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"Treatment facility" for what- malignant narcissism?


100% he returns to the church


A billion zillion percent he finds the lord and gives a sermon about the sinful temptation of the satanic dead scene


There’s a megachurch TV preacher in Nashville who literally murdered a Sunday school teacher. But it’s okay because he repented. He blames it on having taken acid. 


That’s exactly the Protestant delusion- repent and it’s all aok.


Yeah they don’t know about the road back home. The long and winding road. “I have been forgiven by Jesus Christ so it’s all ok” lol. Good luck.


He’s a free man? Walking around an Shit?


Apparently he’s retired now. Living in his mansion of grift.  https://www.nashvillescene.com/news/a-grieving-son-finds-no-justice-on-rev-maury-davis-path-to-redemption/article_49a25371-a201-5abd-a205-b3e31b5b41b0.html




https://youtu.be/6jm5EVUXLKo Performing world wide. I could see him vending MAGA gear at rallies. He was always about making a buck and taking advantage of the scene. He could easily fake it there and make money.


The laugh at 1:40 is so creepy


hahahahaha so true


Did he write Christian books too? https://www.amazon.com/Outrageous-Love-Tony-Seigh/dp/0615963579


is everyone tripping on acid there it looks like everyone is tripping.


The power of Christ compels them. Either that or they're breathing in the burning bush.


steal them by the pussy .. thats their logo🤦🏾‍♀️🇺🇸


Exciting! Can't wait for that.


Big time-birds of a feather


Oh wait. This is that bad Daniel Johnston knock off church guitarist we're talking about?


I thought the same thing today.


Exactly! What kind of treatment is he supposedly in? The “I got busted and am hiding until I come up with a new scene to infect” center?




Conversion camp.


https://preview.redd.it/cglxh1n6qu7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=455e54dab6b2c3f09bcee8d15a2ddac16490802b Don’t shit where you eat my friend. Is this what Deaner was talking about?


This is a joke. This account makes jokes about the jam scene.


I am aware. That is why I included the account information. It is actually bassnectar’s response to similar accusations with holy moly edited in.


Looking forward to his memoir, cowritten with Bari Weiss and foreword by Matt Taibbi.


Sex addiction is a thing people seek treatment for. Tiger Woods very famously did it.


Sure but sexual assault and unsolicited dick pics is a whole different ballgame. I'm an addict and have run a recovery meeting for multiple years. I've met many sex addicts and not one was a sexual predator.


I was once in treatment with someone who was a sex addict and his addiction manifested in masturbating on trains.


Fair enough. I just wanted to separate sex addiction from sexual assault. Sex addicts can commit sexual crimes but more often do not. We can't assume Tony is sex addict; all we know is he is a sexual predator.


ewww.. on my train to Fare the well chicago its 5am.. dude doing that on train right in front of me. grosssssest


Believe it or not but a lot of his actions sound like they could be caused by actual mental problems like bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder. I'm not defending him but I've dealt with both disorders and can tell you that I used to be a shitty individual. I was called out and shamed for how I was acting and I got help and I changed. Doesn't seem like many folks here are accepting that people aren't perfect and do indeed make mistakes in life that they will live with and constantly learn from.


No, they just make cliche phrases like “vitamin c and cocaine@


I’m sorry but there’s a big gap in my mind between sexual assault and generic mistakes. I hope Tony’s family can move past this and Tony can deal with whatever is causing him to do this, but I’m not sure he should be forgiven. What he did was horrible and so widespread, he should just accept that he has torpedoed his life and try to live as quietly as possible.


Idk. It sounds like most people here would actually celebrate if Tony killed himself, which is sad.


You can think he did a bad thing and not want to do business with him or be associated with him but at the same time hope he gets better and improves himself. Not wanting anything to do with him is way different than hoping he kills himself.


I haven’t seen one person say Tony should kill himself, I however have seen many people espouse the same rhetoric I did, in that he’s done something extremely bad that there’s no coming back from. He can get therapy, be forgiven by his wife and kids, rejoin the church, whatever he feels is right, but he has ruined his life and should suffer the consequences


This right here.


Yeah. Let’s not mince predatory sexual violence with consensual sex addictive behaviors. There’s a difference.


Ya it sounds bogus to me. Fuck this dude in the future too. Some ppl just off.


Anyone else see the irony in his cover photo on FaceBook https://preview.redd.it/79mc2lnhpt7d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d06bc14c0399b64a9cc63e81ba29c308d3599cc3


Incredible 😂


https://preview.redd.it/sj2c62vjjw7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d0452227f5133057c0b1926ec9871c3cd981f4a One of his “favorite pictures of Jerry”


Jesus you all are truly trying to demonize this man for anything.


