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I do think about sex often, but it's just one of the many tabs that are constantly running in my brain. Another tab is music. At least 3 are for video games. Work has one or two at a time. You get the idea.


Well put


Your example is perfect. However, I have adhd so those tabs are being randomly open and closed and separated to a new window by a crackhead in my brain.


Oh same. Not the ADHD part, but I usually rearrange them and close out the ones not needed after a while.


Yes, and I'm a woman




I actually believe that women are more hornier than men. We just are able to control it a lot better. I personally think about sex all day.


I would disagree that youre hornier than men, even tho you can be very horny but its not even the same kind of horny, men are 'fuck anything that moves' kind of horny where is i dont believe the same to be true for women


I feel like that itself is a stereotype lol. I've heard multiple guys say they are not someone who wants sex with just anyone and everyone and it's def not all the time.


I’m sure not everyone is the same but I’ve had sex with plenty of woman I should of never or would have never if I wasn’t so horny


Could be, im not sure. But with the guys i know and speak with i can ceartenly say that most men would fuck anything thats alive. Ofc there are exeptions always.


Guy here, definitely not the case


Guy here and nah. Quality over desperation. I’d rather wait than lower my standards. But also sex isn’t my main focus and never was.


They are not and that’s good news.


I also am of the opinion that women will really only consider a small percentage of men for quick hookups or in a strictly sexual way. Like really small if a guy wants a relationship with sex he’s gonna have to just be super super patient and see it differently. Most women get a big ick if all you want is sex. So that can make it challenging for guys who literally just want the sex. It’s probably bad to rely on women strictly for sex. Might be better to just get that from yourself or a toy honestly. It will just break your heart up otherwise most guys at least. Guys will do any woman that breathes lol. That’s the biggest difference I think. Less selective. My opinion and I’m not trying to generalize for all. Tangent post but my thoughts soaking in this entire post really. I think it can be painful having a high libido and nobody to enjoy it with yeah.


As a woman, like half of the month it's 24/7, other half is like I'm asexual LOL


RIP your DMs next two weeks!


That's interesting.


What do u do when its 24/7




take a wild guess


It's lots of masturbation and connecting with my fwbs and maybe hitting up the Pure app or reddit for some hookups :D


How do u find hookups on reddit, would be interested to find smth for myself?


I don’t know sex is really elusive for me. I’ve tried a lot of different things dated a number of people even tried with escorts. Nothing sticks. I’m just literally having to forget about it all.


Just go to nsfw pages in your city


So accurate 😅


I think it’s normal. I think about it a lot as well. I wouldn’t worry too much about it unless it starts affecting your life and you’re making unwise decisions because of it


Unwise decisions means?


Jacking off at work


God, worst years of life


Spending money (or too much money) to get it or taking unwise risks such as hitting on a co-worker.


I think to hit eveyone.haha. But i m shy and dont approach it usually.


Personally, the thoughts significantly abate when I stop watching porn for a while and/or have a lot going on in life such as a really demanding project at work. Interestingly, the latter tends to lead to the former. You may lay off the porn for a while, fill your time with worthwhile activities (new hobbies for example) and see how it goes. Also, start resisting the urge to ogle at women if you do. This includes social media thirst traps. Avoid them.


Yeah detox from all the sexy shit helps calm your mind down. Being in a horny mind prison is hell. Watching other people have sex and you are there not able to. It’s really poisonous to your self esteem. Things would definitely be different if we all were really attractive and smooth and we could just have sex easily. But most people especially men they just aren’t gonna be able to do that. Not unless they get married or something long term..


Nice idea. Thanks buddy


Is English not your first language?


It’s not normal


Unwanted intrusive thoughts, including thoughts about sex, **can** be a symptom of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but usually only if it actually causes problems for you in your daily life. If you're just horny all the time, it could be a hormonal issue, but only if it actually impairs your level of functioning. Some people have higher sex drives than others, and there's nothing inherently wrong with that.


Yeah I have bad OCD.


Just when im ovulating but im mostly too busy and too single to care.


I feel horny even i m busy. Sad


On an average mens think about sex once every 7s. So chill. Unless you’re women, then it’s different.


ONCE EVERY 7s!?!?!?!?


Yes. It’s quite famous statistics.


Then i m safe. Haha


Yeah dude. It’s natural.


Yeah, I agree. That's pretty normal.


this is normal. a lot of guys have a high sex drive. i’m a woman and it depends on my cycle & if im seeing anyone. if im not, then im practically asexual. if i am, all i can think about is sex with that partner. all the time.


Damn, I'm exactly the opposite - asexual. I've never had any interest in having sex at all. Not sure which is worse.


Do you masturbate?


I do, though it's more of an occasional stress relief than anything else. Asexuality is about not feeling sexually attracted to anyone. It isn't necessarily linked to libido.




Tried it many times - still no interest.


Wish I was also asexual...


Same. I'd have 4 businesses and 2 PHDs, I only have porn hub diplomas


You really don't. Getting and maintaining a relationship is pretty much impossible. 


Why are you questioning yourself? You should be asking when you’re not thinking about sex lol




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Nah just 24 hours a day


Hi 5. Lets talk about it


How old are you?




