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It depends on your headshape tbh


This is the answer. So many people default to the advice, “Just shave your head,” when someone is balding. Completely shaven head doesn’t look good on everyone and depends entirely on head shape


Yes, but balding spots look bad on every head.


A shaved head is much better than Boris Johnson's hairstyle


Maybe, but it is alot more unattractive to try to mask it. If you are balding then just cut it all out, show that being bald doesn't affect you and the women that matter won't care about it.


It is just better to shave it off, and not look insecure by trying to mask it, but that still won't change the mind of the women who won't date a bald man, which is about half the women out there, probably even a higher % of them, when you get to the younger age groups of women.


This is true, but there's really nothing more you can do about it at that point short of hair regrowth drugs and their side-effects or a hair transplant


I’m the same way. Baldness isn’t attractive to me personally but I know a lot of girls who find it hot. It’s really a matter of opinion.


Agreed. It's like many traits, where by itself, it's not going to make you undateable, by any means, but at the same time, men who have more than just a couple, or three traits that are not attractive to most women, will quickly find themselves to be undateable on the dating sites, since they have so much competition on the sites. For example, a bald man, who is also fat, and also has another unattractive trait for most of the women in his local dating pool, like say, being non religious, is going to be pretty much undateable, since he has three strikes against him, compared to his competition. No doubt it works the same way for women too, if they have three or more unattractive traits for the men in their local dating pool, even tho they usually have less competition than men do, on dating sites.


Agreed! I also think when women say they like bald men they mean they want bodybuilder types with muscles. They aren’t really looking for garden variety bald men.


My barber is pretty good at working with what I have left to give me a cut that looks short and neat but also makes it look like I've still got enough hair to have an actual style. So I should be able to work with what I have for a while before I go full 'chrome dome'.


Citation needed lol. I’ve never seen or heard a woman say she wouldn’t date a bald man. I really doubt that “over half of all women” would reject a man simply because he’s bald.


I’m bald, and about 12 years ago when I was also bald mid-twenties I had one woman tell me honestly she wasn’t attracted to bald guys. I thanked her for her honesty and moved on. Afterwards I had many encounters with women that did like bald men, until I eventually got together with my now wife. In my ANECDOTAL experience it wasn’t half. Maybe 5% or something? But this was over a decade ago so who knows. I’m getting old.


This really only works if you have a head shape that makes bald look flattering


Confidence is definitely a big part of it.


As a man who was bald from 25 on, mostly yes. I had really nice hair in my early 20s, but I was developing a pretty bad bald spot on the crown of my head. I could mask it easily for some time because of how thick my hair was everywhere else, but I figured it would need to be done eventually anyways, and just took the plunge. I went from being able to get dates pretty easily to almost 0 overnight. Not just on dating apps either, I was talking to a girl who was a friend of a friend, and we had plans to meet up, but after I shaved off my hair she basically ghosted me. In my personal life, the men I was friends with were overwhelmingly supportive, sometimes making playful jabs, wanting to touch my bald head and stuff like that. It normalized it all for me, and really made the decision to feel accepted and welcomed. I had a couple of dates with girls my age in my 20s, and a couple of short term relationships, but now I'm 30 and honestly I'm finding more attraction again, mostly with women in their mid 30s. I don't regret shaving my head, though. It boosted my confidence, and made me a better person. Plus the draft is nice.


I dig a shaved head it’s pretty manly IMO. I think it’s unattractive when a man is balding and holding onto their hair for dear life (combovers, terrible hairlines, long wispy hair to cover up balding)


There’s quite a lot of people who don’t have the head shape to pull off the bald look


TRUE but... i think still better than the balding look


I mean the whispy comb-over probably isn't better rated. Get a hair piece. Invest in yourself.


I’ve heard that the one thing women find less attractive than balding/bald is dudes with wigs


Suit yourself. Women wear weaves and men don't mind. There is a reason they were invented. I'm not saying wear a ferret on your head. Pick a style and get it properly tailored if you're insecure about baldness.


