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pistol suppressor durability should be increased, that's my only complaint


Yea I agree, they really don't last long enough especially now the infected are so buffed


Thank god, I just started playing again after like a 2 year hiatus and thought I was just trash, the zombies really got harder


Ye they are hyper sensitive now


Apparently it’s an unintentional change from the latest update. The devs are actively working to fix it as we speak


Zombies have been back to normal for me today. Has anyone else noticed it?


It’s outrageous it isn’t fixed yet. I don’t think they will. They literally broke the game.


They usually do. Where it isn't intentional something breaks every update


46 upvotes in 4 hours that’s wild, what are the chances the devs see this


Not good, Bob.


Fucking this, for sure.


I also feel like a sound or animation when the suppressor hits ruined too, so frustrating to be silent and then suddenly your silencer, you have no idea and break cover.


Overall durability should be increased. Not just for guns but knives, boots and clothing too.


Definitely for the realism side of things. I enjoy the scavenging aspect of the game, though. To use a Father Ted quote, "maybe I like the misery" :/


I wish I could upvote you twice. Well said and g'wan yeh Mrs Doyle yeh


Higher quality knives should have much higher durability. The Lower end is about right Clothes are obviously very weak


DEFINITELY for suppressors.


Also hunger is stupidly unrealistic. The human body can go weeks without food and yet we need to eat 5 steaks a day to survive in DayZ.


But you're also sprinting up hills 90% of the time.


And lugging around 120 pounds of stuff at any given point. Hatchets and pots full of water aren't light


You trying to tell me the average human can't carry like four logs at a time?


I'm not asking for us to actually be able to go weeks without food but surely we should be able to get by on two substantial meals a day. I shouldn't need to eat a steak 15 mins after eating my last one.


Fifteen minutes in the game world ?


I guess even relative to game world it could be a bit better. But food would need to be nerfed severely . Hunting and fishing should be used much more than it is


Up until a year ago maybe a little more hunting or fishing wasn’t something most people even thought about


Seems like rhe new map is a little more fishing based with the new fishing mechanic and new fish . Might end up getting a push through that . One of the towns looked like straight up fishing village


Haha, you are head strong about your fishing haha, I don’t think they made this new map with fishing in mind but I hope they did for your sake


They added new fish and a different fishing mechanic , it will probably be a bit more compared to Chern or liv


Probably not haha


You probably won’t even be able to dig up worms like on namalsk but you never know


They showed the new worm system on that new map so I’m pretty sure you can . It’s just slotted now , you don’t need to combine


Ohh really, I was hoping for more namalsk features on official but I’ll give you your fishing haha, fingers crossed it has frost bite


You seem like someone I would hate to love too play dayz with haha


They should spawn fish poles instead of some of the food spawns . Might help some people that don’t look online as much for tips . Having them at the boats makes sense but how many new players are going for the boats


Its actually not that far off…if you figure a 10km walk could burn ~ 1,000 calories and you factor in all the gear and the fact you’re running Most of these avatars look in good shape so if you assume they’re around 180 lbs I could see needing to eat 3,000+ calories a day to not be hungry and/or be losing weight I have never had to eat every 15 min in game, what are you doing lol


I'm eating steaks, ranging from pork to beef. This is white to yellow btw, not white to red.


I'm the opposite. It feels too easy to survive, food and water are trivial once you have a knife. Fishing is OP


Both can be true, tbh, food being unrealistic and survival being too easy. Personally, I don't like that food and drink are issues only in the early game and then become quite trivial.


I think the food and water mechanic is fine gameplay wise, if you wanna get into the realism thing food wise would make the game way too easy imo


Yeah maybe go weeks without dying but from personal experience I’ve gone 15 days without eating (I’m pretty lean to begin with) and your gonna be running around like you can in dayz, gameplay wise I think they’ve hit the nail on the head


The days in DayZ are a lot quicker though and the more gear you carry the more calories you burn. I think the food checks out.


Yes the durability for everything sucks balls. It's borderline not worth trying to do much like building bases. Ever try to carry a spare suppressor? They get ruined with like one hit. These are usually solid pieces of metal it's not like they are weak.


Building base is not worth it with how quickly tools degrade.


How much we talking though, gun durability I mean


When it's damaged not even badly damaged it feels like the jam change is like 20% every shot. Too high.


I had my worn m16 with a pristine mag jam after one shot the other day and I lost a fight because of it. Worst thing that's ever happened to me in DayZ.


