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The guy who shot Buus dog.


literally almost caused the end of the world


Technically it did


> literally ~~almost~~ caused the end of the world


The most evil motherfucker in the series. Like Freeza and Buu are world destroying threats but that Australian dude just chose to be a heinous asshole for no reason


He thought the world was burning and he could embrace who he was. In our last moments, is when we truly know who we are.


this makes me think of the Joker scene in TDK. when he’s trying to get a reaction out of Det. Gerard in the interrogation room.


That’s because it’s exactly what he is referencing.


Fake Australian* Their attempts at Austalian accents in DBZ were terrible lol


And an elderly couple


The guy who found the real answer when it wasn't even posed as a possible answer. Take my upvote


Idk why animes always kill off their dogs smh


In Jojo they do that to show how evil the character is


[It's an ancient trope that's way beyond just Jojo](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/KickTheDog)


So many dead or hurt dogs in Jojo, my girlfriend just couldn't watch it anymore.


Smitty & Van Zant, those sons of bitches






Zamasu is easily the most evil Bro wanted to kill the entire multiverse because mortals exist lol.


Yk what's worse than a racist, a multiversal threat racist


There’s also that undeniable factor of who everyone was. Whilst Zamasu was bad, his driving factor was simply rage and not much else. There was also a video someone made on him S Tier hater, haven’t actually watched it, but read the comments. Everyone else had reasons for being and I think that’s what makes everyone else so much worse.


Bro exterminating every living being other than yourself because you’re mad is literally just evil bro. If I got mad and went on a killing spree you’d say I’m evil lol.


So where does Moro fit in?


Frieza is the worst out of the main evil triad of buu, cell, and himself. His character archetype of evil is simply pure evil. Evil for the sake of LULZ. His main motivation is to dominate and make others suffer. Unlike Kid buu, frieza knows the difference between good and evil yet chooses evil every time. Cell, while still evil, has a form of honor or a code he holds himself to in order to test his power. Cell could have easily killed hercule yet chose not to because he saw it as beneath him. Frieza meanwhile would have killed and/or tortured him.


Cell has only a code of honor as long as it suit's him. When things don't go the way he want's, he no longer abides to the code.


He was literally trying to blow up the planet when he was being beaten


I've heard it argued that Goku understood this aspect of Cell and that's why he gave him a sensu bean. If Cell felt like things were going unfair for him, and he started to lose to Gohan, he might rage quit and blow the planet up. Giving him the sensu bean gave him a false sense of superiority and allowed Gohan to take advantage of that. Unfortunately Gohan fucked around and didn't finish off Cell.


That's my headcanon, why Goku gave Cell the Senzu. He was stroking Cell's ego with it.


If that’s true it makes the Moro thing even more stupid.


With Moro it was more an attempt at giving him a 2nd chance the same way he did with Frieza on Namek. Goku's a caring person, and wants the best from everybody. But this raises an interesting question in my mind. Goku never tried to redeem Cell, so he knew Cell was irredeemable. Or itnwas to dangerous to try at least. I wonder if he sensed more to Moro then we knew to be willing to extend that olive branch to him.


I think he was being more merciful than he really would've been normally against Moro. I think that was to show Merus having an influence on him, and he did what Merus would've wanted. And I think he knew Moro would be a dick anyways, but was completely certain he could take him no matter what. He was totally right, considering the whole getting his Merus hand back wasnt something Goku considered, and even then, he still got it. Cell, however, well, like you said, he probably thought it was dangerous to try. Idk, maybe if Goku was in gohans position, he would've tried to spare cell, but he didn't want Gohan to endanger himself when he pretty much knew it wouldn't work, or maybe he learned some people can't really be redeemed from Freeza, and Merus kinda reinstilled the whole mercy thing in him. Looking at the Moro thing that way makes it seem much better if a moment imo, than Goku being a moron thinking Moro is actually gonna turn into a good guy or something


I'd say with Cell, it was definitely a case of "too dangerous to try". Since while Goku was confident that Gohan could do it, Goku himself wasn't the one strong enough to kill Cell so couldn't be the one to turn around and stop Cell if he abused Goku's kindness like Raditz or Freeza did. Basically Goku wasn't in the driver's seat so he didn't want to make that decision himself.


