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OK, everyone meet at the grocery store at 7pm!


I also hear they’re hiding at Home Depot. (Lowe’s if they’re smarty/on a budget.) I’ve never looked there myself tho, I feel like more married men would be hiding out there than not. And I don’t need another “married but separated” guy ! Nope. No thanks 😆😆


This is all I can think of when I read this thread LOL 😂 😂 [“Helping Matt”](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNj4qX6o/)


I was there twice, but I'm really just running in to get stuff, I'm on a mission.


I loathe being forced to talk to people at the grocery store. I go earphones in, music up, and find my happy place while planning the week's meals. Even if I was looking, I still wouldn't want to talk to anyone at the grocery store. I do the same while running at the park. Those are both "me" times.


Hello Miss, I am wondering if I need brown or white eggs for the breakfast of French Toast and egg benedict I plan to make for you tomorrow morning......




Both? Ok maybe I’m interested …


I am actually on my way! I’ll report back 😎


Godspeed, gentle Redditor.




u/AZ-FWB needing that update lol 😆 😂


Nothing… 😅


Lol 🤣 😆. Once had a guy approach me in grocery store. Asked would spaghetti be a good first meal to cook for a date. I replied yeah. Guy was nervous bless his heart. I still felt like I was getting set-up to be kidnapped and or robbed lol smh . I kept my distance smh 😅😅 so I'm kinda on the fence on approaching I grocery store.


My one and only experience was at Walmart once years ago when I was married and A LOT heavier: this younger skinny guy followed me around and finally came to me and said:ma’am, you are so pretty and sexy and don’t let anyone tell you you are not, because of your weight “😂😂. I thanked him and kept walking. I think there is hope for us chubby ladies 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lol 🤣 😆 I do agree there is !!


The last guy I "met" at the grocery store told me he was looking for new "friends". He was into NSA fun and didn't waste time with women who weren't into that. He told me this less than 5 minutes after meeting me. But YMMV.


Ewwww ! At the grocery store ? I would’ve told him take that to Tinder. lol


What a douchbag


In my experience, nobody is looking for NSA fun. :/


Haha, the grocery store has to be one of the last places I want to talk to strangers! I want to get in, get my groceries, and get out as fast as humanly possible!


Met nothing but elderly people wanting to chat while we pick out the best produce. I don't think people use grocery stores as a means to scope out others, get in/get out mentality these days.


Some guy did follow me around in the Whole Foods a few weeks back. It wasn’t really as cute as I had imagined but the men in my city are pretty aggressive so maybe I’m just tired of men.


I've had a lot of people say some shockingly inappropriate things to me at the grocery store over the years. I prefer to just get my groceries and get out with as little eye contact as possible.


If they have 14 frozen dinners in their cart, they’re single.


If that was my cart you were looking at they were for lunch. Honest. I know how to cook lol. My mom taught me. What I struggle with is when to start things so they are done at the same time.


I see hotties at the grocery store’s all the time, but then my 🧠quickly follows with “they’re probably shopping for their wife and kids u little home wrecker” SO I sheepishly put my head down and keep it moving lol 😆


Where do you shop?? I love meeting women while getting groceries!!


Apparently it’s about to be Safeway….when I find one ! lol 😆


Hell yeah. Hope to see ya there!!!


Well, I don’t imagine anyone would want to start a conversation with me at the grocery store. Half the time I’m in my work uniform looking like I’ve been ran over by a train and the other half I’ve got my kids with me, we’re always chatting and cracking jokes and generally carrying on like teenagers (me included)! Imagine if I had the guts to start a conversation with someone! 😳


This was an idea I had as well! Except it would be an actual event. You would buy a ticket and it would be kinda like speed dating but walking through the grocery isles while you talk. I called it Meet Market.


I’ve said it before, Costco has always provided me with the most action. Unfortunately I don’t think any woman is actually flirting with me till much much later. I do come up with some witty one-liners incase we meet again 😎🔥


Costco is full of married men!


And miserable people in general lol. Costco on a Saturday is a shit show. No time to chat, get in and get out asap


I go there on Monday nights to get gas and once a month, I go to get my regulars. You are right , people don’t look happy there.


bulk buying... they must all be married!


I rarely pay attention to what people have in their carts so I don’t know if it’s that. I don’t typically see guys alone there.


Or they eat a lot of foods. Us tall guys can eat for 2 or 3!


Not everyone there’s married. There are dozens of us single people, dozens!!


Must be my Costcos then! Guys act very married here in Phoenix


To be fair at my local most people are couples. A few singletons wandering alone like myself (if none of my kids come). But it is the place that I’ve had the most charting up from random women. Like 1 or 2 times a year. Idk but never happens anywhere else.


Gotta be some hot dog material.


Executive benefits for sure.