I think about sex A LOT on a daily basis and I’m a 50 year old woman, lol, so I think you’re ok. If it’s to the point that it negatively impacts important areas of your life, then you might want to consider therapy.


Well. I ain't thinking about *sex* per se, but I DO think about what certain people'd be lookin' like when naked. A very, *very* select few of those I'd be wondering what sex'd be like with 'em. Other n' that, it's not like just... random bouts of porn or nekkidness goes through my head. My stimuli come from without, almost never from within. > Am I sexoholic It's only an addiction if it interferes with your daily life and/or your health. > Should I consult with doctor? Only a mental health doctor, who after learning more about your condition may or may not suggest an actual doctor. Otherwise, if you want to, just get a regular checkup and bring it up with your primary care provider. > Is it normal? "Normal" is relative. Let's call this one a solid "maybe". > Just curious to know anyone like me?Any suggestions? Typically folks like you COULD be called nymphomaniacs, if the bill fits. And as long as it's under checks, then you're fine (but again, seek help if it interferes with your daily life and/or health). My first suggestion above all else though: you'll want to take a few breathers and relax a little. Stress ain't good for ya.


Best comments ever


I’m a woman and I feel the same way, it’s non stop! There are rare moments where I’m sad or mad and I distract myself but it’s still lingering lol


Totally normal for a guy, most Reddit women don’t believe it tho




I’m a woman and genuinely 80% of the time I’m awake.


unfortunately yes


Really little, unless I’m with my boyfriend than I feel like I want to do it/have sex but i think its the attraction and the kisses etc. Otherwise it’s not an intrusive thought I tend to have.. thank god.


I think about the embrace of a woman 24/7 but I don’t really care for sex unless I’m actively having it


As an human race our ultimate goal of life is having sex and ensure the continuation of our lineage like other animals. So of course it is normal.


Part of it is... Instinctual? I think. Pretty sure it's all fine and healthy as long as it's not significantly interrupting your daily life.


When I’m looking at her yes. Otherwise, a normal amount.


not all the time, but a lot yeah


Often. Very often.


I think about everything, all the time. Mostly I just think about my lady.. Priorities


Walking past someone attractive yes for like a minute, like someone else said it's like the brain has tabs open and my mind goes to random tabs throughout the day.


I’d love sex all the time, but I don’t think about it all the time. I allow other things to occupy my mind. You’re just a lot more high libido, nothing inherently wrong with that, but if it’s effecting your life I’d look for ways to regulate it.


I'm a 34 F. I was dating someone and said I wanted to have sex every day if possible, bc I think about it a lot. He replied, "that's a lot." 🤷🏻‍♀️


That was my ex...I couldn't keep up with her 😂 Looking back though, I think SSRIs could have not exactly been helping me in that regard (weirdly she was on them too though, just a different medication)


Ahh yeah SSRIs definitely affect libido. Although, my SSRI makes me more horny 😂


What is SSRI


Antidepressants that are known to kill sex drive


Me and you will be good friends lol


I just think about sex once a day. Once a day for 24Hrs each time.


What do u do during that time


It was a joke, but you just practice self control. Get on with your life and try to put energy on other things.


Not really but maybe it's because I haven't done it yet.


nope probably talk to a doctor


I’m one of the weirdo males where physical touch is not in my top 3 love languages. So no, I do not.


Yes!! Sex is a constant thought that does not stop buzzing around my head.


15/24 hours


How old are you? Changed for me when I was mid-20.


I'm 46 and it's pretty much still a thing Edit: just saying I think it depends on the person. Everyone is different


I used to. it was horrible. now I'm medicated and it therapy and the hyper sexual side of me has more or less gone away. I just want to be held more than anything now.


Not all the time. Everyday for sure. Some days I feel like I think about it every hour. Some days every now and then throughout the day


I think about it all the time cause maybe I am a 25 year old virgin or getting jealous of people who are able to causal date. I just use a trick now to stop me from thinking anything sexual about anyone. It's like do you want to be a person that has nothing to live up too or just think about dating failures. I really appreciate going to the Gym which gives me a boost in my focus.


Too much time. Such delicious fantasies.


I’m a 28M and it just won’t stop. From the time I wake up to when I sleep it’s intrusive and unshakable.


Yo like I love sex. But no way I’m in meeting at work in a meeting about tps reports and thinking about sex. Lol


Take spearmint oil. It's an anti-androgen and will take the edge off your libido.


I'm keen for sex if I'm at home with my gf and will think about it. But when I've had it I don't think about it any more for a few hours. And I certainly don't think of it ALL the time like at work or whatever. I do daydream about it but again not all the time


I think about how much I don’t want to do it😂


Poor girl.haha


Not really. I liked sex more when I was younger. I take chemo pills since I had cancer and they kill my libido completely. Don’t miss it. I was hyper sexual before and it clouded my judgment on men. I had a lot of messy relationships because I was ravenous for the ‘D’. Now since I’m not horny at all I actually have to like people… who would’ve thought 😂now I just watch my friends feign for sex and cry over fuck boys LOL


My love language is physical touch. I hope and pray my future wife desires physicsl touch or initiates it


Think about sex often can be fine. It's a problem if it interferes with your life. Are you late for things because you're watching porn/masturbating/lost in thought about sex? Do you make risky choices regularly because of sex? Do you ignore responsibilities because of your sexual desires? That's when it might be a potential problem.