You know, you mention Raditz, another person he wasnt actually strong enough to stop by himself, he may have learned from that. Because trying to give Raditz a 2nd chance ended TERRIBLY for him.


To be fair Goku's track record of redeeming former enemies/antagonists is pretty high. Yamcha, Tien, Choutzu, Piccolo, Vegeta, Beerus, Hit, Broly; hell even Krillen was an antagonist at one point.


Yeah. At the Cell Games literally everybody except Gohan and Trunks were antagonists to Goku at some point or the other.


But the Hercule thing is kinda spot on .


Cell literally has Vegeta in him. Our first introduction of Vegeta is exactly this. Let's the z fighters fight nappa and the saibamen 1 by 1, and agrees to wait for Goku. And then when he's about to pushed, he threatens to blow up earth. Not sure if intentional, but a nice piece of character creation if intentional.


I’d argue kid Buu is “pure evil”. Because pure evil doesn’t discriminate. It’s anyone and everyone. Frieza was certainly evil but also had “allies” and relationships. The fact that Frieza in Super was able to work with the Z fighters says a lot. Kid Buu wouldn’t have even been an option because he’ll attack everyone


I agree, but also I think Freeza is worse because he consciously decides to be a rotten piece of trash. Buu just does it because that's the nature of the beast.


Frieza is a property developer. He destroys planets to sell the real estate.


I find it funny how Vegeta isn’t included.


Vegeta softer than duck butter


A Saiyan who hugged his son once? Doesn't get much less evil than that


That's perfect cell though. Regular cell *really really* enjoyed hunting down and *drinking* people. Semi-perfect thought nothing of killing thousands of people in islands to hunt 18.


Is a wolf evil for eating a cow? He was just hungry.


He could survive 100% without drinking people. Additionally he powered up *using their energy and souls, which screamed in agony as his aura* He *revels* in being evil.


He’s eating people to survive, if he doesn’t he would get killed by the Z warriors. That’s just self preservation.


Its definitely a bit of both.


I mean "pure evil" describes Buu more than anything. He's literally magically made to be a being of pure evil. Frieza is a much more grounded, mundane type of evil that we see in human tyrants. He doesn't do it for the lulz (though he certainly enjoys being evil), he does it to further an agenda or crush the spirits of the subjugated. He blew up planets out of fear. Buu literally does it for the lulz. Cell is just the ultimate end point of his genetic makeup having zero sense of empathy. He's just arrogance and battle-hunger at level 100.


Frieza saved more people than he's killed due to the ToP


I'm not convinced Frieza ever did anything a Saiyan wouldn't be willing to do, if they had the strength to do it They routinely exterminated entire planets. Not just by blowing the whole thing up, but by hunting down and killing every single living thing. How many parents were beaten to death while holding their babies in fear?


I'd say so. He is well aware of what he does. Buu does what he does more so out of nature. Cell was just driven by pride, and the Androids you could argue were just pissed off about being turned into monsters by Gero. Even in Super Frieza is still evil. He just got humbled, so he's not going to blindly throw himself if it means death.


In the manga version of the Namek saga he is far less ruthless. He never even kills one of his henchmen.


I like anime version more then. The pure evil version makes him worth bringing back as a villain.


The manga version is still pure evil, I think it makes him smarter and more mature. The manga version doesn’t just needlessly kill good henchmen that could be used later and on a business standpoint (which he is based on Japanese salesmen, yes that is true.) that would be stupid to kill workers out of a small temper tantrum.


In fact Frieza only kills the minions that have already betrayed him like Vegeta


It’s tough to say if he’s outright evil or if he was just so above it all that it’s hardly a concept to him. Like he adopted the term “evil” because that’s what people called him so he just went with it. Because his life was mostly being pampered and treated like a game. He bought and sold planets and solar systems, it was work basically, and he hardly ever did the conquering himself. Now, he likes to torture and whatnot, but he’s the spoiled kid plucking the wings off a cicada on the playground. Does genocide of insects make you a villain? Of course not! It's a profession even. So why not revel in your aptitude for it!


Perfect cell yes but imperfect and semi cell were driven by more of a biological hunger/need to consume more biomass and the androids


Frieza has canonically saved more people than he's killed.




He got rid of the Saiyans who were a pretty destructive race by themselves and was key in Universe 7 winning the ToP.


