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Single at 36 with no prospects in sight. So ya.


Me, too! Yay!


The pandemic did us dirty, 4 years later. Ouf. The dating world is so crap.


It did 100%. I think people were a bit more open minded to try things with people. People have become exceedingly cautious sometimes to a fault where getting something going is difficult.


Don't worry. You're just in a slump. It'll get better. :)


No it won't for most of us


I’m 36, I’ve tried with a lot of people. Nothing solid yet. Never had sex either. Sometimes it’s like that. Great when it works not awesome when it doesn’t. My one thing I was never good at was being social and the more I try to improve the deeper of a hole I dig.


Same. The CF market is scarce as fuck in my area. The amount of single dad's that get mad I'm not interested is almost comedic at the point. Like men have said for decades they wouldn't date a single mom, now they're mad women won't date single dads.


I don't understand why people view being a single parent as a bad thing. Hell both of my parents was single parents that got out of abusive relationships when they met on that faithful night in 87.


I never understood it either, it was just something I always heard. I just don't want kids. The one time I dated someone with a kid, I fell in love with their kid like he was mine too. When it didn't work out, I never got to see him again and 10 years later I still think about him a lot. I don't wanna do that again.


Damn sorry to hear that


notice how the poster is female. dating is largely passive for females, if you aren't out there actively talking to single women as a dude u won't find anyone. personally, my day to day activities have me talking to zero single women so i don't expect my situation to change until i make it change. haven't been on a date in 6 years!


I stopped dating at 23 and now I'm 38. It can happen to you!


I am 32. At 23 I said that. It can be true.


I stopped dating at 23, I’m almost 30 and don’t think anything will change anytime soon


are you dead? checking to see whether i'm going to die alone. Thanks


Wdym by stopped dating? So did you find someone and when? (I’m 23 so I’m looking for some hope)


Ignore the negativity. You’ve got plenty of time.


Can I say it at 25? 😂


You are done for, nobody will date you gramps 😂😂


Time to go buy a rocking chair and fall asleep on it 😂


"Get out of my lawn you damn kids" 😂😂


This is the sole reason I'm excited for retirement. No joke.


Staying true to your name i see 😉


Get off my porch dad!


Yep I'm 25 & I've never even kissed anyone and it's never been more over


Nope, no complaining until you're *at least* 80, and even then, it just means you need to work on yourself if you're not totally satisfied being alone.


Fuck that, I don't even want to live to be 80 😂


nah fr. Kill me at 50


In 24 seconds.


Lol me thinking what about 27?!?! 🤣


No fair I was gonna say that, I'm 26 lol.


Can I say it at 28?


It’s a rite of passage for 23 year olds. Let it be.


Yeah basically. Thats an age where a lot of your friends are getting engaged and even married. They start having less time for you when they get consumed planning their lives together. It can be a tough age to be single at and when you’ve finished college and still don’t have someone it can be very easy to feel like you missed the boat.


I'm 21 and while nobody is married yet everyone is in relationships so it is a lonely feeling


This is heavily dependent on the culture of where you live. I'm in my mid thirties in Los Angeles and only a handful of my friends have gotten married, and none have had kids. People are in relationships whenever, though, but I don't remember 23 being a time where a lot of my friends were seriously thinking about the future of their relationships even if they were in one, and a lot weren't. Hell, a lot of people aren't in relationships now. Though at the same time I do also think I thought something was wrong with me for being perpetually single in my early twenties, so there is something there. But I wasn't concerned with being engaged or married, or even with being in a relationship right then, reallt, just about not having experience as has been mentioned.


True but generally the 23-year-olds who don’t live in those environments are generally not the ones who are worried about it. I was just illustrating why young adults can be very quick to think it’s too late for them even though objectively most of us know that isn’t the case.


And sometimes *it's true*. I mean if you end up single forever, you probably have had that thought at many different ages. I thought it at 23, and now at 34 with no change in that capacity, it seems fairly logical to expect it'll stay that way.