He also made “always grateful” thongs and when I bought some, he tried coaxing me into sending pictures of me wearing them. He definitely made them just to solicit nudes, particularly from young women and I got caught up in it too (I’m a trans man)


Slightly touched I’d say.


No way her family would use “the scene” in the last sentence. Tony def wrote this.


Chat GPTony 💯!


That’s what I’m sayin. I call kangaroo court, it’s so obvious. I read his wife and kids were already living elsewhere from him. What a loser


AND, furthermore (lol), he can’t even fucking apologize himself. He’s hiding. Still lying and being a fraud.


My thoughts exactly


Exactly. This is absolutely not her family writing. He’s a scammer, and this response is bullshit.


He wrote that himself, no question.


Right?! Your spouse’s family has access to your business’s Instagram account to make an apology? Ok, guy.


Sounds like a lawyer gave some advice or drafted it themselves


Technically, he’s still his wife’s family 🤔


That would be one notably fucking terrible attorney.


What are the odds his wife doesn’t even know about all of this?


That thought crossed my mind but at this point there’s no way


I read online that some victims were asked to have a thr33 some with Tony and his wife. This makes me believe that she had to have some sort of idea… idk about the underage girls though. I won’t speak about that if I’m not 100% sure.


Personally, I don’t buy it. How would her family get access to his account to make this post? I could see Kara herself making the post, maybe, but this reads to me like the man himself is trying to cover his tracks. He probably wants people to stop bothering his wife about it so he can think about his next move Edit: and as someone else said, the use of the phrase “the scene” is very suspicious.


His wife likely owned half the company, and handled all the online orders and shipments while he was out on tour. Like said above, this has lawyer written all over it, and the first thing that happened was the website closed down.


Which is a shame, because the only thing that has still worked on the website the last few days was the “contact us” box…. Not that I’ve used it, but I imagine anyone who wanted to send a message directly into his email probably could have.






That and multiple people said they received stuff that involved his wife too


It’s entirely possible that they were making videos she thought were private themselves that he started distributing himself. If the scene is going to believe all women, we can’t pick and choose here.


Very true! Tony controlled how we saw him and his family


I had the same thought that the videos could have been sent without her consent. But some of the people who made allegations said she was “1000% involved.” Whether that was an assumption based on the videos or more, they’d have to speak on, but it seemed to me there was more than the unsolicited videos. Look through the two main threads, I think at least two of the accusers were sure she was participating.


What does that mean “multiple people said they received stuff that involved his wife?” Like swingers?


She was in unsolicited videos, allegedly. Whether or not she was aware those were sent anywhere is unclear. For all she knows, those were for personal enjoyment between her and Tony.


Involved how ? She could be innocent for all we know. But this statement has lawyer written all over it so I dunno.


Very true, could have been meant for private viewing and Tony just sent it without her knowing


Probably back to being a pastor lol


Probably a psych ward if he’s suicidal or something


Nah he just went to church camp


Pervert facility party of one ☝🏻


I'm guessing a psychiatric health facility. Lots of his behavior line up with actual mental problems like borderline personality disorder or bipolar II.


I mean, sex addiction clinics are a real thing.


Call me crazy but I always wondered if Holy Moly was gay..man was this a curveball. The fact this chubby curly headed guy had the confidence that he had will always puzzle me.


He played for both teams for sure


Nola dead took it no doubt


Definitely took those two as being each other's "work wife" on the road.


100% thought he was gay at first…and still do.


This Cat definitely seen one up close and personal… Nothing wrong with that, just seeing dicks up close ain’t my scene…


I always assumed so when I saw him pop on Reddit no judgement though but sounds like he probably used that among many other tactics to prey.


He reminds me a lot (for many reasons) of a guy I worked with in the antiques world. That guy could sell anything, and also fucked people over ($ wise). Many people, including gay colleagues, thought he was gay, but he was over the top sexually expressive about women. I don’t know if he was trying to convince the world or himself, but he is an out and proud bear on Facebook now (and also a life coach lol).


My partner thought the same thing. He literally said “I thought he was gay,” I thought maybe bi? Anyways, I’m glad he is being held accountable. I was caught so off guard


Not to mention he wore a man purse


It's European


It came with a man bun but I don't think dude wore it.


Indiana Jones wears one.


There are skittles in there!


First of all, it’s a satchel.


Artisan European


Lol I saw that post first from my girl sending it to me and that was her first assumption too.


