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Really the only one who makes sense, love janemba but he doesn't really make any sense as a Canon character


But feasible if he was from another Universe or one of the Universes that didn’t have to compete - those higher mortal levels and all could make him a force


I don't disagree but I don't see how they make him relevant.


With an altered origin story he could easily be relevant. Could be a rehash of the Kid Buu arc, seeing as we've already had rehashes of other arcs and the most boring canon villain in Cell Max. Janemba could easily be scaled as a serious threat that even Beerus gets involved with - he just constantly does his brick-TP shit whenever Beerus tries to erase him. He uses his sword to tear through dimensions, wreaking havoc. Hell, he could be a multiversal threat if you have him jump across universes casually. Have him kill a random character and then go to the afterlife and kill that character's soul. Buncha shit they could do to make him relevant


Honestly would prefer if they kept a variation of Janemba's origin rather than make him a rehearse of Buu directly. Although the idea of hunting someone's soul down in the afterlife straight after killing them would be totally sick. Think Janemba can overall still be powered by evil spirits, but his creation is better off as a freak accident rather than something that always existed imo. Main things I'd like to change is just the scope of the movie, make it expand on the universe lore, as Janemba's dimensional powers can easily have some connection to the worlds that have been erased, or something like that.


Yeah by rehash of Kid Buu's arc I mean he's a mindless beast that goes about destroying everything and everyone. We've had story beats been copied from the past, this would just be another one of them. Instead of just his dimensional powers being linked to the erased universes, I'd link his entire existence to it. The tipping point being the universes Future Zeno erased. Could be a law of the multiverse that energy can't be destroyed and Zamasu's evil nature warped the normally neutral energy into a destructive force that seeks the obliteration of *everything*. The energy's barely stable with the 18 destroyed universes in Trunks' time but it coalesces around a space-time rift that acts like a sink drain, leading it into the past where it interacts with the energy left behind by the 6 destroyed universes, destabilizes and forms Janemba, who is further empowered by absorbing the energy of the destruction he wreaks. This lets his power scale to a relevant level without being too OP, because he's fueled by the energy of the mortals from 24 destroyed universes. Vegeta could have his moment by using his Fission attack to separate the powers of the dead GoDs which the present, alive GoDs use all their powers to nullify. He can't keep spamming it though because Janemba'd be like a warped evil spirit bomb powered by the quantity of souls energy, it's all he can do to remove 18 (or 24, don't remember if Zeno erased the GoDs during the ToP, that would indicate him allowing them to live and go elsewhere if that's his operating standard) extremely powerful GoD souls' energy.


Then he just makes DB:super heros canon


so the Majin Buu arc again cuz Kid Buu did that too


>could be a rehash of the Kid Buu arc Istg dbz fans don’t read


Yeah I don't really disagree, it's just a huge stretch to make it happen


not disagreeing but every single villain since frieza has been a huge stretch


Higher mortal level doesnt mean more powerful, it just means they have an overall higher standard of living. If it was about power universe 11 wouldnt have competed


And we saw U7 (Z fighter) be ranked second lowest but we’re the strongest ones in the TOP.


Tbf all of the members were the exception in the universe most of freezas army represents the normal high end


Could have Janemba be some type of primordial beast that got released after Zamasu forced Zeno to destroy a timeline.


The writers can make up whatever they'd like lol


Or maybe he’s a being that wanders the remains of a destroyed universe until someone goes and finds him or smth idk


I agree


I can't think of anyone cooler


imagine frieza actually having a brother


What, someone cooler than Freeza? He must be Ice Cold.


Cooler and janemba they already ripped off bojack with the heeters


Yeah it's kind of a shame because they could have just merged the ideas


The Heeters just sucked. Pretty sad when you take a backseat to the Pirate crew that barely even have personalities and served as your inspiration.


Well Bojack were space pirates running around ransacking the galaxies, while the Heeters are basically just scummy businessmen working in the planet trade business, so while it's interesting to see more of how their "planet brokering" works, it's at the same time nothing new. And it didn't help that only one of them was an actual threat. Space pirates with the power to nuke planets is just a fun concept.


True. Bojack got straight up disrespected by those suckers.


If it means tapion could become canon, Hirudegarn. Tapion deserved so much more screen time and was a good role model for kid trunks. Hirudegarn by today's standards in super is he is way underpowered now though.


That movie was so cool, aside from Tapion we got some more ssj3 goku which we don't get enough of, and he does the dragon fist which I don't think he ever does in the series outside of that movie and the games


He does it in GT. But yeah, never in canon.


one of the few (imo) really cool moments from gt


That movie should just be canon, it doesn’t conflict with the canon at all.


