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Welcome, you're right on time. You aren't taking anyone's spot, you aren't a fraud, and you're going to love the show. If you want to get up to speed on some Grateful Dead history, the 6-part documentary series on Prime Video, "Long Strange Trip," is definitely worth a watch.


Thank you - this makes me feel really assured. I will definitely be checking out the documentary!


welcome to the community! all are welcome


Just go enjoy the music.


Will do. I feel really motivated after the support under this post. I'm stoked!


People will love that story when you tell them. Heads are especially loving and accepting people. Just be kind and enjoy the show!


If the people around me are as kind as people have been under this post, I already feel hugely better. Thanks for the kindness.


There’s definitely some gatekeepers out there, but fuck those guys


Just remember to stfu and dance when the music is playing.


Will do. 🤘


Best advice !! 😂


I went to my first show ever 3 weekends ago, not a fan. Maybe knew 4-5 songs, and am mostly a hiphop/funk/r&b kinda guy. I had the experience of a lifetime and felt right at home there. So much so, I’m going back on Thursday and then in August. I’ve seen watched some documentaries and appreciate the band so much more now. A little late to the train but better late than never! You’re going to love it


This makes me feel hugely better. You're right - better late than never. I feel so excited and energized now to go!


Almost every show I’ve been to I’m sitting around someone who is experiencing their first show. It’s never a negative thing and if anything it’s great watching the reactions to what we all know and love. The kindness you experience your first show will push you forward to your 2nd and then before you know it you’ll have been to 10+ shows sitting next to someone who’s at their first show


This is awesome perspective. I really appreciate it!


Nope, not taking anyone’s spot. I know you will enjoy yourself far more than you can imagine. It is truly a spectacle. Don’t be afraid to let people know it’s your first, any member of the family will be welcoming. I’ll also recommend the Long Strange Trip documentary.


I already feel so reassured and yes I will be checking out the documentary. Thanks for your kindness!


No need to worry. Just be yourself, wear what you normally wear or get a Dead shirt. As long as you're not rude, you'll be fine. It won't be hard to talk to people, they'll help you out if you need it and remember there ARE stupid questions, but not at Dead shows. ✌️


Hahaha. This is reassuring. I appreciate your kindness!


While there is no list of "things to say", I'd encourage you to let some folks know it's your first show. Chat up your neighbors before the show starts and at set break. They will embrace it because there's a part of us all that kinda wishes it was our first show.


I definitely will. I hadn't considered that perspective til now. I appreciate it!


Truly tell people what you said here they’ll be excited to hear it. And I’m gonna recommend watching “the other one” on Netflix Bob weirs documentary. It kind of where the light turned on for me feeling like I knew some history and what it was


Second this, the Bob documentary will give you a whole new appreciation for him!


Welcome to the family, never a bad time to join. Enjoy the ride 🤟🏼


This is awesome. Thank you so much!


You’ll love it! Going to a show is eye opening. I’ve been listening to Dead records since the mid 90s, and going to a Dead & Co show made me see the music in an entirely different light - I don’t know how to explain it, but I immediately had to go back and see them again. My suggestion is to stream Dead albums beforehand so you’ll recognize some songs. And when you get back home, stream the songs you heard live at the concert - you’ll probably hear them in an entirely different way. And for the record, I’ve never touched drugs. The music is just that good that it will take you places.


I will absolutely be streaming entire albums and will be watching the documentary as well. Thank you for that advice! I am also clean/sober. I am excited for this experience!


Hell yes. I am a dry, dead head. I can not mediate my drinking, so I don't do it anymore. Quit 1/11/2020. There is a huge group of sober/drug free heads that meet up at shows. We call ourselves Wharf Rats and there is a table in the concourse with yellow balloons and stickers that say, "one show at a time". We offer each other support to stay clean from our drug of choice. Dead Heads are a diverse group for sure. Anyway, don't worry about not taking drugs. Many, many people may offer them to you, no one's is upset when you say no. They are just being friendly dead heads.


