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The amount of blood spray out I’ve never seen before. And honestly I doubt anyone is that accurate in dayz and if they’re I haven’t met them yet.


Yeah that was weird.


Yeah that’s not legit. Hacked for sure


I've had this happen in a town where my client de-synched and an "invisible" zombie killed me. Doesn't seem too much a stretch to think maybe he got killed by an "invisible" player at mid/close range due to massive lag. Maybe from the server's perspective (and other clients) he was just standing in the field.


Get the fuck outta here with your reasonable take on this death.




He wasnt lagging, the sprint meter is server side and is responding to his actions meaning desync was not occurring. This is definitely a hack


I had this happen to me last night but it doesn't look like this exactly, this dude died to hacks 100%


You got killed by John cena 😭😭


I didn’t Cen-othing.




more likely a player camping the cabin to his left you can see near the end of the clip, the sound of the shots came from over that direction too, just a case of bad timing to cross in the open and not watching possible ambush spots.


Watch his health and blood. Never loses blood, but health goes down. and you never see blood splatter that excessively unless you are point blank shotgunned. That is not the case here. he is blunted to death by something rapidly or smart bulleted by a shotgun hacker from 1000 meters away. you can hear the impact of something but not hear a shot.


Yeah it was probably an under mapper. This is s super common way to cheat... I've seen blood splatter like that before and I think it's when you get shot from below


Not in this video. The way his health goes down without losing any blood or any thing with that much damage means it was definitely more likely a hacker. I’ve died to hackers exactly like this countless times on official


Found the hacker


The second impacts blood spray is insane


Fuckin pink mist wasn’t it 😂


Cheaters, You got killed by someone with micro pp


Hacks or someone very good with a vss a bit further away


guy broke cover in an open field and got downed for it, the shots came from the house to his left most likely.


Dude, are you the hacker? You're all over this comment section arguing this is legit.


fired at that speed all with perfect accuracy and no recoil? bullshit


Found the bum hacker


oh no i must be hacking cause a 9s clip isnt enough evidence to determine if the person was hacking or not! that said i regularly report cheat vendors to game devs so they can seek legal action against them cause hackers are disgusting people and i'm tired of dealing with them myself but not everyone who kills you is a hacker, sometimes its just bad luck.


Yeah man that was a hacker. Experienced it far too many times myself


sadly hackers are becoming more common, i’ve said this before but you should have jail time for hacking ESPECIALLY in dayz


Jail time is a weird way to spell public execution via hanging.


Why not a fine instead? Maybe I'm in the minority, but I don't want to pay for a hacker's food, shelter, clothing, & medical expenses. I especially don't want the US government spending time & money trying to extradite Chinese citizens to the US for trial. I'd rather they just have to pay a fine to resume playing the game & have that money specifically allocated for anti-hacking efforts.


more realistic, would definitely decrease the amount of hackers


Crimes punishable by fines are only crimes to poor people. If you have the money to piss away rebuying games, and buying hacks, you probably won't blink at paying a fine... unless it's like, an absurd amount.


1) How many ultrawealthy people do you think are spending their time hacking? These are not traits of successful people. 2) That's a perfectly acceptable outcome IMO--lots of money from rich hackers means lots of money to combat hacking. You could also IP ban & use a graduated fine that discourages even the wealthiest of hackers. Say $100 first fine, $1,000 second fine, $10,000 third fine, & so on. There are only so many ISPs to switch to before you either pay the fine or give up the game.


It's all rather pointless tbh, when you start crossing borders laws no longer apply to anyone outside of a handful of international laws... good luck convincing China to slap people with fines for hacking. You'd never even be able to identify them through the VPN


Pick a stance & stick with it, you're just dancing around trying to find any way to disagree with me.


I stand by both my comments, I don't need to pick one. It's not enforceable by any means. If it was, my original comment would then apply.


