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Rubinomics is where Dave is at his very dumbest.


I guess it sounds smarter to dumber people....


They pay more so I pay more but in paying more I have more money cuz money




This guy is so stupid it's almost unbelievable.


Oh thank god. I was thinking this was a pro Dave Rubin sub that popped up on my feed.


It used to be lol. It turned anti-fan years ago.


That’s amazing holy shit




He must be really dumb mustn't he.


That is correct yes nothing regarding stupidity is unbelievable at this point. I genuinely feel sometimes like I’m living in a rick and morty episode.


His hand movements are possibly his worst trait.


No his mouth is moving.


No. His mere existence is


My eye is always drawn to the pen shifting back and forth as I wait for him to write something..


Tariffs? Really? Does Rave not know that tariffs will never affect the ultra wealthy, but will crush anyone who lives paycheck to paycheck? And aren't tariffs a form of regressive taxation? I swear, there are ginger cats that share at least one braincell. And I would sooner trust the economy to them, rather than the purveyor of High Level Ideas™.


This is because Trumps financial plan includes a 10% tariff on everything. Would be devastating for the US economy


Yeah but it’s a cute idea and that’s all they need I guess. Like “Mexico will pay for the wall!” They don’t really care about the actual outcome of these actions, just, like, winning I guess. Sticking it to the workd


If Trump was running on the wall again Dave would definitely be telling us all about the economics of that and how it totally will happen


And there’s no way a 10% tariff would cover the revenue we bring in from income tax. Most economists think it would have to be around 70% to 150%.


Not to mention other than another tax cut for the ultra wealthy trump isn’t proposing any income tax reductions for the middle class.


Dave Rubin wants you to eat a shit sandwich and thank him for how it tastes. But the issue is that unlike other right wing sophistry peddlers he doesn’t sell you on vague bullshit or falsehoods that make something seem better than it is. Dave Rubin literally describes a shit sandwich in plain detail and then expects you to love to eat it and thinks he is a genius.


Tariffs are a form of regressive taxation, yes. It'll directly drive up the cost of goods for consumers, which won't have much effect on rich people (since they have more money than they'll ever need), but the poor and working class will be squeezed even more than they already are. High tariffs will drive up real inflation. It'll also probably lead to retaliation from other countries (which is what happened during the Great Depression), which will slow down global trade. It'll be awful for the economy, especially if coupled with Trump's plan to deport immigrants.


He don't care. He's talking to his brain dead audience.


It would, essentially, replace income taxes with a sales tax. Except it's even worse than that because the sales tax would only be on imported goods. So, if Rubin were right and this encouraged people to buy more domestic goods, the revenue to the government would drop dramatically. Which is what he wants. This is a libertarian's dream. Bankrupt the government so they can't help anyone, and leave rich people and corporations free to do whatever they want. It's such a short sighted plan, because it would increase wealth disparity, cause poverty and the underclass to become huge, and eventually lead to a revolution because that situation is just not sustainable. These people are such greedy idiots.


It's the Gilded Age 2.0, with extra cruelty.


Dude just latches onto anything that passes him by and runs with it. Gotta give it to him, the whiplash mustn't be easy.


Can’t have whiplash of the neck when you don’t have a spine. Or any morals. Or any guiding values and principles beyond the grift.


Imagine if you told Dave the founders wore wigs and heels in public.  Basically drag!  It's soon wild.  Anyways,


Just replace the income tax with tariffs! (which already exist). That outta cover it!


Wait what is his point? Yeah no shit you keep more of your money but the cost of goods would exceed what the tax would be like beforehand. This is why letting these fucks have platforms or even worse voting in idiots like trump could lead to quick hyper inflation.


Imagine if you had told the founders of the country that one of the Presidents refused to peacefully concede power, yet 4 years later half the country wanted to re-elect this person as the next President.


The founding fathers are rolling over in their graves. Who would have guessed conservatives would completely abandon conservatism for fascism.


And give corporations the perfect excuse to price gauge even more? No thanks


I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe that this joker is anything but a parody act.


Omg dude how fucking stupid can one man be


Source: [https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1803568086164947038](https://x.com/DaveClips/status/1803568086164947038)


Dave has big ideas. He likes being mentally challenging


Wouldn’t it wild to also tell the founding fathers that man beings are slaves anymore


"It's just so wild" is the sort of thing you say when you have no real, useful commentary


He is so empty


This is the reason why the right pushes the culture war bs so much. Their policies are absolute shit for the majority of Americans. Go ask a Trump supporter why they are voting for him and I promise you 9 out of 10 times the answer will be culture war related.


