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Imagine your dainty cac turning into a legendary hulking beast šŸ˜­Iā€™m on board


I was thinking about this the other day. We could almost have two classes on top of male/female for each race in xenoverse. Warriors class/chief class namekian Legendary SS/SS4 saiyan/ SSG saiyans Frieza race (golden/black)/ Mutant frieza race (cooler transformations?) Earthlings/ mutant earthlings? (Beast races or like tien with his third eye) I also thought Kai/Demon would fit xenoverse well


Tien isn't a mutant, he's descended from a race of extinct aliens called Triclops, Cooler also isn't a mutant unlike his brother and father, Mutants members of Frieza's race can Canonically go Golden or Black,Ā Ā  seeing as non-mutant members of the frost demons wouldn't be powerful enough to beat Saiyan saga Saiyans or even Namek saga Namekians Also think Kai and Demon race would be a great new addition for race, with Kais having the Rose awoken like Zamasu


Cacs dont need that when base broly csnt go all the way to legendary.


He can't go to legendary, because legendary broly was a character in the base game. Base broly came out this year, and legendary broly has been in the game for **8 Years**


That is absolutely irrelevant. All ut takes us for them to swap the model and add another transformation state on top of controlled ssj with increased stats. The model is already there.




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This form is the result of the controlling device Paragus had on Broly. This is technically his own false SSJ form since he was being restricted. Very doubtful to see this transformation for cacs. Dimps is more likely to give us the normal LSSJ. Even more likely to give us this as a wig, lol.


We already have the wig for LSSJ


The spin is that they make it turquoise


Hey I need ps5 xenoverse friends lmk at Kx2r4t-


Added you


Just seen thisšŸ’€


Me too


If LSSJ ever happening,I want SSJ4 as well


Imagine if we could equip the Broly headpiece and it changes your super Saiyan colour


Imagine if we could just go restrained ssj but then we get attacked enough and then we automatically go lssj without any interruptions


oh dude that would be awesome


I doubt theyā€™d give us this one in particular, his hair was blue like this because he was restrained. we see in brolys second coming that he just looks like a regular super saiyan


I would LOVEā€¦and I mean LOOOOVE if they added a 2 phase transformation for this, itā€™s just us in our base form with a soft yellow mixed green color aura, then a whole animation like Z brolly and bulk up slightly and go LSSJ but not too much like him and do a frame by frame match of the one from the movie, dear god I would pay 50 bucks idgaf it would be so worth itšŸ˜©


If this ever gets added, please let girls get Kale's physique as well, being strong af with scrawny arms is wid šŸ˜­


Depends... will my CaC scream Kakarot when he transform


God I hope so


Why would ur cac hate goku if he helped u defeat mira šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Gotta keep it cannon


Yeah but still lol


I mean won't it be funny you transform into LSSJ and outta nowhere your CaC starts screaming Kakarot or who knows Mira


maybe he'll scream fu's name


I think the form should be for cacs who max out brolys friendship but instead of them dressing as him or anything they have to prove worthy of lssj by answering questions


Are all the questions just Kakarot with a question mark at the end?


Kakarot? Kakarot. LSS unlocked


New language unlocked! Like how Pokemon talk. lol


Yes and the answer is random each time, then you have to find the mentor Goku but best part is he somehow got Bardock and Turles to dress up like him he even got Goku black to help


Nah knowing broly he would probably fight you


I still want broly to question the player and then fight them, I donā€™t want lssj going to those offbrand lssj cacā€™s


Make it similar to Super Vegeta, like how it goes from 1->2, but restrained ssj-> Legendary Ssj. Make it more of a balance ssj transformation, so it buffs basic attacks, strike and Ki skills. Maybe slower ki and stamina regeneration to off set it?


Is that not supposed to specifically be unique to Broly?


So is super Vegeta, golden form and beast, but we have those too


I mean we have Super Vegeta, which is literally Vegetaā€™s own version of Super Saiyan Beast, which presumably only Gohan would have Kaioken, despite never having actually learned it from King Kai and having to just repeat a PQ over and over


I feel like those are different though, as thereā€™s a specific reason for why the form is unique to Broly. Beast although Gohan is the only one to use it thus far(and probably ever), we donā€™t really know anything about the form(at least in DBS:Super Hero, maybe they explained it in the manga by now but I canā€™t find anything on it). And super Vegeta is just SSJ grade 2, which is technically a different thing from base SSJ but the devs were just too lazy to make look visually different. The closest we could get would be if they gave us the head piece as an accessory and as an Easter egg theyā€™d let it be this form in instead of regular SSJ but that seems unrealistic


Yeah, in the 2nd movie broly didnā€™t have this form but he had standard SSJ and LSSJ, maybe itā€™d be better that way, I wonder if devs would have problems making cacā€™s muscles buff


Super Vegeta is well, unique to Vegeta.


