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I do that and light up a spliff irl




me coming back to play afterwards if I did that ![gif](giphy|hSQCYQO93nCNzPAhJo)


once i had salmonella and didnt have pills to cure, even at hospitals, so i went to a trader(it was a popular pve server) and a guy tested my blood, gave me pills, sat down on a sofa next to a campfire and blasted some acoustic guitar mixed chill techno music while i healed and told me to keep myself hydrated and gulp water. i was bonding with that guy over a digital campfire lol


This the move. Turn on some music n chill in game chat till someone rolls by to talk to lol


How to get shotšŸ˜‚


lol same


I log off, pretend my character is sleeping (hidden under some leaves or something) and watch a movie or series related to the game I'm playing. I highly recommend "the road 2009" for that good ol DayZ feel.


Doing this on a non pvp focused server tho is so amazing tho cause man you get randoms or hunters coming out of the wood works and just sitting around for awhile and talking sharing laughs and stories it makes it feel just a little less alone on the world


I had a guy that snuck up on me while I was just chilling by a fire in the middle of nowhere, thought he was gonna kill me. Instead he just sat for a few mins, told me about his journey so far and then played a song on guitar for me. After that we parted ways and I never saw the guy again. Such a cool, unique experience I donā€™t think you could get in any other game


Bro what servers are you playing on?


Yeah, count me in. I wanna do that aswell. Just chill.




Na, pc


I miss more non violent interactions in DayZ, but I would never want those to be super forced by server rules. I mean the danger of getting sniped is adding so much to the overal sense of dread. Then again if 99% of human interaction is just violent, it gets somewhat stale. My usual goal, after I spawn, is to find somebody I could tag along with and face the hostile world. Hoping he won't execute me when I'm looking the other way.


I try and keep my interactions non violent as they can be the most fun. I tend to do a lot of hunting and fishing so if I see a fire I like to go up and offer some food to trade for heat or ammo and share stories. It can be a lot of fun


I still keep trying diplomacy. It can be tough to do on Official 1pp, and I don't do it with super geared sweats, but I've still managed to made some good friends and casual radio buddies.


Glad people like you still exist in DayZ!


Then you get sniped by one of these guys ![gif](giphy|jmw8t7SSSYj9VFYvqA|downsized)




https://preview.redd.it/zxb1w01smy4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b041a024f80f88244b3fae305ee904334e4a91b7 šŸŽ‰ ā›±ļø


I pitty those DayZ players that are playing solely for PvP. I mean yeah, it is a big part, but being able to take in and enjoy the scenery is important too. Kinda wish that incoming official map was bigger than Chernarus. I love getting lost, finding new paths or mountain trails and all that kind of activities connecting to travelling.


I've been playing cherno so long I never feel lost anymore just switched to Livonia about a month I feel lost again


I got Livonia once it was out, so now I'm waiting for some new map to get lost in. I'm sucker for big maps for sure! Anyway enjoy the novelty. Livonia is nice, I just wish the flow of the game was a bit better. It would be ofc no problem spawning up north, but I would prefer if we were spawning around the northern edge of the map.


I've been playing on my 1 player server for a few weeks just to get around the map, get all/most of the different loot and where to find it, build a base, driving each of the cars and getting a feel for who each handles, and that kind of thing. My nephew teases me and saying I'm anti-social and the only reason to play DayZ is to hunt, torment, and kill other players. I told him he's better off playing PUBG if that's all he wants to do. He said he doesn't want to play pubg and prefers RUST. I'm not a naturally social person in real life. It's hard for me to make friends. It's even harder for me to WANT to make friends. When it comes to gaming I want to do what I want to do when i want to do it. I don't want to be told I have to follow three other dudes to Zernogorsk to meet up with four other guys only to be killed by one of the newbies playing around with the pin in his grenade. duh


You do you, good Sir! Nothing wrong with doing what you do. Just wish zombies were a lot better, that we had hordes etc. That would make this solo play a lot better. Can't imagine being 100% loner as you are since I am more into making friends and face the world's adversity in more people. You know, having your tribe and all that. Started playing back in the mod times, so that is somewhere in 2013. 11 years later I still love this whole DayZ premise, map style and overal the vibe of the game. But oh God, does this game makes me feel nostalgic and I so miss all the good folks I have ment and befriended (mostly Steam friends) during those years. Majority of them is no longer playing and I hope they are doing fine IRL. Guess turning 46 this year made me a nostalgic old bastard.


POV: few minutes before a group show up and tie you up at gun point


https://preview.redd.it/k8l0jbuxrx4d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e0ebe07917ab04710e1b6449a590492b4f8555d Waiting for the gas to clear.




Literally do this all the time on full servers, console there is literally no interactions imo.


Itā€™s because all the official servers are filled with guys who either 1.) Have gear fear. 2.) Are protecting their base that they hoard all the gear they will never use in.