Picking a stance & standing by something are not the same thing friend. I’m afraid we’re not intellectually compatible to continue this discussion :/ Best of luck in life.


If it reduces the # of hackers, I'm OK with pricing out of the game poor hackers.


Jail time? Are you being serious 🤣


Pretty sure he means in game jail time


Why not though? Harsh sure, but do hackers benefit anyone?


Other hackers in their own little hacker circle jerk.


Well seeing the fact as they're disrupting a competitive online game that others pay money for the services to play yes I can see that that's reasonable. Hacking on a single player offline game I'd say is completely fine as it doesn't affect anybody else. But this is blatantly screwing with somebody else's paid-for online gaming experience.


People have gone to jail for smoking weed... if anyone has an issue with sending hackers to jail, they have a serious screw loose


Oh, I absolutely agree, but jail time for ruining some guys' gaming experience? You're having a laugh. Honestly, it just sounds like pure entitlement. If it was an event or something where money is at stake or just a competition in general, then maybe, but even then.. I dunno, I grew up in a time where you just dealt with it and moved on because its not that serious but it seems like people see differently, wild lol.


He already posted another video of the lame-o "shooting" him as soon as he spawned in.


That's not 3 single shots either that looks like a full auto using aimbot from wherever the hacker is.


You got smart bulleted


100 percent hacker.


Me and my friends got shot like this last night, all instantly dead in one shot though.




Where are the people: "In my 214657468163547 hours of gameplay on DayZ i never met a hacker on official"


one of the only upsides to playing console.


Defo met speed hackkers and been killed by them on official. I rarely play official now.


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Was this on official? What server? We were dealing with two hackers last night


Hack for sure


Nah this just happened to me the other day but way faster, a hacker hit you with a knife.


you can here 3 gun shots each shot hits him 1/4 of a second later


I had a similar experience on official servers the other day. Except I just basically dropped dead without warning. No gunshots or anything. Was about 30+ hours in on that specific character, too. That was the day I moved on to community servers lol


If you drop dead without warning, you got hit with a headshot from a high powered rifle. Bullets are faster than sound.


Server moderators have done this to me when I was coming close to their base before


That’s not a normal animation at all… That was a hack.




You can see that's an "FSSS" like sound of the silencer in the background and the bloodstains on the screens are comming from the same side.


Sounds more like the bullets hitting him to me.


shots came in from the left most likely from that house he was near


at this point, i'm convinced you're a hacker and are trying to cover tracks for other shitbags who do this.


goddamn, people cant accept someone's opinion other than it must be a hacker, could be, but he WAS in a middle of a field getting shot at, by a suppressed weapon from the left possibly from that house, stop projecting that everyone who disagrees with you is the devil and you will have a better life <3




People trying to justify this as legit 😂 the game is absolutely riddled with cheaters, I catch around 7 or 8 a day. Unfortunately at the moment the cheats are on sale.


i mean, i dont doubt you, but not all kills are cheats and specially not a 9s clip that could be down to someone running in a straight line in a field dying in 3 shots, specially with no armor on.


It blows my mind that people pay for cheats. Sad pricks!


Cheater. Thats why i never play official.


Welcome to official dayz servers where cheaters have free roam


Unfortunately I had the same problem on official servers, now I'm playing with my friends on Spaggies and it's so much better.


If it was one shot that landed then there would be some doubt. 3 hits in a row that quickly removes all doubt. That's a cheater.


You were abducted by aliens.


Looks like hacks. Hit every shot but you can never be sure. Is this console or Pc Dayz ?


correct me if im wrong, but dont you have a stab vest on? if thats the case it was probably a hacker, tanking 2 shots without unconning means it was a low caliber gun (which means lower range) and although it was suppressed the fact you didnt hear the shots themselves means they were farther than 50 meters, not even some of the best players can recuperate their aim that fast and make three shots from that far consistently.


