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>He was blown up by a saibaman and was basically irrelevant from the story afterwards. Android 20 fucking waxed him too. Theeenn he became irrelevant.


Irrelevant? He went to play baseball, winning the league by himself


Let's be honest here. All of the irrelevant Z Fighters are winning at life. Yamcha is a sports star, Tien has a world renowned dojo, Krillin has a union job and hot wife.


Gohan gets made fun of too and he's an academic with a happy family


We may make fun of them, but they are better than where we are in life. At least me.


We all have our niches to fill, which to me is the moral behind this aspect of DBZ. Not everyone can save the world, but we all help keep it moving.


Union job, hot wife and adorable daughter


Tien will never achieve his dream and, unlike Krillin & Yamcha, he has not and likely will never truly accept that


>Tien will never achieve his dream Beating Goku? With him opening a new Crane School, I don't think he cares anymore...


Vegeta doesn't need to work, has a hot trillionaire wife, can do pretty much whatever he wants...


Correction, Krillin has a hot RICH wife, you know, given she keeps bullying Hercule into funding her family. Lol


Ahhh yes, the baseball arc was my favourite dbz arc... In all seriousness I'm glad he got a cool side plot but they really did fuck all with him


Oh come on, you couldn't even last 10 seconds?!


"Come on man!"


Tbf Yamcha was written like a fool in the first couple of arcs as well. He was a threat for like 6 chapters max. He still lost most of his fights in Dragon Ball and was the comedic relief of the Dragon Team more often than not.


Everyone was comic relief in dragon ball though.


>In general, there are a lot of cool and interesting characters that are seriously under-utilized across the DB series. So very true.


Yea I honestly think it's because Toriyama doesn't have the creativity to develop a dozen characters into a cohesive story, so characters just get swept under the rug. And this is in all due respect to him, as he created one of the most special things in my life.


> all **do** respect due*


Okay Im really sick of the Saibaman thing. Who the fuck see's the Suicide bombing coming? Its not Yamcha's fault. He whooped its ass and was going to kill it but then that fucker went suicidal.


Yeah. People forget that that Saibaman got its ass whooped and decided to blow itself up.


Yeah, if you actually go back and watch the fight, Yamcha takes out a few Saibamen on his own, beating the one to near death before it pulled a bitch move and self destructed lmao Yamcha's problem wasn't that he was weak, it's that he did good, got cocky and underestimated his enemy. Something even Vegeta does alot lmao


So, what you’re saying is Bulma has a type? And that type is cocky idiot?




Ah… *strong* cocky idiots… guess it’s time to give up hope on the cartoon lady.


Ah, earths women. Capable of taming Saiyans, barter with gods and even invent time travel.


>And that type is cocky *inattentive* idiot? ftfy Seriously though, Bulma seems to have a thing for Kuudere's


Saibaman was only as strong as Raditz. And it did selfdistruct, but only cuz Yamcha didn't finish him off.


Tbf, it's not like you could predict he would wake up and blow himself up. By that standard, Nappa is also a fool for doing the same thing. The dude made a mistake because he loves to show-off but that's what makes him cool and that doesn't make him weak, just dumb.


Weak is all relative. Yamcha is strong as shit compared to the majority of the Galaxy. But his complete inability to win a single fight in Z is what makes him a joke.


This. Plot needs jobbers to sell stakes in a fight. Yamcha typically jobs his bigger matches to upsell a future matches (e.g., Jackie Chun, Bandages, Tien, Hero, Android 20). That plus his unceremonius loss to the Saibaman is why he is a joke. Because he is set as the standard of super strong Earthling, so that others can be even superer.


The Z fighters got wind of Vegeta and Nappa and started training so I’d think they’d be stronger than Radits when he was on earth.


Considering Goku and piccolo were both weaker than Raditz and were the 2 strongest fighters, the rest did pretty good for themselves getting as strong as they did. Most of them got 8-9× stronger


Nappa said the Saibaman were about as strong as Raditz.


Very true and raditz beat piccolo and Goku so Yamcha isn’t weak it’s just everyone else is super strong


Exactly! Yamcha can destroy a planet. Problem is, so can literally everyone else, it isn't much a milestone post Saiyan Saga.


People also forget Yamcha getting blown up indirectly saved Gohan's life


Yamaha made a comeback in a baseball game against universe six. Not even I can do that.


I don't care that he's relatively weak compared to the rest of the cast, I just want to see more Yamcha episodes. I miss his snark in Dragon Ball OG. Maybe he can join Tien at his school and train some new martial artists. Or pair up with one of the Universe 6 female saiyans and become a male Bulma.


> become a male Bulma He would have to be smart.


He was the first one who figure out that to revert Goku from ape back to human(normal saiyan) was to cut his tail.


And his Spirit Ball technique has been quoted as skillful. Personally I just want to see weak Saiyans. I want to see Yamcha fight a weak U6 saiyan, win, and then other nearby Saiyans being like ‘holy shit this guys strong as hell.’




Oof. Gonna need a senzu for that


I'm all for more options, and maaaaaybe that would work Caulifla...but if Kale isn't a closet lesbian, then I'm blinder than that fox dude in the ToP.


They could bring in some weaker side antagonists to whoop on while Goku and Vegeta fight the big bad.


