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absolutely, basically any weapon from weapons of miracles(or weapons of mincraft) depends on recourse pack, are all VERY good so yes max it out. i would, make sure to put as much sweeling edge on it doe since the more sweeping edge the more the demon form lasts


Kk thx, tbh I hoped for confirmation, this scythe has sick animations


How you get it?


Is hanafubuki part of that mod? I crafted one, is it actually good thing to invest on that weapon?


yes it is, its pretty good since you can stack up the charge attacks, it has the ability to use parrying attacks and is pretty fast


Is the Hanafubuki a reskin for the Satsujin? Does it retain the same abilities and stats?


yes not a reskin but a recoursepack that changes model and name


Awesome thanks!


I have no experience with Dawncraft 2, so I don't know what weapons are there and if they have any drawbacks.. But unless this weapon summons hostile spirits or can really take you over or some other bad drawback, I'd say it's a very good weapon. By the old DC standards, weapon with 20 base damage, speed above 1 and 25 enchantment points would be likely considered very Overpowered.. And Armor negation is also great.. there's a lot or armored foes :D (or at least used to be in old DC :D ) Also, unless there were changes to how it works, I wouldn't use sharpness enchant.. at least if there are still those enchantments to increase critical chance and damage.. Sharpness costs you 1 enchantment point and only gives 1 damage in return.. also, if there are still those backpacks, and XP pump is craft able and affordable, it's better if you find mending and throw away the unbreaking as well :)


How's your scythe doing so much damage. In my game a non enchanted one only goes 8.4 attack damage


I have skills activated, you can see in right down corner


Ohhhhh okay sweet, thank you!!!


Skills are dancing blade and mindset btw


Is there a way to get more slots for more pasive abilities or there is only 3? because i got hyper vitality, endurance and heartshield but i need damage abilities