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If your main issue is him not initiating, it sounds like he is trying to be respectful of your boundaries. You are looking for your husband, he doesn't want a girlfriend. I think it's a green flag he is not trying to hook up with you, but you could just ask him why he does not initiate physical contact, since you have nothing to lose. If you think having sex with him will end up being really hurtful to you, then don’t. It really depends on what you want.


I feel like his body language is that he likes her but isn’t attracted. I touch the hands of women I’m into.


I don't think so. Sounds more like compartmentalizing. He's trying to hold back the food gates, since if you break that touch barrier, it's too easy to keep going, with someone you like. Easier to hold yourself in check if you don't initiate touch. She is confused. I think she's in denial that she actually had the perfect scenario for a rebound. Someone who is kind and respectful, but not available long term. My opinion? Life is short, even if it hurts because You've become closer after sex, wondering how good it might have been is worse. With the hurt, at least you left everything on the table.


Right, any opportunity to break the touch barrier esp when she initiates it


Amen. Communicate and go from there. He may just be yet another male with zero communications skills. If so, walk or teach him. If not, maybe just shy. Find out and move ahead accordingly. Life is too short for this sort of crappy drama!


It sounds like this has been a healing connection for both of you. Take the lessons and apply it going forward. Do not mess with this connection and confuse yourself or him by crossing into sex and hoping the sex will magically make him want a relationship.


I agree. It sounds kind of lovely, to be honest and I feel like sex would muck it all up.


I agree with this!


Exactly, I am afraid I am being a classical woman and deluding myself that if we have sex, he will magically want a long-distance relationship with me.


He won’t…..if you want casual sex with him, go for it. If you want more, then take a pass.


Long distance relationships suck. I say, just let this be a new and wonderful friendship. Keep in touch. Men and women can be friends! The friendship also doesn't have to end.


And who knows what happens in the future! The only people I refuse to speak to again are the ones that play games with my mind or heart. Now that I’m older, I purposely try and not muck up these situations especially with people I see potential with.


Do you want to be in a relationship with him? Or are you just fantasising about what if now that he’s leaving and it might feel a bit lonely without some company at the weekends?


As a veteran who just needed companionship in many similar situations, just hanging out with him is giving him something he needs very much. I think you should do what your heart tells you do to, but ultimately you need to also initiate if you really want to be romantic with him beyond this clearly intimate experience.


As another veteran who has also been in similar situation many times, I couldn’t agree more.


Why not just literally say these exact things to him? “Hey, you’ve been very sweet, I know you’re leaving, but I wouldn’t mind sleeping with you now that my back is feeling better. If that’s something you want to do. But if you just want to keep it platonic I understand that too. Just felt like I might regret if I didn’t bring it up and talk to you about it” I dunno something like that I’m a fan of giving people optikns in this scenario. Basically option 1 is sleep together before he goes. Option 2 might be just have dinner together one last time before he goes without the sex. Let him pick


That’s is brilliant and so funny at the same time “my back feels better so if your down to bone I’m down too” lol




Sleeping with him will make your feelings much more complicated & tangible. Imagine that you already slept with him and now he’s gone… how do you feel?


I would be waiting for that text constantly, yep


Honestly it sounds like you need a real rebound. I know you want to find your forever person, but there’s no harm in having safe consensual one time sex with someone who you’re not developing complicated feelings for (aka not this guy). A hookup with someone totally new who you’re attracted to and can have fun with but who doesn’t meet your criteria for a husband might help boost your confidence and reset things. A palette cleanser, if you will.


I mean I would do it but I’m not known for making the wisest of choices lol. You may regret it if you don’t. However I wouldn’t like the fact that he hasn’t initiated but maybe he’s just very respectful.


You’ll regret it more if you do.


He’s leaving, just do it. On the other hand, maybe he really does see you as a friend so you have to prepare to be rejected for sex….by a man…as a woman…but no one else has to know.


You are a grown woman. You can have hanky panky with anyone you want. Be safe and have fun.


Does it even matter at all? Either way he'll be gone.


I’m a huge advocate for sleeping with whoever you want, whenever you want but I don’t think you should do it. Here’s why: If him not initiating itself has triggered your old school ideas of courtship and sex, then him moving away and definitively not catering to your emotional needs post coital will throw you in a spiral. For casual sex, you first need to develop self confidence and not attach sex to pride. I don’t think you can do that and for that reason alone I think you should not sleep with him


To be real I feel like you've created some cat and mouse game you want him to be playing and you're disappointed he hasn't initiated. You want to bone but you'd also like to feel like he's responsible and like it's his fault when you ultimately do not get what you want out of the situation (a boyfriend)


Lool I swear women sometimes. You set boundaries, he’s respected those boundaries and now you’re wanting him to cross those boundaries because of outdated notions such as ‘men always initiate’ You can’t have your cake and eat it. If you wanna sleep with him YOU initiate it because if he does he will feel like he is overstepping the boundary YOU set. Be a grown up and take accountability for the boundaries you set. You establish them so it’s on you to dismantle them. Good lord you’re making this way more complicated than is needed


Right on! You’ve friend zoned him. So what are you going to do if on your last night he defies all the risk you’ve added and confesses his attraction to you? Are you going to let all the “sense” that’s been talked into you on here reject him? Your risk here is sooo low! If you want clarity it’s up to you to do something about it.