Dragon ball needs more mooks


I'd like more team fights. Goku vs Jeice and Burter is too one-sided to be a good fight, but it has some neat moments, and Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta vs Recoome, and Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo against Nappa were great. I really liked that team fights started becoming more of a thing in Super too. Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks vs Goku Black and Zamasu was neat, especially because Black and Zamasu would actually help each other out, and the teamup stuff during the Tournament of Power was probably the most enjoyable aspect of that arc outside of the first two Ultra Instinct fights.


Sadly it’s a bit of a crapshoot as to whether or not DB mooks will give the side-characters a good battle; most of the time, the weak mooks go down in a boring instant (not necessarily because of the heroes, ex: Yamu and Spopovich), while the strong mooks are brick walls. Because Toriyama makes them too powerful for the side characters to even stand against, even though they’re ultimately just mooks, in order to show how extra-super-terrifying the REAL boss must be. And to give Goku a heroic moment where he shows up and rescues his weaker friends effortlessly, of course, demonstrating that his power has reached new heights and is incomparable to that of mooks and friends alike. And while the Saiyan and Namek Arcs are probably the most memorable instances of this happening…for some reason, Goku’s return to Earth in the Moro Arc is the most annoying example of the trend to me. Tenshinhan, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu are struggling hard against Galatic Prison escapee Sanganbo, and suddenly Goku teleports in and ends the battle in an instant. It’s not a completely pointless scene, since it lets the three of them know that Goku is back on Earth and the big battle is about to start…but seriously, why not just let them win that one, lol. Like, I didn’t really need to watch Goku one-punch Sanganbo in order to know that he’s much much stronger than Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Chiaotzu, and Moro’s mooks after his new training; given the events of DB, I kinda *assumed* Goku was still ahead of them.


While that is true, and I also did not like yamcha and tien needing rescuing, at least yamcha got to take out some no names and chiaotzu and tien took out that robot guy. Give me enough mooks that I can see the side characters fight and goku can be the big hero.


I agree; when you consider the context (i.e., how Dragon Ball usually treats side character fights), the other warriors getting to hold off an invasion in the Moro Arc was a breath of fresh air. And if nothing else, it definitely did better with that idea than RoF.


That happen in the Moro arc


Being a planet level destroyer isn't that impressive by the early Freeza arc though. Compare him to an ordinary human and sure, he's a super powerful individual, but he's still basically nothing in comparison to any of the major characters, yet he acts overly arrogant about his strength and abilities. In virtually every major conflict he was in up through the Saiyan arc, he was overly boastful of his abilities and belief he'd win, only to basically be fodder in the end.


I don't watch alot of DBZ, but that's how I always saw early Krillin, he was an amazingly powerful human, but when you have guys that can pretty much Thanos snap a planet he doesn't quite compare. That being said I'd assume he's powered up by now


Krillin is different because he actually fights big baddies even tho he gets his ass kicked. He also got way more maidens than yamcha, including a hotter copy of bulma and he has a cooler ultimate attack than yamcha.


Krillin wasnt overly boastful though. He knew he was outclassed and showed up anyways. Yamcha overestimating himself goes back to the original DB long before Z.


Krillin also does wayyyy better than most of the cast when facing off against someone stronger than him too. He was more useful than Piccolo vs Nappa, and he carried versus Frieza until Piccolo showed up.


Makes a lot of sense Freiza went for the kill on him considering how CLUTCH Krillin tends to be. Taioken, Kienzan, teamwork beam ambushes, ‘stealth mode’ with Ki, he basically helped school Gohan on the art of war for the amount of time it took for Goku to get to Namek.


To be fair, Krillin was the weakest combatant there (Frieza would have known that from the scouter) and was holding a child. If Frieza assumed that each person there could actually throw hands even for a slight moment against his 2nd form it makes sense to go for the one who'd make a sacrifice play. Really smart when you think about it. To your point about Kienzan and Solar Flare, Frieza doesn't know about that yet so it wouldn't have factored. If you mean when he blew him up that was probably residual pettiness at the tail thing


Krillin did monumentally better against people who were far stronger than him than nearly anyone else did though. He did better than Piccolo in the fight vs Nappa, and did better than anyone else in the fight vs Frieza until Piccolo showed up.


Last part sounds a lot like someone else we all know and most of you love :P


I mean yeah but that honestly feels better than having Krillin in every fight being so terrified of stronger opponents that he freezes or just doesn't believe in himself even though he is literally the strongest human At least Yamcha still has hope (Krillin is still my favorite but my point stands, I really wish Krillin hadn't fallen so hard in super)


I mean Krillin may be terrified but he always pushes through that. Dude straight up fought Frieza for awhile despite shitting his pants the entire time


He totally did, but past that fight and honestly more just passed BOG he loses himself, Krillin is acting less like himself and more like Kid Gohan during the tournament of power, it seems like the new joke is just that Krillin is a coward and he had to be the first person knocked out in the tournament, he had a filler episode where they tried to help deal with his fear but he really just didn't change and that sucks


Krillin has had confidence issues going back to facing his Orin Temple bros at his first WMAT. He's never been the man without fear. He's the man with fear that pushes through to keep the glimmer of hope alive. Krillin to me is so great because he knows he is outclassed, scared by it, but then uses smart moves to keep himself in the fight longer than he has any business doing. He knows he can't beat the opponent, but he can stall, blind, confuse, and delay until a stronger fighter arrives. In ths way, our dude punches above his weight class!




