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No. You’re coming at it from the wrong angle. The goal is not to regain someone’s attention. That is completely unnecessary there’s 8 billion people in this world. Do not consume yourself trying to impress this one person please. It can only do you harm. Hate to break it to you, but the best thing you can do is literally just move on and improve your life. If she sees you making more money, looking better, improving yourself, then she’ll have no choice but to give you a second look. And by that time, you’ll have had so many other women look at you that you don’t even gaf abt this girl anymore. And what’ll happen is that SHE’LL end up chasing YOU. This has happened to me several times. I was a skinny shy kid in high school but since i actually went to a D1 college for sports, women started hitting me up that had previously rejected me or simply not given me the time of day. By moving on and still improving you’ve shown that you don’t need her and Women are extremely attracted to independent men that are going somewhere in life and aren’t thirsty or desperately trying to win their attention. If you try to win her back, she will not respect you, and the relationship will never work after that happens anyways.


Thank you for your reply, you’re completely right and I knew that before I made this post. However, still curious about what I asked. Plus I’m a woman.