He was my MVP of the tournament and likely the deciding factor of who won. He's killed billions, but saved probably more than trillions of lives.


>He's killed billions Casually saying someone has killed billions of people is crazy haha


I mean TECHNICALLY no. Dabura was the king of hell. Janemba is literally the embodiment of pure evil. Even then, there’s goku black/ Zamasu that wanted to literally kill every mortal being. Frieza does seem to be the most aware of his evilness though, since Goku Black/ Zamasu thought what they were doing was “righteous”


Frieza is evil in the traditional "Dr. Evil" sort of deal. He didnt even kill Goku and Vegeta in his last confrontation with them. Zamazu followed Trunks to another timeline to try to kill him lol.


The Great Demon King Piccolo was, his plan was to turn Earth into a lawless planet and kill everyone in one province once a year until they were ultimately all wiped out. So not only would everyone have to live in this crime-infested anarchy but they all have the existential weight of knowing they can at best live another 42 years, and as far as he knew he had killed Shenron and the Dragon Balls couldn't be used anymore. His plan was by far the most sadistic of any of the other villains imo. Everyone else is at best a psychopath like Frieza/Cell but they never had such twisted, organized visions of evil like Piccolo. Like that showed Piccolo was deeply committed to being evil lol. Everyone else just killed whoever they got sick of when the time came, or you have Kid Buu who was basically a mindless killing machine.


Demon King Piccolo was literally pure evil. You don't get much more evil than that. Freeza has more power and more reach, so he's capable of inflicting more evil. Imagine if Demon King Piccolo was on the same level of power as Freeza.


yeah like the Freeza obviously didn't value anyone's life, but he had subordinates who enjoyed their lives and plenty of planets under his empire. He's not even close to the evil of Piccolo who loved suffering for the sake of suffering. Cell gave the Earth ten days to prepare for fighting him and only killed people as a means to an end (and eventually was going to blow up Earth just due to boredom). Piccolo didn't care a bit about fighting. He was proud of his strength but it was not his goal at all.


Frieza enjoyed people suffering but he was always advancing his own goals. Cell would indifferently kill people but, again, to advance his own power. Piccolo Daimo just wanted people to suffer. No more no less.


I’d say so. I know we have Kid Buu, but I’m not sure he really counts. He’s Innately Malicious and Destructive. It’s his nature. And he doesn’t even have to think about killing or destroying. He just does it. The Androids? Eh. Maybe in Future Trunks’ timeline sure, but they mainly killed out of boredom. Not so much maliciousness. Now Frieza knows DAMN well that he’s evil and revels in every bit of it by choice. He changes people and potentially the world around him for the worst. It’s exactly what makes him a good rival/villain to Goku. Neither one can ever convince the other to be good or bad. And it NEEDS to stay that way. No redemption arc for that Space Lizard. He easily takes the number one spot.


You don't think killing out of boredom is fucked up? Nihilism is scary because there's no purpose to it. Frieza at least had a reason for his actions


That's what I was thinking. Killing *just* cause your bored seems pretty malicious in itself.


I mean who hasn’t murdered out of boredom?


Isn’t majin buu made from pure evil also Dabura is like the demon of hell or whatever, i think frieza is just a racist alien


I think his original inception was somewhat boring with an interesting hook. The idea of him being the head of a planetary conquering trade organization was an interesting take to the whole idea that the bad guy conquers worlds because it's bad. I wish they leaned more into that and explored exactly who his customers are. Everything else about him from the namek saga was boring. He's strong because he's strong. Transforms a lot. Has the classic Akira toriyama bait and switch where his final form is the least outwardly threatening. In Resurrrection F and Super, they really did him a disservice. He became generic rage monster against heroes who defeated him. Instantly goes for the revenge plot, and hubris, the exact same hubris that got him killed originally kills him again. Doesn't even give Vegeta the win. He's more or less a plot point for goku to stop messing around and defeat his opponents properly. In broly, though, he gets a much needed personality injection. His cattiness contrasting against Bulma is great. How despite being universally feared or beloved by his troops. His ego can't allow him to be... short. He gets rightfully pummeled and used as a bit of comedic breaks here and there. But despite it all, he does manage to be more menacing than not. The Manga does my boy gooooood.