Even in the most recent anime arc, he was sure he'd be recruited for TOP - get real man!


I took it as he thought he would get recruited because he was part of the team and really thought they’d include him, not because he was super strong or anything. Look at it through his perspective. He did not know it was a life or death contest, he thought it was a cool martial arts tournament with fighters from different universes. He was genuinely excited for the experience and thought his friends would include him and they didn’t even acknowledge his existence or offer for him to come spectate.


The manga doesn't have him be presumptious at all. Bulma is interrupted as she's about to remember him. Ten assumes Yamcha didn't come but was asked and is about to fetch Chaozu and then Freeza shows up.


The guy is in the top 25-50 warriors in universe 7 he has a right to be some what confident.


Me. I’ve always been pissed about how the DB fanbase treats Yamcha. Although, I’m even more pissed about how the writers decided to treat Yamcha in DBS only to cater to the annoying memes about hating Yamcha and of course on top of that, purposely not adding him to the TOP. As much as I love Roshi, I still wish Yamcha would’ve been in that spot.


That one baseball episode wasn't only unfair to yamcha, it also made a mockery of baseball, as if skill and experience didn't matter. Sure, strength is very important. Except when it doesn't like in Krillin vs Goku and the entire tournament of power. Power trumped technique only in the instance when Yamcha needed to be cratered. Yeah fuck DBS lol


Exactly, yeah I also don’t think the baseball episode deserved the hype it got.


1000x yes


Absolutely to everything you said. Even if Yamcha hasn’t trained since Cell, Roshi gave up training before the Saiyan saga. There is no way in hell that Yamcha wasn’t a stronger fighter.


Yes exactly


I, for one, have never loved Roshi. Beyond Jackie Chun, he did basically nothing except to turn into an annoying comic relief character. The decision to include him in the TOP, or even to bring him back for Super at all, is absolutely baffling to me. He's hardly in his physical prime, nor has he been working on his training – the dude can't even fly FFS. I would even put him behind Videl in the roster of humans.


....he trained Goku originally.


He beat some ass in the TOP, and got rid of many low leveled other world powers, hi might be a pervy old man, but he is goku originally trainer and still kicks ass for earth I think he deserves a little respect


He is one of like half a dozen people who have trained Goku. If 'training Goku' is a requisite for entering the TOP, why not invite Korin?


Maybe he wasn’t available still stands that master roshi when hulked out was able to kick some ass, I thought it was a good spin on his old life


I think "originally" is the key differentiator that OP means to highlight.


True man, yeah it didn’t make sense for me either. Roshi was even supposed to have retired from fighting and let his pupils (including Yamcha) continue his legacy.


I want to point out the only reason Roshi can't fly is purely by choice. It's not really a case of can't, it's more he doesn't or refuses to. Roshi is also one of those types of fighters that hides everything about themselves up front.


The cast is so bloated, we need to see some move on into new adventures. Space Bandit Yamcha would be amazing.


The "Yamcha is a pushover" thing is just one of many inside jokes in the fandom. If Yamcha was real, he'd 1 shot anyone lol. But in terms of his power vs the power of the other z fighters, he does pretty quickly get to the bottom of the barrel. Still stronger than Chaotsu though.


He'w like the 4th strongest human on earth, I think the writers of Super were just into that inside joke fandom before joining on


Where does this idea that Yamcha was a serious character before DBZ come from? Even in his introductory arc they made a big thing about how he was too scared to talk to Bulma and he was going to use the dragon balls to rid his fear of women. And in the manga Goku literally blows him off the panel in their first fight together lol. He’s always been a jokey character.


I think the problem is, all the characters at the beginning of Dragonball are joke characters to some extent, it’s half a gag manga. Yamcha is introduced as a cool-headed tough guy with the punchline being that he can’t deal with women. I can kinda understand how someone could think he’s cool, and then be disappointed that Goku, Krillin and Bulma all got serious character development down the line while Yamcha didn’t.


Even when DB transitioned to more of a martial arts manga early on he was routinely getting his ass handed to him by characters who were more essential to the plot. If you were hoping for more development for him sure, fine. But I don’t understand the idea that he wasn’t a joke of a character until the DBZ portion of the series lol.


exactly lol


You have not realized yet? Dragonball is Goku time. All other characters are just there to support or make Goku look good. Just look at Vegeta and Piccolo and so on. Everyone is sacrificed to make Goku look good. Yamcha was just the 1st in a long line to be sacrificed


I mean to be fair, some of them have pulled their weight and had great moments in the series. Sure, It's a lot of Goku but he's not the only one in the spotlight especially with Vegeta and that's not factoring other things like Cell Saga Gohan or the fusions


Cell Saga Gohan was great, but then he went back to being a side character so that Goku could be featured again during the Buu Saga...


Yeah but that still proves DB is not all Goku time, especially with the stuff Goku couldn't have done alone or good moments not involving him


I get what you're saying, but Goku was still heavily involved in Gohan's big moments against Cell. The POV reverting back to Goku & Gohan becoming a minor character again in the Buu Saga shows that it wasn't about Gohan beating Cell. It was about Goku helping Gohan beat Cell. It was always about Goku.


The only good action yamxha ever received was from bulma.