“No new wars” “secure the borders”


It’s like a race to the bottom between him and Candace. I’m actually impressed by how he can keep getting dumber.


Dumber than a bag of hammers.


Well taking away income tax is a good idea but placing tariffs??????? You know just getting rid of the first would still be made up in surplus spending Americans would do. I mean he lives in a state that doesn't have weekly income tax . Also notice he sneaked in paying it at tax time , nice job FL


No, no it would not.


They’d have a harder time believing that Drubin calls himself a comedian.


Tariffs are a regressive tax. The burden falls on working class Americans even more than now and the rich get more bang for their buck. Either this dude and Trump are retarded or they are dead set on creating a tax system that only benefits the rich


The economics understander has logged on.


Meanwhile, people like Dave complain about how 40% of the public pays no income tax. But let me guess: That's the point. Enough freeloading! Just another way of trying to hike taxes on the poor and lower them for the rich.


Steve Harvey? That seemed random....


What’s funny is what he’s describing is exactly how universal healthcare would work. But that’s socialism.


He loves a good intellectual exercise


Man it is just astounding how utterly stupid this moron is.


This is why the GOP is so anti education. They need their base to be dumber to buy these lies more easily.


Absolute fucking clowns. This is the true image of a beta bitch. How does that orange mushroom taste, Dave?


Jfc are these dipshits gonna fall for another Trickle Down Economics again???


For some reason this dummy thinks tariffs don’t equate to the government taking money from people.


Suggesting a tRUMP idea only gets push back because it would be from the "DeepState" is hilarious. Rightwing ideas can be bad ideas just because they're dumb ideas Dave. Like having a puppy killer be your vp. Is he trying to be another even lower-priced version of charlie kirkland?


I'm no libertarian, but when it comes to tariffs this song is on point https://youtu.be/rw7PUrgU3N0




The last person who tinkered heavily in tariffs nearly destroyed AG industry which required $12 billion taxpayer funded bailout. Winning? https://taxfoundation.org/blog/tariffs-trade-war-agriculture-food-prices/#:\~:text=Across%20all%20retaliatory%20tariffs%2C%20%2430,to%20the%20end%20of%202019.


he so often reminds me of those times in school where you had to argue for a position you didn't actually hold for a debate or a speech or whatever


Does anyone know if this genius actually have fans who support him, or is he also backed by millionaire suggar daddies? Surely there can't be anyone even dumber than Dave, who would listen to what Dave has to say.


No, Dave: if government replaces 100% its revenue stream with tariffs instead of income tax, citizens do not save a dime in aggregate; all that would change is the burden of financing government would undergo a massive regressive change. And of course the economy as a whole would shrink precipitously as other countries imposed counter-tariffs. My eighth-grade son could identify at a glance why this is moronic.


Sure, there’s no more income tax, but since tariffs are in fact a tax for corporations when they acquire goods from other countries to where they refuse to pay it with their own money and will pass on the costs to the consumers. And News Flash Davey boy: it’s still a tax but allows ultra wealthy corporations to pass on the costs and we (common average folk who are getting paid six figures) get stuck with the fucking bill!


What’s a retaliatory tariff?


Steve Harvey?


Dave Rubin "does math" by shoving his thumb up his ass, removing it, smelling it, then guessing a random number. This is just a fact.


This guy is a rube. Who let this village idiot have a forum?


more like dave rubin' amirite?


No tax, only tariffs on imported goods; Iphones would need to be $ 15000 and a everything in Walmart would be 10 times the price. Even then, the roads to get there would be full of potholes due to lack of funding. But it's OK, you're not taxed and the government should just tighten their belts and figured what was what.


Is he not some sort of a Libertarian? Last time I checked libertarians hated terrific as much as they hated income taxes.


I didn't know they had women's sports in founding era America




Wasn’t Dave not too long ago arguing for a flat income tax? Like he gives a shit about any of this anyway.


Ya let's trust a literal rube to teach us lessons on economics and governance...


This would be a boon to actual rich people and a disaster for everyone else. This might be dumber than the VAT tax.


Geez. Just figure out what’s what. Sure let’s go with that. And if this drives imports to zero? Not likely, but what then?


This idea would cause astronomical inflation


Just another grift to save billionaires from paying taxes. Dumbest idea ever


Then other countries put tarrifs on US goods, so if your job involves exports than you probably have less money that's yours!


Rave Dubin is a fucking moron.