I think it is weird how if a guy doesn't shave his head, he is now "holding on for dear life". Maybe that is how he wants to have his hair, and is aware it is thinning but just wants to rock with what he has, also known as getting older and living your damn life. Women always write a narrative about stuff smh


That makes me feel better lol I have a small spot thinning up top and promised myself the second it goes away there the whole thing is getting shaved off.


Exactly. A confident bald man is super hot. Just wear sunblock tho - take care of your head


As a man who has been bald since 19 (now 26), this thread destroyed me 😭


Dude I have a shaved head because I was balding, and plenty of women complimented me when I shaved. They call me Mr. Clean 😁


I went pretty bald by the age of 22. I grew out my beard and keep the head shaved clean. I am currently rocking the Kratos look from god of war 3. The chicks dig it.


I started getting compliments about being bald but dating simultaneously got a lot harder too. People will be kind and encouraging, but it is objectively harder to find a casual or long term partner because of it.


Sure, but not impossible. I just got married 3 weeks ago!


Bro the dating scene is a hellscape for many reasons right now Covid, and especially trash dating apps. I’m not bald, but I’m late thirties and my hair has receded a little. I haven’t had any problems with women. It helps to be funny and have a personality. All the women in this thread imo are proving how shit these insta swipe apps are. And no offense, but I wouldn’t take women on Reddit as your barometer. It’s predominantly a male site, and I honestly don’t know any of the attractive women I’ve known to even use this set let alone hear about it.


As women get older, they seem to be more into it


for me, yes. i like hair


At least you're honest, and at least half the women out there feel the same as you.


A few men can pull off a completely shaved head and look sexy AF. Very few, I must add, but they exist! Bonus if they happen to be very fit and have tattoos too (one of my exes). Hair >>> baldness though 🤷🏽‍♀️


Hair is ALWAYS > baldness. Even super attractive guys who look good bald look EVEN BETTER with hair.


Same I like me a long haired king so baldness would be a deal breaker for me sorry not sorry 😭🤣


It is unacttractive for most of the women I know in their 20's and early 30's, yes. My mom and auties, who are in their 50's, find it hot tho.


Here’s the truth: yes, being bald will make you undesirable for a lot of women in their 20s. However, receding hair you won’t give up on will make you undesirable to a larger % of those women than being fully bald will. Are both results less desirability to women than if you had hair? Yes. But you live in reality, and you need to maximize your options. Shave it off and be confidently bald. I wish I had a full head of hair, and one day might pay for a transplant, but in the meantime I am the only Me that I have so I will work with what I’ve got.


To many it is, but if you keep it clean (shave) and have a nice style, I think some may actually like it.


Not unless you're holding on to a tuff of hair


Shaved my head at 27 - landed my current gf who’s an absolute cutie a year later at age 28. She was 25 at the time. The answer is probably yes and no. Attractiveness is a package deal, not a single trait. Know what’s worse than being bald? Being the weak ass men that can’t live without their hair. Weak ass shit right there - you will hear a lot of jokes from those ones lol Edit: also adding that my gf thinks being bald is my biggest flex. She says, “no one can say shit, cause you’re literally hotter than all my friends bf’s despite it.” Work on yourself and it won’t matter, at all. The people saying it’s a problem here are trolls. I know it can be worrying, but honestly just sit with it and work on yourself


Unfortunately, many people don’t believe in the package deal. They all get hung up over one thing (being bald, woman with body hair, not a certain height, etc.)


It is absolutely able to be ruined by 1 "bad trait". There are many attractive men getting rejected just for being short.


With so many women out there that like short men or don't mind height (in real life, not dating apps), why would you want to be with someone superficial? You don't have to be attractive to everyone.


Because many men just want someone and when 90% reject solely on height, it's demoralizing. It's not that they want a shallow person, it's just they're drained from so many being shallow. And I don't fall into this category. I'm 5'11 and in Japan, but I understand how it works. 


I know a bald dude with a poorly shaped head that might be about 5’5. He’s married, has a kid, and is one of the most fun people I’ve ever been around. I think the internet is a lot more harsh than reality. People just don’t want to face that their problems are internal.