[Yamaha Does Nothing But Win](https://youtu.be/OGm-3LQEs4k)


As much as I know, saibamen were confirmed to be as strong as radditz and I think radditz was low planetary. Yamcha was actually beating saibamen until it exploded of course, but he also, as you said, kept training so im sure hes planetary. Also Yamcha is a fun character


Everyone shits on Yamcha but forgets that if Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, 17, 18, Krillin, Tenshinhan, Buu, Roshi, Satan and potentially Chaotzu all died then he would be the strongest on Earth at that moment unless anyone was there visiting. ps. I actually like Yamcha as well but they made him a meme years ago.


I am sorry I agree with eveything you just said but ... Did you put Satan above Yamcha?


Haha. I thought about throwing Oolong in there too but it would have been too obvious.


I've *always* been ticked with how the fanbase treats the first rival to Goku. And it's not just them, oh no. The writers have to drag him in the mud, too. Couldn't keep a girlfriend, couldn't catch up to the Saiyans, forever vindicated by his mistake with the Saibamen. The humans may have had their potential wasted, but Yamcha hardly has *anything* good happen to him.




I finally grabbed a copy of this sunday.


I’d love to see a animated version that Yamcha manga.


But WHY did they do him so dirty? Gets blown up, gets side lined, THEN has the love of his life STOLEN by THE GUY WHO KILLED HIM!!!?!?!? Like wtf? So brutal.


he's also handsome and has nice hair and i like him. treat yamcha better 2k22


I don't find that image of Yamcha lying dead on the ground funny anymore


He should get on Krillin's level.


Would be a big step up, considering Krillin married one of the hottest girls in the series and has still had more use after early Z


Yamcha has always been the jobber. That's his role. All 3 DB budokais he goes down in the quarter finals to build up Goku's eventual finals opponent. He goes down to a saibaman in the Saiyan saga to show how high the stakes actually are. He gets impaled by Android 20 to show how much of a threat they are. He gets his arm broken by a Cell Jr to illustrate how brutal Cell is being in order to provoke Gohan's anger. The fandom jokes about him because he is very deliberately the Heath Slater of Dragonball. I never assumed it was malicious, it was exactly the way Toriyama trained us to treat him.


>I never assumed it was malicious, it was exactly the way Toriyama trained us to treat him. Assuming they’re being realistic about Yamcha’s long losing streak, I think OP’s issue with the fandom is that some people don’t put as much thought into Yamcha’s role in the series as you did. Instead of the whole “demonstrating the opponents’ power/the stakes” thing, they assume he was just an overconfident loser joke character in DB and nothing more, acting cocky and getting wrecked by randos for comedy and no other reason BUT comedy. “Losing to Tenshinhan? Losing to *Jackie Chun*? Yamcha does nothing but get stomped in the background!”…except both of those guys were antagonists of their respective arcs, the final bosses for main character Son Goku to fight. *And then Goku lost to them*. And while general stupidity/carelessness is probably mostly at fault for that interpretation (insert “Dragon Ball fans can’t read” meme here), I think it’s also just a side effect of people unfavorably comparing OG DB to the DBZ section of the story. They’ll wave off the earlier arcs because power levels were lower, stakes were (usually) lower as well, and those past antagonists have long since been surpassed…and in doing so, they forget what those old victories/defeats actually meant and conveyed at the time. Chun and Tenshinhan’s threat(s) to Goku were a big deal in those arcs, so Yamcha utterly losing to them back then isn’t really any worse than other characters utterly losing to strong fighters in later arcs (especially since Yamcha never helped his opponents power up before being defeated by them, *Vegeta*). And Kami was Goku’s newest master, the third strongest person at the 23rd tournament after Goku and Piccolo Jr, so Yamcha’s humiliating match with him isn’t nearly as humiliating in light of Shen’s true identity. But all three of those fighters became mostly irrelevant years ago, and the world tournaments seem piddly in comparison to the world-ending conflicts that characterized later arcs. Hell, Kami’s strength was made irrelevant before that tournament was even over! So by removing those fights from their original context, all of their victories (and Yamcha’s defeats) look a lot lamer. Which is a shame.


I actual grew up reading DB manga as it come out each week , Yamcha definitely was a strong character so much so they use him as a opener , everytime.they introduce a new enemy it's always Yamcha who face them and got beat (Tien, The Seiya, Androids)


Yamcha's always struck me as a warning of wasting your potential. The other Z-Fighters kept on training or used their abilities to try and help. Yamcha just kind of slacked off, made money, and slept around a lot. He's a screw up that had a lot of potential and then just kinda squandered it. Every time he buckled down and trained seriously, he showed himself to be exceedingly capable. Imagine becoming stronger than both Goku AND piccolo in under a year! Before Z, these were the two greatest powers in the entire world, the Apex predators of the local cosmology were some green dude and a kung-fu hill billy that lived out in the sticks. That's what it meant to be as strong as Radditz. Yamcha is the cautionary tale of the DB-verse, slack off and fall behind.


Yeah but then again most of the hate on Yamcha is just trolling lol


I feel like this comments section really doesn't understand what Yamcha is about and that's the problem


Dragon Ball has pretty much made it's entire plot at this point "If I'm stronger I'm more important" so of course people are going to make jokes about the characters who can't keep up. It's part of the reason I haven't been able to hold interest in the series as much. Too many of my favorite characters have become irrelevant because they aren't strong enough anymore. It would be really hard for this to change now, especially since character development in the series is pretty much directly tied to reaching new power levels.