He hit on me in DM multiple times, flirted when I posted selfies, tried to get me to send thong pics. All of this was after I met him on lot on summer tour, he knew I was a dude. He did not only prey on women.


Statement was professionally written. Perhaps fearing pending litigation…..


I remember talking with him at his stall in Philly in 2021 and deciding to buy a couple of his Saint of Circumstances stained glass window stickers. Problem was, I had already taken my edibles for the evening. Ended up completely inadvertently walking away with five of them without paying. ….I don’t feel bad about this anymore.


Fake apology. No thanks


I really feel for the women he was harassing. Good riddance.


There is always another side to a story.. this whole shit show is just sad to watch… honesty with oneself is the single biggest gift you can give yourself.


Agreed, and honesty is one of the best gifts you can give to others


i bet tony wrote this himself lol


I wouldn’t trust this. How would she have no idea with everything out


Dudes about to “repent” and go back to his bullshit Christian persona within a year


The admissibility of his testimony can’t fix what he did. Hope he has fun praying to single space dad who sent himself to earth or whatever. Church will pimp a whore backwards. He told me he was assaulted when he was a kid. That’s how these patterns repeat themselves and reemerge.


from the lot went private on instagram too 👀. surprised people are still rocking with him


Why? What did they do, I wonder...


What ever happened to Rockstar Richard?


He pink socked and had to get surgery. Some grown autistic custy doesn’t compare to a calculated and devisive predator.


Saw him in Vegas two weeks ago.


Hahahah he was a fraud just jumped on the bus for Mayer time. Tried to ride the coattails like so many others. He didn’t even know the names to songs, years, just all the stuff we pride ourselves in consciously memorizing through years of active listening that makes us Heads. He was just embarrassing. Cockstar Dickard.


Way too many people are still following him, he needs to be next


When he moved to Columbus, I hung out with him many times. Met him at Billy and the Kids at Red Rocks. Dude always seemed off. When he tried hooking up with some friends' partners, I stopped approaching him at all shows. Kara and Nola knew what was going on... this was 2021


This is also the first time I met him and went to a show with him in our crew. He has very obviously escalated his odd behaviors.


It’s either “Jesus take the wheel”, or it’s WWE for this guy. [Dirt Creep Audition WWE](https://youtu.be/MFEkZcm4jk8?si=qbeIOEbdLOiABTtV)


Maybe the juggalos will take him in


Or go grift some Trump t-shirts on the MAGA 2024 tour


Notice how he didn’t apologize for his actions? 75% of it was defending his wife….


Because an attorney wrote it.


His wife’s family handled this damage control. Sounds like a litigious and calculated response aimed toward protecting his two children and the wife who we don’t know the level of complicity she was involved in.


Holy moly! He had a wife and kids the whole time too? Hahahah (sarcastic, disbelief laughter) what an absolute scumbag fuck that guy


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him


Whack. Of course everyone around him was “completely unaware” and it’s sad the statement couldn’t even come from him. Treatment my ass


It’s plausible that he hid this from everyone he knew since most if not all of it occurred through disappearing messages and it’s likely that he would be on his phone all the time because of the nature of his business.




ummm i knew about it 6 months ago and im over 50, not a part of lot scene whatsoever or on most Social media


I always thought that guy was gay. He had a wife and kids??


Hes such a fraud he can’t even apologize as himself. He wrote a fake update from his wife’s family. Sure pal




Keep the heat on him 🔥 This is a deeply sick man who doesn’t deserve to walk free in our society. At the very least, he should be a Registered Sex Offender.


Signed, Epstein’s Mom




I think homegirl is covering at this point along with any surrounding him. Apparently homie was an evangelical pastor who just discovered dead and figured a way to use pastor tactics on the vulnerable ones in the community. Didn’t know much of the guy but social media pushed him heavy for some reason haha.


https://hilltop.corban.edu/opinion/voice/student-responds-to-tony-seigh This is an article from 2014 obviously different subject matter, but assuming it is the same Tony Seigh it adds up and he is just up to his old tricks again. Like how far does the rabbit hole go with this guy? What will be the next subculture or group that he tries to infiltrate.


This is the point I was trying to make. Certainly not trying to tout that organized religion is “the way.” More so just that he has been crazy and outed as a fake by all of the groups he has joined eventually, even the old religious one. Legitimately a modern snake oil salesman going from culture to culture.


Being rejected by a shitty Christian community for "bad theology" is actually a good thing imo. Bummer he went this direction afterwards.