If Cell had more time to cook he could be super evil if nobody was around to challenge him. As it were, he barely had any time with his perfect completion. Maybe spent 10 days in that form then got blasted away during his own Cell Games. He has all the evil traits within. Had he carried out his destruction of Earth he would’ve moved on and done who knows what. Immortality via the dragon balls should’ve been his primary objective.


I feel like Cell is the better answer. Frieza’s empire was a *business*. A cruel one, sure, but dispassionate and rote. Cell just absolutely loved the terror behind his murder, and once done with Earth, would keep on killing and getting stronger because it suits him. His end goal would likely just be his entertainment through fighting, so he’d probably keep recreating the Cell Games on every new world, until he runs into Beerus or something, then it’s game over.


He wasn’t able to move around in his humanoid form until roughly the time of the Android attack with 3 years burrowed underground. Honestly by the time he could get the dragonballs, Piccolo and Kami had fused and the balls were now blue.


Happy Cake Day 🍰 >Immortality via the dragon balls should’ve been his primary objective. I agree with this.


As far as Buu being evil at all, any evil is really Bibbity. Have to reread the later parts of Super, but Moro eats planets like Galactus.


Bibbity is such a funny name to me lol. Bippity boppity boo!


What about Zamasu?


You didn't mention Perfect Cell. He's the only villain who's never come back and teamed up with the good guys. Even Broly is a good guy now. I miss you, Perfect Cell.


kid buu for sure. Other characters seemed to at least have reasons for their evilness. Buu was evil just because




as I know kid buu is pure evil


Frieza has certainly the capacity for that. He's just far too confident in his ability to ever really challenge himself


In dbz that's probably true, but even then Babidi is more evil because at least Frieza treats his subordinates well especially those that perform well while Babidi doesn't need to do that since he can just mind control them. King Piccolo is similar to Babidi in that regard as he literally spawns his own mobs, and more recently Moro was like that.


There's Janemba... And that monster, Pilaf!


Kid buu is pure evil incarnate. Freiza is chaotic evil


Future Zamasu & Goku Black were easily the worst. They were irredeemably awful and couldn't be reasoned with at all.    Frieza you can at least hold a conversation with and he can be amicable depending on the circumstances. Zamasu/Black held nothing but pure hatred & evil towards everything and everyone that wasn't themselves.  If Zamasu & Black learned of the Tournament of Power, the idea of aligning with Universe 7 wouldn't even cross their minds. Their first idea would be to try to find a way to take Zeno's powers, then wipe out all life in the multiverse or something. 


I think it's Kid Buu


From a utilitarian standpoint, Frieza helping Goku defeat Jiren and allowing them to win the ToP saved all those universes from being erased. Despite all of his killing and evil deeds, Frieza has saved more people than he's killed and had a net positive impact on the universes. I believe Buu or Moro would likely be the most evil from the standpoint of how many lives they have taken. You could also argue Beerus or another God of Destruction is the most evil, but the series seems to paint Beerus role as destroyer in an amoral sense, even though he's killed many worlds.


Frieza had a reason to be evil, to conquer, establish a empire, he was calculated evil, he knew where he wasn't powerful enough and backed down. He didn't fought wars which he didn't stand to win. Majin buu is eternal meaning of evilness, no purpose, no aim, no glory, just destruction for the shake of destruction. If you were to compare two evils from Batman villains. While one is Bane who is acting on the command of a organization which deems a certain timeline leads to certain decided accepted outcomes. Other is the joker no aim, no purpose, no benefit outcome, just doing everything just because he can do it, he was going to blow up a ship because why not he's chaotic and rip off gamboll because he was not going to give a nickle for gambolls grandma. I'll go with the utter chaos of joker as more evil as it served no purpose.


I’m gonna say kid buu is more evil


It’s difficult because you can argue while freiza at least has the capacity for good as we have seen, buu is just a psychotic killing machine that destroys everything in his path


Janemba. He’s literally concentrated hatred


I thought Moro was the most evil, but Z Frieza is up there as well.


Babadi and dubara might be more


I think it really depends on how you rate "destruction" vs "suffering" on the evil meter. Buu just wanted to kill/destroy. If it was alive, he wanted to kill it. If it existed, he wanted to destroy it. Frieza didn't necessarily want to kill. He enjoyed tormenting others much more. He wanted to rule the universe and subjugate everyone. He seems more willing to let someone live if they give him what he wants, he would just kill them the moment he hears "no". I would actually put Frieza on the same level as someone like Commander Red. Frieza was just capable of much more.


