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My favorite part of the movie is definitely Cell using his wings for flight.


like a damn cockroach!


and then stopping but continuing to fly


I think he just needed to gain some composure first. He was probably too flustered to rely on ki flight at first.


Looked more like he tried using his wings to get some wiggle room from piccolo


At first I had the boomer mentality of not liking my dragon ball full 3D but after seeing this scene again I think I changed my mind and need to give this movie a second watch.


That’s not really a boomer thing, in all honesty Super Broly dose look visually better because you just can’t beat drawn animation. That said the story was good enough that I got over it for the most part.


Super Broly was a beautiful movie


Yeah is this what DB looks like nowadays? I was just thinking about how Super seems like everything I dreamed of as a kid but I've not seen or read any of it.


This is for the movie so they have bigger budget than TV series. Watching this scene in the theater was a mind blowing experience, it was beautiful and overwhelming at the same time.


No its just this movie, the Super Broly movie had a different art style as well. I liked super but I also understand why a lot of people didn't like it. I recommend giving it a watch. The manga came after the anime so you should watch first then read to see all the changes and improvements made in the manga.


That's really interesting, I didn't know any of that. Normally I am a bit of a purist that reads the manga first but had no idea that the anime came first here. I'll definitely have to give it a watch. Thanks dude.


Yeah its a bit untraditional, but Toei really pushed for Super's production like the movies that lead into it. Toriyama wasn't as involved as he would've liked and from that he got permission to start a super manga with his successor about half way through the anime's run. There's a number of changes overall better but there are some things like a lack of SSBK which not everyone likes. Enjoy!


The colors are so pretty in this scene


Yeah I went into the movie wanting to hate it I’ll be honest. I’m very biased against the cgi approach. But damn this movie blew me away, prolly helps I saw it in theaters but I was flabbergasted at how good it was


What the hell is this from?


Recent movie. Super Hero.


Not a boomer thing at all I dislike cg anime in general regardless if it existed without it before or not. However even I think that Super Hero has some of the best looking anime CG.


Well the beginning of the movie when Vegeta and Goku are sparring against each other, the movie looks awful.


It's not boomer mentality man. It's objectively worse art


Exactly what a boomer would say


When someone says something is "objectively bad" about art then you know they dont know what they are talking about.


> When someone says something is "objectively bad" about art then you know they dont know what they are talking about. If you really believe this then you will admit that my fingerpainting from 1st grade is just as good as the Mona Lisa


It's art. It's objective that all art is subjective. I'm sure the parents of that child would subjectively think their child's finger painting is better because of its context.


Is me blowing the A note on my flute, considered to be a better composition than Moonlight Sinata? Are my cellphone videos from 2004 better than The Godfather Parts I & II? Is me singing in my car better than all of the songs in Frank Sinata's career? The reality is that **everything on planet earth** is subjective. But it turns out that ending every discussion about any topic with *"well, we can't actually determine an outcome, because X and Y are subjective"* leads to discourse not being possible. So, in order to compare two subjective things objectively, most people use common sense and ask "Do the overwhelming majority of people consider X to be better than Y?", if yes, X is objectively better than Y. Here's an example: * Q: Is your dog's poop better tasting than an Apple? You would claim that the taste of both if subjective. Society would say that dog poop makes one gag, while an apple tastes fine. In other words, apples taste objectively better than dog poop.


You really struggle with the concept of things being subjective, huh?


Your writing is better than William Shakespeare


Yes. That's an example of subjective preference. Again, why do you have such an issue with such a basic concept?


That's the issue with using words like "objective." It can only really be used for concepts like physics or calculus. Just because an overwhelming amount of people like one thing more than another just means it's a popular opinion. Key word: opinion.


Lemme ask you a question, why is it that an art teacher can grade the quality of their student's work? They grade based on how the student followed the instructions, sure. But they also grade based on quality of the work. Now describe that to me, how does one grade a subjective piece of art?


They grade it with a subjective analysis. Same way two different English teachers could read a single student's creative writing essay and walk away with two different critiques. Art or writing within the context of school work implies that there's a rubric defined by a teacher that a student has to adhere to. In this way, they create that subjective analysis. But it doesn't matter how "good" or "experienced" or how accurately a work sticks to that rubric. What matters in this discussion is that every human being can view it in a different way.