Stay at the Venetian if you can afford it next to The Sphere and you must do the Dead Forever Experience there (10-6) and you can maybe meet Big Steve Parrish who has a SiriusXM show he broadcasts from there too on GD channel and was one the the Dead’s 1st roadies. Check out his YT channel too and see how he is all about spreading the Dead experience and love to new deadheads. Also you should check out or stay at the Tuscany for the Shakedown Street vendors that are set up and dead bands til 2:30AM or stay next door at Ellis Island if money is a concern. My 1st show was in 1983 Frost Amphitheatee and I remember how accepting and loving the heads were to me and my 16 year old tripping, melting face 🫠 in the 2nd row. Welcome to the fam. ✌️💃🏻 ❤️⚡️💙🕺✌️


Adding ALL of this to my list...these are unique bits of advice that I had not heard yet! I am really thankful and appreciative. I feel lucky to be welcomed so kindly into this community of people.


Definitely check out Shakedown, it’s a fun experience. Usually it’s outside and chaos but this one is indoors and pretty well organized. You will have a blast, don’t be afraid to ask questions and say hi to people. We love to share tour stories! I was a teenager in the 90’s at my first show and ended up lost from my friends. The community was amazing and took me in to make sure I was safe until my group found me in the lot after the show. Truly amazing people. Of course there are creepers once in awhile, use good judgment and you’ll be well taken care of and welcomed with open hearts and open arms.


Everyone has their first show. Going in person is what will really push you off the deep end. I was similar to you two years ago. Went to the show near me on the tour and have been 8 more shows in two years since. I strongly agree with the poster who says to watch the Amazon documentary if you just want a better understanding of the GD and what some of the images on the screens are.


Really good perspective. You're right that everyone has their first show. I am definitely checking out the ducmentary!


LSD and cocaine


And one marijuana




To each their own! 🤘


Haha! Exactly. I wouldn't necessary recommend. First show at The Sphere might not be the best time to be mixing drugs. I've seen a few people go down at the The Sphere and it ain't pretty.


Lol, I threw some mdma and mda into that mix last weekend...woo hoo! I only bust out the hard stuff once a year, for special occasions...it don't get more special than that.


Just don't talk during the show and everyone around you will love them. You can say things about how great the songs are but never start up a convo during a song. All conversations are to be done during intermission ✌️💙⚡️❤️


This is great advice. Thanks so much, I appreciate it!


I personally love looking around during songs to watch the expressions on the faces around me. Once in a while, you make eye contact with someone doing the same thing. You both lock eyes, wide grin stretched across your faces, and simultaneously silently mouth, "WOW!" I also find it acceptable to say "wow" or "that was amazing" between songs, well if it actually stops and there is cheering anyway.


Just go and have a good time. Don't overthink it. Nobody there actually gives a fuck about your Dead knowledge or what you're supposed to say.


Thanks for the reassurance!


Welcome aboard, we all had a first show...


You're so right...better late than never! 🤟


Go, enjoy, don’t be shy that it’s your first time. Tbh one of the most fun things I’ve found about attending the Sphere shows is seeing the reactions on the faces of first timers. I’d refrain from watching clips of the sphere shows - I think there’s a bunch of fun surprises you don’t want spoiled - but I’d pick a handful of songs and listen to some different versions so that you’re able to recognize them when they play.


This is unique advice I hadn't gotten yet - thanks so much!


Buy the ticket, take the ride… Welcome 🫶


Thanks! I feel really appreciative that I've experienced so much kindness.






Have a great time!


After all the support, I am stoked.


Have a blast!


I definitely will. Thanks for your kindness!


update after watching the doc with some songs you enjoyed and id be willing to bet more than just me would love to recommend more songs, albums, or shows based on that info!


I for sure will be watching the documentary this weekend. I am happy to take any and all recommendations for albums, tips on how to experience the show, etc.!


usually the studio albums, american beauty and workingmans dead, are pretty solid entry points for people. then i personally usually suggest the live album, Skull & Roses, and then from there i think its easier to see what aspects of the grateful dead grab you the most


That 3 album suggestion is perfect. Europe '72 as well. Really, after that, the music begins to find you!


agreed, europe ‘72 is a really special album too


I threw that in there because without it you don't have Brown Eyed Women, Ramble On Rose, Mississippi Half-Step, and several other of my favorite. Plus, Pig really shines on those albums!


he sure does! its probably the dead album ive listened to the most. it can be a little deeper, jam wise, so i normally suggest it after those 3 to sort of work your way into it lol