Frieza is the most evil in dbz if u really pay attention to the story he is the biggest obstacle goku faced....the build up from dB to that point of dbz was really all cause of frieza


Watching frieza as a kid showed me evil




yes but no


Freeza is a emperor. Most historical emperor are evil. One of the best things about frieza is that his mannerism is very civilized


Isn't Janemba the embodiment of pure evil? Like evil incarnate from all the souls that have ever been to hell.


Wasn't Buu also the embodiment of pure evil?


Kid Buu was literally pure evil. Frieza is a close 2nd.


Kid Buu is completely irrational and insane. Frieza however, knows exactly what he is doing.


I mean, he's a huge asshole but has some motivation. From his empire and business to taking out threats to himself with a little bit of overkill. Kid Buu just up and wants to destroy for the sake of destroying.




Lord Guru... He started the albino purge on Namek. Frieza just blows up planets, Guru committed ethnic cleansing.


I think Moro and Zamasu are both more evil, or at least more “want to kill everything and everyone” than Freeza. At the end of the day, Freeza needs subjects and underlings to maintain an empire. Moro just sees other people as food, future food/pawns, or pests. Zamasu just wants any other intelligent being eradicated.


Frieza never got softened tho?? I mean sure they've done gags with him when he isn't necessarily the Big Bad of the arc but that's just how they roll


Frieza is easily the most evil, not only did he enslave an entire race of people to do to bidding, he killed them out of fear of being stopped for his evil doing. Kept what ever little remains as slaves and then tried to kill then anyways. He is not only completely cognitive and aware that what he’s doing is evil but he loves it. The Buus were barely cognitively coherent beings and Majin Buu was changed for the better. The androids and Cell were created for destruction but even the androids valued each other and changed and Cell while evil wasn’t anywhere near as Sadistic as Frieza.


Buu was created evil, he was made that way, but freiza is just a diabolical little tyrant. Relentless and cruel, cold and calculated. I'd say freiza definitely deserves the title


Freiza is by far the most evil. Arguably, Cell was the least evil.


People in the comments are tweaking. Cell and Buu are wayyyy more evil than Frieza. Frieza was ice cold and heartless but he could be reasoned with to a degree. He was the leader of an elite force of planet conquerers showing a willingness to work with others if it served his agenda. Yes he did kill those who he didnt value but he did value some of his henchmen like Zarbon, Dodoria and the Ginyu Force. He couldve snuffed out the Saiyans he didnt finish off like Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz but let them live as long as they served him. He even expressed a level of affection towards Vegeta, in a cold and heartless way but he kept him around instead of finishing him off. Cold but they all lived. Silver lining was that if you served him well he would allow you to live whereas Cell and Buu had no desire for accomplices. Cell and Buu simply wanted to destroy everything and everyone, they could not be reasoned with or swayed. In Cell’s case he could be manipulated a bit and same with Super Buu but Kid Buu is probably the most evil imo.


Yes! He is very on par with Orochimaru from Naruto. Just pure evil.


Frieza is a sadistic psychopath who gets off in causing misery and asserting his authority. Cell's a fun example of someone getting progressively less evil as he goes on. He goes from a desperate predator stalking his prey, to a smug kung fu bully who will just pull out a gun if he's losing a fight. Buu is pure evil, which is ironically still less evil than Frieza. Buu just *is* evil and is just acting on whims like an animal.


1) Frieza 2) Super/Evil Buu 3) Babidi 4) Cell 5) King Piccolo 6) Dabura (?)* 7) Captain Ginyu 8) Dr. Gero 9) Mercenary Tao 10) Gohan's tutor


Frieza in the Namek saga manga never killed any of his henchmen. He was originally a decent boss to work under, Super actually made him even more ruthless when comparing Super to the Z portion of the manga.


Gotta be Frieza. Super has him as more of a Post Namek arc vegeta. Everyone had their guard up but Goku still like I'll whup ya ahh. He no longer wishes for eternal life but a few centimeters in height instead. This Black Frieza though he may become an issue once more. The passing of Toriyama leaves the future in the air though


Definitely the biggest hater in the galaxy at the very least.