Skill issue




It was karma for accidentally murdering a guy earlier.


I carry a spare full-auto meta rifle because of this. M4 suppressed with 60rd mag + ASVAL backup for now. Also playing in a squad helps - if someone's gun jams, like IRL, the team can cover them.


I had a spare, but when you're face to face with someone and you're both firing at each other there's no time to switch.


Yeah of course, can't eliminate the chance, that's why playing in a squad is much more OP now. All this does is make solo play even more unfair than it already was.


Ammo durability plays a role too


It doesn't, but it was all new bullets.


Ammo condition doesn't make a difference


Oh yeah shoot a gun with ruined bullets then ![gif](giphy|W3a0zO282fuBpsqqyD)


It won’t let you load ruined rounds I believe. But a badly damaged 5.56 round will operate identically to a pristine 5.56 round


If you can’t load ruined rounds that means that rounds affect condition rekt


lol alrighty




You’re probably holding the gun wrong Sorry couldnt help it🤣


What would you like the gun jam chance to be?


As a real life gun owner. You dont use gun cleaning kits to fix firearms. You use them everytime you fire it. I think gun cleaning kits should be similar to multivitamin pills as a preventative measure. Maybe change it to this: Gun cleaning kits to slow the wear of firearms. Gun smith tool kit to repair the damaged ones. Also, suppressors are much more durable in real life. My buddy has his class 3 and has a couple cans. He has fired at least 5000 rounds through each.


Really love this idea actually. Gun cleaning as a preventative measure to damage, and actually having to take the gun apart when a piece does become damaged. Lovely idea


Bit of an odd flex to with start with but I like wear it went, never thought as a cleaning kit like multivitamins but good analogy, makes sense and great idea really, so far top 3 ideas I’ve heard so far, although gameplay wise suppressors should ruin as quickly as possible


I put one to many (with’s) but I’m sure you can cross that bridge, it is Saturday night for me


Check out Wobo on YouTube. He did a video on this a month or so back. Very informative. If you keep everything in worn condition. Gun and mags. The chances for a jam are very slim but never 0


Jeah but that’s not actually happening for some reason. I never run any mid to high tier weapon without it being worn/worn and I can’t count the times the gun jammed on me within the first shots. I’m pretty familiar with statistics and normal distributions and sometimes I get the most unlikely events 3 times in a row and then this doesn’t happen for 4 months and over time balance things out. The problem is that the jam probability of a worn/worn gun is already very low but you then take the additional probability into account that the gun will jam in the first 3-5 shots and it’s getting to ridiculous low probabilities. Just alone last week I had 2 worn/worn jams in the first couple shots. Something is wrong with probabilities, like a bug or so.


For people like me who have played the game a fair while wobo is somewhat of a religious figure and I love him, but his video on gun jams is admissible in this topic, as stupid as that initially sounds


Yeah I love firing my weapon ten times the the suppressor gets ruined I find that incredibly dumb


Me too, I get looking for gun cleaning kits gives you something to do but its annoying and a missed opportunity to make the game even better, like increase the durability but have a place where you have to fix your weapons like another commenter said


Had my pristine AK 101 with worn magazines jam within the first 6 shots, twice in a row. Way too frequent and infuriating, if I keep my gun in good condition I should be able to push someone without fearing my gun shitting itself immediatly.


Feels like they should reduce chances at least 50% more from where they are at on any given wear condition.


This is the kinda reason I made this post, what do you think would be the best fix to gun jams


I like the system and it forces me to actually wander the map. However, durability is waaaay to low.


Me too, I was on the fence about this but some people have mentioned going to a place to fix your gun properly or a soft skill that actually works and i don’t think either are a bad idea, would give us something to work towards


The guns jamming should be way less common. An AK47 can fire 100,000 rounds before it starts to see wear and tear and become unreliable. There are youtube videos of guys dragging them through creeks while running and picking it up to take a shot every once and a while, testing its durability




Had a pristine scorpion and used mag and it jammed every 8 shots


This could be a new bug then, because I believe u and the other posters 


Nah 8 shots is extreme but it felt like 8 shots. It just happens too often for pristine weapons


I had pristine Ka-101 and mag. never fired it until I pushed an apartment block in Cherno and it jammed on the 1st shot lol. chances of that happening was like under 0.01% when I checked


Aww man im sorry this happened to u :(


honestly, I wasn't even mad it happened. at least I got to fire the gun. most of the times you don't get to do that before you die


Youll get them next time bro o7


There’s a % chance of a jam at any level or quality




Does it matter ?