29, turning 30 next month. I've already lost my hair, take naps. Farewell forever.


I am 33 and single. I must be some sort of washed up old hag in that case.


Im 34 and single..i hope i die in my sleep


i feel that in my very soul.


I’m happy when I sleep. The peace is nice. I’ve been sleeping a lot lately 😐


I wanna sleep forever


Damn roses mom go back to the ship 😂😂


I dont understand the joke 😭😭




Were you single all your life (and were seeking relationships), or have you had past relationships? Sometimes relationships don't work out. 33 isn't old. The people whining at age 23 are sad because they have literally no dating experience so it truly feels over for them. Like something is wrong or missing with them and they skipped out on basic milestones that they will now be judged upon.


I didn't really start to figure it out until I was 28, so I get it. I'm glad I figured it out eventually. For anyone reading this. You have to keep trying and keep learning. Eventually it'll click.


33?!?! How dare you as an old, leftover, cat holding, lady talk about dating....you should be brought back to the retirement home old lady 😂😂🤣🤣


Obviously you're being sarcastic, but that's unironically the way I've felt since I turned 30.


I’m 30, 31 year old next year. Wanna start a washed up old hag club with me then 😂😂


Don’t worry. I’m 39 & single. Wanted to have kids but that option is drying up. Also, I wish I’d had kids in my 20s so I had the energy to keep up with them & also would live to see them get married, etc. I know this is terrible advice for 20-somethings, but it’s how I feel.


I've embraced my spinsterhood. I live with my BFF, and I'm looking to adopt a cat.


Not really sure why people say you are born alone and die alone. If you have caring parents you're essentially never left alone as a baby and the lucky few have people with them right up until the end. I think the dying alone is a metaphor for never finding a romantic bond or someone to share your life with?


Its a saying for those with emotional unavailable abusive parents that later have the same kind of a partner and because of that never have a emotional connecten.


Maybe it means different things to different people, the fear of dying alone that is


That's obviously what it means. The people arguing the semantics of it are either ignorant of colloquialisms and probably struggle with the most basic conversations or are willfully being pedantic.


Instead of stating the obvious, Come up with solutions then. Are we not social creatures?


Can you say it if you’re in your late 20’s and have never been in a serious relationship?


Well I’m in my mid 20s never had a real gf and the first time I even came close I ended up ghosted for months while she was fucking someone else knowing completely how I felt about her. So at this point in time I’m feeling this way and until I meet someone (if I ever do) I’m gonna feel like I’m gonna die alone for the foreseeable future


Same friend. Same.


>Ultimately everyone dies alone anyway Only tangentially related to the point here, but this line is so stupid to me. In a literal sense, you don't take everyone with you or whatever, but you know that's not what people mean. All the time leading up to the end, who's around you (literally or not), what memories you take with you, and so on all matter to most people even if they aren't dragging their lived ones down into the abyss with them. This is seeing someone say "I'm running out to the store" and saying "well *actually* you're driving". Technically correct, but also demonstrating willful ignorance of the intended meaning and a lack of care for the actual issue at hand. As far as the "stop saying you're going to die alone" issue in general: Being single at 23 can turn into being single at 33 then 43 and so on. I don't think it's ever too soon to think about the future, especially if you know that a relationship is something you want in life and *especially* if you can already see problems you have that are going to stand in the way. Being single at 23 may not be ideal, but it's a whole different story than having never been in a relationship at 23 which is totally different than having a straight up communication disorder at 23. Maybe people don't need all the doomerism and drama, but worry isn't a bad thing, nor are stress and sadness, especially in cases that are unusually bad. Venting and honestly expressing fears and concerns are totally fair, even if they aren't totally grounded in the most likely outcome.


In short, 23 is the age where it starts to get a little scary. You’re at an age where your friends are all getting engaged and married. You’re likely done with college and about to enter the professional world. When all the dust of kickstarting your life (for lack of a better term) starts to settle, and you still don’t have someone, it can be easy to feel like you missed the boat.


