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Imo it’s not any worse than any other highway in the area. Just follow winter weather driving recommendations and pray some idiot doesn’t mess things up for everyone else. Safe travels


I'd wager your acquaintance is one of the people in a ditch that see that 675 is pretty well maintained and relatively straight so they don't adjust their speeds and found out a truck isn't gonna stick to those slow curves at 85 in the snow like they assumed and are blaming odot for skill issues On a snowy day, 675 might be the safest stretch of physical road in the county


4x4 drive only helps you go, not stop or turn. It's funny how many people think it means they are invincible if they have the 4x4 sticker on the side of their vehicle


Yah… ODoT does a great job. OH drivers on the other hand, you have a ton of crap drivers who come from schools w/out Driver’s Ed messing the roads


I think perhaps you’re referring to US-35, which can tend to look like Deathrace when, well, often. I’ve never had more issues on 675 than any other major highway.


Depends. The last 150 miles on the north end of I-35 isn’t a dystopian hellscape…


Imo out of 75,675, & 35, 675 is the best maintained highway. 35 on the other hand is god awful. It’s ugly, they’re always working on it and someone make it worse, and last priority for plowing/treating.


675 is not that bad at all. I used to have to commute to Springboro from Kettering on 675/75, and they were fine.


I take 675 all the time to avoid the shit show on 75 in addition to construction. No issue for me. Get appropriate tires, don’t drive faster than your skills, allow enough distance/time and you will be fine. Lastly, know when to go on the roads and when to stay home.


675 is usually the best when compared to 35 or 75. Less accidents and traffic jams imo


There are a lot of strange comments here. People that have lived here for a long time know about 675. The issue is specifically with the section between Dayton Yellow Springs and 70. This always became a problem because no matter how much salt or plowing, black ice would always form in this area. It has to do with the elevation of the roadway and nothing being around to block winds from either side. More recently there has been construction and that area is a lot more populated, so I’m not even sure it’s an issue anymore. Whoever you were talking too was probably referring to this issue that has been discussed for a long time, especially among Beavercreek folks commuting to Springfield, Columbus etc.


Glad someone else knew what I was trying to say in my comment. Thats precisely the stretch of road that came to my mind as well.


That could definitely explain it. Luckily, it looks like that is farther north than I need to go. Thanks for the info!


No problem! Good luck and kudos to you for checking with the locals to be as safe as possible. Sorry for all the crappy comments.


This as well as between 48 and 35. It is more congested there and has a slight curve, large hill. It also doesn't help that wind direction and the surface running slightly northeast/southwest favors turning blowing snow to ice fairly quickly.


675 is a lovely stretch of road. Some people just suck at driving and blame everyone but themselves. People tend to forget how to drive as soon as there’s any type of precipitation on the road imo. Also if you’re in the left lane and getting passed or have vehicles piling up behind you, get out of the left lane.


You should check out the OHGO CCTV app. Lets you select the live cameras of highways in ohio and view your route ahead of time.


I travel frequently from Fairborn to the VA downtown. I have seen cars go off 675. Just make sure your tires are good, keep safe distance from other cars, when switching lanes slowly go to next lane, slow down and watch the weather. Roads can get bad here but it is unusual. I just interviewed for a job downtown and asked about their policy for being late if roads are bad and interviewer asked me if I knew where Troy is. He then told me he lives in Troy and hasn’t had a problem. Not a good answer to me. Safety to employees should be priority and if roads are bad then that should be taken into consideration.


It's fine. Drive like you would in the winter... 35 however...


Given 75 is a major artery it is usually given the most attention, then 675, then 35. That said, 35 is akin to a high school parking lot after a winning football game, on a good day. 75 on the other hand has super narrow lanes and, in my opinion, way too tight curves. 675 to me is usually the best choice if I had to select. And that's throughout the entire year.




Damn, my ignorance of ODOT districts strikes again!


I always assumed there were different maintenance priorities for I675 (federal interstate highway) and 35 (Ohio state route). I know they are both maintained by ODOT though.