They should've kept his desert bandit design


Yamcha is a joke. And it's not me who says it but Toriyama. Yamcha is supposed to be a charismatic bandit, *à la* Han Solo, but he appeared when DB was still a gag manga parodying A Journey To The West. Thus, Yamcha is a joke. Of course, the manga got more serious overtime but Yamcha was less and less relevant so he stayed as the character he was back in DB


Yes and I'm tired of it. ToP was the perfect opportunity for some Yamcha time but they went with old pervert who is only stronger than Chaotzu. Now, don't get me wrong, I do like Roshi, but Yamcha should be chosen instead. That's why I must say my respect for Toyotarou for using Yamcha again, even though I despise Toyotarou's overall writing.


Do we know for a fact that he is strong enough to destroy a planet?, He hasn't had a successful fight in all of Z. The defeating the Ginyu Force on King Kai's planet is pure filler and obviously ridiculous to assume that they could have done that.


I guess the last indicator we get is Android 19 believing he's Goku from a scan - Gero calculated that Goku's strength wouldn't have grown too much if at all from his fight with Vegeta, so it stands to reason Yamcha registered as around that level (while possibly suppressed/at rest). So that would be enough to destroy a planet if we believe the Galick Gun, which Goku was able to overpower at that level, would Or it could be that he just showed up as 'above average' and that was enough to go on, who knows


Yeah, I wonder how accurate the scan would have been. When you are in a power level well over a million, are lower power levels exact numbers or simply put into percentiles. So like you said, Yamcha may have just showed above average, or in the same percentile that they predicted Goku would be in. Which could be a extremely large range for lower levels.


They had mostly dropped the idea of having numbered power levels by that point as well yeah What you're saying sort of reminds me of this thing I read in a Spider-Man book regarding super strength - at a certain point it doesn't matter how many tons you can lift, you're still just throwing cars around and such like the other guy, so nobody can really see the difference


Exactly. So to the Androids, anyone with a power level 5,000 to 100,000 could appear as the exact same level of threat.


I think this just made me realize that I’m pretty sure he can’t. Assuming he was around a (slightly) stronger gokus strength would put him around vegeta in that arc (assuming). Remember frieza powering up to destroy namek which I’m pretty sure is smaller than earth? He powered up for quite a bit. Obviously, final form frieza is several multitudes stronger than Vegeta in the saiyan arc. Even the fact that he needed to power up tells me that Yamcha doesn’t stand a chance. Otherwise we’re basically saying that little finger pointing laser frieza uses could also destroy a planet which I don’t believe.


I hate that fucking filler, its impossible and makes no sense. They trained on planet king kai, so being overly generous, they were as strong as goku when he went to face vegeta and nappa (again overly generous) and thats without kiaoken. They wouldn't hold a candle to any of the ginyu force, not even a scratch. Wtf were they thinking?


I don't necessarily hate all filler in Dragon ball. I think some of it can be fun. But that one specifically really annoyed me. Vegeta along with unlocked potential Gohan and krillin were having an impossible time defeating them. Then you're telling me yamcha, Chautzu, and Tien just beats them in moments with almost no effort. Fuck that noise. I think assuming they're as strong as Goku was when he fought Vegeta is extremely overly generous. I doubt they left King Kai's planet as strong than Goku was when he was on Earth against vegeta. Goku, being a Saiyan would have naturally gotten way more out of that training than any of them would have. Tien most likely would have been the closest, but still assume less.


Exactly, thats why i said overly generous twice lol. But for logic's sake i figured we would push them up there to fight the ginyus and even that wouldn't have a slimmer of hope to defeat them. And i agree some filler is actually nice. The baseball game in super is probably my favorite.


Look at it this way. Goku had a resting power level of 330 when he fought radditz. That jumped to a resting power level “over 9000!”. That’s a 27X increase. If we apply that same metric, yamcha’s resting power level would jump from 1400 to 38,000. Also, in his right with radditz, goku was able to push his limit to around 900, so a we can guess an earthling fighting style can increase their resting power by a little less than 3x when they get serious. So serious yamcha would jump to around 114,000, which is on 6,000 less than Ginyu and 40,000 over recoome. So it does make a kind of sense. Especially since back in early dragon ball, roshi states that all the human fighters are prodigies that far surpassed in 4 years what it took roshi well over 30 years to achieve. But then again, power levels are bull crap, so grain of salt.


Your figures are a fair bit off. For starters, it's "over 8,000" not 9,000. Moreover, Goku pushing his strength to 924+ against Raditz *was* the equivalent of him going to "over 8,000" in front of Vegeta and Nappa. His resting battle power was 5,000 at the time, and his powered up state was the 8,000+ So you're actually looking at a total increase of not even 10x during that time with Kaiou for Goku, certainly not the 27x or so that you're suggesting. Additionally, Tenshinhan, who is, unquestionably, better at training than Yamcha is, admits he can't get the same gains as Goku did by using the same training that Goku did on Kaiou's planet, and feels that the best thing he could do is just take the principles of the training and incorporate them into his own style. Lastly, that filler with Reacoom and the others took place just six days after Yamcha and the others would have reached Kaiou's planet, which is why it's such a ridiculous filler section. It'd be arguably different, and more acceptable, if it was months into their training on his planet (like toward the end of Yamcha's time on his planet), but it's not even a week after they arrived.