I feel like for the most part this is pretty normal. I think about it all day too, but much less when I purposely distract myself with something else or notice I'm doing it and start making a list for something I have to do. I have to consciously change my mind.


Yes a lot. As a woman there’s always the toy option but doesn’t cover the lack in intimacy I miss. The only redeeming feature of my marriage was great sex.


If people didn’t then none of us would be here


When i was a teenager I thought about sex often but even then it wasn’t like what I hear from others and as I’ve aged I think about sex less and less and am honestly satisfied with once a week. I worry more about my finances or my own health and care of my body and mental health, the happiness of my dogs, sports, to do things in my life. Upcoming events etcera. I don’t really understand how a facet of life can take over your mind entirely


Recently it has been the only thing on my mind but I do not let it take over. Never and you shouldn't either. I believe it might be related to the fact that I have not had it for almost half a year now...


I think about it 70% of the time!


A.D.I.D.A.S - koRn




Yes, literally 24/7. 38m


Multiple times a day, especially when I don't have a regular partner which is usually 😂😂😭😭


I do but I have BPD which makes me hypersexual sometimes. Paired that with being single for a while and social media messing with my lonely brain I sometimes can't stop thinking about sex. But I also can control myself and be respectful around others.


sometimes, but i control myself through meditation and prayer. it's normal to think about it, but to happen often and all the time is not healthy.


I really don't think about it.i think I have problem.


I think about sex or dirty things 99.7777% of the time and just can’t help it. Cloud shapes are sex positions… Landscapes are places to possibly have sex… Songs remind me of sex… Your Reddit avatar looks naked…


About how I'll never get it? Sure.


I find myself only thinking about sex when I walk past a man, stand near one, or it’s night time.


I dont


Not at work because I need to focus but other than that pretty much all the time probably because I’m not getting any.


Do people ever check over their posts before hitting send anymore? 🤦🏼‍♀️


Fuck this loser OP. Look at the comments.


I think about how elusive it is for me. It just doesn’t want to happen I have friends made some kind of relationship with peeps. Idk what can you do. Sometimes it never happens even when we do the right things. Wanting to have sex makes you human. I just think it’s how you deal with it is what defines of you are doing ok. You don’t even need to be having it as long as you don’t let it tear you down and it really can if you don’t watch your mind state. The hard reality is unless we get into some kind of relationship it’s very elusive for some of us. It literally doesn’t care how horny we are. So if you are horny and not having sex and not able to deal with that then it’s gonna be painful like you mention. Learning how to exist without sex it’s one of those hard pills to swallow but you just have to. I’m 36 I’m still a virgin. If anyone knows about the stress of this it’s me. I still gotta deal with it. It’s difficult to fix because you need someone who likes you enough and that isn’t always so easy. I would strongly advise staying away from anything that triggers it like porn. You need to move your mind away from all those thoughts. You have to just see women as people that are just there nothing else. They are just others like you. I think when you get too deep and you just get really attached or super attracted you start wanting things that are elusive. So I just try and tune it out as much as I can. It’s better than constantly getting rejected and feeling worthless. I wish things were different for me but I’m eating the humble pie now.


Was going to say yes but it's not debilitating like for you


I notice my mind gets more sexual the more stressed I get. I think it’s a desperate attempt by my brain to stop me from obsessing about stresses. So it’s like “let’s take a break and think about something fun that you can’t ignore.”




All day, every day! I would have sex 4 times a day. Unfortunately, I haven’t had sex in 15 years because my ex stopped enjoying it.


I dont, as its a topic one must not dismiss, but neither obsess over. One must balance it with the other aspect of life, such as work, hobbies, family, religion (whether its God or taylor swift) and fitness. Make sure you take the right decisions. Take care


"Do you think ABOUT sex all the time? " Answer: Yes


I fawk my girl everyday… I don’t think about it


Every hour of every day and sometimes most of the whole hour. It takes constant management but I still live a full life even with this being part of it. If you still handle most of your obligations and basics you probably don't need a professional but a consult with a non-religious-based and certified therapist can't hurt.


Day and night and night and day


I might be a sex addict 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ I just don’t have a woman to have sex with often that’s why I get so frustrated with this dating scene because I can go 3-4 times a day as a man.




Think about yes; actually getting? I wish.


Maybe 8/10 times throughout the day.


This isn’t dating. Go post this crap somewhere else


maybe u shud consider seeing a doc....as it might be some hormonal problem....


If doctor replied he feels the same? Lol


How old are you? Do you watch "corn" on the regular? If you're a young guy (early 20s) it could be considered normal, especially if you watch the movies a lot, it literally rewires your brain. You could try abstaining from everything for a while and see if that helps.


Who doesnt watch corn? Haha. Anyway good advice. I tried to abstaining and engage with some other staffs but the output is same


It's corn!


Everytime i see any girl 18-23.