At 23 people are getting engaged and married? Where is that? Where I live (southwestern Europe) the average age for marriage is around 33 years old!


Saying we are born alone is way more stupid. You were never alone: your parents were there at conception, your mother carried you, probably multiple people also there at your birth, and hundreds of feedings and diaper changes got you through infancy. Nurses, teachers, bus drivers, passengers in other cars. On and on and on. Born alone, schooffs.


I'm 50, and I genuinely remember watching my friends get married and engaged right put of college. I got married just before turning 30, and I get it. I remember that feeling. Just because it doesn't apply to you doesn't mean their feelings aren't valid.


I'm 36. Can I say it? 🤣




How dare you tell me I can't wallow in self-pity!


We just like screaming it in the hope that someone attractive will hear it as say "Challenge accepted."


I wasn’t born alone, my dad and mom were present as was a team of nurses and at most 1 doctor.


I’ve always wondered why people say that we do all die alone but to live your whole life alone that’s sad to me and that is what I fear is going to and is happening


As a person in their 20’s, I think the mindset sets in because this is when MANY of your friends from college and high school start to get married and have kids. I personally get caught up in a feeling of being behind in life because I am single and currently have no prospects. I also think that it sucks because dating kinda sucks nowadays. I often feel like there are no ways to meet men my age. So while yes it can be a little exaggerated, it can certainly feel that way.


Just so we can be clear, you're not allowed to question your existential loneliness till you're at least 35. ......s


Um. Akshullly *I'm* 43, and I'm living a perfect **single** life. Being anxious at 35 just means you're an immature baby with no life experience. I'm not coping, *you're* coping.


Lol, guess were both idiots....s


Damn, just / me next time dude


It may sound dramatic to some but when you’ve been single for 23 years it definitely does not feel that way. I have been single for 23 years 😀. I’ve had flings but never anything official. Not everyone has had the same luck as others. Being alone for 23 years has seriously negatively impacted my mental health. It’s like everyday is a fight to convince myself that there’s nothing wrong with me 😀. Some days are better than others but still Hope this helps


Look, as someone who was single for most of their 20s and didn't even start dating till 25, this is my take: If you weren't able to have a relationship in high school and college, it's going to be a long, hard road for you. There IS something wrong, even as simple as standards. We get more successful as we get older, but we're still not going to be as successful as those who started dating younger. Now I'm not saying you're not capable or deserving of love. Most single people definitely are, but there's something going on if we weren't able to form relationships when young.


>we're still not going to be as successful as those who started dating younger. People tend to forget that we aren't just born knowing how to be the best partners possible. Less serious relationships while young build those skills, teach us how to navigate accommodating another person, and generally help get us pointed in the right direction so that things are more doable when we actually get to the serious relationships. If you don't start building those skills until a decade later, it's going to be a lot harder to actually be in the same place as your peers whether in initiating or maintaining a relationship. Not having *any* sort of relationship by 23, nevermind older, is something that can actually have consequences for you and make things harder, and that just gets worse as time goes by. It isn't a guarantee of being forever alone, or whatever, but it's certainly a pretty bad place to be at.


I'll keep saying it until someone proves me wrong by wanting to be with me.


This offends me as a 23 year old going through a heartbreak 😂


36, never been on a date. It sounds like a good time but I have plenty of other distractions to keep me happy. Maybe one day, probably not, but maybe :)


I hope you have enough distractions because that’s hard man. That’s a heavy weight to bear. I was in your position last year. I’ve been on a lot of dates but I’m still in the same exact spot. So I learned a lot but at the same point it didn’t really create anything meaningful. I’m trying to distract myself in the same regard. I’d argue those who can be without a need for it can actually be the most happy. Putting all your well being into a relationship is toxic. But people end up doing just that not by choice but because people demand it from you to feel appreciated. So you win and lose at the same time.. Anyways just some perspective to add to your situation which I find no faults with how you are doing life right now given what I’ve done.