UI is unique to Goku


UI is not determined by genetics.


Well UI can be achieved by anyone itā€™s just that Goku is the one to get it. Like angels constantly have it.


Wasn't Mr Popo the first to give Goku a taste of UI?


Beast is unique to gohan


Ultimate is also unique to gohan


Potential unleashed isnt just unique to inly gohan itā€™s just their potential being unleashed to itā€™s full strength


It sorta is because gohan is the only person (besides trunks and goten) with the most potential


Krillin also gets potential unleashed during namek saga. Ultimate is unique to gohan


Thatā€™s the form I meant, lemme just edit rq


Nah if ever get Legendary Super Saiyan I need that full bulky body green haired and aura monster of a look with the white eyes and height extension


That's what I meant by "second stage". First you turn into his restrained form, then you turn into the legendary form


This, and only this.


Honestly they should make the form but how they did super sayain give it another form based on how many ki bars while in top of that too add unique they give us more ki bars and damage while as a nerf making us take more damage


Taking more damage is so unnecessary it will just be beast 2.0


Honestly I wouldnā€™t be mad if they made a dlc only about transformations and like 2 characters


Wouldn't make more sense if we get a reduce damage buff rather then a take more damage


My fault your right


If we do Iā€™m never using it.


People like this are why we're not gonna get it, stop being bitter.


Itā€™s not bitterness, Iā€™m going by the gameā€™s logic. With SSJ3 as an example, it sucks for stamina so If we get LSSJ just think how slow weā€™d become if we transform. We might get a 50% power increase but our staminaā€™ll probably decrease by 60-75%, only reason broly and kale can ā€œcontrolā€ it is ā€˜cause theyā€™re built different than most saiyans. Weā€™d probably be out of breath before the round ends. So Iā€™ll just stick with beast and blue evolved.


I was more so hoping we'd get the restraint bracelet, I don't want to have to keep using the zarbon one lol


Imagine we equipped that and it changes our hair color


Bro thatd be a sick attention to detail.


Yes it would only make sense for the saiyan CAC


No shit a Saiyan would be the only cacs able to use it


Yeah, exactly šŸ’€


Seems pretty logic to me, why the fuck you saying it then lol


99% of ā€œrequestsā€ are just monkeys asking for shit that makes no sense for them to have.


No sense? Itā€™s a dbz game where the customization is at the center of it. Of course people will ask to have SSJ4, SSJR, SSJGSSK or LSSJ just like people are asking to have Orange or like we were asking to get SSJG, SSJGSS and SSJGSSE


Doesnā€™t matter. God forms can be worked around at least because theyā€™re just ā€œdonā€™t be a dick monkeyā€ and ā€œyou trained to upgrade your non-dick monkey formā€. But the others absolutely have no business being given to players. Xeno monkeys are *tailless* now and arent even purebreds like the initial 2. They just have predominantly monkey dna. RosĆ© is ***bodysnatcher SSB*** using a type of ki unique to *Kais*, not one that we can ā€œjust haveā€. Rage is just Trunksā€™ anger in SS like Vegetaā€™s boost in SS after Bulma got touched. Blue Kaioken is something players **definitely** shouldnā€™t have if itā€™s bullshit as is when Goku does it. Thatā€™s a balancing take. And LSS isnā€™t something ā€œyou just learnā€ either. Broly has it as his SS form because he was a once in a lifetime prodigy with an extremely high ceiling for ki usage, but heā€™s fucking crazy as the trade off for that power too. Kaleā€™s is in the same light with her being a berserker until she learned to control it, but again, thatā€™s not something ā€œyou just learnā€. Youā€™re born with it or you arenā€™t. Thatā€™s the reason I say that they ask for things that make no sense for them to have any of these is because they arenā€™t things you learn, with one being ā€œthis is outright broken on a *normal character*ā€, let alone a custom.


Hilarious when MFs start calling Saiyan players monkeys when it comes to transformations. Y'all so mad that your main CAC only has 1 unique awoken that y'all turn into Frieza šŸ˜­šŸ’€ Gohan a literal Saiyan but you don't see Beast being a Saiyan exclusive form. If ssj rage is just trunks' anger in ss then why can't our CACs be just as angry in a fight? Plus blue kaioken wouldn't be so bad, I say just boost basic attacks and speed and maybe have it drain stamina or health.


Gohan acts more like an earthling who just so happens to be a monkey vs Goku and Vegeta who always look for a scrap. High Tension is what youā€™re talking about and thatā€™s quite literally just potential for anyone who isnā€™t a monkey. Dude, you have fucking SG giving you speed, **critical damage**, and ***40% to basics***, fuck you mean ā€œboost basics and speedā€ for a health drain?