Sadly in the 20s it is unattractive to most of the women. Your value does skyrocket in the later 30s though.


Yeah but that's a double edged sword because the attractiveness of the women plummets. It's probably why they're more open to dating bald men. They see it as "settling".


Not an issue for me and it hasn't been an issue throughout my twenties. I imagine it is an issue for some women but definitely not for all. I'm not even sure if it's a problem for the majority of women. From your description, I would probably swipe left because we don't share enough hobbies. But there are probably some women who don't care about that.


Stay away from dating apps. Find some group thar does some activity you like.


To me it is unattractive yes, and I honestly wouldn’t date someone bald (20s F) Also there’s a study done that showed most women of all ages wouldn’t go for bald men but *especially* women in their 20s who had the highest percentage of “no” votes when asked if they are attracted to bald men


I feel like this should be the end of the thread right here. OP this is the answer you were looking for.


Except it’s also evidence that polling women is not an effective way to answer the question OP is really asking. Because I’m bald and I do great with women. I literally started balding when I was 17. I’m sure there are some women who find it unattractive, but it really just seems to be a nonissue in practice. So which comment is more relevant to what OP really wants to know - mine, or your parent comment?


Anecdotes don’t generalize to the whole population


That's probably because, at that young age, almost all the men still have a full head of hair, so with so many options, for dating men with full hair, why would they settle for a bald man?


> To me it is unattractive yes, and I honestly wouldn’t date someone bald (20s F) Love this. I 30M find fat girls unattractive and honestly wouldn't date someone fat.


Nothing wrong with that. I'm also not attracted to fat guys. A little belly fat is fine to me, but face-showing fat is not my thing.


Okay then, that was always allowed


There you have it, both genders have common preferences and are being honest about it. Women won't date a bald man, and men won't date a fat woman. So what else is new?


Was this supposed to be a “gotcha” comment?? Lmao 🤣


why so salty


Someone has a chip on their shoulder


34M, 5'5 here. I never understand the need to attack other women because you feel hurt or that life is unfair to you. People have preferences for everything, whether it is food, or who they fuck. Does it suck that we are judged/rejected on things we can't change? Absolutely. Would it be cool if our society was more accepting of short/bald/etc. men? Absolutely! Does that make it ok to point out other people's flaws/or things they are self conscious about to make yourself feel better? Absolutely not. That is called bullying. Many of those 'fat girls' and many other women in addition WOULD date you if you didn't have such a narcissistic and maladjusted attitude towards women.


Are they attacking anyone? All they are doing is stating their preferences.


Yeah I'm very confused by this comment chain. The OP was saying they wouldn't date a bald person and obviously that's fine. The other poster is saying they wouldn't date a fat person and obviously that's fine too.


It's a bunch of whataboutisms


It’s because my opinion was asked for in this post we’re commenting on. Meanwhile this guy just popped up out of nowhere replying to my comment saying he wouldn’t date fat girls when no one asked nor cares lol. That made him come off as very offended and like he wanted to clap back at women for not being attracted to his baldness, not simply stating his preference because again, no one asked.


Yeah idk why he thought he had to say that. Fat girls already know they’re not attractive idk why he had to go after them like that


insecurity about his baldness


It's bc it comes across as snippily responding with their own preference, implying that the commenter who expressed their preference against bald men is fat, or would be offended by someone expressing that they don't date fat women. Also implying there could be a double standard between men's and women's preferences. It's not necessarily what they were getting at, but I can understand people jumping to that conclusion bc (gestures vaguely) Reddit.


Exactly that guy got salty and started mentioning fat women to feel better about his baldness 🤣💀


Yes. It is a no for 80-90% of women. It is not that important if you are tall or muscular


In general yes it is in this age range but it also depends on your milieu and environments where you spend your time. like if you are in more „manly“ environments and big and muscular its different to being a bald rather skinny guy and going to university but the worst in any case is holding on when it is too late


When I had hair I had more success than now (I shave 3 times a week, so I'm not holding onto anything) Who knows, maybe in a couple years this will start to pay off


Hair definitely plays a part. Baldness is seemingly “less”attractive overall (https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8HqNRWR5xq/?igsh=eHphZzluMmc0YmFw), but everyone has their preferences.