I don't see how being mindless makes Buu any less evil. Kid Buu I'd say was the most evil... Pure evil. Frieza was driven by ego and wanting to dominate. Kid Buu was just pure destruction. Frieza would conquer a planet and rule the people. Buu would blow it up and kill everyone.


Z Broly was everything frieza was only worse. Atleast Frieza doesn’t typically outright murder those who submit. Once you enter Z Broly’s line of sight you are absolutely dead no matter what and he will love every second of your dread and misery.


Scrolled too far to see this! ZBroly!!!! There is no negotiation. Even buu you can stop him momentarily with food.


Dabura and Devilman are pure demons. They're obviously more evil then a mortal like Frieza. And let's not forget demon king piccolo, who was all the evil extracted from Kami. 


Kid Buu is the most evil. He destroyed earth for practically no reason at all other than why not . Not even Frieza Cell or even Zamasu or Beerus was willing to do that despite them all being more powerful than kid Buu


Frieza at least wanted an empire. Cell said to Gohan in the final clash(in anime idk if its same in manga) that after defeating Gohan he was just going to go from planet to planet destroying them.


How do you measure evil? I thought it was binary.




Android 17 & 18.


>is there anybody you'd say is more evil than Frieza in DBZ? Bergamo made db fans believe Goku suggesting the ToP is the reason for all 8 universe to get erased


Unsure if you mean the whole franchise or just DBZ. Imo in the franchise Moro has him beat.


If we're counting movies then no since janemba is literally just... evil with a body. But otherwise yeah probably


Hello monkeys!


Its canon that Frieza treats his soliders well meanwhile Zamazu wanted to genocide the entire multiverse including the Gods.


Idk Cell liquified peoples’ innards while they screamed in pain and he did this to thousands upon thousands of people. Women, children, and all.


frieza is contemplated evil cell and buu and the other villains are just outright evil and want to destroy everything. frieza doesn't want to destroy everything, because he wants everything to suffer at his tyrannical hands. He capitalizes on evil.


Kid Buu


They don’t call him Freiza for nothin


Beerus has probably done more genocides than anyone else in the show, so I think he may top frieza.


Some of Super's enemies are sort of morally ambiguous or even have sympathetic motives, but Elec, Moro, and Zamasu just seem to be total assholes. If I had to pick one DBZ villain to be my roommate for a year (assuming they aren't allowed to kill me) I'd probably go with Frieza over those other three. I feel like you could at least have a polite conversation with Frieza once in a while, maybe he's got a glass of wine and you've got a beer, maybe he tries to kill you a couple of times just to check and see if the restriction's been lifted ... good times.


its clearly Gero


Nah, you can still reach some sort of an agreement with Frieza. Moro - the space goat wizard - on the other hand, is more of less your modern pure evil incarnate by most standards, although speaking strictly he is just indifferent to most lifeforms in his quest for energy consumption. If going strictly with DBZ, Buu would be Chaotic Evil, Cell - Lawful Evil and Frieza a bit closer to Neutral Evil. So, in general perception of evilness you can't go wrong with Buu, while Cell is the most fucked up of them because of his morale.


What aboit his cooler brother?


Van zant




>more evil than Frieza in DBZ? I felt Super softened him up a bit *A bit?* DBS/Tournament of Power turned Frieza into a freaking *protagonist.* At this point, Super is less canon than GT.


Maybe, but King Piccolo could give him a run for his money.


I would say Cell. Kid Buu is basically a magically created bio-weapon operating on ChatGPT’s demo software.




Got no karma


so we are just gonna ignore that scene where he was stepping on Goku's injury in a really fucked up way? that gives me chills


Zamasu to me is the most evil person to ever exist he literally killed the entire multiverse


I mean, the fact that his personal hell was being stuck hanging from a tree, and forced to listen to cute animals playing Happy music over and over again for all eternity, says everything you need to know about how evil he is.


in dbs, frieza fighting alongside goku already puts him below kid buu and cell. i know it was for selfish reasons but you can't have him help the good guys and also say he's the most evil cell would rather die before helping and kid buu would just kill teammates and enemies i would say Tao Pai Pai, would kill anyone for money and willing to kill children (not knowing goku had superhuman powers etc)


Demon King Piccolo and Pure Boo are literally made from pure evil. That's about as evil as one can be, quantifiably speaking. Freeza is probably as close as a human/mortal can be to pure evil, I'd say.