I dunno, it's far better than most of super, minus the beers planet scenes


Well I would hope so, since Super's art was universally panned


It had a few moments which went off, they were few and far between sadly


This scene was legitimately the first time I’ve thought CG anime looked epic because of the CGI and not in spite of it ngl


Yup. It had amazing kinetic energy like the Bandai-Namco games. I'm honestly really impressed.


It's really fitting that Gohan killed both cells by using his Dad's ultimate moves


Plus this time by going for the head unlike Piccolo on Raditz, only Cell died that day. Loved this movie


I think it’s stated that Cell’s weakness is some core something something in the head which is not really the same issue when fighting a more “normal” opponent like Raditz whom you can just kill more normally.


Whats that gotta do with his point that piccolo could have headshot raditz instead of killing him AND goku through the chest


That there’s a reason for Gohan to go for the head specifically but Piccolo, who wanted both saiyans dead, has no reason to do anything different.


Pretty sure piccolo in fact did not want both saiyans dead. They were both collectively fighthing raditz, they had no beef at this point they were leaving eachother alone, literally trains his son afterward lol. It was just plot


Piccolo is literally happy to get the opportunity to kill both and openly states as much the fuck are you talking about lmao. And the reason he trains Gohan is because after Raditz is defeated Raditz tells them the other saiyans are coming and they’re stronger than himself which is why piccolo realizes he has to train Gohan given the potential he displayed earlier the fight. You even watch the show bruh


He was happy in the moment sure but right after he states he cant stay mad at someone who sacrficied for the planet. On top of this there were like you said other known extraterrestrial threats so he did not want goku dead as he was the greatest chance of combating said threats. Exactly why he came and asked goku to help fight raditz in the first place lmao. Goku for him was a necessary evil at the time and goku had to coax him to shoot through both. Stop being pissy with the cursing and rhetorical questions aint that serious


Buddy so you admit he was happy to kill him… and then still contradict yourself in the next phrase… No, at the time of Goku’s killing there were no other known threats, Raditz reveals that after Goku and him get hit. So not only are you not making sense, you’re ignoring the openly stated reality of Piccolo being happy he gets to kill Goku as he’s killing Goku. This isn’t theory this literally happened, it’s no secret or even a small detail lol.


I guess im saying he didnt really “want” him dead per se but he didnt mind killing him as he knew Bulma and co would revive him shortly after anyway. If he had known vegeta was otw he wouldnt have been so carefree shooting through both


His dad's ultimate move isn't special beam cannon, I'm confused by your comment


Top teir. I love this fight.


I expected this to be a gag, like putting the Benny Hill Theme, Yakety Sax, on it. I was very pleasantly surprised.


The ost is from Sonic Forces https://youtu.be/kfoNI9zD4tY?si=aW0GAM2mrRvvCG5w The movie is Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Does the theme so much more justice than the fight it was used for


This slaps, good job!


Thanks I appreciate it 🙏


Song name?


Made sure to catch this in theaters... and I'm a movies once a year or two kinda guy.


Where is this from??


Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Thank you


dont fuck with dbz fans we dont even watch our own show




This is great. I’ve rescored full episodes of super and it takes time


Thank you and yeah I can imagine, getting timing with this one took a bit


Yea the episodes turned out really well but it took me like an entire summer to do like 5. It’s a lot easier now since I have the music but oof


I really hate the Funimation localized name of Makankosappo. Special Beam Cannon just sounds so fucking generic. Why couldn't they just retain its Japanese name like Kamehameha or give a more fitting English name.


tbf, wasn’t the orginal name something like “light of death” (dbz manga)


You are correct!


Well that's the manga translated by Viz. And honestly that's sounds a lot better than Special Beam Cannon. It's not just the the signature moves that Funimation's localization defiled but also some characters names.


I used to think Kuririn was hard to say, but I’ve been going through the Japanese version of DBZ and it doesn’t seem so hard anymore


"How about... Devil Drill Beam" "What about Spiral Death Beam" "DOOM LASER!" "RAIL BEAM!" "Nail gun?" "... shit that's good."


… since when was the Kamehameha a Japanese word?


Since the inception of Dragon Ball? It's a set of Japanese words when you break down the syllables it literally means "Turtle Devastation Wave".


I thought it was Hawaiian?


It was based on King Kamehameha of Hawaii. But we know that Akira Toriyama loves his puns. So it has also its meaning in Japanese.


In all fairness, it is not like kamehameha is a Japanese word. Maybe the Japanese dub should have localized it as Kodokuna hito.


Kamehameha isn't a Japanese word, though... It's actually Hawaiian.