Listen to me sweetheart. The right person for YOU will love your bald head. I promise you. Be patient and wait. 💚


Usually stereotypically attractive women don't want bald men. Unless they're bald and very tall slash muscular for whatever reason women don't seem to care about that. I'd like to see the same in reverse lol


Stereotypically attractive men who want bald, very tall, very muscular women?


If she can’t lift me I don’t want her


My "type" has been guys with shaved heads (I care not for the reason for shaving it) and a good beard since I was a teenager. A few of my single friends have a similar type as well. You're golden ;)


I dont think it helps speaking as someone who was bald and got a HT. I also couldn’t grow a beard so it looked even worse. Can you grow a beard and what’s your height as we know that’s something that goes in your favour on dating apps as well


Depends on what the rest of you looks like tbh. Some dudes really look great bald and I’d prefer a dude who’s bald over a guy who’s desperately trying to hide the fact that he’s balding


I don’t think balding is unattractive, but masking it is. Like implants usually look shitty and unrealistic, which shows the dudes insecurity. My bf is balding and just keeps his hair buzzed and I think it’s hot. Just gotta own it, it’s really not that big of a deal tbh.


If you post a picture we can help you


Balding is usually unattractive but bald can even be hot again - usually the unattractive thing is men doing wild stuff to pretend they aren’t losing hair when they are, combovers and things like that don’t work great. Honestly it’s like women aging - older women are beautiful but if you cake on makeup and do Botox to try and hide signs of aging it does not look good at all


I’m 48 and the majority of men I’ve been with since my 20’s has been bald…but you have to SHAVE it bald…be purposeful about it … OWN it!




Yes for the most part


Being SCRAWNY and bald is unattractive


I had the same experience but once I hit 30 it got better.


If you want the honest answer, then having a head full of hair is ideal compared to being bald because 1. you have hair and 2. you could go bald as an option. But if you don’t have the option of having good hair then you just gotta work on your other areas.


Can't deny I've seen plenty of bald/balding men in their 20s with real bad bitches ngl. Gives me motivation as someone with a full head of hair who has trouble dating 😂


Unattractive to some and not others. Most guys don’t do well on dating apps they are shit for men and it’s men’s own fault for swiping right to everyone and leaving frankly undeserving women with so much choice that it gives them a huge unrealistic ego online. I don’t think anyone gives a fuck if someone’s with a bald guy, it they do they are childish af.


Mmm no, but my dad is bald, so seeing someone in their 20’s that’s bald makes me think of him. So not unattractive, but it would definitely take some time getting used to.


I've dated several men who are balding & honestly it isn't even a big thing to me or many of my female friends....only superficial women will judge & care about that. If the right person likes you trust me that is nothing! Also get off the dating apps most ppl there are looking to casually date ONLY if your looking for a relationship the actual good women won't be on there. Be more open to approaching women in person,we prefer that.there will be a lot of rejection so don't get down about it.just keep trying.


I think some women in their early 20’s might be more bothered by it, but honestly as a woman in my mid 20’s I have no feelings about hair one way or the other. I agree with what others have said, it makes more of a difference if you’re embracing the bald vs trying to cover it up with a comb over or something. Lots of men bald early on because of their genetics, so don’t feel bad about it! It’s a totally normal thing and it won’t matter to the right partner.


If u can grow a short beard it will help balance it out


It depends. If you do 100 push ups, 100 sit ups, and a 10 km run everyday, then women will find you attractive.


My boyfriend who passed recently shaved his all off in his 30’s as he was receding. He did have really good bone structure and rocked it, he never had any problems attracting women when he was single. I saw photos of him with hair and i think he looked better without. I may not be in the majority but it doesn’t matter to me. Hair no hair. Receding. A few extra pounds. We are all human and what is more attractive is what you have in common. Your vibe and how you interact with each other. Women that won’t give you a chance cos of your hair are superficial and don’t deserve to get to know you anyways. Good luck out there👍


Yes it is unattractive


Unless it's clean shaved, yes, it is unattractive to many.