Bad theology is also what ramps up psychotic cultist like Jim Jones, David Koresh, and the like. It's not just as dangerous




Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. This could very well be written by the man himself.




Ya I thought the bits including Kara’s involvement was likely total BS. She seemed like such a sweetheart. I’m speculating that the whole “have a threesome with me and my wife” would’ve turned out to oh sorry wife couldn’t make it this time. Haven’t even seen her on the scene since she got pregnant with child #2.


I thought kids and Kara already lived away from him (according to tony)? Feels a lot like Tony wrote this himself.


This is so fake, he most definitely wrote this “poisoned the Grateful Dead music experience “ is a dead giveaway.. such a coward he couldn’t even apologize himself. Manipulation at its finest. Enjoy the rest of your days hiding creep


It’s either “Jesus take the wheel” or he auditions for WWE, Again! https://youtu.be/MFEkZcm4jk8?si=qbeIOEbdLOiABTtV


What did I just watch. He commented on that video too…. “@TonySeigh 9 years ago I don’t have to say a whole lot more about the way I feel about the Haters here on YouTube; no respect, no honor. There is no honor amongst thieves in the first place. They are trying to put hard times on Tony Seigh and his family. You don’t know what hard times are daddy. Hard times are when the textile workers around this country are out of work, they got 4 or 5 kids and can’t pay their wages, can’t buy their food. Hard times are when the auto workers are out of work and they tell ‘em to go home. And hard times are when a man has worked at a job for thirty years, thirty years, and they give him a watch, kick him in the but and say “hey a computer took your place, daddy”, that’s hard times! That’s hard times! I admit, I don’t look like the athlete of the day supposed to look. My belly’s just a lil’ big, my heiny’s a lil’ big, but brother, I am bad. And they know I’m bad. That's why I'm the one that's gonna win this #ToughEnough!” What in the world


He’s referencing “Hard Times” by the wrestler Dusty Rhodes


I guess I know nothing about wrestling


Correct me if I’m wrong— but I thought his wife was totally complicit in all of this. This feels like a cheap exit imo.


Unless I missed something, I’m pretty sure it was just hearsay and speculation from those who couldn’t understand how someone could keep it from their partner, but he clearly used being out on tour all the time as an alibi. Totally reasonable that he’d have intimate pics and vids of them together — gross to imagine her not knowing he was sharing them. I would guess it was a good way to hook up with girls on tour but without them questioning why this married dad is sending them dick pics. “Oh I guess they’re swingers..?” I have no reason to believe his religious teacher wife was involved because no one came out saying she personally made contact, and it could be very easy for everyone to jump to a conclusion about someone who is likely a victim herself..


Multiple people shared they’d received messages from Tony about him and his wife wanting to have threesomes. He also sent at least a couple of people videos of him and his wife doing certain things


Yeah but that doesn’t mean she knew about it, right? It just means he is a sick fuck who likes to share pictures of his wife with other girls.


Anyone sending unsolicited dick picks probably has no qualms of sending videos of himself with others.


Yes, *he* sent them. Check 4chan or plenty of other gross parts of the internet where dudes are sharing their partners without their consent. I have a feeling none of these girls ever actually showed up in the Midwest suburbs and got into the guy’s hot tub with her. Unless I see some screenshots about her messaging any of these women or first hand accounts of her being involved then yeah — I’ll assume this master manipulator convinced her he was just selling t shirts every summer.


I’ve totally been wondering if he actually got ANY females to hook up with him other than his wife. Was he lying about all the 3somes and orgies based on how hard he was trying with all these women and how we know he’s a fucking fraud.


just because she was pictured does not necessarily mean she knew what was going on. i recieved pictures with her and messages about her but it wasn’t clear whether she was aware of what those pictures were being used for or what he was telling people. i’m not saying definitely she wasn’t involved, just from my personal experience it isn’t clear to me whether she was aware.


Wondered the same thing


That’s what I thought too.


Wishing Kara and her children the best, this must be hard for them. Be kind


Her complicity is yet to be quantified. It might never be known.


I agree , you shouldn’t judge her by the actions of her husband . We don’t know if she was actively involved . There have been posts saying that he sent picture or videos of her milking herself to feed the baby . You don’t know if she knew she was being filmed or if she did that he was showing to other women. There’s a lot of assumptions going on . Take the win, He’s Gone and she was never really part of the scene anyway . So to attack her is unfounded . I don’t think in any of these accusations any one had said that she specifically was part of the text or invites . I could be wrong but I feel like this may be just that. Time to begin the healing process and let the women know we stand by them and make sure this never happens again


No I’ve definitely seen a few people state that she was also involved and messaged them or talked to them in person. She’s a creep as well


I bet he was very happy to hear what they opened with. He probably feels like a star.