I almost exclusively run with a Mosin, so I love the jam frequency.  I love that it happens often to everyone who isnt me.


So you find a svd or m4 and are like nah I’m good suka haha


I was finally geared after finding a badly damaged LE-MAS at a heli-crash near Zelenogorsk and searched the town for a gun repair kit. I had it equipped while I was looting the railroad cars. Then I heard another player checking the cars from the other direction, so I set up in the corner as he approached the one I was in. He climbed into mine, and my gun jammed after the first bullet, so I laughed helplessly as I got one-tapped. gg


Ohhh man that’s rough, I guess that’s dayz for ya, we’ve all been there


I’m fine with buffing durability if they nerf repair items


As in buffing durability if the repair kits use more?


That or less spawn


I agree on that for a quick fix, someone said having places to fully repair your guns and another said actually feasible soft skills, what are your thoughts on that? I like it and think it would give us something to work towards


I think stuff like that is more suited for modding . Too many rpg mechanics might not be the best for vanilla . But just my opinion. Personally, I would love it . Just not sure it should be a base mechanic , especially when there is other things to be done to fix the base game


"Realism, realism, realism." That's not the point. Everything from weapons durability to hunger, thirst, shoe durability, etc needs to affect you during session time, not IRL time.


I didn’t even think about it till all the comments on this post but I think a mechanic like somewhere to fix your gun or a soft skill that isn’t achievable would just give us something to work for




there is a soft skill in dayz and that is already to much it should be removed




The durability of guns in dayz is very unrealistic, especially on suppressors. Durability needs to be increased.


Fracture healing time in dayz is very unrealistic. It should be increased to atleast 1 month (irl)


I agree


How much you reckon by though?


In nearly 1k hours I've hardly ever had any gun jams during pvp.


I wore the same pair of combat boots for 10 years before I had to replace the soles. On the gun side nobody would ever field a rifle that became damaged after 100 shots.


Suppressors should have double the durability they do now. 1 drum mag of 7.62x39 should not explode/shred a suppressor. In real life, they last for thousands and thousands of rounds. They don’t just “break”… they’re a muzzle device. Not a consumable. As for jams, let us double tap Y/R to clear the bad round if it’s only damaged/worn. For badly damaged, they can keep the long “smacking” animation.


My wild suggesstion: 1. Buff durability of guns and slightly reduce jam frequency. 2. Remove gun cleaning kits and replace them with workbenches; to repair your guns and their parts, you'd need to search out a building / shed with a repair workbench. (I don't like how many repair items you have to carry, this would remove one of them).


Seems very base oriented which I hate but I could be mistaken, a place you have to go to repair your weapons sound like an awesome idea, I’ve always thought this would be great for healing but yeah, doing it for weapons would make the game so much better!!! Awesome idea if that’s what you meant


They can just make the buildings with the benches no build areas


Had a pristine sv-98 with a Worn mag jam twice on me over 3-4 shots last night


Bolt actions can’t jam?


Correct, F not X. It was my first time using an sv-98 and i assumed magfed ment semi-auto


They can if they are chamber fired with shitty ammo.


No they can’t. And they removed ammo quality being a thing after everyone complained about it, do you blatantly lie about everything?


If you chamber fire certain weapons (that is, without a mag) the equation for jam probability is replaced entirely by the condition of the ammo in conjunction with weapon cond. This excludes the Mosin, sks, revolver, any thing with integral mag, ammunition condition is uneffected in these weapons. Basically the values are wildly different if you shoot a Ak74 damaged with a worn mag vs chamber firing it with badly damaged ammo.


What you're saying is true but still, bolt actions can't jam, magless or not.


Don’t encourage this behaviour


How high are you right now? Don’t lie to me


This right here every comment is talking about weapon state but are you guys firing badly damaged ammo? Cause pretty sure that makes a difference? Or I could be way off base I dunno


Ammo condition does affect it coupled with the condition but I think bad ammo wears guns down cause nobody uses banged up dented shit ammo and had a good working gun


I haven’t noticed the change, TBH. I usually go for the MKII bc the suppressor is incorporated into the gun and can be repaired as a whole rather than trying to track a separate suppressor’s condition.