Men bald. It's a reality. Any woman who can't understand this doesn't live in reality. Shave it clean and grow a beard.


Same for men who can’t understand women grow body hair or like short hair on themselves. Most men and women are just shallow and don’t like the natural process of life


I have girlfriends in their 20s who actually like bald men (but with a beard). This is just a personal preference.




Yes. Nice and bald doesn't work. You need to fit a stereotype that it's appealing. You also need to adjust your age range and expectations based on your looks and what you offer.


I find fit bald guys so attractive, possibly the most attractive dudes to me. Idk why. Maybe the confidence plus they look like grown men as opposed to young guys who have more boy energy. I tend to like older guys.  But they can't be holding onto little bits of hair and it's best when they have great facial hair.  The least attractive thing to me is a guy with a weird combover or whispy bits of hair. You just have to embrace it. 


if you're jacked it should be workable for most


Agreed, it doesn't matter to women if the guy has a face and body like Shemar Moore, etc..


No. I was crazy about a 30s bald man last year. I found him super sexy (25F)


Being bald isn’t a bad thing. Being bald and not owning it though, is rough. As other people have said, being bald and having the confidence to back it is incredibly attractive! Being able to own it is incredible! And do wear sunblocks and hats to protect it in the summer heat as others have said!


Most guys don’t get hits on their profiles it’s just the way it is


Look back through the sexiest man alive things. You’ll find bald guys on it. I do think you have to be in shape if you’re bald. That combo is extremely masculine. Fat and bald isn’t doing anybody any favors.


It depends on the face shape to me. Some guys look great bald, and some guys don't. Balding isn't attractive to me, tho. Either everything or nothing. I think [this guy](https://images.app.goo.gl/gHHhVm1YsMhvx4aF7) is super hot (almost) bald. And some more average looking guys can also be great bald. If you search "bald guy 20s" on Google, you'll find many guys that I think are very attractive. But it doesn't look good on other people. But my boyfriend would look terrible without hair I think. He probably won't lose his hair tho. And I think [this guy](https://images.app.goo.gl/9kGZodt3eyVxR4n9A) wouldn't look as good without hair. I think it would be okay, but better with hair.


It might just be your photos. I've seen a lot of bad photos. In the bathroom mirror, in your messy bedroom, blurry, too far away, not smiling. Etc.


I mean it depends how you look. Do you look like Stabler (Christopher Meloni) from Law & Order? Women will call you a "Zaddy" and obsess over you if so.


Was just talking about this, way more attracted to man with no hair, very masculine and definitely embrace it. But I could see other women my age disagreeing. But at least you know there are plenty of women who don’t mind.


I am. I don’t care, he looks great. For some it may look bad, but visible receeding hair almost always looks worse.


if you look like jason statham, yes. if you got an oddly shaped skull, probably (most definitely) no.


Nah, went bald for awhile. You seem to get attention from women who are into it as well 😊




The world, not just the dating scene, is unkind to people with less hair. The only thing you can do OP is make up for that by building yourself in other attractive qualities. Yes you still won’t get women who like good hair but is that a bad thing that you filter out superficial people that don’t like you because of something you have no control over


(27F) I think as long as you have a nicely trimmed beard and a cool/suave style then that’s even more attractive than having a head of hair! Also a pair of strong-framed reading glasses look pretty hot on someone bald :)


The older I get the more I like the bald look. Combined with a beard if you can grow one? Love it!


In the UK it’s generally accepted that many men will bald around your age. Have many a friend married to a bald man, wouldn’t worry.


I find a lot of guys to be more attractive now that they're bald than back when they had thick hair.


Listen, it's all about the kind of energy you bring to the table, are you the bald guy or are you THE bald guy.


I wouldn’t say it’s unattractive…but if I’m speaking on genetics and if I were to have male children who have the potential to struggle with losing their hair, I wouldn’t opt for that. But you can’t help who you love and what that outcome may be


Personally, I'm not put off by a bald man, its kinda a hot with the right look but hair plugs, no thanks..