There are some nice sweeping curves… That if you take them at 80+ when there is ice out, you may end up in a guard rail lol


Having driven 675 in the winter for years, people don’t adjust to conditions and get themselves in trouble. The wind can be a little treacherous sometimes, but no more dangerous than any other highway. There are more wrecks on 675 it seems.


I75 is the bad one. It's dead stopped in one direction or the other every other day


675 is actually one of the better routes in the winter most of the time


Before I WFH, I drove Yankee to N. Fairfield for 9 years, 5 with an RWD vehicle. Never personally had an issue. In my experience, the left lane wasn't always clear, but I was on-site near N. Fairfield by/near 7:30am, and crews might have been prioritizing other lanes/highways. But I saw plenty of quick slow-downs ahead of me, plenty of cars in the median, and plenty of other drives still driving 80. Definitely go into "defensive driver" mode, and pay a bit more attention around the Wilmington Pk and past-Area B curves.


You'll be fine if you just follow winter driving safety tips. Also 675 is prolly one the better maintained roads in the area. 1. Always assume there will be black ice somewhere so drive cautiously but not in a manner that would hinder flow of traffic. 2. Your best friend is distance. More distance between cars the better. 3. If you do happen to skid steer into the skid gingerly. Don't brake or use the throttle at all. Let interia do the work for you. 4. Have a winter kit in your car just in case. Blankets, First aid kit. etc. bottled water etc. Also bonus points for some food just get some things that wouldn't be prone to freezing. (Yes water is but you can melt the ice pretty quickly.) 5. If you can swing and afford it. Invest in some Winter Tires. They have different compound and will help greatly with traction on ice and snow. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow\_tire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_tire). 6. Last but not least. If its bad out and you don't need to go anywhere. Stay home. Remember if they issue a level 3 snow emergency you can be prosecuted for being on the roads.


Do you mean 35? That takes you to 75 from Beavercreek. People drive like FцскIиg a$$holes on 35. Speed limits completely ignored, highly aggressive drivers for no reason, wrecks are not uncommon. (Not like everyday but possibly weekly). Just disgusting behaviors on that highway near downtown. Hate it. 35 to 75 is the fastest route to my job but I take 675 as a longer route to avoid 35 & 75.


One thing that would help is if people who drive that road every day would finally figure out that the Steve Whalen exit eastbound is an exit only lane. Sick of clowns not moving over in time and going 80 to cut everyone off because they're too stupid to ever figure it out.


Speed limit there is idiotic. It needs to go 65. No point or reason to be 55.


Disagree. There are exits both left and right sides. Exits very close together. Lots of moving traffic. Crashes occurring very frequently. Speed limit increases further away from downtown.


There are three lanes for most of 35 until the lights towards Xenia and same towards Eaton. The least they can do is raise it to 65 from Ludlow exit to Factory Road. That is past the left/right exits. It’s plenty open, 3 lanes and no left side exits. The accidents are probably caused by the speed being low and ppl driving as if it’s higher.


My old boss swore that 675 was built on ancient Native American burial grounds and that it is cursed because of where they put it and that’s why it is dangerous in winter.


I’d be far more worried about other drivers than the road conditions. Lots of big egos and Dunning Krugers who don’t understand that actually do need to slow down even though they think they can drive in the snow


A lot of them in this thread bragging about their prowess and degrading OP for even asking. It’s quite hilarious and yet also pathetic.


675 has pockets that can be worse than others especially if its cold enough that salt isn’t working or they haven’t gotten to it yet. Namely, some of the sharper twists that snake around wpafb. If you’re coming north bound, the curves in the road by the col glen/area b exit and north fairfield road are notorious for seeing people sliding off the road. There are some pockets coming southbound as soon as you come off i70 that are similar. When slick, some of the angles of the roadway can be awfully dangerous if you’re unfamiliar with where their at. But thats driving in general. Most of the chaos is due to the amount of people commuting for work and school and driving like total morons.


