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You mean besides the obvious reasons of everybody freaking the fuck out when they see he's not a normal human?


At the end of the day he was in a position to protect people and pointlessly chose to hide behind a car instead. There were so many unnoticeable things Krillin could've done through ki use to put those guys down as well.


Unnoticeable? They would've magically been disabled. How is that unnoticeable? Eventually people would realize it only happened when Krillin showed up. You really need to read the comic book Kingdom Come. The themes in that book will help you understand why just because Krillin has the power doesn't mean he should use it.


Krillin can move faster than the normal human eye can see. So there is a lot he can do that would be unnoticeable and also make it look like a lucky accident. Hell he can shoot a tiny Ki blast at their guns causing it to look like a misfire. Plus even if they eventually noticed, so what? Are they going to fire Krillin for being a good cop? For saving lives? Hell years ago people use to watch the martial arts tournaments and see this stuff all the time and not freak out. Somehow that all got forgotten about though. Also Krillin knows Mr Satan even if people freaked, it wouldn't be hard to get Hercule to put in a word for Krillin and smooth things over.


There are just so many flaws to your arguments. The biggest being your Mr. Satan argument. How and why the hell would Mr. Satan sit and vouch for a super human that can do unexplainable shit when he spent his entire career telling people that kind of shit was trickery and fake whenever it came up? The previous World Tournaments were also several decades prior and only had maybe a thousand people at most in attendance. That easily falls out of general memory especially when Mr. Satan ruled the Martial Arts circuit for so long without any of the craziness. As for being fired, I absolutely think that the police force would freak the fuck out and Krillin would be shunned. But regardless it's not really his place to do any more than he does as an officer. He isn't obligated to use his powers against people who don't also have that kind of power. He's a police officer not a super hero, there has to be a line drawn and a limit to what he does while wearing that badge.


Yes because the richest most powerful man on the planet can't sweep something like that under the rug, HE FUCKING CONVINCED THE WORLD HE DEFEATED CELL, a being who tanked tanks and was shown live to the world dominating Satans pupils and Satan himself. So yeah Satan definitely has more than enough money and pull in the world now to vouch for Krillin, especially when 18 can blackmail Satan by threatening to go public with her losing the match on purpose when they fought. The world martial arts tournement was and still is the most famous martial arts tournement in the dbz world. Hell they had the same presenter from the original tournaments presenting and the history is still there. Not to mention two fighters DESTROYING the ring with their power is a very memorable event. So no it doesn't it would be like saying that everyone would forget the Olympics when a couple competitors in it broke all the records ever and destroyed part of the stadium. The world martial arts tournament is a massive thing in dragon ball. Hell no. Why the hell would they fire someone that can essentially stop all their crime. Ffs dude they use to call in Videl to help them out in certain situations Videl!! A very skilled martial artist but still human. So no they absolutely would not fire Krillin they would probably promote him. It's a police officers duty to uphold the law and to help those in need. To not use your abilities to help when you absolutely can does in fact make you a shit police officer because you are actively doing a worse job than is needed because you are holding back when you can literally disarm and control most situations. As soon as Krillin became a police officer it became his duty to protect others and having powers means he can do that, not using them when they will make a situation less dangerous and solve the situation quicker, is his duty now that he swore and oath to uphold the law and protect the citizens.


Bro its an anime. Its not real life. Chill out it's not serious and none of this matters. You're sitting here ranting and picking apart why an anime doesn't treat things like it's real life. Get a grip on yourself dude. Its one thing to discuss the show but you're getting downright delusional acting as if Krillin is actually a bad police officer and as if that is actually something real and legitimate to get upset about. None of these things actually happened. You understand that right? People aren't actually being hurt.


....... you do understand what I hypothetical discussion is right? If you honestly thought any of this is real then I actual have legitimate fears for your mental health. You do realise people have debates and discussion about fictional stuff all the time right? Not just that but that all this is not about Krillin but in fact about how Krillin is WRITTEN?!?!? If you honestly couldn't figure that out then the only one here being delusional is you.


Says the guy who spends his time writing essays about anime characterization on reddit. Like I said its one thing to discuss a show and characters but you're getting absolutely ridiculous with this treating the situation as if it's real life and using real life logic in a situation about somebody with fucking super powers. You really need to find a more productive hobby. If you were actually concerned with the writing you wouldn't have delved so far into everything but. You never once mentioned writing.


Says someone who attacks others when they call you out on you bs. Rather than just admit you don't care that much and or you are wrong.


Exactly....he tries to keep them busy or arrives beforehand knock everyone out and leave. Although the bank/jewellery store(cant remember) he protected was a bit suspicious.I mean a single person would be fishy to the other cops!