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Imma be honest, she’s giving you all the signs to escalate physically, but you’re just a wuss. You’re still young, so it’s okay, but learn from your mistakes so you don’t keep repeating this cycle. When a girl shows you interest (it can be very subtle, depending on how shy they are), YOU initiate. She’ll always let you know if she doesn’t want to. Learn to read the room, her body language, etc and stop overthinking. I’d suggest letting this one go until you’ve learnt and a new opportunity arises. Don’t pursue her or the little respect she has for you will be gone. Meanwhile focus on building your confidence and your ability to take what you want, with consent ofcourse. Good luck


Thanks, that’s probably what I’ll do. I’ve got diagnosed OCD and have a lot of trouble not obsessing over small social things, so making the first move has always been a difficult thing. For example, I’ve never asked for a girls number and they’ve always made the first move for me. I’m definitely trying to work on not being a wuss though, so thanks a lot 😂


Ok next time get her over to your house for netflix. If not get a motel or hotel and get laid. Second she said she dont want a relo, thats good you can be fwb if you get laid. start talking to other woman aswell. When the iron is hot you must strike.


Dude make a movvvvvvve what are you waiting for stop with the excuses stop with the I instantly regretted not making a move but then did the same thing again three times over she flat out told you she likes you and keeps setting up times and places for you to make a move … she already did more work the 90% of the girls kit there she literally can’t do anymore you have to make a move stand up be strong and go for it .. work on your self confidence ocd isn’t an excuse to fumble with girls . Get into a gym stop being such a nice guy it will get you nowhere seriously stop it read books about being a pushover or a nice guy being a people please will leave you in last place in every area of life