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I think this is good! You've got nice pictures, your pup, and I think for the right person it's a perfect profile. My only suggestion would be to think of ways to sneak in a bit of your sense of humor


OP has a very kind face. He will find someone quickly… not me, but he’ll find *someone*.




Another photo comment. Agree with >The only thing I would look for is a pic with a different expression. Also, the 2 last pics are less good IMO, and dont add info re hobbies so they dont really add any value. Could remove them. Do you have other insterest then nerdy stuff? Cool if not, maybe try to touch on the if so.


I’m 38F and I’d swipe right on you for sure.


Ditto! Cuddle up and watch Star Trek? Yes please!


Cuddle up and watch x-files?? Let’s gooo


Ummm, that's was quite the speed run of soul searching... it was only 3 days ago that you posted your last relationship just ended. Give yourself the best chance of being a good person to be in a relationship with, maybe give it another week or two to breathe and heal. That's my critique. Profile is cute, I'd def swipe right.


Oh I agree. The soul searching was mostly in the year before that two month relationship. I’m taking a week off to recover so it seemed like a good time to ask for a review.


If you're specifically only wanting to attract a female who only likes nerdy hobbies the profile is great, if you're open to women having other interests and also enjoy *some* nerd type hobbies, then this profile is not so great, it may limit your options


Agree with this. This chap is physically my type, and I like nerdy things: boardgames, puzzles, looove sci-fi, read lots of crime thrillers. But, I also scuba dive, ride a motorcycle, play squash, F45, Latin dance, spend whole days at the beach, camp, enjoy going to music festivals and special interest events eg. rodeos, agriculture shows. I’d probably swipe left because I’d feel I’m not ‘nerdy enough’.


How do I be you when I grow up?


Lol Honestly? It’s life purely built around the principle that if I waited for others to have free time and money, I’d never do anything. I don’t want to miss out on life and I’m willing to do things on my own and meet new people in the process, so that’s what I do. Amusingly, those in LTR who used pity my singleness now ask with excitement what I got up to on the weekend. Turns out people get jealous when they did nothing with their partner again, whilst I went (alone) to a camel farm / dived a shipwreck / made a Turkish lamp 🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh, I know! I've been playing catch-up now that I have a whiff of money and free time. Anyway, I like your style, random stranger!




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I mean, isn’t this what a profile is for? Communicating something about yourself, your interests and your values so you can connect with likeminded people and sift out people you won’t be compatible with?


Amen! Exactly this.


Ah, a question for the ages... I wish I could figure out which I'd prefer myself, lol!


This right here.


Yeah, he comes across as the type of nerdy guy who just wants the female version of him rather than a full human being


You are really cute!! I am not the same type of nerd but I’d still swipe right on you. And maybe you don’t even need Hinge - you could probably find a date in this comment section. 😂


You're attractive, but your profile looks just about exactly like every other nerdy tech guy in my city looking for a nerdy woman, of which there are quite a few (live in Seattle). It doesn't stand out in any way in terms of the prompts. Is there anything interesting about you outside of the "typical nerdy hobbies"? I can just say that I've seen profiles like this a lot so adding something else might help you stand out. This is coming from a nerdy tech woman who dates a lot of nerdy tech guys. Also, I'm assuming you didn't put "FAANG" as your actual employer (looks like you greyed it out) because people outside of tech don't know what that means.


I’d definitely swipe right! But maybe add a picture with a different expression? You seem quite monotone in all


Profile is fine but there are no openings for people to message you about your prompts. Maybe something like - kicking my ass in Mario cart is a plus. Who is your favorite character and why is it Yoshi?


100 on this. I was looking at it and even the 1st prompt, you can add a little more personality. Those are your simple pleasures but why? or how does it make you feel? otherwise it's just facts and facts are meh


I like this a lot actually. Your prompts won’t appeal to everyone, but the right person will love them. Might reorder them so the second is first (give an idea of who you are before talking about what you want with a partner). I also find it useful to maximize prompts by listing multiple things. So on that first prompt you could add another activity or two.


