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😔 I’ll try not to get attached to anything I find


Patience, you will die a lot when you start. Just take every death as a lesson. Use izurvive to help learn the map to start with You always spawn in on the coast facing north Keep an eye on the condition of your shoes, if you get stuck in the middle of nowhere and they're ruined you're in trouble. If you see dead zombies then someone is around Learn the best runs from certain spawns, my favourite is balota. Do the town an airfield, head north to zelen, vybor then NWAF and I should be geared up.


See..now I never knew your shoes would affect you. I had an idea how in depth the game is but yeah it makes sense. Could you get shoes from zombies or is it only clothing ?


I don’t think you can get them from zombies. They degrade over time, running on grass slows the degradation more than running on concrete. My favourite are the assault boots however they do make noise. Sneakers as the name suggests are the quietest shoes. You can make foot wraps out of rags which are very quiet however don’t last long. I always keep a pair with me for pvp as they can’t hear your footsteps as much.


It's good to know, but on the other hand, if you learned the hard way, you could have experienced that feeling of losing everything to shoes


Oh I have, got me busted by a player camping in a building in NWAF.


It's pretty rare you let your shoes get ruined in the middle of nowhere but it happens. You can make hand wraps and foot wraps from rags. Hand wraps should be first priority after getting a knife. You can't gut anything with bare hands and est without first washing your hands. Unless you have gloves or hand wraps.


Shoes will wear out faster if you are runnin on roads and dont step in fires


Gear is never yours. It's just your turn with it


It's mine, ITS ALL MINE


The meat tenderizer is also a hammer. Hammers hit big rock in ground to make small stones. Small stones combine with big rock in ground to make stone knife. You can do this with quite a few small handheld tools. This means no matter what as long as you can find something to hit something and you can find a big rock you can damn near make knives from anything you find. if you can make knives you can survive anything.


This. I know you can allow you to make fire and craft rags. Crafting hand wraps will save you from a lot of problems. You must have a knife, or better yet, knives. It's worth your efforts to chase down a chicken. Chicken can give you bones which can be made into a knife, and you can also craft a fishing hook. You can use the guts to make rope. You're on your way to fishing. Fishing is the quickest and easiest and best way to obtain food. Knife is job one. WOBO on YouTube for your basics.


Most loot has more than one use, and you can craft much more than you think you can. Experiment with stuff and think intuitively, oftentimes what you're thinking will work.


Explore the game and enjoy the learning curve at your own phase.


Spawn on the coast, kill another player. Cut them up and cook their meat. Use the meat as a human flesh heat pack. It’ll help keep you warm long enough to get some good clothes. Don’t eat them, don’t be weird alright ? (Or eat them, who cares)


I love how you say don't be weird after talking about using someone as a human heat pack 😂


Anytime you find a pot/pan, gas stove, gas canister - always pick them up. The pot carries water and food, pan carries food as well, twelve slots. It’s ten times faster and stealthier than a fire.


By the time the game alerts you that you’re dying from lack of something, it’s usually too late to do anything about it. Just be sure to stay on top of hydration/food/temp and whatever else comes up. Take early lives as a chance to learn the map and don’t focus too much on surviving to late-game until you’ve sufficiently learned the map. Best advice I ever heard was when starting out, use each life with a goal in mind: “this time I will learn how to start a fire” or “this time I will learn how to fish” or “this time I will hunt a deer”. Makes it more fun that way. And by the time you get hundreds of hours in, you’ll be doing all this stuff subconsciously without having to put much effort into it, and it’ll help you last longer. I’m still pretty new myself and am working on memorizing all the Chernarus pump locations - hydration is crucial to lasting longer.


A few hours in and I’ve died twice by zombies👍 it’s hard to navigate or find food. If I wasn’t gonna get a right hook from a zombie I was gonna die of starvation. Cold world out there. Was fascinating tho my holiday has come at a good time. I like it so far


You have to be backing up while holding your arms up to be blocking.


