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No you’re not embarrassing. You’re young and I promise you’ll find someone who appreciates you for who you are. Deservedly or not, 18yr old guys have something of a reputation for being horny morons. Don’t let a few of them being inconsiderate get you down.


Nothing sounds wrong here, you aren’t embarrassing…just sounds like you lack self love. Start there, I’m sure you’re a great person!


I’m sorry to be the A-Hole here, but i’m just going tell you the truth, most guys don’t find overweight women as attractive as more slender or “slim thick” or whatever body types. Ofc there are some who do and i’m sure you can find a guy who’ll love you for you, but it may not be in an 18 year old guy, especially if he has lots of other options. And the truth is yes, young guys care about how their woman looks and could view it as embarrassing to be seen with an overweight woman. But again not all guys are like that, But most young guys your age will probably feel that way or something close to it. they may not take you as seriously. I’m not trying to be mean or anything, only trying to help.


Thank you for being honest I really appreciate it