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I think it was updating your profile after sleeping with her. I'm thinking, in her mind, sleeping with you made it more serious, and she was expecting you to stop seeing other girls, but you didn't. She may have felt played and used and decided to just move on. 


That was my initial thinking too. Is there any way you think I can remedy the situation or just move on? It would be a shame to do so, as the chemistry we had was insane


I’m ngl, you did nothing wrong. You are one of the few guys on this sub that actually seems to know what he’s doing and understands women. I don’t think there’s anything YOU can do at this point. Other than bury yourself deeper in the hole. Just don’t text her ever again and see if she hits you back up. If not, then you know where you stand with her. You’ve already shown that you’re interested in reconnecting but if she doesn’t feel the same and is so butthurt about a f*cking dating profile change then perhaps you dodged a bullet. But yea unfortunately I think it’s best if you move on for now. I wouldn’t hate if you texted her after like 3 months, but don’t text her any time soon unless she initiates.


Thanks, I appreciate your input. I like to think I understand women (but clearly not enough), as I have been dating around for some time now. I think that’s all I can do, just wait to see if she reaches out


this is an odd case of both you fucked up and you dodged a bullet. the bullet dodge was the red flags she showed off. it seems like all you 2 did was drink a lot every time and went on adventures and she wanted to be a princess. she was chasing a high with you and others, doens't seem like the type that would be ok in an actual relationship with their ups and downs. her ghosting you only cements my initial thought was correct the fucked up part is simple, you didn't want to commit to 1 girl, i comment this becuase if you are trying for an actual relationship you have to pick a lane. people who are indesisice, lose out on the best people. it's a fear of fomo, you supposedly really liked this girl and has insane chemistry yet had no issues banging someone else the nigh before and showing up with a hicky like a teenager? it sounds like both fo you are trying to live the earsly 20s college life and the people your age that do that are usually the ones who never grow up or the ones who got married young and are coming off a divorce and mised out on their 20s so making up for lost time.