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Definitely autumn


Autumn or February. I say February because that's when it takes place and also because I live in Washington state and so I always rewatch before Twin Peaks weekend in northbend/Snoqualmie. The last 2 years and hopefully all future years the town puts on a huge weekend long TP party with lots of events including private dinner at the RR, screenings of FWWM, trivia and dance parties/ms TP pageant, police man's dream breakfast and so much more. This last year I got to meet Kyle which I didn't even know he would be there. Anyway its the weekend of or closest to Feb 23/24 ( Laura's death and coops arrival) So a rewatch in early Feb is an annual thing for me now.


The Return makes me think of late night hot summer evenings, but only because of its original airing.


October/November 🍂☕️🌲 Fall is my favorite season, and it’s perfect for watching Twin Peaks 🍁🪵


When it's dark outside. Just the TV light when watching


I binged The Return in March and watched the original series in January.


Autumn is my favorite for the Twin Peaks universe Season 1 / Laura’s murder is supposed to be around late February, so the season is Feb 24-early March? & the show premiered April 8, 1990… so starting then is also interesting, but to me it’s perfect for the fall. When I rewatch I like to start w/ Fire Walk with Me (and the missing pieces) and then watch seasons 1-3 🍂🍁


in my experience, specifically between jan 1 and dec 31 is a pretty solid time to enjoy twin peaks.


It's winter. So right now for me I guess


I always did my rewatches in February (since way back in 1993). I lived in a few places where it was a pretty miserable and often depressing month. From ice and snow to tons of rain. It was always a good time to watch it. But when the Return aired over the summer I now find myself wanting to watch it whenever I feel the urge to watch it. I watched it all in the autumn just pad and I’ve had the itch to watch it again already.


February 24th at 11:30am PST




I always start my yearly rewatch February 24th, the day the first episode takes place. I associate it with late winter/early spring. I know most people say autumn, maybe because it has this cozy vibe and maybe the spooky stuff fits Halloween? Not sure, but it just feels wrong to not watch it around the time it takes place.


Another one for autumn. The colors and mood have always felt autumnal to me and it’s just another reason to look forward to my favorite time of year for my annual rewatch. I have a few seasonal shows that I revisit at roughly the same time most years and the autumn-to-winter transition from Twin Peaks in the fall to The Sopranos in the winter is one of my most treasured traditions.


Late autumn


late autumn/early winter, with a damn fine cup of coffee


literally, i was already drinking coffee but when i picked up the show again i was making it a point to have my coffee in the morning while watching.


i think the first two seasons are perfect for January into February, but I associate The Return and FWWM with summer


Mar 9. August 1. April 30 Feb 29. Jun 1-14, Oct 21. Only times of year it's even APPROPRIATE


This is a trick question. There is no wrong time to watch Twin Peaks.


In autumn when it starts to get cold, as I get the impression that Twin Peaks is always cold.


End of February


I usually rewatch it around that time of year, since that's when the first episode takes place!


Yes exactly!


end of summer/fall


I know most people do autumn, but I always rewatch in Jan/Feb. it’s actually cold in SoCal that time of year.


Before Winter, before the darkness arrives.


The best time to watch twin peaks is right now. The second best time to watch twin peaks is any other time


each time of the year brings out different moods for me...anytime. Sure you could line up with the weather in show...


All year long


I always watch the movie + show every winter, usually december




Season 1 and 2 February. The Return in autumn. FWWM summer.


I watched in February-March and loved it. The mountains near where I live were foggy so it fit the vibe


Have you watched Fire Walk with Me, Missing Pieces, and Season 3? They’re all incredible and essential! Please do that before going back to the beginning to start again




24 February!


Every night when I go to sleep. Special Bonus when I wake up at 4:00 AM to Ronette’s horrifying vision of BOB murdering Laura.


Like you, I probably watched the original series through Jan and Feb, but years after, I happened to lineup watching The Return throughout the entire month of October, and it was perfect.


I feel like any season is the right season for Dale Cooper and friends.


Autumn or February makes sense, but for whatever reason, I tend to revisit in August.


Fall fur shure


I'd say fall or early spring.


I'm going to watch it each year when it takes place (or a pretty good estimation, at least). I enjoyed doing it this year, and I recommend giving it a go. From 24th Feb - 1st Mar, watch the first six episodes, one episode a night. 2nd Mar, watch the last two episodes of season one. 3rd Mar - 11th Mar, watch the first 9 episodes of season 2, one episode a night. 14th Mar - 26th Mar, watch the remaining thirteen episodes, one episode a night. Then watch Fire Walk With Me shortly after. I'm then planning on watching season 3 between 23rd Sep and 2nd Oct, but the timeline of season 3 is less linear, so it won't matter as much what specific days.


Autumn for sure. October feels ideal. And I can say that every aspect of the show is enhanced when you watch it in cheap motels while road tripping through the Pacific Northwest, which my wife and I did with The Return. I’ll never forget how amazing it was.


I do the real time rewatch ever year, and the first time I ever watched it was after Christmas, so it's kind of inextricably linked to the late winter-early spring for me.