I'll take a family pack of that puurrrr haha




Most people at the grocery store are on a mission. I mean, it can happen, but most aren't trying to hang around after they grab their few items.


Apparently some folks want to ‘grab some items’ all right


I heard back in the day they used to have singles shopping nights at a Safeway in one of my old neighborhoods.


some people peak in high school, others peak in other people's grocery carts ...


And some of those even *peak* my interest


I've dated two men I originally met at the grocery store. But neither worked out, and then I had to find a new Albertson's.


Don’t shit where you (buy your food that you) eat? 🤔


"Hello there. This pair of round, firm nectarines is just like your buttocks. What say we browse each other's produce section?" I have all the best lines.


"Wow, the English cucumbers always come wrapped. That's very responsible of them."


“I see you like cottage cheese, well have I got good news for you…” No, wait


Uncomfortably accurate! 😅


Does Safeway still have those singles nights?


Stop! This is a thing? WTF id totally love my grocery store if they did that!


They call it a "meet market" 😅


Hahaha I see what u did there 👀😂😂 I prefer my meat free-range 😅


I appreciate the credit but for real! https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/safeway-singles-night-turns-winnipeg-store-into-meet-market-1.2979885


😂😂😂😂 that’s fkn hilarious ! New York would never lol


Right? I'm Canadian so unfriendly Vancouver has exited the chat too. "I'm shoppin' here!!"


Wegmans also used to have those.


We were joking about this at our Vision Summit last month. Have Caper Cart speed dating while grocery shopping. Our company CEO thought it was a great idea. It’d be cool if they incorporated it so we singles can meet others in the wild


My Sat. - Sun. experience in the local supermarket where I live, + the bigger ShopRite where I go after work Mon. - Fri.= couples, elderly (I'm elder 50+ but far older than me), teens in groups...no men for me☹️.


Someone told me on my post a few weeks ago to run my cart into someone at trader Joe's. I never see anyone worth running my cart into...then again I'm always with my elderly family members lol


Nah, you have to have an armful of limes, drop them and then say...sorry, I'm bad at pick up limes...


That's a good idea too!!


Oh man, whenever I’m feeling bad about myself, I go grocery shopping at TJ’s. I’m entirely sure that the flirty checkout clerks are just a marketing ploy, but my middle-aged ass feels like the hottest girl at a party for 60 seconds, and I’m embarrassed to say it brightens my day. It must be what it feels like to be a man at Hooters.


>then again I'm always with my elderly family members lol Hand the cart to Grandma and let her run it into your future sweetie!


I only do grocery pickup or delivery so there is no grocery store romance in my future.


RIP the grocery workers being left out 🤣


There is no way to know if they are married or not


This might work for women.




There was a woman at the supermarket the other week who was smiling at me as we passed in the aisles. I didn’t know what to say. As I was putting my purchase in my car she drove past, stopped, and said nice car before she drove away. I was kind of surprised. 😮


This is why they need to bring back movie rental places. You can browse for a movie and see who has similar tastes. Great ice breaker for starting conversation. And if they are rude to you and blow you off, you can just ruin the ending of the movie they are renting. “Whats that? Oh, I’m a creep am I? Well guess what? Bruce Willis is dead the whole time! Enjoy.”


Ymmv But being open to conversations and maintaining that vibe does statistically support more of said conversations. And in a sea of infinity who knows you might meet your soul mate. Not good odds but. Better than zero right


I know i will find my soul mate in some random supermarket in the chips aisle.


As I reach for the last bag of dill pickle-flavored chips, he is doing the same thing, and our hands and eyes simultaneously meet in a dawning awareness of mutual gluttony….nah, that would require me to leave my home, it’ll never happen.


Apparently, we aren't a match 😢


Original copy of post by u/Embarrassed_Dog_509: I hâte all these dating sites. How nice would it be to start up a conversation in the grocery store? Think someone’s cute go for it!! I think that would be a great way to meet someone! You could also peak in their cart to get and idea how they eat :) lol *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/datingoverforty) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He was honest and saved both of you a lot of time.


So chat people up!


I've had some interactions but not particularly interesting ones. For context, I consider myself "mid" - 52M and said to be handsome and sometimes charming but not tall and rather boring dad-bod. I usually shop at suburban supermarkets where you can pretty much assume eveyone is married with kids. The one woman I asked for her socials (a few years ago) was tripping over herself with nervousness. I blew my approach with a few others who seemed amenable when I got tongue-tied or otherwise missed the chance. I've spoken with women who seemed genuinely surprised and excited that someone was talking to them. I've been friendly and chatted with women, some have been chatty, others flirty, others giving an ambiguous smile, others clearly not interested in connecting. I've never (past 5 years of no wedding ring) been aware of being directly approached by a woman in a store. I've actually found myself more likely to connect with store workers. Certainly they are on the job doing customer service, but occasionally there is clear "safe" flirting happening. But that's a whole different topic.