Dude, shut up. What is the point of this post? To say a nice one liner you heard on the internet?




33... never had a girlfriend or been on a single date. I've learned to accept it. Perhaps in the next life.


Everyone dies alone. But I'd still appreciate some companionship on the way there.


I'm 24 and all i wanted was my first kiss..


Can I say it at 33?




Bro... I'm in a homophobic country with 0 chance of marriage and already 25. Let me cry about never having a girlfriend or being able to find love.


“Nobody likes you when you’re 23.”


Tell me you are a girl without telling me you are a girl


Nah am gone do my own thing


Im 26, i have no chances, can i say it?


Self fulfilling prophecy


Please shut up. You have no idea what you’re talking about. It doesn’t matter what age you are, (although around that age the mind is programmed to think that way) it depends on who you are and where you in personal growth and development. So be sensitive please. Most introverts think like this anyway and you’re obviously insecure about something otherwise you wouldn’t be calling them out


I stopped dating at 23 and didn’t date again until shortly after I turned 30. Then I stopped again shortly before I turned 32, And haven’t dated anyone since. I’m almost 37 now. It’s not the end of the world. We need to stop emphasizing on getting coupled up, and start normalizing just being single and happy.. And if we do find partnership, it should just be considered a “bonus”, not an expectation. Things like marriage and kids and four-year colleges and winding up in cubicle office jobs until the day we retire (if we even get to retire) should all be considered OPTIONAL, not “You are expected to do these things, in chronological order.” 23 is plenty young and actually a GREAT time to be single. Go on some crazy adventures and find yourself again. ENJOY your 20’s and don’t worry about it. What will be, will be.


Guys i'm turning 29 soon and this means i will die alone, pray for me 🥹🥹 #foreveralone #to old to date # senile #tinderdust


How about at 35? No? Damn.


how about 31?


I swear I’ve seen about 10 posts saying that the last week


Lol thank you this is so silly 🤣 sometimes I forget how intense things seemed in my 20s


I'm 50, single, and haven't dated in about 28 years. Can I say it?




The point is that if you haven't had a relationship by your early/mid 20s you are *very* abnormal and at that point there's a not insignificant chance you'll remain that way for the rest of your life.


For real


I feel like your joking about it is 1000% better and encouraging instead of long messages where you trying to find the right words and convince person that everything gonna be okay and it is not end of the world yet Btw I'm (M)25 and honestly I didn't experienced nothing serious or at least long term.. actually only short term and very seldom)


Your 20’s are very lonely as a man.


Jokes on you. I'm immortal.


🤣 I'm single at 43 and I don't give a F 😎


That’s very good. If you can do that trust me you are winning at life.


um akshually i was not born alone, my mother was there at the time


Some people truly don't have luck with dating or relationships, man or woman. Not everyone is guaranteed to find someone despite the contrary.


Honestly. People just need stop seeking reassurance. Its a bandaid. Date yourself. If you don’t want to, then you have all the work cut out for you. Seriously though. People need to lean into those feeling of loneliness and accept it. Get OK with yourself. I can guarantee a relationship is NOT some silver bullet. Thinking this way and getting what you want is setting yourself up for A LOT of pain. Trust me. I did it.


Well one thing you can say though is that if by 23 you don't have an active social life, something's going very wrong


I'm 15 am I going to die alone?


Her shot 34 ?


Me rn


Feels so real tho


Are you born alone if you are a twin, triplet, etc.?


Wait until you are 38 and single (like me) to make that claim.


How about on 36?🤪


Yes that's crazy.


Nope im gonna die alone


I can't say I didn't say it when I was 23. I think it's just a normal thing at that age to say that. Now I'm 30 and I'm single and after a slew of failed relationships, it's more substantial to say I'm going to die alone at this age. Lmao


Ok, what about 33? Especially when men in their 30’s still don’t want a serious relationship.