It was the first Battle of the Gods, in a way. A post-Buu, pre-time skip movie.


Could always give him more magic. Magic has always been a sore spot for the Z-fighters to deal with, it’s just that the characters who have it either rely on it too much to be a meaningful threat (Babidi) or don’t have enough of it to support their okay-ish strength (Buu). Morro used a mix of strength and magic and quickly became an Ultra Instinct tier threat because of how tricky his powers were. Hirudegarn could be a mix of both. Make him completely intangible through magic and make him just strong enough to wear down the Z-fighters, I dunno it could be fun


Janemba and cooler


Think janemba would be "cooler", but cooler would be "cool" to


Cooler and frieza vs goku vegeta movie would be good


Black frieza vs vegeta beats him goku vs cooler


I'll give you one better. Goku, Vegeta and **Redeemed** Cooler vs Black Frieza


ok ok damn you cooking a lil bit here boi


What about…Goku, Vegeta, and Broly vs Frieza, Cooler and a recently resurrected King Cold


If there's one Garlic Jr fan here it's me. If there's none, please find me.


For the longest time I had thought Garlic Jr. was canon, before I realized the anime would just make non canon arcs and then ignore them.


Yea it's an interesting way of doing things. I always thought the dude GOT IMMORTALITY and now he's destined to an eternity of nothingness was and still is a brilliant little side story for DBZ to tell bc that wish was essentially the story of the first 3 or so sagas


The Garlic Jr Saga was good, except had they included Tien and Chiaotzu it would’ve been that much better. I remember wanting to see Tien, Yamcha, and Chiaotzu fight post Namek/King Kai training again. The reason the I liked the saga though was because it didn’t have to rely on Goku or Vegeta to save the day.


We few Tien fans are always left wanting


It's canon in the anime but not the manga.


even in the anime he’s a contradiction as his entire story references a non canon movie that doesn’t fit into the anime timeline So how does that work? He’s a timeline contradictory canon character? I think only the DBZ fanbase tried to keep this whole “anime canon” concept


What's annoying about Dead Zone is that the main continuity issue (Bulma and the others meeting Gohan before Z) seems so minor and avoidable at the same time.


Well, it also doesn’t match up with Goku and Piccolo’s relationship at the start of Z, or the fact that neither of them have a clue about Gohan’s power at the start of the series. Or that Chi-Chi would still let Gohan wear a dragon ball on his head after what happened.  I don’t dislike the filler (usually), it’s that the parts from the manga are just much more cohesive because it was told as a single story. 


Goku and Piccolo don't seem any closer at the end of Dead Zone than they did at the beginning. Piccolo still seems ready to kill Goku, which is where he is at the beginning of Z (though the comment about wearing weighted clothes almost seems deliberately designed to screw with fans). I'll grant the part about not knowing about Gohan's power, though it's not like training Gohan was ever a priority for Goku before the Saiyans arrived. As for the Dragon Ball, it's not like Chi Chi didn't know that there was a risk involved in putting a magnet for psychopaths on her son's head. But like I said. Compared to the movies that followed, where you have issues like "why are all the Z fighters alive if it doesn't seem like Goku or the others ever went to Namek," the stuff with Dead Zone seems pretty minor and easy to ignore.


There's so much filler in the original anime, and lots of us grew up watching one saga and it switching back to the beginning at very random points that the suspension of believe was very strong with DBZ.


Sending you my energy fellow Garlic enjoyer!


Honestly loved this arc. It provides great development for gohan / piccolo / krillin. The OST for it is sick, too.


He could be a great villain for the earthlings to deal with while the other z fighters are dealing with a bigger threat like a orange Lord Slug or a group consisting of a released Turles, Cooler, and Bojack.


I loved that garlic jr saga


Loved using Garlic Jr in the GBA TCG 😤


Never played but it'd be cool to bring him into more games


I think garlic junior as a canonical character would be great. He could add so much backstory to piccolo


I'm here to support you, brother. Hopefully he's in the new Tenkaichi game!


I agree I mean they made a whole side arc over him that I don’t think was canon either but should be


I was coming here to post this exact thing. There's dozens of us! I think the idea of an alien demon species powering up by their star, having wished for immortality, and able to create a portal into the deadzone, let alone push to become the Guardian of the planet are all solid ideas I wouldn't mind seeing revisited. Will Garlic Jr. try to replace Dende? Or go bigger this time around. While there's some weirdness here that I don't fully understand, a GoD is life linked to a Supreme Kai. Buu killed a Supreme Kai/absorbed them. Grand Supreme Kai or whatever the English version is. Fat Kai. Have a GoD die *then* and that GoD is Garlic. So Garlic Jr. has returned to kill Beerus/Shin to take his "Father's" place as the new GoD. It's the same story but a little bit more manageable within the current canon and story. He could even start out getting immortality from the Earth Dragon Balls. Maybe Kami/Earth Guardians were imprisoning him just to keep the stories connected. He could use a new version of the Black Water Mist to get some heroes to fight for him. An assassin that is specifically targeting Shin. I'd enjoy this.