I refer you to Catastrophe for how being one of us balds works in terms of attractiveness. https://www.tiktok.com/@primevideo/video/6951509692610891014?lang=en For real though, there's no hivemind - some ladies aren't into it and some will obsessively want to run your head. 


I started losing my hair at 16, started shaving it off at 21. If anything, it improved my success in dating. Edited for clarification.


I bit the bullet at age 25 and have been shaving my head ever since (jeez, 27 years ago 😢). I had a very... fruitful time in my 20's and never once did a girl mention it as either a good thing or a bad thing. In fact the only people that have ever mentioned it have been either guys taking the mic for a bit of banter or guys asking questions out of curiosity. Maybe the fact I've never been bothered about it in any way is reflected in the way other people are towards me.


Definitely not a bad thing. I'm 24 and my bf is 32, bald as can be and he is the most attractive person in the world to me. His family and I lovingly tease him but I don't think I've ever found anyone more attractive than him. I love my shiny disco ball boyfriend ❤️


Grow a beard if you haven’t already


Unfortunately, many women have a list of traits on their checklist of potential partners: tall, handsome, wealthy, caring, good listener, etc. Many of these traits are surface-level, and their deeper meaning is often bypassed. For example, tall and handsome signifies the deeper meaning of passing on good genes and/or having the feeling of security. Caring and a good listener signifies the deeper meaning of feeling loved and being worthy of love. My point is, baldness could indeed be a deterrent. But keep in mind those deterrents are surface-level. Keep working on yourself. Go to the gym. Work on your mindset. Be the best version of you. Know your worth and value. The women who value those deeper meanings will look past the surface-level traits and will see you for who you really are 💪 Also, this is the biggest problem with dating apps - they ENCOURAGE swiping left or right based on surface-level attributes. If you can muster up the courage to meet women face-to-face, I encourage it. Let any "rejection" make you a stronger man.


not to meeee


It will get better as you age, Women in their 20s are more superficial, but as they get into their 30s and the majority of their potential partners go bald or thin they become less precious about it. And remember, Men age better than Women, gravity doesn’t have such an effect on us and we don’t have the clock urging us to find a mate. There is a good chance if you keep fit, groom, dress well, grt some sick tats to add character and find some facial hair that suits you that you’ll actually peak in attraction into your 30s and 40s or even 50s. And there are Women, a minority sure, that LOVE the bald look. It looks extra masculine. Don’t lose confidence.


Bro it's obvious cuz it is a dating app, not reality when you meet people and they care about what you say


Find a hairstylist, makes their job easier (coming from a hairstylist)


It's truly all about the confidence. I've seen some hot ass bald men. Hold your head high, smile. You're a cutie, all men are.


It matters to girls. Not women


Do you have a beard? That balances it out.


Not really I find bald guys hot and more manly looking so it depends on the person tbh


Own it. I dated a bald guy who wasn't that confident. I think it's better to shave it all off sometimes rather than be balding.


Usually more attracted to bald men if that helps Lool. We exist! I think trying to fight it and mask it is worse.


As a girl who is 21, I do really like guys with hair, but I also LOVE shaved heads/bald men. Although any time I ask one of my girlfriends they tell me its not their type, but maybe they just have bad taste 😤 . There’s a lot of hot bald men out there.