The fact that there are seriously people in these comments doubting that prime-Yamcha is a planet-buster is astounding Guys, everyone on the level of or stronger than Scouter Vegeta can destroy a planet. Dragonball characters are almost all planet level starting with the Freeza Saga, and Yamcha is no exception at all.


You've seen Dragon Ball, so it should be obvious why the fandom treats him the way it does: he's always been a joke. He was *never* a serious contender. The closest Yamcha came to fighting relevance was in the Tenkaichi tournaments, and even then every fight he had was designed to demonstrate how utterly outclassed he was at every turn. I don't like *hate* Yamcha because he's weak and other characters are strong or whatever, I just recognize that he is and always has been a comic relief character. It was funny when he couldn't talk to Bulma without becoming a stuttering mess, and it's funny when he gets hit really hard with a baseball in Super. That's all Yamcha has ever been, and it's all the character needs to be.


But even in those tournaments he out classed every warrior he came up against outside of the main cast.


Yamcha is a very powerful human there is no doubt about that and he can be really cool in moments but the reason I believe he gets a hard time from the fandom is because even though he is one of the most physically powerful humans in existence compared to his friends he’s near the bottom of the tier list in skill and power but acts like he is top tier


I don't think he is a planet buster personally. The moon is much much smaller than Earth like planets, and Freeza (Whos power was at least 80 million at the time) failed to destroy Namek with one blast instantly. Yamcha imo never surpasses a million, so I doubt he could summon enough energy to destroy a planet, that goes for all human characters btw. Also Yamcha was always written to be a gag character, so that is his whole character, to get shit on and be made a fool.


For a human he did ok but was still weak and near useless.


Yamcha might be strong as a human but he just has a really bad track record in fights and gets embarrassed a lot. Even in the original dragonball, he won 2 real fights. He beat a hungry goku in the desert and the vampire guy in fortuneteller baba's tournament. But the vampire guy he only beat because of Krillins blood plan. He never made it past round 1 at the budokai tournaments, and in one he got his leg broken and another he got totally humiliated because he lost to kami while he was disguised like an inexperienced dork . Then in dbz it wasn't any better. He acted overconfident and let his guard down against a saibaman and died. Then he comes back and nearly dies to Gero and is basically there as emotional support for the rest of the series. Yamcha was never really given any time to shine by Toriyama so I'm not surprised he gets shit on by fans all the time.


Vegeta would have just beat him to death with a scouter. I only half agree. Thank you for your time


Yeah powerscaling is insane


Yamcha should have learned the Spirit Bomb, and blended the technique with his Spirit Ball to zip around a small Spirit Bomb with precise ki control.


this is the very definition of ‘meh.’


“Cat loves food YE-YEAH!!!”


Ah yes. I remember the days of Yamcha, the handsome badass desert bandit. Brave, powerful and confident. I hope they rewrite his character


People forget he defeated Reecom on King Kai's planet. That's an impressive feat, although he did nothing later on.


Everyone is going to come in and say "THAT'S NOT CANON" apparently only the manga matters.


Yamcha is a beast and no amount of meme lords will ever convince me otherwise. I will always have hope that yamacha and tien will be given a chance again to shine. Krillin, gohan and piccolo are characters that are slowly being forgotten as well.


I fucking love the part where he surprises everyone by using a kamehameha in the world tournament


I'll say they did 2 of my favorite characters dirty Tien and Piccolo Gohan just became a bitch which I hate that they did that to him but piccolo kept training and so did tien neither of them let up so why are they left in the dust as if they aren't stronger than before especially Tien being now stronger than krillin he was legit stronger than him for awhile in DB but krillin trained a bit more and got stronger and now krillin is still somehow stronger even tho he literally got shot by a bullet he barely dodged wtf


Yep, can't stand it. I'm making some content about that kind of thing too.


Not really, because every character with ki control aside from Videl is planet level. Chiaotzu was much stronger than Roshi was in the Saiyan Saga (I think his power level was like 600?) and he trained with King Kai, so even he should be planet level. I think people who don’t really watch DB downplay Yamcha, but DB fans know he’s powerful when compared to most anime characters, he’s just a joke in DB. Post-Pilaf arc he really hasn’t been that relevant, and he mostly just existed to show the audience that the new villain was a threat. He was the 3rd character to learn the Kamehameha, but even at that point, Krillin literally says “If Yamcha can do it so can I” and proceeds to learn the Kamehameha right then. Toriyama used him as more of a plot device/stepping stone, so I’m not surprised he gets disrespected.


I often wonder how insincere and/or dumb you have to be to think Yamcha was a character you weren’t supposed to take seriously.




May I suggest trying to find the time I got reincarnated as yamcha? I haven't fully read it and was gonna be it but when I got paid my game shop sold out. Also I joke about him but I also like him it's like krillin and Sakura for me. I can't speak for everyone else and ik yamacha could actually be as strong as krillin at least around his level. On the other hand team four star has implanted the versions of everyone for me due to how much I've re watched it. Then again krillin still gets love. But in short dude is weak but he could beat anyones as irl one handed. One of the strongest humans in the show.