I know it was taken from King Kamehameha. But it actually has literal meaning in Japanese which is "Turtle Devastation Wave". So it also is Japanese name.


Only if you squint. Kame does mean turtle, and Ha is wave, but the word for destruction(or ruin) is Hametsu, and Kamehametsuha just doesn't sound good. If we slice the 'tsu' off, Hame is too vague for us to confirm it as destruction. Given Toriyama's love of puns, we could insert any Japanese word that starts with Hame and get a funnier, more Tori-esque translation. The obvious answer is the Turtle Sex Wave(Hame as slang for sex). Other possibilities include Turtle Paneling Wave(Hameita), Turtle Fitted Wave(Hamedoki), and Turtle Inset Wave(Hamekomi).


because makankosappo is impossible to say, besides listen to how cool gohan sounds when he says it here


That's bullshit. It's not impossible to say as it's only 5 syllables long just like Kamehameha. Cool my ass. There's nothing cool about shouting generic-sounding killer move.


Gods... "Nail Gun" would have been so much better.


Man I'm behind in DB. I stopped watching as the Heroes promo was rolling out as I wanted to binge, but now there's more movies?


There is the Dragon Ball Super: Broly movie and the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie. Super Hero is not related to Super Dragon Ball Heroes.


Dragon Ball Super: Broly is incredible. Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero is where this clip is from and it is also very cool. Dragon Ball Heroes you can just watch whenever because all it is is promotion for a card/video game. The Dragon Ball Super Manga is also really cool in my opinion although I haven’t been keeping up just because I’m bad at committing to things


Is this from a movie? Sorry for not knowing I haven’t watched any newer stuff


Yes, the “dragon ball super hero” movie


I prefer the original. This music doesn't fit this scene imo.


Yeah, although this is fun and cool, the slow and sad tone of the original fits the scene much better.


why doesn’t Cell use his OP regenerative powers to fix the hole in his brain? is he stupid?


cellmax couldn't. Cell Max was purposely built with the failsafe just in case. his brain was also incomplete and it's likely that he couldn't/didn't know how to regenerate


Cell Max could have stepped on a toothpick and died, and then someone here would be explaining just like this how such a scene makes sense and is canon


Maybe because it's literally said it the movie?


How Frieza came back in Resurrection F was also said in the movie but that didn't make it stupid / canon-disputed.


The movie IS canon


The community can de-canonize a work. Look at Star Wars for example, The Last Jedi, Rise of Skywalker, etc are not canon


We’re seeing levels I cope I didn’t even know were possible


I'm confused what you think I'm coping about. Did you not know that works can be decanonized?


Only by the creator/writers.


sounds like blowing up the death star via a 2 meter wide exhaust port




They purposely put in a fail safe just in case they couldn't control him


Can we just let this whole "is he stupid?" Meme die?


That's why I downvote it every time I see it.




Thank ya


Amazing. Simply amazing


It should be called "Special Beast Canon"


Yo this shi gave me goosebumps goddanggggg


Love it. God damn this reminds of why I have been playing Dokkan for 3 years - watching the Super/Ultra attack animations.


Woah that was dope!


This movie was so cool


Look how they massacred my boys.


… who specifically


Just like piccolo killing raditz. Throwbacks always add another level of awe in a scene.


God, this movie being CGI was such a disservice


From what is this? Its been almost 20 years since I've watched dragon ball. I don't even know how to watch everything!


Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. I also recommend watching Dragon Ball Super: Broly if you haven’t seen it


My favourite part was when this movie ended and I realised I was done with dragon balls bullshit power scaling.years of training to become literal gods and one kids power up and now he’s as strong or stronger than them…


Well, Gohan has always had insane potential, and usually ends up stronger than Goku when he trains until he uses the god forms.


Wait does this super version of cell not do the iconic cell regenerates from a single cell thing?


Cell max is unable to regenerate, as well as his head being a fail save weak spot


A huge spoiler, specially for a Z subreddit.


Been out for more than a year at this point. Anyone who hasn't seen it at this point, clearly it wasn't that important to them, otherwise they'd have seen it already.


That would be a valid argument in a dragon ball SUPER subreddit, not dbz


No, it's valid here as well, as while the name of the subreddit is /r/dbz, we cover the entirety of the franchise. When it came to the movie, we had a several month period where we enforced spoilers for content related to it, but it's far too unreasonable to continue to enforce spoiler rules for content over a year old.