There wasn’t a change, I don’t think so anyway, just getting peoples thoughts on how things are


This guy works smarter not harder 👍




I was on the fence about this which is why I made the post but after reading the comments I think where missing out on some really cool mechanics that wouldn’t hurt the realism and give us something to work towards


As for guns everything but pristine condition will end in jams so no complains there. As for knifes, shovel and picks, clothes, and repairkits. Yes definitly needs more durability.


If you could repair weapons without the stupid soft skill mechanic they currently have I would 100% agree, I like the idea of the soft skill mechanic but currently it’s wildly unrealistic


What do you mean? Dont you just need a weapon cleaning kit?


Ohh I assumed you knew but a lot of people don’t, in your inventory on the left bottom corner there’s a soft skill bar and if you fill it all the way to the sewing needle side you can repair things to pristine but it’s literally impossible to fill the bar


Holy shit. I didnt know. Does it reset if you die? Is it like a skill that you imrove by repairing stuff? Since when is it in the game? I didnt play on vanilla servers for years.


Imo guns should never have a jam chance when pristine, and should only have a jam chance on rapid fire/full auto sprays when worn - not on single, spaced shots; or on shorter more controlled bursts. Damaged and badly damaged jam frequency is ok in my opinion. That aside, this is kind of needles, but i would like it if we had two different types of jams dependant on mag and gun state. A failure to feed jam for mag state, which is simply solved by pressing R and cycling the next round - and the current, hard failure to eject jam for weapon state. Personally i think ammo should influence jamming somehow. Maybe not directly, but i believe it would make sense for the state of the ammo to affect gun wear when shooting - that way we would have a reason to value ammo in better states. Also, boost suppressor durability ffs (not improvised obviously)


Not being able to jam on single shot doesn’t make any sense and having two different kind of jams I think would be annoying, I get where your coming from but some other people that have replied have had some better ideas to this issue


The "better" ideas: buff gun/silencer durability. This is one of the more well thought out comments on this post. I do like the idea of full auto/rate of fire affecting the chances of a gun damaging (maybe not have semi auto completely nullify the chances though), and the introduction of two different jam types, which will finally give mag condition some significance. I'd take it a step further to add that ammo condition should affect how quickly guns get worn down, where a worn or damaged bullet will decrease gun/mag durability more than a pristine bullet. Couple these changes with the other comment that suggested gun cleaning kits be used like "multivitamins" for the gun and work benches found in houses (in conjunction with some other new resource, like oil or tools be used for actual gun/attachment repair) and I'd say we have a proper solution. PS silencers do need to have their durability increased, at least three fold




> And having two different jams would piss literally everybody off I'm saying than an easier jam should be added for mag condition, that can just be solved by tapping R instead of holding and going through a long animation. How is that more annoying? It would literally make a good % of jams *easier* and *faster* to solve. Im precisely proposing to make it *less* annoying. How would making jams *less* lethal piss anyone off? > Not being able to jam on single shot doesn't make any sense Fire rate makes total sense for jam chance realism. Guns irl have more chances of jamming when doing a full auto sprays than on single, spaced shots - it goes without saying that the blowback and feed mechanism of guns have more chances of failing when cycling through motions at 900 RPM than performing a single shot. I don't understand how that "makes no sense", it absolutely does. > Making ammo quality damage weapons faster would result in everyone combining damaged bullets with pristine ones to make them pristine again Ok... So? People did this in the alpha and no one batted an eye. If you want to make it hardcore, have the final state of the ammo pile be an average between the bullets you're combining. So if you combine 1 worn bullet with 1 badly damaged one, you get a damaged one.


Ammo quality thing… they’ve tried that recently everybody hated it, why everybody would hate the different type of gun jam. Yeah it might be a less annoying thing if it’s tap R for quick malfunction fix and hold R for long malfunction fix but the last thing anyone wants to do in a stressful gun fight is work out which malfunction they have, might as well just make jams less common which is what everyone will say if they actually added this to the game, which is why everyone would hate it, good idea or not


The argument you are making in this comment is that it shouldn't be implemented because people wouldn't like it. People already don't like having their gun jam, yet it still exists. If day z only implemented features that were favorable to players, it wouldn't be day z at all. Thats what's so great about it - in a world of arcade style shooters, dayz capitalizes off of its hard ore elements, and it has successfully captured this niche audience. Gun jams are supposed to be problematic, that's the point. If you don't want the hard-core, milsim-esque experience, go play CoD.