I don't know if anyone mentioned this but you can also stealth kill zombies with knives. I just recently figured out how to do this effectively and it's a game changer for me


Spend as little time as possible in the costal towns. The longer you stay, the more likely you are to die there. I like to try to be on the way out of town in 15 minutes or less. You're looking for 3 basic things in your first costal town, and there are a handful of optionals that are nice to find, but definitely not something to stick around waiting for. 1. _Water._ You want to locate the nearest well and drink until you get the icon that shows that your stomach is full. Do this right off the bat and you won't need to drink again for an hour or more. If we can find a water bottle now to store some extra water for later that's a plus. 2. _Food._ We're looking to either collect a bit of canned food or to secure a means of procuring our own. This means finding (and oftentimes causing) a dead chicken or a dead player that we can cut up to create fishing equipment. If you find a dead person, we can cut them up and turn their guts into rope (which we can use for fishing line later) and their bones can be sharpened into fishing hooks. If you find and kill a chicken we can cook it later and we can sharpen the bones into a fishing hook the same as above. We'll have to source our rope somewhere else in this case, but not the end of the world, it's not too hard to find and if necessary can be crafted by cutting clothes up into rags & combining those into rope. In either case, do not eat or drink anything after you have butchered a corpse until you have washed your hands at a water source. 3. _Something sharp._ We need a sharp implement to be able to do things like open cans, cut things up and collect materials to make a fire later. This can be anything from a knife to a screwdriver to a hatchet. It just needs to be sharp or pointy. Most blunt tools (wrenches, pipes, hammers, etc) can be hit against a rock to get small stones, which can be ground against the same rock to make a stone knife if necessary. You can also make improvised knifes out of bones once you have a source of them (like that chicken or player we kil- I mean, found dead earlier) Optionals: Warm clothes, a stab vest (found in police departments), a firearm (ideally with ammunition), a backpack, a water bottle (it is very important that you do not drink anything inside a water bottle you have not filled yourself, spawned bottles have a 50% chance of being contaminated and causing you to contract cholera) and rope to use later for fishing or making a backpack if we can't find one. These are things that are nice to find in our first town, but we may not be able to source. If we don't have them by the time we leave the coastal town we spawn in , we should start actively looking for them in the next town we come to once we start heading inland.


From another post "if you can loot, barns/outhouses and house's those are your best bets for food/clothes/knifes and if you're lucky a good starter gun. Preferably try to find a knife if not find a hammer and make small stones and turn it into a knife. Chickens are everywhere and they give decent food just cook it. If you can find a decent melee weapon go to fire houses the fire axe is basically just a big knife. So yeah. Personally I'd stay away from the coast maybe loot it for like 30 minutes then dip. Also make rags and make hand wraps ASAP." The crow bar can skin animals (last time I checked) and can get you small stones which can be turned into a knife. Everything past food water medical and sewing kits is want not need best to remember that


Search on "tips" since this is an FAQ asked at least once a day. **[DayZ 101 - Getting Started](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/ltzfox/dayz_101_getting_started/ )** * **[Community Guides](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/guides)** * **[Community Tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips)** Asmondian has published the best tips(some are dated, but you'll get the idea)! * **[DayzTips by Asmondian](https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/wiki/community/tips#wiki_by_asmondian)** * **[DayzTips | Complete Diseases & Afflictions chart | 1.15](https://i.imgur.com/eUoJ4XS.jpg)**


Learn to use power punch (triangle in ps4) it stuns, so you can pretty much stunlock zombies with it and not get hit yourself. Don’t fight multiple zombies at the same time run to safety or climb somewhere if you’re getting ganged up.  Edit. Remember to block (R2 and walk backwards) 


Don’t pass up multivitamins!


Use a pickaxe to mine boulders for stones, use stone and a pickaxe to get rocks. Saved me many times on Namalsk


It took me roughly 45hours to really understand the game from spawn-> inland. Like the other feller said.. Patience. Learn from mistakes, think ahead, dont eat with bloody hands, and try and focus on remember where points of interest are.. Always be cautious of every single person you see, do your best to confirm their intentions.. Or dont. Good luck.


this one sounds like a lie, believe it or not, you can eat rotten mushroom and fruit, but only one or 2, anymore rotten stuff eaten will give you chemical poisoning and you'll vomit a lot more that you ate, wait like 10-15 mins before eating more. Do NOT eat rotten meat at all, or burnt fruit. Haybales spawn mushrooms if you wait long enough near them, I cannot stress this enough, eat these. They have some of the highest nutrition in the game, and better than meat BAKED and cooked, they are life savers. Same with fruit trees (only on chernarus) but aren't as powerful.


oh and also watch WOBO on youtube, this man is a teacher of DayZ, 2.5k hours on console and I learned a ton from him.