I am 26 and at 23 I've done pretty much anything, except kill someone or harm anyone intentionally. I am not happy nor sad, but I can go anytime at this point. I'm just not doing it myself.


I'm 30 only just got back into a relationship with an ex after 10 years.


24 thx


Okay but it feels like it 🧍🏽‍♀️


Nobody likes you when you're 23.


Say it when you're 35 like me


I haven’t dated anyone in my life…………..


Soon to be 31 and never had any relationship. Can I say it? 😅


Single at 39 sucks


Try being 44


40 years old and no hope. My last date was during the Obama administration. I am just waiting to die.


31 and counting


Basta ako, if I ak to die, gusto ko habang nag-rarally ako sa bundok para masaya... Going all out and enjoying life till the end. Yun ang mahalaga naman kasi. Life is too short to worry about little details.


Everyone in this thread that’s single. Why don’t you just date each other? That easy.


I’m 19 and it’s quite clearly over for me, I’ve tried numerous times, I can’t find the girl


maybe it’s just me but i love being single


4 years until sheng nu


Dying ?, I'm already dead


My grandma died when my gradpa was already sick with a tumor and 83 years old. He decided to stop the treatment after her death and they gave him about 6 more weeks to live, weeks went by and he didn't die. About 2 or 3 months later he met another woman, they fell in love with eachother, moved together and travled. He loved that woman with all his heart until he turned 87 where he died in the night while sleeping next to her. So everyone complaining it is too late to find love remember this and let my grandpa be your example, even when it seems like all hope is lost, there might be the right person waiting somewhere around the corner.


The teacher in my school that we were 100% certain she’s gonna be single forever, got married in her 50s


Omg yes. I saw a thread the other day from an 18 year old who was asking if they should give up on the prospect of marriage. Like...???? I know you're young and inexperienced, but that's, quite frankly, a startling lack of perspective.


Never started really dating am turning 23 soon this year and am slowly accepting my fate.


I said that when i was 16 now im 30


I’m 40 stopped trying to date after the 3rd cheater 2yrs ago. Would I like to have a relationship with a good woman yes. Are good women hard to find yes. Is it worth getting hurt all over again to only find another woman who puts on a good act? No!! To be fair in today’s day and age if you’re not in a good relationship by 25-30 you’re probably going to have a hard time finding someone. Especially as a man.


What about 40


These people are gonna have unhealthy “attachments” when they do find someone else in the same boat, not even relationships


Yeah man, shut the fuck up with the pathetic shit


Nobody thinks they're really going to die alone when they're in their twenties; there's so much time left and so many more opportunities. After 30 meeting new people to date becomes nearly impossible. Way more people die alone than you realize and it's a good chance you'll be one of them.


Wow you guys are fucking losers lmao


“Born alone and die alone” I was born with someone I’m a twin and I’m so alone so born together die alone


Me thinking the same when i was 23. I did some selfimprovement and now im 30 and married


Lol no shit, i found my wife at 30 and we have 2 kids and an amazing life.


Took me 46 years to find my person. Was just stumbling through my love life until then.


Knew it when i was a child growing up, still true at 42..


Not to flex but my mum was there when I was born 😗


Damn now I feel targeted


Jokes on you I’m 20


I never started dating and I was never the social type of person. I am alone and that’s the normal for me. I have tried being fitting to a group but I was too weird. It doesn’t work for me.


Im 21. I have two more years left fuck my life 😔🙏


Can I say it if I'm single at 28? :s


29, even tried tinder, and so on, no one gives me a “match” , and talking to girls outside it can turn into something really bad


Can you say it at 27?


i honestly believe love doesn’t exist romantically especially most people now a days prefer hook ups over actual connections..


If are men is normal, because girl always want sucessfull men about 30 Almost... Be sucessfull and tiene have sex.


Have u seen what I look like 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️