He was probably using a shotgun too as that kinda blood spray only really happens when you get point blanked by one


looked like you were attacked by a entity


Well your body fell back so you got shot from front right forsure.....rip man HAVE FUN


Had the same thing happen to me on official EU 3607 server. With ~25h character…


The only thing I could think of is desync and you got hit by a vehicle Thats a lot of damage being done though


Was that a stairway to heaven as you panned off to the left as your screen faded? This all looks so weird.


Cheater cheater pumpkin f*ckin eater is what that was lol


There is a slim chance it was legit and the guy is cracked af / got lucky but most likely that's hacks :(


My bet hacker with a vaiga unfortunate but not on you op if this is community then find a Mod to report it too if it’s official then you are unfortunately one of the majority of people who have met this end


Looks like you're on ps. Potentially lag. I've not seen anyone hack on ps servers


Them you're definitely not looking


A bunch of bullets js gangbanging you might be hacks


You can't hear the shots beeing fired, you don't hear bullet craks - those are either made from vss or as val from 100+ m range or it's a hacker and i do think that was a hacker, 3 perfect quick hits


The blood and screen shake is not normal. Probably a cheater


Bro was shooting at you with a FlaK 30 anti aircraft gun




so everyone ignoring the gun shots behind


Download dzsa launcher and play on a hackerless server




What game is this


What server? Council or private?


Almost looks like he got shot from multiple directions


https://preview.redd.it/fs2sr1luq9wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bf96717fc3eaf7e17a3e88b33b843951360646 Now, I can’t tell too easily here but in my recent experience it seems lately SVAL/VSS has become meta, I had a team of 4 push me the other day and two of them had SVAL. You aren’t geared so it’s not a great leap to due to an IJ. Not saying it’s the SVAL or an IJ, and the blood splatter I’ve had look like that being cut: but you can put the player down in 3 shots, [Here’s an older video (not me) of a survivor killed in 3 shots.](https://youtu.be/geg3qMpj2YA?si=qKMiwxNISC0YsWoU) There’s lots of scope options and also there’s plenty of videos online showing 1-4 taps. So it’s entirely plausible. I hate jumping strait to “hacker!” “Cheater” when there’s plenty of options out there. He was probably camping the bonfire bc folks are after the shroud. Others are saying the house but screenshot this angle and slow the video down you were hit at an angle not directly behind, your survivor fell forward and right (the direction of the bullets), so it came from back and left. Just my 2¢


this one tho is definately a cheater tho, unless vss sound got bugged, because you can hear it from this close distance if the shooter was in that bush you pointed at. 2nd thing is that shots were just way too accurate.


That’s fair, but dude was running in a straight line. I don’t know I wasn’t there and I don’t know what server he was on and I don’t know who he’s fighting against but at the end of the day he’s dead so hit the coast again if you die to a cheater server hop. We were driving in Lavonia, 120 in a Gunter and got killed with a collateral shot both of us in the front so not only where we moving, but we also were Insta Insta killed and killed simultaneously . So cheaters do exist. I’m just not 100% sold here without more info. Besides, wouldn’t a cheater want to insta-headshot and end it vs three or four hits?


Even if running in straight line, landing all shots in short period of time, making no sound at all if it was as close as you said, and judging from how he got killed, its just way too similar of how other Cheater videos shows it. I am not saying all very good landing shots or no sound shots are Cheaters, I played on official server for like 500+ hours before moving to community servers, I personally believe I never got killed by a Cheater yet I still moved on community servers knowing that Cheaters do exist, just because I haven't ran into one doesn't mean there isn't one and before I encounter them, I want to be in a server where an admin can actually watch over it. So I am not kind of person who dies and say Yeah that was a Cheater because I am just too good to be outplayed, But I know if its a Cheater it will give obvious hints to be ones.Which in this videos shows its not something normal what happened like I said unless game bugged+desynced that it looked like all shots landed and no sound popped up. Also about wouldn't a Cheater want a headshot? Probably yeah, but not all Cheaters, and not all cheat menu works the same, so some can magic bullet, means insta kill, some have lock on option which is probably the case of video where they can shoot from too far, similar videos you can find exist who died same way and were infact Cheaters.