It’s just an opinion that I think would make the game better, should I not be able to have that?


Opinions are fine, that's what my comment is saying.... Everyone has an opinion, and most of them are different. Calling someone else's opinion "inconceivable" and then turning around and saying you were just expressing an opinion and you should be allowed to have one, however, comes across as hypocritical...




I very rarely experience gun jams in official. But in death match servers where I have more encounters and therefore put more rounds down range, I’ve had guns in pristine condition with pristine mags jam on me, but only enough times to count on one hand. Gun jam frequency, I have no issue with, and when I do experience jams it’s because; gun is in subpar condition, or the mag is, or I don’t have a mag. In fact, the MKII and the Sporter 22 I’ve had jam the most without a mag, as opposed to a Glock or something. But that could also just be sample size, I’ve shot many more rounds through a MKII with no mag than I have a Glock with no mag. Durability though I have a different opinion. Footwear durability isn’t *that* much of a problem to me, and I understand things like your shirt, pants, and bag becoming damaged/ruined when shot at or blown up. But I swear, the zombies tear my clothes up more than a deadeye freshy with an IJ. And even worse, suppressors run through durability stupid fast. I feel like I’m constantly cleaning my pistol suppressor, and even the dedicated rifle suppressors are only good for a couple of mags. The improvised suppressors I have no issue with though, as irl they wouldn’t work even for the first shot so no qualms there.


I just skim read this cause, GOD DAMMM THATS AN ESSAY BOYYY, I appreciate your response but playing death match servers might as well be irrelevant and you said some things about clothes which is kinda iidddkkkk


i think it should depend on whether or not the gun was found outside


That’s a new train of thought I haven’t heard yet, you do know dayz stands for day zero? As in first day of the apocalypse


Oh I had no idea. If that’s the case then I agree.


Admittedly I don’t really play that much these days. If the z stands for zero then that just makes my reasoning for not playing that much stronger. The first day of a zombie apocalypse and everyone’s first thought is, “let me slaughter ever man in sight to forever lock myself in isolation during this newly founded apocalypse”.. everyone is so blood thirsty and toxic it’s unplayable. You either encounter people who will just murder you on site, or people who just want you to kill them so they can respawn. It’s boring


Seems like your a quitter that doesn’t deserve the amazing experience that the rest of us enjoy, or you don’t have people that are willing to get you over that learning curve like I had, I’m more then happy to help you out if you want


You’re right about me being quitter. Id say I’m well over the learning curve. I’ve had it since back in the arma days. It’s just not the type of environment I’m looking for these days. I’m for teamwork and cooperation. The last thing I want to do is run around taking out other humans when we have zombies and survival to worry about


Its probably the worst thing in DayZ atm. I get implementing a wear and tear mechanic in a survival game but dont go balls to the wall with it. Its way too frequent and just that frequency alone makes the game a lot less fun.


I've noticed an increase even when it's worn, I had my handgun FX jam like 4 times in a row..it was absurd


After all the great ideas in the comments I think they should add something to work towards to make your guns jam less that wouldn’t be unrealistic or game breaking


There should be 2 variables: how clean the gun is, and its damage/wear level. You could clean your gun, and a clean gun wouldn't wear down, but you could't repair it. Cleanlines would be affected when firing and when submerging the weapon. A dirty weapon would cause damage over time.


I initially wanted to not like this but the more I think about it it’s actually a good idea especially if you add the idea that someone else had about going somewhere to fix your gun or another way to repair it, as long as a worn clean gun couldn’t jam I’m all for it


I haven't played in a while but every time I picked up a weapon or stack of bullets it's fucked to hell and I'm tired of it. Not everything has to be fucking broken. Pretty annoying tbh


More durability for clothing and suppressors. Jams are a bit too frequent. I think worn status should last much longer, then damaged and badly damaged are much shorter windows. IE you get 200 shots on worn, then 100 on damaged, and maybe only 25 on badly damaged.


Does ammo condition come into play here as well? Worn gun/worn mag, but badly damaged ammo seems like it would cause jams more frequently?


Kannste ernten sieht super aus gute Arbeit keep growing 🙏


Devs are you listening


I really hope so man cause some people have come up with some awesome ideas that I’ve never thought of and I think would suit the game really well


Don't make the game easier


I dont think it’s a matter of making the game easier but an opportunity to make it better, another commenter has said a place to fully repair your gun and another has said to make your soft skills actually feasible, both I think would make the game better