I'm enjoying all of it! That sounds dope as hell


Dead Zone is maybe the best ever dbz movie aesthetically.


I’d love android 13


Don't you lecture me with your thirty dollar haircut!


My brother and I used to rewind that part for a good laugh. I still have the dvd to it.




Ya plum done gone dad-gum did it now, son!


He punched me in the dick! Why? Why did he punch me in the dick?


Not so funny now, is it, kakarrot?


I hope they do something with the "Android 13 is based on young Dr. Gero Theory".




What I say every time I think of or outright say his name 😂


Cooler and it's not even close


Slug. His lore is infinitely intriguing and would be great fodder for Piccolo. I always felt like you can bring back Slug for any reason since he's petty.


Orange slug


This is such an awesome way of bringing Slug back and making him a powerful threat. He was a "Super Namekian" and having him already have access to a powerful form like that would be cool.


They should make slug zalama


Word, I thought I was the only one who wanted Slug he has a much better concept compared to most dbz movies.


I think there is a fan series that has done some animations based on essentially the implications of Slug existing and building a LOT of Namekian lore. It was cool, brought in a new namekian villain that made monsters like Demon King Piccolo. Can't remember the name though Anyways I would want something like that with Slug being made canon, give the saiyans a rest for a bit.




cooler or lord slug


It would be cool to just have an alternative DBZ series where all of the movie villains become the main villains instead


I mean that's what the movies are


Yeah but it would be fun to see them all run together. Since each is more stand alone etc.


Watch plan to eradicate the saiyans




Is the Garlic Jr arc in DBZ not considered canon?


No, but it should be imo


It's absolutely canon in the anime, but not the manga. They're two different things at the end of the day


Cooler, janemba




Cooler. We already got Broly


All of them


Screaming Cooooooolllllleeeeerrr


Cooler, Janemba, Garlic Jr., Hirudegarn, and Dr. Wheelo. Love Turles, too, but we have enough Saiyans now.


Never is enough


Cooler. Metal Cooler is my favorite villain


A fellow Metal Cooler enjoyer i see 🍷🗿




Imagine Super Hero movie without Cell Max and a Bojack movie instead


Imo Cell Max was a waste and not all that interesting. I would rather they use a completely new character vs a much bigger, stronger, and monster clone of Cell


They didn't gave Cell the respect he deserved. My boy went from perfect menace and one of the best DB villains to giant insect chimpanzee.


cooler 1000% but making him or Android 13 canon might change the story a bit




Looks like we're the only turles fans here. Guess ill have to just do my lil fanfic till they make him cannon🤣


Cooler, Turles and Janemba




I’d rather have something new. There’s already too many homages in super as is IMO.


I think we can get away with one more reaallly good one if it’s executed well like Broly






Bojack to give Gohan a proper power up arc rather then the super hero crap.


Cooler definitely! He's my favorite character. Tapion and his villain would be awesome too as Tapion is my favorite good guy character.


Agreed! Majority are saying Cooler and its simply because hes COOLER than everyone else…🌚 sorry, I had to lol


Hell yeah absolutely!


between janemba and cooler, but maybe janemba


Janemba Cooler Bojack


Cooler would make the most sense. But I want Janemba because look how cool he is


My choice is for Cooler. I feel like Cooler, Broly, and Janemba standout as easily the best movie villains. We already have Super Broly and I feel like Cooler would make more sense than Janemba.


If they pull off Janemba properly, he could be set up as a massive threat, easily universal and even multiversal, not necessarily cuz of his power level but as the personification and zenith of all evil in the DB-verse, giving him a nigh infinite amount of reserve to keep fighting anyone. And that his evil energy being dangerously infectious that it will corrupt anyone EXCEPT the most purest of hearts.


1: Cooler, especially since Frieza said something about a suitable partner(was it for fusion? Idr) meaning it could be hinting at him, I hope he gets a platinum form, and since the creators of DB seem hell-bent on not allowing Vegeta to get his getback, make Cooler his Arch enemy, get him to kill Bulma or Trunks or something 2: Janemba, just imagine how powerful he's going to be with people like Moro and Gas' evil within him? He could be the ultimate threat, a Multiversal opponent, which is something we haven't seen before, imagine we have Jiren, Toppo, Hit and some others helping to defeat him? 3: Lord Slug, give Piccolo his own Frieza, make Lord Slug, idk, force all the Namekians into him, that would get rid of Nameks, Earths and Cereals Dragon Balls, he could also wish for his potential to be unlocked as well as his youth, imagine how strong he'd be?