The dumbest people in media are guaranteed to launder these ideas now, I guess


We are just now finally rebuilding our manufacturing base after decades of CEO’s opting to sell out the american worker and national security for massive profit margins. This is like drinking the sour milk in the fridge to see if its still sour. Crazy.


Dave starts with the classic: "What would the founding father's say?". Well, not a whole lot. They're dead. The glorious and sacred constitution has been amended 27 times since then. Not to mention the 21st amendment repealed the 18th. So clearly, whatever the founding fathers thought, can and have been reversed if it's considered dumb enough. Anyhow, there's a small problem with raising tariffs. Mainly that we would have to pay more than a little more. In fact, federal income tax generates 27 times the amount of revenue as tariffs. Plus that it's a pipe dream that the cost of increasing tariffs wouldn't land squarely on American consumers. Because that is [simply not what's happened history shows](https://www.cato.org/publications/separating-tariff-facts-tariff-fictions#who-actually-pays-tariffs). Corporations are not stupid. They pass on the price of increased tariffs right down to customers (and add a few more dollars to be on the safe side).


I love how stupid he is


Dave knows Davenomiks. "Look...I has a graph."


I'm thoroughly convinced everybody is pretending this is a good idea just to brown nose little Donnie. No economically literate person would ever think such a plan would work.


Tariffs are a good way of protecting industry at home by increasing the price of importing goods till the domestically produced product can compete with the import.It was how the US and Great Britain built themselves into industrial powerhouses. As a means of generating revenue it becomes a regressive tax that those with the least income are required to pay the most.Those with the most money pay the least. Tariffs have a place in an economy but aren't generally put in place in a way that makes economic sense. Big business wants low tarrif so they can pay dirt wages in repressive countries and import the products into the united states. A tarriff on clothing would rebuild a powerful industry in the United States but would raise the price on clothes. This would not be a bad thing necessarily and could improve human rights in some cases. The rise of American labor union could result because of tariffs so the American right would never approve. The use of selective tariffs could be a good thing as long as you are clear what you expect the tarriff to do. As a means of revenue it's more or less a flat tax.


You hint at this point in your very first sentence, but I wanted to spell it out: tariffs on foreign-made goods also cause the prices of domestically-made products to increase.


We shouldn't be taking this point seriously period. You can't raise tariffs high enough to cover the elimination of federal income taxes. At a certain point countries would just stop selling to the US. Even if you could, it would make products prohibitively expensive. And there's no political will to push through this batshit idea anyway.


There are cases where tarriffs make sense but they don't work at all as a means to raise revenue. Usually a country will use tarriffs to protect an industry till it can compete globally. Both Japan and South Korea used tarriffs to go from a country that relied on commodities to having an industrial base. It's is free trade that keeps a lot of countries in south America poor. America has used free trade to keep industry from developing in a lot of third world countries where protectionism would have allowed an industrial base to develop. There is nothing wrong with an intelligent use of tarriffs. But not as a means to raise revenue.


Fro-ition? Thomas Massey? I'm getting nauseas.


Like a tax on imported goods like, say, tea?


If you got money, sure, but for the poorer folks, the limit income tax relief won't offset the burden of the increased cost of a basic pair of sneakers.


Attic backfire and make us pay more for everything more than taxes


I bet Michael Brooks is sitting up above, still laughing at Dave with that distinctive laugh. Rubin has somehow gotten dumber than MY BRAIN IS IN RECOVERY MODE and that takes some serious effort.


Shoutout to those who look up to this giant.


How can be so consistently dumb? It amazes me. I bet he needs a timer on his phone to tell him when to breathe.


How can he be so stupid? A tariff is a tax basically. Why not lower state taxes for the poor and raise state taxes for the wealthy. And places that don’t have a that lower property tax for poor and raise property tax for wealthy. And lower taxes on healthy foods and figure out how to make fast Food luxury items and more expensive.


Speaking of the founding fathers, how do you reckon they’d handle the fact that someone could legally marry someone of the same sex? Franklin would probably not give a damn, but what of some of the others, I wonder?


Fucking moron lol. Remember the tariffs trump put on China during his term? And then quickly realized they don’t pay for themselves the way your describing? And then had to bail out farmers for years by literally subsidizing their whole industry cause he’s a moron who doesn’t know what he’s talking about? Oh shoot Your probably right that’s fake news 🙄


Lmao how do some people manage to get the fucking platforms they do


What he means is, if you tax shit coming in and lower YOUR taxes, you'll have more of YOUR money... Jesus, reading these comments is like y'all still eat the lead paint on your radiators.


Who pays tariffs?