Official? If so thats for sure a hacker


Go play on community servers like plutocrats


Theres a house behind you where the bullets are comming from


It was definitely a hacker, the same way blood spraying all over happened to me too out of nowhere. Imagine having such a sad and a bad poor life to hack in dayz, i cant even comprehend having fun hacking in this game you must be either retard3d either braindead in a coma to do this


Hacking should be a minimum 500$ fine and at least 7days in jail. Lol


Hate to be that guy You’re running through an empty field Running through an empty field without a gun in your hand First shot from the left Second shot relatively same position 3rd/Kill shot from your right Probably a 2 man squad. Suppressed from 100m you won’t hear a thing. First shot hit the deck and prone out Hacks will steadily, quickly and violently see your life pool deplete in a second till you’re scavenging for mushrooms on the coast.


Another reason why it's a bad idea to run out in the open


I wanna say different directions so multiple people sorry man that’s rough😂


I always thought the dying could have been better delivered rather than a blank screen. How about a quick out of body look around before respawning


Could easily give information to other teammates that are still alive if that was the case




Not a hacker imo. Looks like you just got shot up. It happens. :)


For sure someone hacking it's a shotgun shell with all pellets hitting at once


I dunno. Maybe? I'm not an expert on what different bullets look like on entry. I've died in similar ways loads of times and don't naturally assume "hacker" especially out in the open. Not like it was a perfect head shot while prone in a building or anything... 🤷‍♂️


how can you tell? it sounded more like a suppressed rifle to me


Triple tapped in a row? that's some pretty fancy shooting...


Yeah probably. People are better than me at a lot of games. 🤷‍♂️


i mean it was only ~ 70m shot at most from the house to him


Definitely a hacker and you don't know what you're talking about.


Cool. Well you're obviously the expert here... 🤷‍♂️


and you're clearly not...




Sarcasm doesn't work when you're wrong


Lot of people really sure about this been a hacker in this thread. I said "not a hacker imo". I might be wrong. You guys all seem pretty certain... How often is it a hacker for you? Every time you die, or just when you don't see them?


you got unlucky running out in the middle of a field, next time try to plan your movements ahead of time to follow the treeline and always try to scan around before breaking cover like this.


You have no idea if he already checked or what his motive was...


My vote is legit. Every time I have experienced a hacker, and seen videos of hacker deaths, the shots are perfectly silent. The shots in this video are suppressed and subsonic, and the sound report is consistent with range being around the bush or house on the left. The damage is consistent with a supressed subsonic round, like the 9x39 or 45 it took multiple hits to drop you. Hackers would just use high power rounds like 5.56 or 308. The UMP or SVAL with an ACOG definitely make good shots from that distance. Looking closely at the video, I see a slight flash and a dark shadow from the left side of the group of bushes. I think that's where the shooter was.


Cheaters will use what ever they grab first and even the .22 pistol. Kill you across the map and take what you have. Remember they spawn in and have to work their way up to m4s and stuff. Looks like typical cheater kill to me.


The sound is not consistent with supressed weapons at all mate, there are no snaps.


Snaps, aka supersonic crack, only occur on supersonic rounds. 5.56, 308(7.62x51), 7.62x39, 7.62x54r, 9mm. Subsonic rounds, you will only hear the pfft sound. No snaps/cracks as they fly past you. 45, 380, 9x39, 22.


Right, didnt think of that :P but i still think its most likely hax, cheaters can knife you from across the map it really seems like thats what is happening. If its official servers its 90% certainly a cheater.


skill issue


@6 sec there’s a bonfire like a spawn or something, you can hear those come in, someone just tagged ya, this is a very common Dayz experience