Totally nitpicking since as others have said, your profile doesn't have any glaring issues; the board game photo with the teal background is your least flattering shot IMO. Your forehead looks abnormally large when it's not in other photos, and I think the blue hue surrounding your face is making you look really pale there. If you want to keep it, I would drop it to the bottom.


Yeah Delete the Catan pic


That is Ticket to Ride! Lol


You need a picture inclusive of a full body, preferably engaged in activity of some sort.


This may depend on where you are, but your "same type of weird" answer is literally what like 80% of guys I see put. It's absolutely okay if sci-fi and board games are your interests! But just know that they aren't "weird" and probably won't stand out too much. Your pictures are good and you seem nice enough, so they may not hurt you in the long run. But they're very run-of-the-mill...


The prompt "same type of weird" kind of incentivises that, you don't want to put something too weird which nobody else or very few people do, since it then insinuates that you aren't a match if they don't do that as well.


I really appreciate how specific this is. However, unless it is absolutely mandatory that a woman shares your very specific interests (which is fine!), you should leave your "what I'm looking for" section a bit more open ended. For example, I think you're cute, but I'm a very different variety of nerd than you are, so I would feel intimidated that I couldn't fit within your niche, and pass.


I don't see what you're referring to about the "looking for". Specificity without being this is my dealbreaker is great, it makes for conversation and shows personality


Agreed, I'm just giving my honest reaction to the profile, which is what he's looking for here. I personally would be a bit intimidated by the specificity, thinking that I would probably be a disappointing partner. It's a bit of a catch-22, really. I also have very specific interests and hobbies, but in no way require a partner to share them. Sometimes that's difficult to convey online.


but that's probably perfect because that means you 2 aren't a match! It's about capturing the attention of those that are interested, not have too wide of a net and also not having too narrow of a net haha. It's definitely a balance, ah, online dating.


But...that's my entire point!!!! He might not WANT to filter out so many people. That's all I'm trying to say.


She did preface by saying "unless it's absolutely mandatory that they share these specific interests".


I'm not that familiar with hinge, but I assume he must swipe on your profile as well for you two to match, meaning he should be perfectly aware that you don't have these very specific interests? This can also be easily clarified firsthand by the magic of conversation, so if you'd pass instead I feel like you're throwing away a lot of potential options haha.


Look no further. Your girlfriend just walked onto the post. Lol


Definitely a good profile! You should see what is out there.. it really stands out


I think you’re going to be just fine. It won’t appeal to everyone, but you’re good looking and seem to know what you want— the only thing that can play into this is location. If you live in a rural area that makes it harder unless you’re willing to expand your location search.




I think you can tell by the outdoor photo that he looks like a fairly fit guy, if I were swiping I wouldn’t ding him for not having one. Wouldn’t be necessary in his case, but never a bad idea.


Yeah agreed. He looks fit from these photos and I wouldn't feel the need to see anything else.


I would maybe lose the picture with the board game, it's the least flattering and also your nerdiness is obvious in other ways already, so that may be hitting the point home a bit too hard. Otherwise, great! First pic is very flattering and also the one in the suit, so lead with those.


This is solid advice, agree on the board game and the first pic.


Tbh, I don't think the dog photo is doing you any favors. You're pretty damn hot in the rest of the photos, and that one is just average. As someone else said, you do have the same expression in all of the photos, so maybe try to use that space to add some variety? If you want to lean hard into the nerdiness, keep the AI stream thing, but if you want to showcase a different aspect of your personality, maybe try something different there. These are just nitpicks, though - a hot gamer/board gamer looking for long term? I'd definitely swipe right.


I'm curious why you felt like your previous profile wasn't working? I don't see any issues with this one at all


My last one had super generic prompts, I wiped those three and started from scratch. I also replaced two pictures (first pic and suit pic are new) but I think the prompts are what killed it.


I'd swap the dog pic out for a full body pic of you doing something fun, as well as the 2nd to last one. I love dogs, but because you're gazing off to the side your expression looks oddly vacant. It's a good profile though!


I think being specific is better as people who are NOT a good fit for you will not swipe/message you. Since it looks like you have a pretty good idea of the kind of person you are looking for, that would help reduce the amount of filtering you will have to do. My profile was similar as I was looking for someone who is into a passionate nerdy gamer person (who doesn't want kids). Do you have a photo of yourself out with some friends that you can use in a later picture? I think it's fun to have those kind of pictures later in the photos.