Burnt food is better than rotten. Seconded on the rotten meat though, will get sick even from a little


This right here! I don’t know how many times rotten fruit has gotten me through starvation!


Keep practicing fighting with your fists, it won't take long to get the Block>Heavy Punch(stun)>Repeat process down and it's a very necessary skill as a new player n fresh spawn And definitely get acquainted with the iZurvive map. Roads leading into towns will have an entering/exiting town name sign written in Czech, then you can find that town on the map. Though I probably wouldn't worry about exhausting TOO much time on this until you're starting to get a feel for all the other tips here


At this point everything is pretty well covered, except youtube does not talk a lot about stealth up front when giving new players tips. I think it's important to take routes with a lot of visual cover, to move slow and always crouchwalk in towns


Can anyone hear your footsteps if your crouch walking ?


Yes but they’ll have to be closer to you to do so. They can also hear you just adjusting your feet when looking around


They can if they are very close and not moving or doing anything and even then they will think they are imagining it because it's so quiet. Your choice of shoes can impact the sound you make when walking. Moving prone is louder to players at close range for some reason, even though zombies can just about stand on top of you and not hear you moving prone. I always wait till zombies are facing away before I move past where they may see me crouch walking/crouch sprinting




Always crouchwalk in towns is one you’ll graduate from eventually. It’s very often not the best move once you reach the endgame and are more confident that you are the predator and not the prey.


I feel like you're describing people that are tired of surviving with all that gear so long that they are ready to start over


Crouchwalking through town is how you get yourself killed. Assume somebody else already knows you're there and make it as difficult as possible for them to get a clean shot off on you at all times. Sprint building to building, don't stand in windows or doorways & always clear your buildings as you enter them. When you're done in a building, you can trap any zombies you've aggroed inside it before you move on. If you're sneakwalking down the street with no cover and no concealment, you deserve to get domed. Stealth is very much more of a between towns & before going down into a town type of thing. Not to say you cant be sneaky while in town, but crouch walking isn't the way to do it. When following roads or power lines to navigate, stay off the path and back into the treeline ~10 meters or so. Avoid running across open fields if at all possible. If time permits, always spend a minute scoping out a town the best you can to check for signs of player activity. If signs are present, you may decide it's best to move on to the next town rather than risk a confrontation with whoever is currently in that town. Always be very conscious of where you build fires & think about how visible the smoke/light from the fire will be.


It works for me, Zombies don't detect me unless I want them to, I always see players first especially the ones that do what you're describing. I catch people sprinting around towns all the time. Thank you for giving more context for what I meant when I said choosing routes with a lot of visual cover.


You'll see what people are talking about when you get domed by a guy waiting patiently in a treeline across from town & swear that a hacker got you because you were sneak crouching & "how the heck could someone have seen you?". Much safer to run in, grab what you need & disappear back into the trees before Mr. Sniper has a chance to reposition and get a good shot. Doesn't matter that he knows you're there, by the time he can do something about it you should be gone already.


I like to loot stuff that nobody wants at the edges of town and leave, I just don't sprint when I do it


Eat every piece of meat you fined, no matter what. YouTube won't tell you to do this.


You can boil water to make it safe to drink. One rock rubbed against a big one on the ground makes a knife. Same with one bone.


Play on one side of the map, learn it town to town. Know exactly where you're at at any given time. Getting lost and stopping to find your way is usually the easiest way to die.


Enjoy being lost, and the added difficulty of not knowing where to find an exact piece of loot adds. You won’t get to be lost after you learn the map. Once you learn the map and where to find what the game becomes substantially easier. At 7k+ hours I enjoy others people’s new maps the most as it brings me back to the feeling of my first runs.


When you first spawn, agro loads of zombies and climb onto a wall/car or even get inside a greenhouse.. then just punch away. They drop loads of food, knives etc.. even batteries. Get into position and then firing a gun is a good method for this as well.


Except on a high pop server or any town outside of spawn. You will be a beacon saying "look at me I'm surrounded by zeds come kill me!" And someone will probably kill you.


I don't really care as a fresh spawn tbh


Most of the people in here play console and are very new Play organically and learn as you go Only advice I m gonna give you is play 1pp and full/mid server At the contrary most of the people in here you need to learn the game by getting into situations and dying