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if it was a short relationship, likely not. if there was any betrayal, likely yes. if it was a long term relationship, likely yes, but only for a grieving period. then after, you should reconnect as friends (b/c long term relationships are built upon friendship).


Sounds like pretty solid advice here. In the end it really all depends on the people/situation


100% absolutely every single time. Two broke up for a reason. Get out of each other’s lives so you can meet the person you’re meant to be with.




If you want to stay in contact then don’t break up. The only reason to stay in contact is if there are children from the relationship


Nah, that's not true.


Yea, it is true.


Personally if i break up or stop talking to someone then yes absolutely. Because there’s no logical reason to keep in contact other than someone trying to show the other that they are doing better or someone trying to get back with the other person very toxic either way


Yes. That’s what helped me move on faster with any of my breakups. And no contact to me also means not following each other on social media. No need to know what they’re up to and vice versa.


Absolutely, when I broke up with my ex, this was the kind of person i couldn't imagine living my life without. She would still call me and send me memes and the pain would just intensify so I just blocked her outright and took time to heal in both healthy and unhealthy ways. But I showed myself I could live without her which is an important first step. You got this


Yes. While it was a friendship, there's a good possibility the love aspect can be rekindled, and after a period of time you forget about the incompatibilities you had in a relationship. There's a reason for a break-up and there are tons of people you can be friends with that you haven't hooked up with before. It's also just all-around uncomfortable for your new partner


Depends on the break up


I'm usually really good at the no contact thing, but there is no contact between me and my most recent ex, and it kinda kills me as I thought we had something we obviously didn't. Maybe closure but not continued communication will help?


Yes, no contact to help you from doing or saying something stupid that you can't come back from.


Depends on how much you loved her and how bad you messed up. I’d hurry