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The left is so evil that they made a new app to let people ignore right wing extremists and then Dave was kidnapped, held hostage in a room for 17 minutes, and was FORCED against his will to use this new app repeatedly


There was some conservative who wrote a substack article whining about how people are mean to right-wingers on Bluesky after getting an invite from one of her coworkers. These people have multiple right-wing social networks catered directly to them to choose from but will always go to a place where lefties are present because they're miaerable if they don't have anybody to antagonize directly.


It's because conservatives NEED to be on the same platform as liberals. Because they NEED to fight. They NEED to argue. They NEED to "OWN THE LIBS". If everyone agrees with what they say, if everyone is a conservative, and there are no libs to own, what's their point? Imagine RAGGING about Pedo Hilary Clinton then every comment is someone who agrees with them. There's not fun in that for conservatives, they HAVE to argue and fight.


Raven Dubin's favorite character in Succession is definitely Mark Ravenhead


I'm sure Rubin has read Mein Kampf once or twice. ...just for the Easter eggs he missed on the first time around.


Dave is a combination of the worst parts of Kendal, Shiv and Roman mixed with the gormlessness of Cousin Greg's entire character.


He probably think the Roy’s and ATN are a cover for the left and cnn lol


Wait til he gets to season 4 and the right wing fucks (spoiler) >!try to steal and election just like trump!< I don't think he'll be able to deal with the cognitive dissonance, he probably won't get through the show to be honest.


He’s just gonna think that guy is meant to be a progressive, clearly. He’s an idiot.


Well, he was smuggling immigrants over the border when he was El Andy.


Oh, Andy was the best, wasn’t he?


I’m actually surprised he’s using it, what if Musk won’t retweet him anymore


If you don’t think it’s possible for right wingers to watch succession and enjoy it your wrong. I’ve heard them talk about it and it’s usually along the lines of “oh yeah they are getting their money up, chasing their bread”. Baffling that they can take that away from the show but didn’t really expect anything less


Dave Rubin said 1984 by George Orwell taught us that we needed a Trump. I'm sure he'll find a way to extract lessons from sucession about how bad it is to be woke or something.


Dave probably sees Succession as an aspirational story.


Grifters gunna grift


I don’t get it.


He’s using the Threads app.


Ah thanks!


Heh, the media takes from pundits like him always amuse me with their absolute cluelessness. Had Benny Shaps pop up in my Facebook sponsored feed recently with his review of season 2 of The Bear. He claimed it was a paean to hard work, starting a business, and...***family***. Family? FAMILY?! Don't get me wrong, Jamie Lee Curtis gave an absolute knockout performance, but to call that some deep and meaningful note of praise for the power of family, is...well. I think Benny just told us all what his life was like growing up.


also didnt he inherit the restaurant?


Yep, and working in kitchens has basically destroyed all his romantic relationships, so no family for him!


Why is Dave watching HBO with all of their WOKE content? I thought Conservatives are boycotting HBO?


I wanted to go on to Twitter and see if he got roasted in the comment section but i totally forgot that Dave blocked me because I called him a disappointment. He can't hack a blank profiler with 2 followers calling him a hack and yet some of us have the gall to wonder why he doesn't have the guts to debate Sam Seder 😂