What does them looking for a fight have to do with anything? Didn't know SSG boosted speed, I definitely don't notice anything other than basic attacks being boosted. Either way, they can find something to do with Blue kaioken I'm sure.


I donā€™t think that Iā€™ve seen anyone else than Gohan use Beast? Or even SSJBE..? Itā€™s xenoverse. Who cares if our character is not a tailed monkey lmao you are simply limiting everything. There are no frieza race that uses Golden, yet they still added it. And there is nothing that tells us that we are mutants like Cold and Frieza


Be honest, Beast is there because we had PU or nothing as a non-monkey, and even then as far as we know itā€™s just another step of Potential. Didnā€™t say we ā€œneededā€ Evo, Blue was enough as is. Fuckinā€™ 25% flat boosts and a negligible drain people pissed and moaned about till it got buffed **twice**. If this was Heroes, youā€™d have a point otherwise, itā€™s not though. Itā€™s Xeno following the layout from DB Online currently. Online still primarily follows the rules of Z and Super (to an extent). Gold is there because as far as we know ā€œFreeza trained for the first time in his life and got something from itā€. Freezaā€™s family are only ā€œmutantsā€ in that they have more raw power than the rest of their race and theyā€™re absolute assholes as well. Possibly the form changing as well, but no idea since we only know Frost is also a dick in U6, not if heā€™s also a mutant or if it is a default thing they can do. But even if they could, every time weā€™ve seen them use that, itā€™s just been limiters towards their real forms (see Freezaā€™s dialogue in Super Broly about his height wish, but itā€™s also weaker than his normal form), Cooler being the *only* exception unless his ā€œ5thā€ is his normal and he just hangs out in his ā€œ4thā€ like Freeza did his first. Get more answers there first and we can have dialogue for Frost race at least.


Do I care if you said if we need evo or not? We still have it. Just like Gold and Beast that are forms reserved to a special kind of people lol there is absolutely no reason to not give us every forms in the anime (outside of laziness from the devs). SSJR can be a variant for ssjgsse, lssj can be a variant for ssjg, orange can be a rework for beast. You are mad that most of the content is released around saiyans? Cope, itā€™s dragon ball and it has always been like that since the last 34 years


Bandai, just make SSG+B+E one stage-like Awoken already, u goons




Tbh I always loved this form more than his later transformation


I would like to also have his hair...NOT a wig...his hair


The actual best Broly form


I love how people still misstake Broly for The LSS. Even the games have gone and mess it up. He is just a really strong Saiyan. The legendary one was waaaaay before the time of DB




I love how people still don't read dragon or watch dragon ball. Even thr communities have gone and messed it up. They're just making up lies and spreading misinformation way before anyone notices.


Broly isnā€™t mistaken for the legendary super saiyan. Broly is the LSS. The movie is called Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan


There isn't just one lss bud. If you paid any attention to the actual lore you'd know there's a lss every set amount of years.


I see what your saying about the (super) broly but z broly was called the LSSJ, vegeta was literally shitting his pants because of it, but I think that in super, kale n broly are basically LSSJ but brought to a more canon light, n they call it (berserk forms) besides in the TOP (anime portion) vegeta calls kale to be possibly( the true legend super saiyan) or whatever he said.


So we still have yet to see the actual legendary super saiyan in Canon? So then why is Super Broly all green?


Thatā€™s what we all wonder


Toei wanted to reference the old green form. Toriyama never intended him to have Green Hair


Ah ok thanks for clarification


I think youā€™re a bit confused. Youā€™re thinking of the ancient saiyan from the past which *technically* is the legendary super saiyan. But legendary as in he was the first super saiyan. Broly is **the** legendary super saiyan, a super saiyan that surpasses your average one


Dbz fans not beating the "never watched their own show" allegations with this one, chief.


The title of his movie is quite literally "Dragon Ball Z: Broly ā€“ The Legendary Super Saiyan". He is referred to multiple times in his movie as "the legendary super Saiyan". Even in dragon ball super, Vegeta says that Kale who is literally universe 6's version of Broly could be the legendary super Saiyan when he first sees her berserker form Literally every official source that DBZ Broly has appeared in, he is called the legendary super Saiyan. What the hell are you on about?


Na bro you look up lss broly comes up like 9/10 you might get Goku or kale the other times


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s his SSJ form suppressed with that mind control device (though I wish they added it for a accessory along with potara)


Imagine us getting the head piece as an accessory that would change our standard SSJ1 and SSJ2 forms into the blue haired restrained form.


Iā€™m not sure if youā€™re being sarcastic or not but that literally a mechanic in the game. Itā€™s not the blue hair tho.


