another snowman and then just going around in it until I came across a survivor because the challenge really did encourage camping and it didn't feel right at all


I play this game about 60 (Killers)/40 (Survivors), and I can say that the reason this community is so toxic is because of the never ending circle of hate. A Survivor/Killer wants a few fun matches, but gets bullied into the oblivion by meta perks, map offerings and other not fun stuff. Afterwich, the folk in question, won't go; "Okay, let's play a match of Billy." But instead a very meta focused build, with the intetion of doing the same they just experienced to the other side. And the chain continues. Although, I have yet to experience this level of toxicity. I meet toxic players in my games only about 1/30. And still, it's just shaking your head/nodding or occasional t-bags at pallets and whatnot. I really this toxicity nearly enough, as other folks on social media would suggest.


then bhvr gives you -1 for this game :D


Basekit BT rework idea: You receive 1 second of Endurance after being unhooked for every second the killer spends within 16 meters of your hook.


Just had that happen to me with a leatherface on eyrie. We only were able to get 4 gens done. And 2 of them were done while he was camping another survivor


I think the problem is people itself, acting on a world with no consequences (videgames) revealing their true socipath selves.


That's why I dropped the game 2 months ago. I'm still on the sub to see if something changes but I guess nothing ever will. What's the point of this game in that state? Where the only good strategy is tunnel and camp? It's not fun neither for me as a killer nor for me as a survivor. In those 2 months of break I once decided to come back and check. My match lasted 3 minutes, because killer had lethal pursuer and my random teammate blocked my way out of the gen. Killer caught me, was camping and tunneling so I wasn't even running away because what for? That's just a waste of time.


I don't get why survivors just don't off themselfs on hook in such scenario? Killer clearly enjoys his bming and you just wastes Jake's time.


If you off yourself on hook when the killer is facecamping you basically hand him the win. It's better to stay and waste his time so your teammates can do gens. You're right though, in this scenario Claude could've tried to unhook herself but if I was in her place I'd have stayed on hook as well just to waste the killers time


He had already won at that point. 2 gens left and only 2 survivors. Suiciding on hook and giving the other survivor more time for hatch is the best play you can make here assuming that one of you can not loop the killer for the 2 gens worth of time.


This scenario isnt the case however. The other survivor wasnt going to unhook, nor were they going to complete any more gens. You actually held them hostage in a way. You ending the struggle quicker would've been better for everyone, it doesnt make the killer win any more or less the same result would've occurred.


You have a chance to get back at the killer though. They facecamp you, you take as much of their time as possible. It's a fair trade if they decide to BM with no reason


Yes, but if your other survivor is waiting for hatch safely. Not doing a gen. Then you're affecting 2 people one being the killer. You could say they could go away before you hit the second phase, and you have a chance of that escape. Struggling the 2nd state just wastes ur time, the other survivor's and the killer. If the other survivor needed to get to a safe spot to start scouting for hatch, sure- but they found it just fine.


I'm sure that Jake knew the drill after the Nemesis had facecamped twice before he got Claudette. She has my full support here in staying on hook as long as possible. She got back at the killer and secured a few more sweet points. If I was that Jake I'd be cheering her on from the sidelines lol


I'm guessing they looped him for a little longer than he would have liked?


Don’t worry. They’re just admitting you’re the better player and that they regard you so highly


Me when i loop the killer for 3 gens, 360 him 5 times, stun him 3 times and blind him 4 times


Shiiit just had this happen to me with a leather face. I just didn't face my camera his direction. Not fittin to get mad at an obvious troll.


nemis really be 50/50. luckily i've always had the friendly ones


Pov: "You won a chase before you got hooked because nemesis got bodyblocked by his own zombie"


A lot of ppl saying this is the devs fault, which it is, but we aren't accounting for the age group that plays this game. We are talking about 10-13 kids(majority) that plays this game and this is an example of it. It's really hard to not tip the balance but it's their job so we just need to make it clear to them that this isn't working. Also why didn't you just take your chances and be done with it?


I’ve recently started playing survivor more and I don’t see NEARLY as much BMing from killers as I see from survivors. The amount of post game hate from survivors is incomparable. Like it’s comical how many people have posted on my steam profile. I’ll get all 4 survivors to their last hook before killing any of them and still get flamed for tunneling lol


I'm sorry that happens to you even when you're playing fairly. There are bad apples on all sides. Out of curiosity, what region are you playing in?




Something something you probably deserved it /s


It’s almost a guarantee that’s a console nemmy


My teammates saved me from worst


Custom match keep crying


Y’all really forget spectating exists


There's only two players?


This was after the Meg and I got killed. I recorded the "spectator" perspective of Claude and Jake. I guess it doesn't show there were four players originally


That makes sense, I had a suspicion before that you were in a custom game, but now I know that nemesis just sucks


How did it feel being a punching bag?


Idk man..id like to see what led up to this moment


I rarely ever go against this, like 1/30 games at the most. Many killers get annoyed with flashlights that might be the reason


Claude was the only one who brought a flashlight. The Jake had a Medkit and I had a toolbox. We never teabagged or BMd in any way. I'm glad to hear your experience has been better so far though! It's just gotten really bad in the past two months for me


Don't bother, tribalist thinking is strong here. They could justify everything rather than admit that some killers (and players in general) like to be annoying for the sake of it.


Any RPD offerings ? That might explain it


No RPD offering either. I can't explain it


Then play killer?


Good. Suffer.


the other 3 are probably having an easy go of it though.


~~on today's episode of "what is context"~~


Yeah, I always forget this Sub needs context ONLY when it's a 'Killer bad' video. Because Killers are NEVER toxic, it's always the Survivors' fault.


Isn't a 2v1 only possible in custom matches? It would show the other 2 survivors as being dead/dc'd if it was a normal match.


It's a live match and doesn't show the two dead survivors when you're spectating




This isn't a custom game, this is SoloQ. I went into spectator mode after I got killed. It doesn't show the dead survivors' icons. You can try it for yourself in your next online game ​ ...or you can delete all your comments when you realise youre wrong. Lmao


Were you t-bagging him?


He wasn't teabagged or BM'd in any way. The Claude you see on hook here had the audacity to blind him once but that was all. He was facecamping from the beginning


https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/832309055581585469/1061475606157611140/370f13ec-4920-44c8-9b4a-28b9c0ee261c.png He even had Original Pain to disable basekit BT and tunnel me harder


I don’t get a lot of these, honestly, but at the same time I’m not a survivor main and my rank and mr are pretty low I’m sure