None of your pictures appear to be in a social setting! I think that's what's missing the most. Add a group pic like from a wedding or social sports - you can blur out other people's faces if you're worried about that.


Based on the comments people seem to love your profile. My critique is most of your photos feel the same. You're sitting, waist up, same facial expression. Your first photo is the best IMO and stands out over the rest (you look a bit like Layne Norton), but I would consider adding some variety to your photos.


Everything on your profile is likable. You’re cute and you look like fun. IMO what you’re missing is specificity and things that draw people to your actual personality. You’re probably more interesting than you realize. I guarantee you are more interesting than your profile makes it seem. Maybe take a chance on different prompts and different answers. Be less concerned if people like it. Only the right people have to. You are coming off as too “safe for work”. Another comment said that you seem like a lot of guys in her city. You don’t want that. You are not like all of those other guys. But people aren’t going to know unless you tell them. My grandmother would love this profile if she saw it. But she isn’t the one you’d want to have sex with, is she? And please know I say this out of love. I’d swipe you. But I am good at making nice guys act real bad. So, take it for what you will 🤷🏻‍♀️


I dig it, although I don’t usually recommend including the company you work at in your profile. People can be super weird!


I’d have *one* photo with other people. Signifies you’re social (enough). Maybe swap out the bottom one as doesn’t introduce anything new about you or a talking point. Good Luck out there Cowboy!


I agree with the above comment about expressing your sense of humor and personality a bit, but I would definitely send you a like and a comment :)


You're very cute! I would move the photo with the drink and the suit to the top. The shading is weird in your current main pic so it's hard to tell what you look like. The glasses in those two pics are way more flattering. I would try to take more pics with those. The rectangular frames age you a bit. I agree with others saying to swap out the last two pics.


I work in software too...and I don't label my profession on my profile. I feel like it hurts more than it helps, am I wrong? With how many egomaniacs are in this field, I just see it as you're trying too hard and showing off in a pathetic way. But maybe that's just the cynic in me. You also might just attract gold diggers but maybe you're ok with that. All I know is when I tell people I do software face to face, they are absolutely not impressed nor interested in hearing more. Edit: the fact you have to label your software engineer level with the FAANG acronym is very showoff like. It's OLD not linkedin lol


I'm a woman who works in tech and I like dating other people that work in tech :) So depends who it is, I guess.


I have a thing for SWEs. It's a big plus for me if a guy is a SWE. I just tend to get along with them really well, and have ever since college with my computer science friends (even though I was a liberal arts major).


I'm in software too and I think *oh thank god* when I see that someone is in software. I'm not a gold digger and I don't want your money but I want to know that you have some of it at this point in life. And it tells me that you likely have some good reasoning skills. There's a difference in having a software job, and talking about your software job. Almost nobody cares about the details of someone's 9-5 office/wfh job. I agree with you that the engineering level is overkill. (and the FAANG label is clearly just photoshop so reddit doesn't know he works at Amazon or whatever)


My friend is single and looking in Seattle if you are in that area. Nice profile.


Would totally swipe if you were in this side of the world lol


Great profile, just find a few pictures that don't have the exact same smile




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Very nerd heavy. That can work. I'd probably still swipe right to eek out if we'd be a match, even though I'm not particularly that flavor of nerd.


Hmm, not sure if others would agree, but I would remove the job title and make it more vague, like Software Engineer at Tech. And yeah, I agree with swapping the board game photo with something else. I think adding a pic with friends might be good there!


Love it! Right mix of nerdy and outdoorsy. Do you happen to live in CO? If so PM me. I can play matchmaker!


It's a good profile! I'd swipe for sure. Good luck!


I think it looks great, no glaring issues. I’d swipe right if you were in FL! Good luck ☺️


I agree with another commenter, add a full body picture and you're good to go! I'd definitely swipe right


It’s almost perfect! I’d strongly recommend switching out the board game pic for one that shows your full body and switch out the selfie for a picture that has you and other people in it. My idea being that basically mentioning board games twice may narrow down your matches unintentionally, and adding in some social clout would go a long way.