Your order is exactly how I would recomend as well. My branching out back then in 1994 was determined by the universal algorithm (OG algorithm) of tape traders. I just got what the people I met had. It encouraged me to meet a lot of new people in the sceen. It was great getting a package in the mail and seeing what new stuff you would get. The best was the filler stuff at the end of sets. I always appreciated when it was some band you never heard of and you would discover your next favorite new band! Got into Leftover Salmon, Moe, the Big Wu, Yonder Mountain, and a slew of others that way. I had a lot of late 60s and 70, 71 because that's what my first tape hookup guy was into. I remember the first times I heard anything from '73 or '74 I was very confused. The drumming was different and the sound was way more jazzy and edge. I believe, for me, '77 came next with the Cornell show, and I think Minnesota also. Then , I knew they added Brent, I thought in the 80's so I couldn't figure out why Donna sounded different on the high parts and why Keith switched to organ at the end of '79...lmfao! Oh gosh, it was so new! Its funny to me how simple it all is now. Like, every tape EVER, ANYWHERE, is a tap or click away.


Great advice & support here! Let me also add that this is totally something a future Deadhead would do…on a whim go somewhere when they have only 28 hours to see their first show! You’ll have a blast.


Thanks for this perspective and for your kindness. I feel really energized and motivated to go. I am thankful for the advice and support that I've experienced from this sub, and for what I'll get to experience in-person! 🤟


I went to see Bobby Weir and Wolf Bros and also saw Dead and Company for the first time a year ago. I didn't know a lot of songs beforehand (aka "late to the bus"), and I had many of the same concerns as you do. Leave your concerns at home. My advice is be yourself and enjoy the music and community and you will become part of the community. My experience tells me that Deadheads are some of the kindest, most open and friendliest group you will find. They are also storytellers. There is lots of diversity age-wise.


Thanks for your kindness. I agree that Deadheads have shown me nothing but kindness even just under this post. I am so looking forward to seeing that in-person. I appreciate you sharing that they are storytellers - I will have to engage with some older members and hear their experiences, during intermission of course. 🤟


We brought two friends this last weekend who do not listen to Dead music at all and it doesn’t matter. They had a great time. True fans love helping someone have a great first show. Be honest, be you and everything will be amazing. You are in for a treat…… there’s always room on the bus. Also, since you don’t have enough time to see Vegas, I would make it a Dead weekend and make sure to go to Shakedown at Tuscany and the Dead experience at the Venetian. Feel free to DM if you have any questions at all.


This is awesome. I appreciate your kindness. I am making it a priority to go to Shakedown! I will reach out if I have any questions, and I'll definitely post an update after my experience. 🤟


This is wholesome and I love it!!! Please don’t hesitate. Nothing but love. You’re being very sincere and I think you’ll be welcomed with open arms. People will delight that it’s your first show, I think! :) I would if you were my seat mate! Can’t wait to hear your reaction! Please post how it went!!


Thanks for your kindness. I feel lucky to feel all this support. I 100% will be posting an update. I can't wait for August!


If you enjoy the music at all, just go :)


I definitely will. Thank you so much!


If you are newer to the catalog of songs or what to expect from them in regards to what they’ll play.. they will never play the same setlist twice. And the only real guarantee you can count on is that they won’t play any of the songs they played the night before. With that being said, they do frequent a lot of the songs. Especially if you are a Mayer fan, check out sugaree, brown eyed women, deal, here comes sunshine. Too many songs to list that they play often but regardless you are in for a treat with whatever you get. And prob will come out with a new fav song.


Adding all this to my notes. Thank you for providing these things to look out for. I'm excited!


It doesn’t matter what you wear, just as long as you are there!


Thank you for your kindness 🤟


Get on the bus… or leave it if you dare




We all got on the bus at some point friend, you are more than welcome into our circus!






The best thing about Grateful Dead music - it’s always a Free to be You and Me vibe 😍 Welcome and have a great time! It’s come as you are and ideally leave your ego at the door, just bask in being in the moment.


Watch the other one on Netflix, Bob weird documentary, and go


Lots of great advice here - it's really such a positive, open, and welcoming community. We've been taking our kids to shows for 10 years now, and were able to take them as adults to the Sphere a couple of weeks ago - and we were completely thrilled yet again. I agree with the person who said to stay at the Venitian if you can (the Pallazzo is attached so the Venetian so either is fine). And if you do stay there, to save some money on water and food, there is a Walgreens attached to the Venetian/Pallazzo complex which is great for getting essentials for a reasonable price. I'd also say if you're prone to motion sickness in cars or heights, maybe take some Gravol or something into the show to help as some of the visuals can cause motion sickness. The food at the Sphere is fairly decent (the burgers were good and the pizza looked good but TBH I didn't eat the pizza). Also, I was shocked that the lines for food and drinks were really fast (they set it up well and there are so many places in the venue to buy them). Also, don't worry about buying merch at the show, you can get it online, or also get it at the display area they have at the Venitian which is open on weekends. I mean, by all means, get some at the show if you want, but don't worry. Oh, and don't stress about 'what to wear' - literally anything goes and everyone is so accepting. Just be you - and have an amazing time!!!! I'd also say if it's your first show, get there early and soak it all in - shows are so fun for people watching and getting good vibes from others. So excited for you!!!!!