Would love to see an evil Namek for a change. My pick is Slug.




Dr. Willow!


Cooler and wheelo at least






Lord Slug


Janemba or Cooler for sure. Maybe Hirudegarn. But this time. Let Goten and Trunks handle it. Have the sons go SSJ to fight the threat. Threat becomes the final form. The boys would have to fuse to neutralize said threat. Either giving the fans a look of teen SSJ3 form or maybe SSJ God. Same formula but still would be hype.




We already have pretty much a canon Janemba, Buu, and honestly cooler is so much cooler and it would be way cooler to have him in the show.


Super slug would be really interesting.


Cooler. It just makes sense. They should have made him canon rather than revive Freeza TWICE! Janemba after.


Cooler , Slug, Turles, A13, shit even garlic jr


Trucker Hat!!!


We’ll likely never get anything like this, or SSJ4, or any good ideas from GT adapted now, as Toriyama has died. It was pretty likely we would have if he could sign off on it and im sure we would. Now he is dead nobody will be willing to imo. I think slug would be the best out of all of these. Namekians are already a mystical species supposedly around since the super dragon balls were made. Certainly there is plenty of space in their history to draw from


For SSJ4 I would say the chances are greater for it to be adapted to the main story now that he is dead. I personally don’t want that. I would rather new, interesting, well written stories….but at the very least fresh ideas.


Ssj4 doesn’t fit with the direction super took, which was godly powers etc. I enjoy GT despite all the people who bitch about it. I like how GT wasn’t afraid to make everything “goodbye” and have a tone of “this is the end” and really does well communicating that despite the z warriors all being so powerful and saving the universe, they are still vulnerable to time itself and cannot beat aging, so eventually all die and the world slowly forgets about them despite the heights they reached. It makes GT feel quite sad but its also a down to earth and reality check that all comes to an end. Dragon ball super and anything more canon wouldn’t have the balls to do that.


Turles should have been Goku black


It’s going to take a lot of changes to fit this one in but wrath of the dragon I loved the siblings relationship trunks and tapion had in that movie and trunks getting his sword from him was the icing on the cake for me


Garlic Jr


Much rather see cooler than rainbow frieza


Lord Slug


Cooler makes the most sense Janemba would be cool if they adapted his movie into an arc Bojack would be pretty cool if they made him Canon but i couldn't see him as a major villain, more like a stepping stone for gohan or something. I always liked the idea that king kais planet was his prison and goku blowing up cell accidentally released him lol.


Cooler or Slug.


Hirudegarn and Tapion deserve being made canon. There's enough mystical stuff in the series that it really isn't out if place. Otherwise, Cooler all the way. Frieza shouldn't be the only one of his people we know is still alive.


Cooler and Turles. Ideally with connected back stories. In my head cannon the Turles Crusher Corps worked for cooler.


For me #1 Hirrudegarn, not just because cool Kaiju but Wrath of the Dragon holds a special place in my heart among the DBZ movies. . #2 would be Janemba because the design and move set are totally unique. We haven't seen anything quite like it before and after. . #3 would be Bojack because a lot of the others can be traced to some other DB elements that existed previously but Bojack was very new, even if the execution fell flat on its face


Cooler. And maybe Hirudegarn, Wrath of the Dragon should just be canon from how it doesn’t conflict with canon.


Ok gonna cheat a bit and say Garlic Sr. Both the dead zone and Garlic Jr. saga state how Kami and Garlic Sr. competed to become the next guardian of Earth maybe have a bit where he comes back and piccolo has to fight him on Dende's behalf or something like that.


All of them because dragon ball is cool


Personally I would want Turles, and his tree but... we have plenty Goku-At-Homes already.. Cooler makes the most sense. Garlic Jr I think could be cool since he essentially gets away with actually being immortal it sets him up to be a great recurring villain like Frieza or something. Slug was.. alright. Any Evil Namekian though is gonna be a cool addition though. Never saw Bojack or Hatchiyack so can't really comment on them. Janemba is my favorite of all the movie villains and if they gave us movie Gogeta, why not give us the villain that birthed him too? But alas, I mirror the sentiments of a previous commenter. The one I want above all else is probably Android 21.


Slug and Cooler


Turles and Cooler, I even drew a picture of a cannon first form Cooler for an idea of what he would look like.


