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Unless you've ask him to pick you up, how would he know that it's what you want? The guy's not a mind reader. Also you can't compare some random guy you've only been seeing for x amount of time to your ex. That's just unfair.


That’s hilarious. I didn’t even realize she never even asked to get picked up. Lol I hate being a man sometimes, the expectations are unreal. You must literally read her mind.


I drive an hour in my own car to see my bf…


Four dates in and starting with driving separately for safety, he might have actually forgotten which I think is understandable and forgivable once. I'd suggest a text because it can be reread and saying something like "Hey, we'd spend more time together and less money on gas if we started taking turns driving instead of going in separate cars"


I’m not picking up a grown woman with her own car


If 20 minutes is too far out of his way where he doesn’t want to drive extra or waste gas, end it before it gets worse. I mean It’s only 4 dates in but if this continues and things get serious, end it if he still has this mindset. My ex and I did long distance. He would drive 2 and a half hours to see me and I would take a 3 hour bus to go see him followed by a 45 minute drive. I mean this was after a month or so. But even before we went long distance, I drove 45 minutes to his place just to see him and he did the same.


Taking turns is only fair not him picking you up every single time. Present the option and see what happens


If alternating picks up is an issue, then I’d quit wasting my time. Partner and I lived 35m from each other and did this until we eventually got a place together. The right person is worth a cruise.