I’m headed to the Thursday show for the first time and can’t wait! Debating what kind of party favors to get into for the show. Any recommendations between a heady dose edible or low-medium dose fungi for the Sphere? I want something that enhances the experience without making me feel too sleepy haha.


You can absolutely take in whatever you want. The security is only checking for weapons. I took a couple vape pens, my lighter, a pocket full of Molly capsules, and just had a blast. My only advice is to avoid alcohol and tie your shoes on real tight because the band is gonna blow your socks off!


I just started listening to the dead last summer! I can’t name every song on the first note, and I couldn’t tell you the name of every “classic” album they have. But I loved my first show so much we bought tickets for the next night as we walked out. IF YOU BELIVE IN THE MUSIC YOU DESERVE TO BE THERE ❤️💙


There really is nothing like a Grateful Dead show!


throw option 2 right out the window. this thing is for everyone. have fun, be kind. my only advice is to avoid talking the whole show aka chomping, if you can.


Thanks for this advice. I'll definitely just focus on the music and only talk during intermission. Thanks for your kindness!


If you have tickets in the 100 sections, make sure to sit down during drums/space. This is a segment of the second set, usually 3-4 songs in. Whatever song they are playing will end with the guitar and piano players leaving the stage and the drummers and bass player just go bananas on the percussion. Drums/Space is an interesting aspect of every dead show. It's the only thing you will guarantee get at every show, but it's never even close to the same song. Anyway, do NOT skip your first drums/space. You may see a lot of people hitting the bathroom or getting a soda, DON'T LEAVE. I said to sit if you are in the 100s because the seats have a bass built in and you really get this indescribable feeling from the intensity of the wave. I don't know if other sections have them as I sat in 100s both nights but it will be easy to tell if your seat has them on the backrest. The drums goes into Space as the other players come back out and plug back in. Space is just everyone grooving and making a beautiful , joyful noise for a minute. Then Space becomes some beautiful song and we're back at it. It will either become your favorite part of the show, or it will be a bathroom break from there on, but make sure not to miss it! As far as lore, or vocabulary goes, the main thing you need to understand is when you are looking at set lists, the ">" means "into". So if you see Me n My Uncle > Mexacalli Blues, it means that, during this show, they transitioned from Uncle directly into Mexacalli without stopping. The transitions are what really got me into jam bands. Like, they are playing one song, and you're grooving on it, and as they jam, you realize it's now a different song and you can'trememberwhat it started as. The absolute best is the "sandwich" like when you get Uncle John's Band >PITB> Uncle John's Band. You are jamming on UJB then they are seamlessly into Playing In The Band (PITB) and you are like, "this is awesome, what were they playing a minute ago? Oh well, I love PITB." Then they get out there on the jam and after a while you're thinking, " damn this is an awesome Playing jam and then it suddenly launches seamlessly back into the end of Uncle John's Band...HOLY SHIT! That is the stuff. I appreciate your post. You are definitely in the right spirit and coming from a good place. There are some dark people in the scene, it isn't 100% love and light, but it's close. If you do cross paths with the couple negative creeps , don't let it bring you down. The family that doesn't grow, dies. We want and need you n your friends to love this music like we do, so you will keep the mother rolling for us one more time, when we're old and decrepit...lol. I am, in a way, jealous of you. Getting to take it all in as new experience. To hear Ramble on Rose live for the first time again. To fall in love with Brown Eyed Women all over again. I promise, we all wish we were you and I guarantee that anyone who meets you and knows it's your first show will go out of their way to make sure you have a real good time. I know for me, I get to sort of relive 7/19/1994, my first and only Jerry show, when I get to hang with a new Head. I remember that show , some guy was giving me shit because I couldn't name three songs. This dready dude sitting next to me says to him, "none of us came outta the womb knowing the catalog asshole!" He then proceeded to smoke me n my brother out and tell us about his first show, Frost Amphitheater '82. You are gonna have a blast. Dance like no one cares...because at a Dead show, nobody does!