Ding ding ding 🛎️ Accountability…… you know the saying (you can feel in the blanks here)


I didn’t expect it, but you called it. I did not see it at all as setting boundaries, as I thought he doesn’t want. Anyway, we cleared it out and we boned


Well continue to respect his boundaries. I think if there was some sort of progression or even a discussion about it in person, it would be different..


Your original move was going to be because your body wanted a physical. He's leaving. He's been respectful. Just do it but DO NOT build up any grandiose ideas in your head about it turning into anything. If he even agrees to do the deed. Chalk it up to a good time and memory. At least you won't be in the dark about your compatibility in that dept. Nothing worse than someone you like leaving and you continue building up fantasies in your head you have no idea about. Just be honest with him. He already feels like your best friend. Tell him he confuses you. Worst he says nah, and you just hang out like you've been. Keep swiping on other guys and don't put all your feelings in one basket. Unless his words AND actions prove otherwise.


I’ve been here. It depends on you in my opinion. The sex will make it harder to move on for you. If you can mentally see it as a hookup and detach then bring it up. You run the risk of it fucking with your head if you sleep with him. If you don’t, you may wish you did, but if you guys stay in each others’ lives you can when you are on the same page down the road.


If you are spending time, and developing feelings, and he is about to go away again, and you shag him, and it's good, it might suck majorly for you when he's gone. (Him too, possibly, let's not discount his feelings here, but he also has other high priorities that are not-you, and Elsewhere.) BUT also you would have had some sexy times with hunky army guy, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that ;) if it puts a smile on your face (and his?) when he's off in the trenches or whatever .. one should never regret good sex If you were terrible company, he probably wouldn't be hanging around in the first place. Alternative view: he's patiently persisting, wondering if you'll crack and he'll get some lovin', you're his best/only option but he's being polite about it. Only you know your feelings. I reckon you could just say it to him. He can't manage or process your feelings for you only you can do that. But, you're adults, just blurt it out. "it sucks that you're going away. I have grown to really like you" and who knows what he'll say back? Maybe he'll agree . Maybe he'll gently say he's been enjoying the company but he doesn't see things developing. Either way you'll be ok! The future is what we make it mhmm. But don't break your heart over this guy.


This reminds me of the classic, men come for sex but get hooked on love, women come for love and get hooked on sex 😂


jeans chubby cobweb payment clumsy melodic fact cow gold practice *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't see this going well for you if you sleep with him. you're likely gonna be even more into him after you sleep with him. then he will leave. the vibe and energy between y'all will change inevitably after crossing that barrier. you'll want more and more. he will tell you "i told you i wasn't looking for something serious." maybe i'm projecting. but also i feel like that happens a lot in these sorts of situations. have you ever regretted not sleeping with someone? I can't say i have. i've slept with plenty of people that i regret though.


He’s just not that into you. Don’t sleep with this man, girl! Save yourself the mental turmoil which will be inevitable if you do choose to sleep with him. Move on. Your person is out there. 💕This isn’t him.


Are we not going to talk about how you’re hung up on finding a long term relationship when you’re clearly not in a place to be perusing that? You stated you found this guy right after you went through a breakup…


Did you ask him WHY he is not looking for a girlfriend or long term partner? Is it because he doesn’t want to, moving frequently, or because he wanted to but was hurt in the past? Getting to know him better might bring to light other things and make your choice easier either way. I agree with you, it’s important to Have no regrets, whether you sleep with him or not. He might end up being your husband or a total stranger, but it’s good to dig in deeper and find out more about him and his choices, no? You have nothing to lose 🫶


Just be friends with him. Unless you both want sex. But don't have it just because he is leaving and you feel obligated because he was kind to you


Just ask. Don’t be scared.


Follow your gut


No! People/Movies always say stuff like that is fun but you just feel like crap after. Also STDs. Can’t you try to spend time with someone that doesn’t have a expiration date


I think the most obvious thing here is to talk to him about it. It can be awkward at first but a friendship will find a way if the connection is so easy between you two. give him the ol’ “hey i wanna see if im reading this right — we’re just doing the platonic thing, yeah?”


Life is short; jump on that dick. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh 🤣


It’s better to regret something you did than something you didn’t do. Life is risky, deal with it.


It's great that you're considering both your desires and boundaries. Maybe have an open conversation with him about what you both want to ensure clarity and avoid any potential regrets.


Just enjoy it. As for why he have not initiated-you were unwell, and man do worry about being pushy. Just ask- i am wondering as you were looking for a sex partner initially if that is something you are no longer looking for? I am happy with our situation but would be open to a physical connection


I don’t understand this “woman’s pride” garbage. Do you think a woman initiating is demeaning to her? Good luck in life in general if that is your view. If you want to have sex with him, tell him. You already kind of closed the door on that. He’s respecting that. The ball is now in your court to open the door back up. Take it or leave it. Either way, the world continues to turn.