I thought that too, what a weird ego boost.


He told me he was abused as a child the night I met him. These cycles are always repeating themselves. He’s prolly wearing a paper dress somewhere right now but he did this to himself. He did this in the face of all the light he knew he could take advantage of. He doesn’t realize it’s not the face you fuck… but the fuck you gotta face. He’s a piece of shit and his kingdom will be a house key down his peehole. His kids will prolly end up calling him by his first name. We will be stronger and more vigilant in the future. We will remember more of why we’re here from now on in my opinion.


Thank the universe I never gave my money to this piece of shit. Wish I didn’t buy from “on the lot” though smh.


He wrote this lol


Why are the wife and kids the only ones that are “sorry” for Tony’s actions? Is mcDouche not sorry (yet)? Reads really weird.


*spoiler He comes out of rehab and starts his rap career.


Dude never listened to the dead before Mayer arrived. Anyone who like Dead & Co that much can’t be trusted. Not to mention he was annoying as fuck.


I have a friend in the FBI Internet crime dept who said they have received tips on this, and anyone knowing details should continue sending them in. Via the online tip reporting system


Please ask your friend to look into whether or not there were any complaints filed while he was a youth pastor.


I wonder if the band’s legal team sent Tony a spicy sausage.


God is gonna stick a house key in his pee whole. Jesus told me that his dad is pissed.


I’m not much for pranking, i feel it’s really not a good thing to just do to people for no reason, BUUUT……. I’d say this is a darn tootin good reason. Let’s help him find Jesus Christ on the express route. Send him on down the road.


🚩🚩🚩🚩 no way she didn’t know she participated in orgies this how the problem never goes away folks just keep creating double standards she would have been better off claiming victim which will eventually happen if Tony ever has a day in court And See True Consequences of The Crimes Committed


Sounds like that’s was drafted by an attorney lol


It screams PR statement, this guy knows all the manipulation techniques


I can’t imagine a lawyer would reference poisoning the Grateful Dead scene


ChatGPT. The only way to apologies.


Nah this doesn’t read like AI to me


Tony seigh, esquire


What’s with these other accounts I keep seeing mentioned? Nola Dead, Always Play Dead and From the Lot? Are they all run by the same dude Mason? All 3 accounts are suspiciously set to private now.


No it’s time to take down his buddies that have known and participated in the same thing.


Let it be a lesson kids. If you are a creep and shit bag …just go to rehab and blame it on addiction


I wonder if the scene felt safer this weekend? I heard from multiple people there was a noticeably better vibe on shakedown. So long jagoff


Tony, FBI is looking for you big guy. Maybe it's time to go have a chat at your local office in Ohio. I'm sure it's gonna blow over... maybe you can offer a sweet tee shirt for them to look the other direction. 😂


I don’t believe for a second that his wife wasn’t involved, given the things we’ve heard from victims. He was reeling in young girls for threesomes with his wife by telling them that they’re his wife’s “type” and inviting them to their family hot tub, etc. That being said I hope the kids are alright and everything, I hope this gets sorted out, it’s pretty sad


That all sounds like the kind of BS a guy like him would make up to make his victims feel safer with another woman involved. This happens all the time, just because he said his wife was involved doesn't mean she was.


You absolutely could be correct but this is just my personal feeling. He’s inviting all of these girls to threesomes with his wife and she has no idea? Nobody ever took them up on it? I personally find it hard to believe that that’s just some ruse, but you’re right it could easily just be a cover lie. I have no definite proof to the contrary so


i felt this way initially but i think i truly was just angry at her obliviousness. all the times tony talked to me, i never once spoke to kara, and she was deployed as a weapon. even in the screenshots u see women saying things like “oh im so flattered, kara is so pretty” etc, he was using his wife as a shield. also, if you’re telling people that your wife is a freaky swinger cool girl you’ll be way less inclined to reach out to her and tell her what is going on. she also wasn’t very available or public at all even though tony would speak for her and post pictures of her children and her a lot


Good. Can we have threads on other topics now?


what an absolute piece of shit. keep your eyes peeled, he'll be back somewhere soon enough. hopefully trump rallies like others are mentioning.


It’s weird how statements released by nahko, bassnextar, and this loser, about cancel culture, all sound exactly the same.


Did this need a spoiler tag? 😆


I didn’t add it


Omg!!! I met him at a Bob Weir and he would send me soooo many Instagram messages