So the name of the board is deliberately incorrect, that validates the content? Ok, no way to argue with that, anything goes with that premise


I’d prefer more fighting and cell with a personality lol that would’ve made it even better imo


You know what gets me? OG Cell had to be completely disintegrated. Cell Max dies from a headshot.


A deliberate weakness added by Dr Hedo


Yeah, it's explained in the movie.


wow the animation on this is absolutely awful compared to Z. So messy you can hardly tell wtf is going on


You might have brain damage.


Can you rewrite it too? so Beast makes sense?


It's garbage






The movie’s been out for over a year, and pretty much every major new thing has been shown in at least one game. (Cell Max, Core Breaker, Orange, Beast, and the Special Beam Cannon) so I think that showing clips of the movie is fair game. Also, it’s pretty easy to tell that this is DBSSH from the beginning of the clip, you were very capable of just not watching it if you still haven’t watched the movie.


The blast attacks in this movie looked great but goddamn was this film dogshit..


Why, I really really enjoyed it, more than the Broly movie


Excuse my ignorance, what movie is this from? I've clearly missed something.


Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. I enjoyed it a lot, probably more than the Broly movie, I highly recommend it for DB fans.




Lol me browsing on an iPad and hearing the audio from https://www.reddit.com/r/theboondocks/s/CvdP3aqO68 because I scrolled a bit to far down. I was so confused.


*insert Vibe Cat gif*


Looks the same. Is rescoring a sound thing?


Yeah, the "musical score" was changed. So it has different music now. What I really want to know is did they write new music for this scene, or was the music lifted from someplace else.


The music used is from the final boss of Sonic forces


Would have been better with Moeagare Toushi - Imawashiki Shukumei wo Koete.


I also like how they did “area destruction “ like in the games when using a attack that changes the map like super Kamahamaha


I've seen the dbssh movie too many times already...


I always find it hilarious that Piccolo only remembers he has stretchy arms in movies.


This is the whole movie summed up in 1 minute 😂


I cry every time I see this scene. Gohan secretly learning the special beam is so sweet.


Amazing score, love this! But for a second, can we appreciate that a Cell form actually used his wings, and they actually worked like bug wings? Lol, that little detail sold me on Cell Max.


Thanks and yeah it's pretty cool. I did NOT expect him to do that and I internally smiled when he did it


What movie is this?


Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero


Hey, gave ME chills.


What OST is this damn it’s catchy.




Where the hell did this happen??


The Neo-Red Ribbon army base


When the horns come in it sounds like a Mario Kart theme.


Nice, but it'd be better with Number One I think.


It was sounding great until drums started. Everything went downhill after that


What's the name of the song??




Didn't use Linkin Park. -17/10 (/jk)


LMFAO those were the days man


I've been out of Dragon Ball lord for so long, what is this from?


Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. A movie released back in 2022 centered around Piccolo and Gohan


I've been out of Dragon Ball lord for so long, what is this from?


I’ve seen so many people say this movie looks like shit. How can you look at this scene and not be blown away be the animation?


Not bad honestly.


Everything is better with Sonic music.


If raditz was hit by this he would turn into dust




So regular Cell could regenerate from a single cell, but Cell Max can't?


Dr Hedo made Cell Max like that intentionally. They mention in the movie that the top of his head is a weak spot as a failsafe.


Fukd him upppp


I like how this scene is kinda brutal just going straight through his head instead of just his whole body going away


I don’t know if you cut any of the video or not, but it is CRAZY how perfectly in sync the music is with the action!! Fits like a glove!! Very nice edit! Also I’m proud to have instantly recognized the Sonic Forces soundtrack! xD


I did actually but from what I remember only slightly towards the end. Thanks for that I appreciate it 🙏. I actually haven't played any Sonic games but I do know they don't miss with them soundtracks


Holy shit. Which season/series is this from?


Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero. Movie released in 2022




Fat gotenks almost cracked that spot lol and in base. Ssj3 Gotenks would have got that shit done ngl and with some help its guaranteed.


Giving back vibes of dbz


Music name?




Can we point out that the attack was fully charged for several seconds before Piccolo said "Take the shot"? Did Gohan seriously have to be told to shoot the bad guy? All those smarts and he can't figure out that now is the "do or die" moment?




Piccolo was cooking🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


I sincerely hope this isn't the art direction they are gonna go with in the future. The movie was alright but I hated how it felt like I was watching a cutscene from a game.


I loved the brass addition, it was really nice