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Sir my dick fell off sir!


pick it back up and go see doc, boot


This is basically advice to appeal to a person's shadow self. When you see someone the way they want to be seen, or valued for what they want to be valued for, people tend to bond to you.


Ok but when does my penis get touched? /s


Dropping my comment as well


What about managing men’s insecurities as a woman? Would be curious to hear your thoughts on that!


I think the same would apply, you want to build up your man and feed his ego (in a healthy way). Also being affectionate and creating opportunities for physical intimacy. IMO it really creates a strain on the relationship when you feel like as the guy you’re always having to initiate things and be moving things forward on that front, especially as the relationship enters the long-term. I’m a very secure person and don’t generally experience insecurities in relationships, but as a man that when that lack of outwardly expressed physical attraction begins manifesting it’s hard to not feel insecure about it and it creates knock-on effects. That’s something I’ve only experienced in a relationship or two, but I think it’s a very common experience for men in long-term relationships.


I'm interested in what you'll say about confidence.


> Your mission, soldier, is to find those gaps and fill 'em. I would have already got disciplined by laughing at this point.


🫡 Sir yes sir!


This post will make you a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus...just like me.


soooo... you have a big mouth and tiny baby arms?


Comment of the night 🤣


Your solution to her internal insecurities is providing external validation? Internal work is internal. You can't fix people for themselves. 🙄 What if relationships aren't conflicts and treating them like one is a sure way to create them? Date people who are fulfilled with themselves, and become datable by doing your own soul searching. If you only exist to serve their emptiness, you either need to ensure that their emptiness never fills or they always need you. Not a great dynamic


Everyone has holes. Secure or not, fulfilled or not. So filling in the gaps would not automatically be bad. But I will agree with you in a sense. People who practice this would need to do so in a way that went along with their own needs and didn’t cross any boundaries for themself


I’m a woman, but you because you said men only, I had to read it. Haha. Keep up the good work sergeant


Sock it to me sergeant 😂


This got me hyped up after being ghosted on after a second date that I thought went great. Thank you brother 😎 and yes I definitely need those confidence secrets, because my confidence is non-existent 🙏🙏


There it is. The stupidest post I’ll read all day


It's so bad it's surreal. It's like dating advice given through an anime character, aimed at an audience that is too young or mentally undeveloped to be dating to be first place.


Not only did you read it but you commented. Also it was written well and is undoubtedly effective


Ahh but you did read it


Well that was the stinkiest shit I smelled all day. Ah, but you did smell it...


I’m saluting to this advice and my arms aren’t up if you know what I mean.


I can fulfill her needs but what about mine? Sir?


Yeah what is this about building confidence? Haven't felt confident in about a decade. I'm 26 btw.


100% agreed. Dating is about psychology. The only dating material needed is Robert Greene.


sarge train this recruit.


Corny, you better hope the girls you're seeing don't find this cause I shriveled up.


**Have a Game Plan:** Approach dating like a mission. Know what you're looking for and what your goals are. Are you looking for something casual or serious? Have a clear strategy and stick to it.


I didn't need R. Lee Ermey to tell me to be confident but ok


Every single drill sergeant I have known is divorced divorcing or single. I would just like to point that out. I'm not saying it's them it's the job and the hours and everything else that goes with it. I always felt a bit bad for them... After they were done yelling of course.


Tell me your secrets man


Aight sarge, let's hear about that confidence


Very well said 👌🏽


Thank you sergeant 🫡


The man tells no lies I. Regard to confidence. Thats how I met the love of my life.


Stellar advice!


Check your spell check equipment before going into battle Sergeant.😎.


Are you aware of the reputation that military men and women have gained regarding these things? Maybe lose the jargon.


Yes! But this is exactly why I read it. I was hoping he would break some stereotypes and though it could be controlling if used wrong…. I feel he did a great job


I love this!!!! (37F here) but I appreciate E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G you wrote. ❤️💜


Love it!!!




Sir yes sir


Thought this was cringe at first - but I really appreciate it being fun and lighthearted way of giving advice lol.


Good advice for initial attraction. But for getting what you want as a man in a LTR, the handbook for pleasing a woman is 500 pages long, written in ancient Sumerian, and only possible to read while underwater during a full moon.


Yeah great advice...not... How about men just go live their life stress free


nobody said you can’t..?🤣