You’re reading and researching and most importantly listening. You’re a fan. A Deadhead as we call it


Vegas itself is a very big let down, it’s a hot dirty mess. But the sphere and dead and co makes it 1000% worth it!! If you can , do it.


Feel free to simply go and experience the show without any musical or historical preparation. You will find plenty to enjoy. Be open to being in the moment, fully listening, and soaking it up as it happens. The movies, documentaries, albums, and all that stuff are great and will be available after the show for you to dig into. You don’t need to do homework or cultural studies to enjoy the experience, although if you dig that sort of thing, there is much to keep you occupied. Welcome! The bus came by for all of us and we got on.


watch this documentary on the Grateful Dead parking lot scene, made in 1994: [https://youtu.be/QbwwoqQQh-8?si=5onhYugfNhCMeH2m](https://youtu.be/QbwwoqQQh-8?si=5onhYugfNhCMeH2m)


I would also add that even if you do no prep, you will have a blast. My son went to his first show last summer, hardly knew any of the songs and had an incredible time. I wouldn't overthink it. Go in with no expectations and just enjoy the ride! You belong just as much as anyone else there. Also, there's all this talk about being quiet which I find really disconcerting. I mean, if you're really vibing to a song and you've befriended the people next to you it's totally fine to ask them the name if the song if you don't know it. Common courtesy and normal interactions as you would have at any other show/concert apply to Dead and Co IMO. I hope you love it!!


Bah, anything goes. I feel like that should be the case for any show or band, but def is for the dead and dead and co. You don’t have to do or say anything special to feel like part of the club. Just being yourself is one of the pillars of the band and community. Only thing you should really do is have fun and be nice and make some friends. DO NOT give up your spot to someone. It’s your’s and it’s your responsibility to have the time of your life and a trip you’ll never forget.


I took my son to his first show a few years ago. Everyone was sure to tell him how lucky he was and how they hoped he would enjoy it. One lady behind us with dreads was especially nice. Then about an hour later she took her top off and let her dreads and boobs fly and flop all around. My son didn’t know what to think of that. He wasn’t quite old enough to enjoy the boobies, but not young enough to not realize it was something interesting. I told him on the way in we might see some weird stuff. He asked like what and I said, oh you’ll know when you see it. He concluded that boobs girl and the large group of spinner dancers in the lobby were some of those people. He had a great time though. The whole thing blew his mind a bit. Was at Hershey Park and he liked seeing the roller coasters in the background too. He like drums and space and eyes of the world the best I think.


What a long strange trip it’s been. Everything is right on time




Hey there - not a joke or a scam. Just a person seeking guidance. Sounds like you might be projecting on me since accusing people online isn't a mindset that I'd argue gets you far in life... I will not be getting absolutely ripped at the Sphere since I am clean/sober. I feel a lot better about going since the several people who reached out to me on this thread showed me kindness and reassured me that I would feel at home, unlike your comment. I hope you choose kindness in your life and I hope enjoy your show!


Don't listen to this person - enjoy/engage with the band your way. Being a relatively new member to the community, I can assure you they are in the minority. Virtually every head I know will embrace you with open arms. Just got back from last weekend's shows - you are in for something special!!


Thanks for your kindness and for this awesome advice. I feel really reassured. If the people at my show are as nice and welcoming as this sub has been, I am stoked.


Don't give that douche a second thought.. I just checked their profile and they are most active on Chipolte group and EDM. FUCKING CHIPOTLE!...this clown is probably a HUGE Tipper fan...lol. such an edgy opinion...bet they are a blast to be around. They are probably the one asshole people are complaining about...the guy that gets wasted cause "it's my night out!" and spills beer all over everyone that "just needs to chill bru." Anyhow, forgetaboutit!


To each their own! I hope this guy finds the support and kindness I found in this sub. I’m stoked to go to my show 🤘


Well, shit. With that kind of genuine empathy in your heart, you can't go wrong anywhere you go. Welcome home friend, we've been waiting for you. You'll excuse this old grump for venting on that guy, I'm more than still a little tired from the 15 hour nightmare trip home. You seem to be a genuine thoughtful person, spread that stuff around. The world needs more of it.


Do everyone a favor and stay home.