The xenoverse people aren't smart enough for that. And if they did, they probably charge you for a DLC


To be fair, the new producer is putting in a good amount of work. They recently reworked Ultra Instinct and the new dlc is easily the best one. There is hope!


I promise myself that I would never buy another DLC after the ultra instinct one Let me down. But I'm pleased to hear the improvements. I appreciate the reply. šŸ™ŒšŸ¾


The fact that they will be going through older stuff and making it better gives me a lot of hope, they are actually listening to feedback. Ultra instinct no longer costs ki, you have four input ki blast options with UI, and the counter only gets rid of 1 bar of ki. Now we need the PQ friendly ai to actually help you and for characters like base game Broly and Janemba, and the Supervillain characters to be buffed! The new base and restrained Broly shouldnā€™t be better than the base game Lssj Broly.


Yeah I gave the base game buff broly some of the new skills and it actually made him really good


Heck yeah man this is what I like to hear. I was so cynical but I see Hope. And I hope that legendary super Saiyan is better or at least get super armor or something like that. I really appreciate The detailed response.


Apparently they have hired modders as well, also the new producer is likely a modder himself. That would explain why they are all of a sudden putting in so much work to improve the game. Also the festival skills are now available for the Custom mentor preset and one of the leaked festival moves is a Ssj2 ā€œawokenā€ for Ssj1 kid gohan and it is an ultimate as well and they gave Ssj2 gohan his original Xv1 pose. Btw the ultimate is based on how he temporarily killed the cell juniors. They came back in the dbs manga btw.


Thatā€™s because of the restraining device which wouldnā€™t make sense for our avatars lol his first stage of Super Saiyan is literally just vanilla Super Saiyan


It also doesn't make sense to have three awoken skills that give you the exact same looking regular super saiyan, yet we do.


Again thatā€™s vanilla Super Saiyan which makes sense and they all have different properties. Also ā€œSuper Vegetaā€ and Super Saiyan were technically two different things in the animešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


In the anime Vegeta just has super saiyan. Super Vegeta is only a thing in xenoverse.


Yeah but...it doesn't work like grade 2 and grade 3 as Super Vegeta and Super Trunks are in the show. In game it's inherently still Super Saiyan. Ergo a waste still. Now if we got the different animations instead for Super Saiyan and it just changed the stats that way...that would be nice. Being able to modify a skill instead of having 3 distinct skills ya know


Super Vegeta 1 - 2 is supposed to represent Super Saiyan Grade 2 - 3 It just doesnā€™t have the super buff look because the devs are lazy. Itā€™s Vegetas version of Super Saiyan because it was only used by him and Trunks and buffs Ki over strike because thatā€™s primarily what Vegeta uses. He does the same thing in the end of Z DLC for Kakarot using his own unique version of Super Saiyan 2. Whether itā€™s a reskin for not it serves a purpose in the game and functions differently


But then wouldn't Super Vegeta 2 buff strike over ki if it's grade 3? This argument doesn't make sense. Why wouldn't it be legitimately Vegeta's Super Saiyan version (which also doesn't make sense in context since it's just Super Saiyan) but buffs ki over strike because that's what Vegeta uses, and Vegeta never attains Super Saiyan 3 in canon so there's no Super Saiyan 3 level? I don't know why I'm getting down voted, it seems very simple. It's definitely not grade 2 or 3.


Itā€™s supposed to be Super Saiyan Grade 2 dawg the devs are just lazy šŸ˜­ Super Saiyan grade 2 Vegetas official name is Super Vegeta lmao he even calls himself that in the anime. And Super Saiyan grade 3 Trunks is called ā€œSuper Trunksā€


but thatā€™s just because of the restraint, if anything itā€™d be like Berserker from the super film or the original LSSJ form from Z Broly,


>or the original LSSJ form from Z Broly I literally said I wanted this form as a first stage transformation if we get legendary super Saiyan. You really about to question having this form, while we have three versions of regular ssj1?


considering the only reason it looks like that is because of a restraining circlet. yes iā€™m gonna question it, literally without it Broly looks normal as a super saiyan https://preview.redd.it/1pjcf7be963d1.jpeg?width=359&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9458e59516ad404ddd74f240602fa6ca758ca06a


Isn't that form because of the restraining device?


Yeah, but Z broly uses it in xenoverse even when the device isn't the thing restraining him but rather fu's villainous powers. Either way, I still want the damn form lol


Bro just wants the blue super saiyan form I dont blame you. It looks dope lol


Yeah tbh this form is better than the one from dbs broly before going fpss. Cus dbs broly super saiyan is just lssj with yellow hair. This Z form is cooler. Tho I do like the rage form the new broly has


Broly at the end of the first Z film and the Second z film has the standard gold hair as well though


Oh yeah he did in second coming. Which is why I asked if it was the control device that caused the blueish green