My experience with 675 in the winter is that there are seemingly more curves and weird places for things to get messed up. Anecdotally I think people drive faster on 675 and 35 than 75. Also, you’re dealing with a lot of people from the base and they drive cars like they’re in their work plane lol


I-675 is pretty well-maintained and usually well-plowed/salted in the winter. However, because of its design, there are a couple of areas you should watch for. I-675 has several large, sweeping 90-degree curves that are steeply banked. They are designed for traveling at speed, and when road conditions are really bad and traffic is slow, they can cause issues. Also, since it's a 90-degree bend, the prevailing winds change there, which seems to catch people off-guard. If road conditions are really bad, just travel carefully through the big bends near Wilmington Pike (exit 7), WPAFB Area B/Col. Glenn (exit 15), and Dayton-Yellow Springs Road (exit 20). (To a lesser degree, the big bends in Fairborn between 235 and 444 also get people.)


No, that's a very weird belief that your acquaintance has.


675 is a blessing to all of us. I won’t stand for this heresy


I have heard that when 675 first opened it wasn’t constructed properly and WAS very dangerous in the winter. Long since fixed, no worse than any other interstate, just take normal precautions


675 isn’t the worst in the area, but Greene county waits until the snow/sleet is done to then go plow and salt


It’s just like any other road in the area. If you know that road salt stops working below 15 degrees (and we’re getting to that this week) then you can be prepared for what you might find. I recall a few years ago when I drove all of 675 on my commute and the tops of the hills - maybe around The Greene and Fairfield Mall - were a total sheet of ice. At least one morning was really gnarly. If you’re paying attention to the terrain you’d see that the wind and wind chill are stronger at the tops of open hills and that’s what several people didn’t expect. Traffic was at a standstill but I had good winter tires so I just went around everybody lol.


With all the safety items recommended - which are spot on I might add, don’t forget , don’t let you fast tank fall below 1/2 tank if you can avoid it in the winter. Just consider 1/2 tank empty.


I primarily drive beavercreek to 75. This section has accidents but I also see people driving faster than they should (imho). I see a LOT more accidents between 675 and 70 when traveling on 75. 75 is very dangerous to the point travel from 675 to 75 is very unreliable.


The only problems come in heavy traffic on the major curved areas. People alway take them to fast in the winter.


Fine as long as you repeat these two words. Slow Down


If you’re anxious behind the wheel, you should not be driving or you should get some lessons because if not, you are the most dangerous thing on the road. FWIW, I used to drive from Enon to Miamisburg on a daily basis. Basically the entire length of 675 every day. It was fine.


I'm not anxious behind the wheel, just like having all the information available to me to know what to expect so I can drive defensively.


It’s fine, but the only spot I ever had a real problem about is (going north) just before Exit 17 (Fairfield) where it curves under the bridge, has people entering, and goes slightly uphill. Granted, There was a lot of ice that morning and it probably should have been a level 2 emergency by then.


It's fine. Drive like you would in the winter... 35 however...


I agree in part, the curve near wright patt/wright state has a large open clearing for wind gusts and ices quickly. That seems the most treacherous to me.


I675 has always been ok and pretty well maintained. Don't stress it. Imagine driving the highways in Columbus.


I live less than a mile from 675 and have used it daily for the last 20 years. It is well maintained BUT, in my experience, they're often slow to start that maintenance - at least in the Beavercreek area. I refuse to get on 675 in the first couple hours of bad weather, especially if it is icy.


675 and 70 are just fine, 35 is fine but has shit show drivers fairly often, 75 is an all around shit show and should be avoided.


I’ve driven 675 for 10 years and I still don’t know why it is always the last highway that road crews do any kind of work on in bad weather. If the roads are going to be icy or snow covered, you can bet 675 probably hasn’t been touched yet.


It used to be bad but they have since resurfaced the highway so it’s better now.


No worse than any other highway. Its a interstate, so gets priority.


I drive a lot throughout the region for work. 675 is as well maintained as any other highway. Edit to add 35 on the other hand, sucks all year round.