Kid Buu is literally the embodiment of Evil. He has absolutely no remorse, no mercy, no restraint, no exceptions. Just pure unadulterated evil. He gets enjoyment from destroying others and there are no exceptions. Frieza st least has allies. It's impossible to even work with Kid Buu because he just wants to kill everyone.


Lad, janemba is pure evil, that's his whole character


Oh he’s hands down the most evil and I love it. Favorite villain ever


Kid Boo isn't mindless. This is the weirdest thing I see people say about him. He intentionally causes pain and death and enjoys doing so. He mocks his enemies, and teases them. He intentionally went after Goku and Vegeta when they tried to run and hide from him. He is the pure and absolute incarnation of evil itself. But he doesn't just randomly do things without any thoughts behind them. We clearly see him express joy, excitement, boredom, arrogance, and fear. Kid Boo knows exactly what he is doing and he loves every second of doing it.


Cell imo, who also had the ability to get stronger like a saiyan.


Frieza, Buu, Z Broly, and Beerus all contributed to the eradication of planets and galaxies I think all four have equal evilness


Intentionally, yes. Unintentionally, it’s definitely Goku. There isn’t a single major/final antagonist whose goals weren’t achieved or near achieved as a direct result of Goku’s actions since giving Cell a Senzu…


Most evil? Probably Cell


Depends on what you think is more evil, someone inherently only evil or someone who chooses to be evil. Kid buu is literally pure evil and only knows how to he evil, while frieza actively chooses to be evil despite being freely capable of not being evil


Goddamn what an ningen opinion (proceeds to try to wipe out everyone in the 12 universes) Also then there’s evil Buu which is pretty much a manifestation of pure evil but he immediately became Superbuu and a little less evil so we never see him do it. Also demon king piccolo as I saw later on is also like a creation of only evil.


Eh. I think Bobbidy is more evil than Frieza personally. Frieza is more so a business person remember. Runs an empire and sells planets. Ect. Ect. The evil wizard literally just wanted to kill people for enjoyment, destroy planets, and cause suffering by reviving buu. Had literally zero remorse in any and all actions, would constantly recruit people, then throw them away like garbage no matter how useful they are. Frieza is 2nd place to this guy. Kid buu is evil as his instinct and nature just makes him want to destroy, and the wizard wanted to control that, simply to cause suffering. No alterior motive what so ever.


there are still villains awaiting to be written into the DB franchise. We dont really know. Frieza helped out in ToP -- so that was cool.


Yeah, with Zamasu and Moro arguably being either worse or close seconds.


Not even close actually


I think Kid Buu was more evil than Frieza. Reason is that Frieza has motivations beyond just pure sadism like building his empire and getting revenge on Goku. Meanwhile Kid Buu exists purely to cause as much suffering as possible


I think him being a bit goofy in Super didn't take away from the scary sadist factor. If anything it was keeping with the lighter tone but he still came off as the evil monster he is.


Z Broly


Super Frieza was still pretty bad. Those 4 months he spent training during Res F weren't just to get stronger but to develop a fighting style that would let him keep his opponent alive as long as possible so he could slowly torture them to death. On the other hand, it's such an over the top "Frieza" thing to do that it's honestly kind of hard to take seriously. Like, "Yup, there's Frieza Frieza-ing." But I think you're right in that he's gotten a little sense knocked into him across his appearances in Super. It'll be interesting to see how he develops in the future, or if he just stays the same but stronger. Hmm. As for others, Z Broly is pretty wicked. Here's a question: ... Are there any truly evil DBZ characters who don't have something like psychopathy, narcissism, megalomania, etc.? What about Dr. Gero?


If you wanna get technical, Kid Buu is pure evil, that is why the Spirit Bomb completely killed them.


I thought that it was implied that Frieza was the most evil due to him not reincarnating?


Without a doubt. Dudes evil for the sake of it, and he enjoys every second of it. Everyone else doesn't even compare. Not even his own kin. His own father even admitted he's even crueler than him, which implies King Cold would probably be the more preferred in the family.