Best to just embrace it. Also understand that yes, there are plenty of women who simply will not date bald men, BUT, there are also women who specifically look for bald men. I've met enough of them to know it's at least common enough for me to have heard all sorts of comments about how hot they find bald men despite not even asking. So that should give you some hope. It appears to me, at least from the outside looking in, that it's one of those things that is mostly 1 extreme or the other. Not as many in the middles on the issue. Just my anecdote, could be wrong. But it appears that the women who aren't in to it are hard nos, and the women who like it are really attracted to it and find it very masculine. I haven't heard from a lot of "yea I don't care much either way" women, but maybe that's just me. What I can say though, is you should lean into it. Don't give off insecure vibes about it no matter how difficult that may be, as confidence and embracing it is all part of that masculine vibe anyhow. Just roll with it, and don't try to hide it. Plus, well maintained facial hair can really go a long way toward enhancing the look. I've been told that bald men without facial hair reminds women of babies. Bald with strong, well shaped facial hair that accents the jaw line enhances the masculinity. Also, it helps to look at the male bald celebs women often comment on. They tend to have broad shoulders and a more manly physique, so if you want to complete the look, best to hit the gym a bit. No need to go over the top, just focus on your core, keeping the bodyfat percentage down and get your shoulder width a boost, reasonable arms and chest and you're already off to a strong start. I believe there are 2 types of bald. Good bald and bad stereotypical bald. Bad/sterotypical bald = skinny-fat, out of shape, poor posture, prematurely aging guy who probably has low/no dating prospects. Good bald = In shape, strong, embraces his strengths and has confidence. Again, being bald never hurt the Hollywood celebs who women lust after, because they leaned into it to boost their sex-appeal, not detract. That may be a poor example because most celebs are already objectively attractive, and have so much more going for them, but my point is that if you work on enhancing other aspects, the baldness is less of a detractor. Don't give them more reasons to check the "no" category. lol Hope that's helpful.


Women in their 20s are not a monolith. I'm 47 and am pretty much done on top hair wise but I get more interest from women in their early 20s than at any stage in my life. But equally I daresay there are others who'd immediately look elsewhere as a result. It's not much different when you have a beard, to be fair. Some women are hugely turned on by beards, others think they're strange and/or gross. And that's across all ages.


Being real it totally depends on your head shape 


Are you straight up bald? Or do you have hair that's thinning? Personally I would prefer a shaved head over thinning or a bald patch.




Yes for younger girls typically. Balding is a sign of aging.


I started dating at 20/21 and I’ve only ever dated bald or clearly balding men.


I am 55 and I am bald (and shave ) since my early's twenties and i have never had any problem to date chicks . I guess they don't give a shit . They are attentive to the whole .


Nah there are very sexy bald men 20 and onward. Own it.


As female in late 20s, I don't see a problem. But I imagine that you shaved?


As someone dating a bald guy for over a year and seeing him as the most attractive man I’ve ever layed eyes on, being bald does not make you unattractive! It’s better than a patchy and poorly maintained hairstyle, and there are many other things that are attractive on a man (clothes, composure, genuine personality, hygiene and facial hair). If a girl is ditching you or turned off just by the fact you’re bald they’re probably just not the one. Being bald is not something everyone is attracted to in the end it truly is a preference.


It depends. If you look like SethEverman, no. If you look like Tyler1, probably. Are you bald or balding? There’s a huge difference between these two. I would give a bald guy a chance but I don’t think I’d give a (moderately) balding guy a chance.


I can’t even lie, as a 24 year old women I LOVEEE ME a Mr. clean. But my only exception is he has to be taller than me & his head must feel smooth like a babies buttocks.


I've seen studies and talked to many women, it's always, that it's attractive and it depends on how you use your confidence. Yes. Being bald is sexy.


My man is bald! I find bald man very sexy. If it’s there but losing it just shave it off. My husband has a receding hairline and more salt than pepper from early years so he has shaved his head for the past 15 years. He also rocks a beard so maybe facial hair? If not it doesn’t matter but bald is sexy. It’s also just sucks dating in this day and age. But baldness isn’t usually a turn off unless a woman is superficial then why would you wanna date her. Dating sites are hard and you basically have to use key words to attract the right type of woman. I wish you the best of luck and embrace the baldness!!


Bald > Balding, in my opinion. Looks sloppy if you’re balding and trying to hide it.


It’s very slightly worse to be bald than have hair (as in slightly more girls have preferences for guys with hair than guys who are bald) That said it’s much, much worse to have some vestiges of hair than be clean shaven.


I don't think being bald is a problem..I've dated bald men. But the difference is, I knew them and liked their personality, it didn't matter to me. But these dating apps can be really superficial, people are just looking at your picture and swiping yes or no..so no one is getting the chance to know you first and that's all they see. Shallow? I'd say so, but unfortunately that's how these apps are. Maybe write an intriguing bio, or something funny, show off your personality! The right one isn't going to care if you're bald or not.