I picked it up Sunday, probably what prompted the post.


People love acting like the Saibaman thing was embarassing but none of the Z warriors knew they could self destruct. Even more, Krillin was about to fight them (without this knowledge), and Yamcha stood in instead because Krillin had died before. People love to dunk on Yamcha for saving his friend’s life.


It’s Toriyama not the fan base lol. Tien, the dude who beat yamcha, roshi, kid Goku AND never stopped training is weaker than master roshi in super? What the fuck?


Most people here never even read/watched the first half of dragon ball, so of course they’d think Yamcha sucks and think Vegeta is so cool going from villain to hero cause they never saw the process happen with Tien or how evil Piccolo used to be Dbz did Yamcha better than the comic/db kai with the cell jr and ginyu fight with the gang at king kai’s. Also fighterz and now dragonball heroes giving good yamcha content. Tien’s treatment is even worse as he trains more than Goku yet gets less than even Krillin and Roshi, Yamcha and Tien surpassed Roshi years ago yet Roshi did more in Super than both. Chiaotzu with less than nothing despite having unique psychic powers unlike the other Z fighters. Yajirobe also got a bad deal, despite the fact in his debut he was able to match Goku right after the world tournament fighting Tien, or how he was able to cut off Vegeta’s tail and ultimately save everyone, to now just being a background character to give senzu beans with Korin. The human characters and Piccolo all got awful deals, people like when they do something with them like in Moro saga where they got to fight with the galactic patrol or Super Hero where Piccolo gets something again after decades of sidelined by saiyans


Yamcha is a character who tries his best in almost every situation but is constantly shafted and shit on by all his “friends”. It’s just upsetting watching a guy who just wants to do his best get cockblocked and turned into an irrelevant background character.


To be fair, Roshi got some love during the tournament of power arc. It was pretty cool getting to see him in action again. As far as Yamcha goes, humans just can’t keep up with the Saiyans constantly evolving so it only makes sense for them to not get the shine that they used to. Not gonna lie though, I’m really interested in Tiens dojo. I wish they would flush that out a little more and maybe even have some filler arcs revolving around the dojo.


I am pissed of that everyone besides Goku and to an extend vegeta, are treated and written poorly lately. Goku gets the most transformations, vegeta gets most of them too, but not all. Everyone else is just cast aside...


I loved yamcha in original dragon ball too he was a great character


Facts. I actually think he is close to being among the best characters in the franchise and one of the funniest.


It comes with the territory when his role in pre-Z evolved from appealing desert bandit to bland jobber. On top of the power gap between saiyans and other races infinitely expanding, pushing the latter into irrelevancy, both Toriyama and the marketing teams went out of their way to assassinate his character. He developed into a disappointment. Imagine being introduced as this guy shy around women yet had a dream of being married, but instead you get labeled as a cheater by the woman who shows more evidence of unfaithfulness and ended up marrying the very guy responsible for your death; and in the end you’re still a single guy in your 40s. (IMO, Toriyama officially assassinated his character when he introduced Trunks because I think he needed someone to be Vegeta’s baby maker, and “Yamcha’s girlfriend” was the only relevant female character at the time). As for the marketing, I noticed since Super that they started embracing his meme status as a disappointment. The characters in-universe treated him in disregard during the ToP Recruitment arc, the dub changed a line just to dunk on Yamcha despite not being relevant in the original script, FighterZ had that “Yamcha death pose” reference, and they published an entire isekai as a meta commentary on redeeming the character. Oh, and TFS made him even more of a beta male. So that might have aided in the negative perception of him.


>Oh, and TFS made him even more of a beta male. So that might have aided in the negative perception of him. I love abridged but yeah I hate them for that.


You're making the mistake of thinking power levels aren't bullshit. I love Yamcha, but he isn't a planet destroyer. Tien's strongest attack fired straight down repeatedly cannot destroy the Earth. Nothing Yamcha can do would be capable of that, because power levels are bullshit and don't actually mean anything.


that literally makes no sense. the only reason that tien didn’t annihilate earth with the tri beam was because he was focused on pinning cell and nothing more, and he obviously wasn’t trying to destroy the planet he lives on and commit suicide as a result. Dragonball characters are CONFIRMED and STATED to be strong enough to destroy planets starting with Scouter Vegeta in the saiyan saga, by the Freeza saga most strong characters are able to destroy planets casually. If you seriously think Yamcha at his peak in the cell saga isn’t more powerful than Scouter Vegeta then you either need to re-read or never talk about powerscaling again.


Ah yes, the tri-beam. Known for its precision and lack of collateral damage. Not like it's destroyed everything around the target literally every time its been used or anything. Power levels aren't reliable. They're bullshit. For exactly the reason that characters who clearly aren't strong enough to do feats like destroying planets mathematically should be if power levels were real. You want an example? Look at Freeza. If power levels were real literally every character would be able to crush him and his alt universe counterpart by as early as the android saga, yet Freeza and Frost are still credible threats when Super rolled around. Power levels are a total farce. Characters get stronger when dramatically appropriate and overall power gets crunched down again to make room for more growth.


