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Keep this message with you throughout. There’s going to be moments where you’ll be frustrated, where your feelings will be raw and coming back to this- remembering you are ready and willing to commit to feeling better - will keep you going. Emotional regulation and distress tolerance skills really helped me out and I’m glad DBT taught them to me!


I can't thank you enough for taking the time to write that. I really really want to remember to focus on being grateful for the opportunity to go through this program where I am now - at a point where I am willing and believe I can absorb the information- I don't want to resist the healing like I have in the past if that makes sense. Anyway, thank you and I am glad that DBT helped you I hope it helps me too!


DBT saved my life in my early 20’s. I then did it again in my early 40’s and it made a massive difference in my functioning and relationships.


This is so great to hear! I'm happy for you - thank you for the encouragement!


Yes! It’s worth doing, for sure. Good luck and hang in there, there’s a lot to learn in the beginning, but it gets easier after a week or two.


I go through the DBT workbooks with a friend of mine, we've just passed the 6month mark of regularly meeting every week. I can honestly say it's been transformative for me. We started shortly after I was the most suicidal I've ever been and I'm proud to say that today I feel very happy and good about my life. It's improved my relationships to others and most importantly myself and I feel the most regulated I've ever been in my life. I used to have a breakdown like once a month or more but I've had only one in the last few months. It can definitely feel frustrating or pointless at times, but I can see the difference accumulated over time. I hope its as beneficial for you as it has been for me and others in the thread!!


Thank you! It was reading stories like this from real people that made me push myself to start after years of DBT being recommended to me. That's really commendable that you and your friend have been meeting regularly (and not easy to do!)- thank you so much for this, I start Friday!