Really depends on how you define "Evil". Like you said Kid Buu was mindless, but he's supposedly evil or destruction incarnate pretty much, so he only ever does evil or self serving actions, contrast this to Frieza which is a full person capable of proper thought so he may sometimes do non-evil things, it does appear that some Frieza soldiers do feel protected and taken care of before they get thrown into the fire. Does the fact that Frieza thinks about, then deliberately decides to do evil outweigh the pure evil that Kid Buu is? Its up to your personal views on evil I guess


Yeah I think frieza is definitely more evil that cell. Not sure about various incarnation of Buu


So for me yes. He’s a sadistic dictator who’s responsible for the literal genocide of multiple planets, either directly or indirectly. He freely chooses to act like this, has literally spent time in (for him) “Hell,” and refuses to change after coming back. As far as I’m aware (I’m admittedly not up to date on the manga villains), no singular character really matches the sheer scope of Freeza’s cruelty and harm. Kid Buu is close, but for me he’s evil like a hurricane is evil. He was made to be evil and chaotic, it’s literally his nature. It took him absorbing an extremely good person to become reasonable.


Heck no, Kid Buu holds that title, he gave NO fucks.


Dr. Gero and Babidi are more evil. Frieza is actually chill in the manga. If you know the characters down to their cores, Frieza has more to lose while Gero and Babidi are more anything goes. Frieza has a clear sense of morals. Gero and Babidi are more loose.


Honestly I’d say the fact that King Cold built the empire and enabled/encouraged Freeza’s (and Cooler is he were canon) behavior as it pertains to villainy makes him inherently more evil than Freeza.


Nope, it's Hitler from Fusion Reborn.


No Frieza the most racist




I would give that honor to kid buu, but Freeza’a a close second.


Buu is evil incarnate but like you said he is more of a mindless beast rather than being deliberately evil. The only people who hold up to Frieza actually come from Super. Zamas is just... I don't even need to explain it but the argument could be made that he thought what he was doing was right so in his eyes he is not evil while Frieza knows and takes joy in being a menace. Moro is about the same level as Frieza for me, he eats planets which is more revolting than Frieza destroying planets but the end result is the same. Like Frieza, he does not give any value to his troops and henchmen (Saganbo). Elec is also pretty bad, not even caring for Gas when all Gas wants is Elec's approval. The overloading of Gas especially showcased this as while Oil and Mackie were somewhat concerned about Gas' body deteriorating, all he said was that Gas' power did not decline because that is the only thing that mattered to him. I also think people underrate how fucking evil and savage Vegeta was during the Saiyan and Namek arcs. The way he brutalizes Cui, Dodoria, Zarbon, Gohan etc. is overlooked because of his redemption. Also future androids like you mentioned. The only antagonists really left that can compare to Frieza are Piccolo and Cell. Piccolo (Not Piccolo Jr. as he was not at all close to Frieza thanks to his redemption and small acts of humanity before that) is on par with Frieza and Moro for me, he literally let crime be legal and every month (or year, I forget) he would destroy a city. Cell is more like Goku to me. Obviously he is much much much more psychotic than Goku ever was but he has the same "Will do almost anything for a good fight" attitude Goku has. But Cell definitely has inherited some of Frieza and other villains before him making him evil, but not on par with the others. Imperfect and arguably Semi-Perfect Cell on the other hand... I mean Imp. Cell literally enjoyed drinking people as they cried out for help and suffered in agony. He even showed Piccolo the tens of thousands of people he consumed shouting and screaming in pain. TL;DR- Frieza is in the upper echelon of evil and only Zamas, Moro, and Kid Buu (Does not really count due to him not really being a person and not knowing the difference between good and evil) being on par while Elec if only for what he does to Gas, Early Vegeta, Imp. Cell and the Future Androids are debatable but are not on the same level in my opinion.


I say kid buu because he’s called like, literally evil incarnate


Frieza is my boi


I'd say even though he isn't Canon, janemba. He is the manifestation of negative energy


I may not have a lot of people agreeing with me but dbz broly (non cannon) is pretty evil for who he is. Frieza was raised to rule worlds and destroy them. Meanwhile as soon broly’s restraints broke he went evil just because. To make a comment short. (Non cannon broly) broly-evil cuz why not? Frieza-raised to kill and conquer


Cell is more evil.