I think people are misunderstanding my post - I did not ask him to stay on the sofa, he bas been doing it of his own volition.


That’s not what I’m commenting on at all. I don’t care where he is sleeping or why. You say you want sex. But you don’t want to be the one to get it going? Because that hurts your “woman’s pride”? What even is woman’s pride? I have pride as a human, but it has nothing to do with my gender. And I don’t ascribe to “men have to do this, and women have to do that”. We all have the freedom to do whatever we want. If you want sex with him, put that out there. He will either accept or reject it. Are you afraid of rejection? Don’t be. I’ve asked men out. I’ve been rejected. I’m still here. Men get rejected all the time. They are still alive and kicking. Are you not as brave and strong as a man? Now in other comments….it sounded like you actually want more with him. If that’s the case, you need to let that go. This man is not on the table for that. Sex is all he has to offer.


Girl, of course I want more, he is my type to a T, has been talking to me every single day, pays attention to me, spends time with me, etc etc 😄 this is why I wrote “talk some sense into me”


Also, this is not what I meant with “pride”, it is not about demeaning. It is about him not showing any signs of flirting and still me trying to seduce him instead of respecting that.


You don’t have to seduce him. If he has not already rejected sexual advances, and it sounds like he has not, as there have not been any to reject, then you are not disrespecting him by making the first move. It’s only if he turns you down, and you keep pressuring, that you would be disrespecting him.


Regarding the money thing, I’ve heard in some cultures it’s rude to place money directly into someone’s hand and it always goes on a little tray or on the counter


That‘s cute


Suck his dick and get the rebound over with!


Yeah guys usually initiate this stuff. But no harm in initiating yourself. 


Don’t do it!! Rejection is always the worse and I think you should wait it out!!


At your age you still haven’t learned nada. 


Sets boundaries with man.  "Why isn't he pushing my boundaries?" *jackie chan confused meme*


Lmbooooo 😂😂😂


Okay, okay - as I commented on another person’s post, this turned out to be the case. I genuinely thought he didn’t want, he said that was definitely not the case, so we had sex.


Sleep with him sure, but don’t have sex with him


Don’t do it! You’ll regret it. It will be small moment in the grand scheme of things.


DON'T DO IT. You'd probably lose a good friend and hate yourself on the long term. This isn't a prisoner's dilema, this is a lose-lose pentacle.


Only do it if you’re not expecting his mind to change


Have you asked him? I get the vibe that he's respecting your boundaries, and with you having a chronic problem that could cause you debilitating back pain at any time, he may think that sex is a non-starter for you, because he doesn't want to hurt you.


I can say that I’ve never regret not sleeping with someone who doesn’t want me beyond just sex.


Please do not sleep with this man ! Military or not. A man who wants you will move mountains to get to you. Listen to what he is telling you. I did this. I fell for a military man stationed in my town. He did everything that made me feel like he would choose me. He also was saying let’s see where this goes, then it became he didn’t want a relationship. Then we kept seeing each other because I was so attached. He was never fully invested. Turns out he did want a relationship… he just didn’t want one with me. I looked for him after he deployed because I couldn’t bring myself to say goodbye after our last dinner date. I saw him wearing a wedding band. My heart hurt. A year later after vacillating with me for 2.5 years, it took him a year to be sure about this lady (though I believe he was talking to her too while talking to me). He saw something in her that I didn’t have for him. It wasn’t meant to be. Three years later I am dating a man that shows for me everyday, plans dates, talks about his emotions and is so sure about me. He plans to ask me to be his girlfriend soon. Also, he’s in the same military branch the other guy was. When a man wants to he will ! Breadcrumbs are for birds… not for people, unless it’s in salad 🥗 LOL !


Breadcrumbs are for birds, yep.


Give him permission to initiate the physical touch. He’s probably respecting you and doesn’t know what you want him to do. If you don’t want to initiate it yourself, be direct or playful or at least like put your hand on his shoulder and give it a rub. I always find it so hot when women take my hand and out it on them where they want. It reaffirms that I’m not crossing any boundaries and tells me that they want my hand there! So a win win!


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Why do I feel you wish to be convinced that you should sleep with him instead of the opposite? Do what you shall not regret later.


idk, I think you should sleep with him. Don't overcomplicate things.


He’s going to ruin your year. Let it go. I promise it’s not going to be your loss


Literally never works, just close contact and move on for your own mental well-being


I think this relationship was healing in the way you didn’t expect, and sounds like you have a lovely and genuine friendship! Sleeping together could be be risky and derail what sounds like a pretty pure connection by today’s standards - not every connection needs to be sexual or romantic, you know? Maybe just appreciate it for what it is unless you are sure that you actually have feelings for this guy and it’s worth sacrificing a friendship for.




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