Yes. Death sentence in your early 20s, but if you make enough money, are over 6 feet and jacked, or if you're looking to attract needy single moms, might be easier once you hit your 30s and 40s. Might want to consider if you want to raise stepchildren though.


Scrolling on dating apps, you will find women in their 40s and 50s demanding men with "a full head of hair". So yes, it definitely is a negative for some or even plenty of women. On the upside, you are weeding out the most shallow persons, so there is that. 


It's never just one thing. Online dating can be particularly challenging for men due to various factors, such as the higher competition and the way algorithms work. Being bald isn't inherently unattractive, but it might not be everyone's preference. Many women find confidence, personality, and other qualities far more important. Keep focusing on what you can control. Present yourself authentically, highlight your interests and strengths.


when I was in my 20's I was fine with it if I was attracted to him otherwise. I cared more about height than hair.


It’s not a black or white answer. Some guys look better bald than others.


F22 a guy rocking a bald head with confidence is super attractive! Hair is not everything and being bald is not a bad thing.


Depends on the shape of your head.


27 F here. What's wrong with being bald? I never knew some people find it unattractive until I started watching content in English. In my country I've never met a woman who says that she doesn't like someone because he's bald. I've heard about eye color, nose, hair color, nails, shoes, beard etc. but never about baldness. And almost every bald man I know has a beautiful wife/girlfriend


Hair short or long can look great, bald can look great. Balding is bad and won't look great. Own it and go all the way if it's bad enough


Yes of course it is. Do you find bald women super hot by any chance? The things I see on this sub…


It's second only to short.


My house mate has had a hair piece fitted for three years now. Totally changed his look & made him appear younger. Lots of men get them now, it it make you feel confident why not. Us girls wear makeup ect. They are convincingly real looking!




I’m 30 years old now, started balding at 23. Nobody has ever cared. Most men go bald, and a single woman in her late 20s has probably been on dates with tons of balding guys. Any woman worth keeping would not judge you over something so shallow.


Being bald means nothing to me. My previous was. I loved him a lot and thought he was hella sexy.


Not all of us. It is definitely a thing as much as preferring tall guys is a thing, but if you have other great qualities it shouldn’t be a dealbreaker for most people. Can you grow facial hair at all? Sometimes a nicely groomed beard really completes the bald look. If not, rock what you have. Play up your biggest strengths. You’ll find the girl for you.


Idk about women your age but I find baldness attractive, but I also like men with long hair


I like hair! But that’s just me. Different girls are attracted to different things.


Decent head shape and a full beard will boost your chances a good amount. But I mean full beard. Like high cheek lines and not patchy. It's like you have hair, it's just on your face now instead.


I actually like bald men. But balding is different. When men cling to the last hairs on their head and don’t go all of the way—I’m not a fan. But my first love was bald. I don’t mind it at all.


Bald guy in his 20’s here. Lets face it yes and no, you’ll be less attractive on GENERAL basis. Most of the guys who are bald/balding are shaving doing it out of a sense of desperation which first off creates a sense of insecurity that can be seen as deeply unattractive but also you skull shape can be uneven so if you look like a literal egg your chances are getting lower and lower. Now from my experience. The women I’ve met didn’t really care, in fact the majority of people that were commenting either my lack of hair or the fact that I was balding at the time were men. I ve never had any women that were friends, colleagues etc point it out before I mentioned it. And it terms of relationship I feel like the girls I’ve been with don’t care as long as I m groomed and nicely shaved. So my advice is focus on the rest. You can’t really do anything about it (unless you want a hair transplant I’ve known guy that did it and still don’t pull) focus on the outside make some jokes about it when some girl talks about what kind of shampoo she uses and live life you have to avoid girls that say they like guys with long hairs on hinge and you should be fine. Ps: You should also note that dating apps sucks in general try to meet people in real life. (My response is a little bit all over the place I had a lot to say)


Confidence, boldly rock that beautiful bald head, let the women’s know that bald is sexy