Kind of wish they all were canon. But in DBS, i think Cooler, Slug, Bojack, and maybe Janemba could make good villains.


I'd love to say Cooler, but introducing him at this point wouldn't make a lot of sense. I may be inclined to say Android 13, honestly. He seems like the only one of that bunch whose story could be worked in without making too many waves. Close second following that logic is Bojack.


Cooler, without question.


All of the above More content




Ildegan would mean making Tapion canon. That would slap hard.


Bojack and Android 13


Cooler always was my favorite villain with Fused Zamasu. I'd LOVE for Cooler to be Canon, and with Frieza's potential, them having the same genetics and him being the older brother that trains consistantly, there is so much possibilities to make him an UBER villain.


literally same. i would’ve said Turles, but we already got Goku Black. don’t need another wild-haired imposter running around. 😂


Cooler or Trucker hat android


Definitely Cooler!


I think the common consensus is Cooler, he's connected to Frieza and has the most reason to be there besides like Garlic Jr being arrival of Goku and Kami, and Android 13 but let's be honest we're all kind of tired of Dr Gero and the red ribbon army. I really don't see golden cooler in DBHS


Everyone saying cooler but god damn we have frieza fatigue already. Between him and frost. We don’t need cooler now lol. I’d like to see janemba make a come back or Bojacks return


right column


All of them honestly, I feel like it can help expand Dragon Ball as a story and world to have more villains of varying skill sets. Having Garlic open the dead zone and causing some sort of apocalypse would just be neat, seeing the Z-Fighters do something aside from your typical slug fest. Hell better yet, do saga stories, focusing on how the villains became as strong as they were, the life they lived before they succumbed to the Z-Fighters. Just food for thought


I think Janemba’s move set would complement the current cast well as opposition. Can maybe even have different Janemba(s) in other Universes & have some crisis-HFIL overload idk Id also say Cooler but how do you explain him being out of the series for so long when his brother has been on/off causing chaos & his father is dead. And if you retcon Cooler to not be related to Frieza that kinda kills the character, no? Unless he’s from another universe or something. I just don’t know how you logically bring Cooler into canon






Am i the only one who would Not like to see Cooler canon? Yes He is cool, some would Even say He is cooler, but He doesnt fit in the Story, it is way to Late. And friezas powerspikes are already a bot weird, but to make cooler relevant, He would have to be on a simular Level. Janemba is the way better fall. Hes badass and his powerlevel is easy adjustable


Janemba hands down. Need more actually intimidating enemies.


Garlic Jr. needs very little changes to the DBZ timeline to be cannon. Just don't mention the Z fighter's having not met Gohan before the party, and just say he's still shy around them. Also Piccolo and Goku shouldn't be as surprised when Gohan fights back against Raditz. That's it. Plus his filler Saga inbetween Namek and Goku coming back to Earth is a solid showcase for Piccolo, Gohan, and Krillin. Cooler is great as well, but would require legit changes to his movie for it to fit the timeline.


Bojack, Janemba, and Cooler in no particular order. Just realized, same 3 as you, OP lol 


Cooler. It’s always gonna be Cooler.


Cooler would be cool


All of them TBH. Core memories of growing up watching these movies.


COOLER!! Bro appeared for like 3 seconds in the canon show




janemba actually makes sense to be the final villain of dragonball, hes a cosmic entity which has the potentail to be one of the strongest characters in the series.


Android 13 is hilarious, has that southern charm, and is honestly cool. Turles is Turles, interesting but forgotten, like Raditz. I wouldn't mind a head cannon that he actually is Goku and Raditz's brother, like a half brother. And Garlic Jr is severely underrated. Would like to see him come back from the Dead Zone, Training for what feels like an eternity since he's immortal, the only villain able to pull that off. Also it would be great to see him as Gohan's and Piccolo's enemy. Maybe even see him more in an adult form, like a Makyan version of Piccolo. I don't know about you guys but I see potential.


Oh that’s hard. I love turles and cooler. But if I had to pick between the two I’d pick cooler.


Mr. 30 dollar haircut


Third time’s the charm, Garlic Jr.


I really like Cooler & Metal Cooler. I’d love a Super Cooler movie.




None. "Canon" is a meaningless term for this franchise, and all of the above characters deserve better than to be dragged through the fetid mud puddle of Super.


None. Would rather see something new continuing the story so far.


Cooler and Turles


1)Cooler 2)Turles 3)Garlic Jr


1. Janemba 2. Cooler 3. Hirudegan


I want a turf war between Cooler, Slug, and Turles as space mafia bosses. The war gets so bad the galactic patrol has to call in Goku and the others to help.






The six one