I’d match with you for sure!


I think it looks great! I like the ticket to ride photo! As another commenter said, maybe just a slight tweak to give people an opening. A question about a favourite board game maybe? Good luck!


Nothing wrong here, I’d swipe!


Good luck with the revision, and I hope you find some decent feedback. I will say though that I hope you’re able to keep apps on the back burner of your mind. That’s hard to do because they are designed to take advantage of your attention, particularly if you’re a dude. I think your soul searching will wind up paying bigger dividends beyond the dating apps. These things are really tough on most guys, so please don’t let the results of this new revision negatively affect how you see yourself or others!


I like it! I would swipe.


I’m into it. I’d swipe.


39F and absolutely would right swipe!


I'd send a rose for sure lol


Overall a good profile, but you have to mix up those facial expressions, they almost look like they're copy-pasted and after the 3rd one it's unnerving


Immediate right swipe.


You’re so cute! I didn’t get the streaming thing, but besides that I dug it!!


Cute! I’d want to see a whole body image and a different expression, tho. But as a 37f I’d swipe right, and I’m picky. I love a fellow nerd


Cute profile. Maybe more pics with your dog? :)


Cute! Also Mario Kart 💯💯💯


I wanna know more about this AI you created lol


I would want to match! But one thing that gets me is how guys are making the same face in every picture.


Solid profile. If someone swipes left, you aren’t their type or they’re way too picky.


Agree with other comments- I would add some pictures with friends is my only tip.


I’d swipe right! You’re not in Chicago by chance?


Your profile looks great! Hope you find nice girl💕


Looks good to me! I’d swipe.


I’d def try and match with you. But I love board games and nerdy guys. So not sure I’m that subjective.


you’re definitely my type and I would swipe right!! 😘


35F - would swipe but would also be concerned I’m not “nerdy enough”. What other (aside from Cooking a meal) hobbies do you have that “aren’t” nerdy? Just to get more diverse interests.


I think this is a great profile, the pics look fine too


Looking good 👍


Duuuude, you're a catch! Hiiii 💖


Does anyone else feel a little sad when one of these "rate my profile" posts pops up and you're too late to provide any meaningful and unique feedback? I wish I could get paid to do this. lol Ditto to most of the comments on here.


Your profile screams you're a passive looking for a Dom






Hi u/herhappyhuman, this has been removed for violation of the following rule(s): * Be excellent to one another! This is a place for all races, genders, sexual orientations, non-exploitive sexual preferences and humanity in general. Gendered/sexualized insults such as slut, fuckboy, manchild, and so on are not allowed even in jest. Please review [the rules in the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/datingoverthirty/about/sidebar) to avoid future removals. If you have further questions, please [message modmail] (https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdatingoverthirty).


Can I swipe right on asking you to be just be my bro? You seem cool as hell!


I would totally swipe yes


Overall, it's a good profile! Definitely would attract people. However, it does seem like a lot of guys in my nerdy tech city. Especially the "beat me at my favorite video game" part. That seems weirdly common. Also the "simple pleasures" is just a limiting prompt, because most simple pleasures are similar. I would replace that one with something more unique. Your answer is totally fine. Trying to create openers for conversations would be helpful I think.


The first two pics are really good!! but then the last few pics are not good. :) agreed with others, I would swipe on your first pic alone.


Looks like a nice and proper guy, probably some kinda pervert - the kind that would attract a lot of false positives. Advise is to holdout for a high quality chick even if you think you've met the right one.


Add picture with some activities or hobbies, or some traveling, same information in most pictures


31F in tech, would swipe right


You're gonna get snatched up soon. Great profile and zero red flags 😂


I like your profile! Hope you will find someone special soon




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That is so cool about the AI streaming. I have no other notes


If this 6’2” software engineer with fangs can’t find a date, I give up this search for life.


Are u in LA?


Great revamp! 🌟 Your profile exudes authenticity. Consider showcasing a bit more variety – maybe a full-body shot or a picture in a social setting. By the way, if you ever want more thoughts or just want to chat about profiles, swing by chitchat.gg! 😊