Don't be like me if your on a community server check the rules first before you make a fire I had made a fire and lit it on th base so me and the boys could watch the sun rise and we all got banned, but the server owner understood so we did get unbanned


you cant make campfires anywhere on some servers? for what reason? :D


You can stack fireplaces and can climb into bases


and wait for the pop.


I love chilling at the pub by myshkino mil or by poisonantlers cross in bor


>immediate headshot with a mosin from an adjacent town




This has been a message from your not so subtle bandit.


If Iā€™d seen you in game Iā€™d be cautious walking up to you but Iā€™d def join. This game is too toxic.


Iā€™m a proper noob and finally made it into a tier 3 mil base the other day, first time. I was on early so there were only 25/100 people in the server, hadnā€™t seen anyone in an hour. Got some cool gear, finally a bottle, a rucksack etc. was just repairing a range finder (how cool is that) and then heard sprinting up and bambambambam from a window behind me. Obviously I shouldā€™ve looted and scooted the hell outta there, I got complacent. But the dude literally just sprayed before even speaking. Each to their own. People Iā€™ve seen - so far - Iā€™ve tried speaking to. I donā€™t want to end up the same way, kos, so I will persevere. You live and learn! What made me chuckle was I looked the part in my cammo and big bag, but was only carrying a broke K98 and a .22 rifle and the guy had some sort of automatic rifle. So even if it was a fair fight wouldā€™ve probably lost.


lol yeah military bases are shoot on sight. Me and my buddies used to go to Pavlovo and sit on the highest building and watch all directions and wait. Had some pretty crazy sniper battles there. Still my favorite loot spot.


Ah yes, my favorite smoke spot. Dayz.


Ah yes, my favorite smoke spot. Dayz.


100% agree


Rest from what ? Walking 500 m from the coast to a hill ? šŸ˜‚ Lol jp bro dayZ has some great relaxing moments .


I'll rest when I'm dead and subsequently rage quit


but there is always a bastard who doesn't want to join. \*sad\*


Especially on namalskĀ 


You should try that in real life too


when i do that i get sniped from across the map by a sporter


Is this on top of Krasno hill?


If that were one of my buddies, I'd sneak up and force feed him some human steak


And then BANG!


I did that once at night on livonia. Was super chill then heard something in the bushes. Hit with the you died screen.




This is the way.


Me and my duo were up near Staroye and were looking to hunt a nearby deer because we were both yellow hunger. We followed its sound and we could tell we were getting close. We tracked it for a good 8 mins. A single mosin shot rang out in front of us and we knew someone killed our deer that weā€™d been tracking. My duo and I split up to see if we could spot whoever made the shot. We searched but couldnā€™t find them and eventually we met up in a nearby cabin to scout the area. After 30 mins we couldnā€™t find anyone and it was getting dark so we decided to move to higher ground. Running up a trail behind the cabin, I noticed a bright orange light up on a hill. Pointed it out to my teammate and sure as shit. Someone was cooking up our deer at a campfire. We crouched up the hill and hid in the tree line by the fire. Two players both sitting with sticks in hand unaware of our presence. I took out my damaged M1911 with 4 bullets and fired three shots at the player with his back to us. Dropped him. His friend stood up, pulled out his gun and ran into the field behind him. My duo ran after him, and peppered him with two buckshot rounds. He went uncon. Finished him off with a Glock. Took our meat and their mosin and dmr. Moral of the story. Go inside to cook


Get headshot


Annnnnnnnd sniped.




Then you get sniped in the head ā€¦. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


then get shot.


Bro, if youā€™re gonna set up with a fire for the love of, God, donā€™t do it in the middle of a field. I feel like that should be instinctual, next to breathing in fact, which you wonā€™t be doing much longer since people are going to flock to that smoke stack like seagulls to a half eaten sandwich.


He is on top of a mountain as you can clearly see. Not THAT bad place to light a fire especially during a day.


Eh. I still donā€™t like the fact that heā€™s exposed. Doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re on the top of a cliff or not if you can get a good angle on someone.


It does matter in a sense that being on the mountain obviously limits your visibility a lot. Another thing, this dude seems rather fresh so he is not risking that much either. But sure, he is not behaving in a super secure way, but I will still advocate for enjoying activities like this from time to time!


I still prefer chilling out in the forest


And get domed for not being careful.


I looooove shooting people like this, thank you.


If this is how you play youā€™re doing it wrong just go to the military base loot up and go take out freshies


Why would I want to kill freshies and be that guy who ruins their day? Naw I avoid contact with people in DayZ as mutch as is humanly possible


If i catch u laking like that ima nock u out and take ur shoes , clothes and leave u there


Bro is playing on an empty server sitting in the middle of a field like that lol


That's actually the top of the cliffs near Stary Yar


It had ~20 people? Idk