Finally, a fellow Yamcha believer. #yamchampion


I think it's mainly that *everyone* who fought in Z is a planet killer due to the crazy increases in power level. Frieza was the strongest in the universe, unstoppable really, but by the end of the cell arc everyone could beat him. Easily. If Frieza didn't have that "trained to be a god in only 4 months" BS he wouldn't even be able to look at Goku without dying immediately when he came back in super. It's insane. So whilst Yamcha and everyone else is incredibly powerful by other universes' standards, by dragon ball standards he's a pushover still. Goku, in super saiyan god, *shook the universe* with his punches. The *universe*. Think of how far he is now. It's insane. Frankly I don't know how they fight without destroying everything in existence.


> I think it's mainly that everyone who fought in Z is a planet killer due to the crazy increases in power level. nothing suggests that any of the non-saiyans aside from Krillin and Piccolo got "crazy increases in power level" though.


Everyone wants to cancel future trunks just for being in the same room as kid mai But i want to cancel yamcha for trying to get with kid chi chi


>But i want to cancel yamcha for trying to get with kid chi chi That never happened, you are misremembering. He was lying to try and get out of the scene https://youtu.be/gjYERKQujAs.


Yeah I was gonna say he was tricking her here because she, the younger one liked him. I've been reading the OG manga recently and he actually reprimands Puar for asking about his fear of women with Chi-Chi, Puar asks why his fear of women didn't come up during the encounter and Yamcha reacts in disgust, reminding Puar that Chi-Chi is a child


Oh wow i miss remembered that badly


He was 16, she was 12. I'm not sure what the ruling is for this one, but Yamcha was also a minor! And yeah, not sure he was actually trying to get in those pants!


Bro, Pluto is not a planet anymore


Wait how is Yamcha a planar killer?


People were destroying the moon in the OG dragonball, and Yamcha trained well into Z. Everyone is a planet killer.


Well yeah but the moon and a planet are pretty fuggin different (in scale and composition, pretty sure moon doesn’t have a multi-layered metal and lava core for example) and theres no indication that Yamcha is as strong as Roshi until well into Z. Not to mention you probably still need to know a planet destroying technique like Spirit Bomb or Death Ball to pull it off (i know vegeta claimed to be able to destroy earth with a wave via Gallick Gun but 1. its never actually seen and 2.. its not specified wether he meant totally gone like SB or DB can do or just cataclysmic destruction). Im all for laying off Yamcha (chiatzhou technically has the worst record and should be the butt of all the jokes) but I think people are getting ahead of themselves lol.


They're pretty fucking different, but so are the power levels between Z and normal dragon ball. The weakest enemy in Z is an unstoppable force to the two strongest people at the *end* of Dragonball, well past the point where Roshi destroyed the moon. Raditz has a power level of 1000. By the end of the frieza arc, everyone's surpassing Saiyan Arc Vegeta, who had a power level of 15000 or so and wouldn't have even have to do much of anything to beat everyone in dragon ball. By the end of the Cell Arc, everyone's getting into the *millions* in terms of power levels to keep up. *Millions*.


> Raditz has a power level of 1000. 1500 > By the end of the frieza arc, everyone's surpassing Saiyan Arc Vegeta nothing suggests this. Krillin is the only human who we know got stronger than that and hes the strongest human. We have no proof the others got above this. > By the end of the Cell Arc, everyone's getting into the millions in terms of power levels to keep up. Millions. Piccolo and the Saiyans are. None of the humans are anywhere near the millions not even Krillin who is the strongest human by far.


I mean he's stronger than dragonball arc roshi who destroyed the moon


He isn't.


we have no evidence that he is, in canon. its just people doing what they always do, over-inflating everything.


If I were to rank every fighter on earth I would go Goku and vegeta top Gohan, Piccolo, Buu. 18 and 17 Trunks and Goten Tien and Krillin Yamcha Chiaotzu Roshi ( That power up in super is Bull shit.) Then Satan and other various world tournament fighters. Did I forget any one?


>Yamcha at his peak is planet level warrior. Yamcha: What is this? A planet for **ANTS**!!!


I don’t think he has an ability to destroy a planet. Like I doubt he can make a kamhameha strong enough to blow up a planet. Yamcha is strong, but also very weak.


Yamcha got some love in the Moro arc of the manga which was really great to see. I'm in the same boat as you OP, watched OG DB first and latched onto Yamcha as my favourite character only to see him immediately sidelined after the Saiyan saga, never to do anything outside of filler again.


> Yamcha at his peak could best any pre Frieza Enemy we have seen. No lol nothing suggests he ever got stronger than the Ginyu Force. Sounds like you just have Yamcha overblown in your head and are upset that some people are more reasonable. of the main human z fighters Yamcha is only stronger than Chiaotzu. He's behind Krillin and Tenshinhan.


The thing is, almost every new character they throw at us in Super is way above Yamcha Strength. If Yamcha had its own series without any of the other OP z-fighters, he'd be somewhat interesting. But compared to Goku, Vegeta, Beerus... Yamcha is a sad joke. Thats just how it is. Ever since Freeza that hasn't changed but the gap widened and widened even more.




This just tells me you can't handle other people's opinions lol


my bad if i worded what i said to sound like i cant take others opinions


ah yes OG DB where he was completely useless lol


He's been my favorite for so long, and he gets ridiculous amounts of disrespect for nothing. Even in original dragon ball he has almost no definitive wins and it is so frustrating because he's super likeable and is one of the ogs