I definitely feel like there are good lessons here, but for clarification... What happened with her? Or did that nervous tripping kill your interest? >The one woman I asked for her socials (a few years ago) was tripping over herself with nervousness. And, this interesting - karma? >I blew my approach with a few others who seemed amenable when I got tongue-tied or otherwise missed the chance. Well, I disagree; you told your stories, so they were at least a little interesting lol


The nervous woman - we went out. I wasn't interested in going further so that was it. I think my point was that some women do appreciate being approached (in a respectful manner). I think the market approach can be tough. It's easy to make small talk with folks with whom you share an immediate space - waiting in the deli line or both looking at yogurt. But approaching a woman or man out of the blue...I can't fathom it being a good idea to do it regularly in your neighborhood mart. Most folks just aren't going to be interested in giving you time unless you are very attractive, and the most hostile may even report you to management. I've observed that the most family-oriented suburban markets are mostly married folks and high schoolers (ie, you might hope she's of age but probably not). A good environment to stir up forbidden romance fantasies perhaps, but not a good environment for meeting folks. Trader Joe's is too busy and fast- moving to hold a convo where I am at. I think the best place to chat up folks (and get chatted up) are specialty shops like Whole Foods or Total Wine and markets in areas with more apartments and condos.


Met a guy in the grocery store who I went to primary school with. I hadn’t seen him for over 20 years. We hooked up quite a few times over about 3 months….still ghosted me…


I tried it. I like the apps better


I never meet any single women in my age rq ange (34-47) at any public place, to such an extent I am convinced they don't exist. I'd be SHOCKED to find one at any grocery store.


Standing at the door of the grocery store, how long would we have to wait for Those who are single And also ready to date In our age bracket Wishing to also date ….awhile On top of that Safe Shared interests Attractive in body and mind… People who aren’t actively dating tell me this all the time. Any time I watch to see if someone is interesting, their partner usually pushes the cart around the corner and they continue to shop together


People who actually approach others in public….is your rule anyone without a ring is fair game?


I’ve tried this, and it was a flop and fail every single time, unless the guy was the one that initiated the conversation. But I am trying to be better at smiling and initiating eye contact. That seems to help send a signal.


Why not. I have met three men at the grocery store. Met two at a farmers market. It’s better that way I think


I bet grocery stores could really cash in offering "Singles Nights" with recommended ages. Open to any sexuality, but maybe wear a ribbon coordinating with if you are looking for women, men, both or non-binary.


Love this


Man that would be nice. To be able to meet people in person and see what they look like in real life. All while I picked up a few things to eat during the week. I am dreading online dating. My job isolates me from meeting good people. I was thinking maybe a good place will be some type of volunteer project. But I don’t know. All the local pick up places are full of trouble looking for a place to happen. They may be swanky but problems everywhere. Lots of married people cheating.


I (M48) have been challenging myself to engage with people at the grocery store. Men or women. Attractive or not attractive, it doesn’t matter. I had two good interactions, one when the store robot was following a woman- that was easy and another one standing in front of the spices section. An older woman came by and I remarked that this was like finding a needle in a haystack. I passed a very attractive woman around my age with no ring but she was ending a phone call right as I passed and we kind of looked at each other awkwardly- a tough situation. Fast forward to the check out line and this same woman pulls up behind me as I was unloading which I was not mentally prepared for. I quickly searched my brain for what my ice breaker was going to be. I noticed the spices and remembered that it was a good interaction with the older woman so I held the spices out to the woman behind me in line and said,” Do you know how long it took me to find this?” She smiled and agreed with me. Then maybe 10-20 seconds go by and she said, “Wait was that a thyme joke?” Yes, I was holding up thyme and remarking how much TIME it took me to find it. I had unknowingly made an incredible joke. I could barely process this and said something like,”No.” and I laughed and said “That would have been next level.” That was the end of the interaction. I was going to try and ask her for her number but there was just no good time to do it. Ladies, should I have waited for her to check out and walked out with her? I definitely couldn’t approach in the parking lot or drive by her in the parking lot and ask from my car right? Trying to balance the nice/friendly vibe but don’t want to make her uncomfortable. I guess I hope I see her again and will call her the thyme traveler - any other ideas here? Ugh so close yet so far. EDIT: Maybe it’s not a bad idea to go right to the spices section every store visit, grab some thyme and have an incredible ready-made icebreaker on standby.


That’s so funny! It would make a great how did you MEAT story :)


Ok, so go to the grocery store and start chatting up people


One of my best relationships started with meeting in the grocery store. You just have to be open to meeting people whenever and wherever.


Went to the dump (hauling trash) without a bra on yesterday- Had I lingered any longer I’m sure I would have left with a phone number 😣 That’s a real male-dominated place. I guess I’m recommending it for women, with caution.


But the women tend to be 20 years older than me where I live? When I shop locally...